

Smiling as he see Laura enter work Nate cant help but shake his head a little. He had tryed to ask her this morning to at least stay at home, or his place for just a day or so more to heal but he new she wouldnt listen.

About to leave his cubicle Nate see Ryder and stops. Trying his best to hold back he decieds to just wait and talk with Laura a little longer.

Sinking down in his chair again Nate does his best to work though he takes a glance now and than but trying his best not to be nosey.

Glancing up again this time Nate dosnt look away watching as Ryder gives Laura the back rub. They were close, to close for comfort and Nate could feel his insides bubble as her face felt warm. He was going to let it go, he had to let it go..he had...Nate's eyes widen as he see Ryder lean closer to Laura and give her a kiss on the cheek. The anger is burned to a new level this was not ok.

Seeing Ryder come twords him Nate's eyes burn with fire. Everything, from Laura and Ryder, to Katie he just couldnt take it anymore as he was hitting his breaking point a place he hadent been in so long.

As Ryder pass by Nate grabs him by the arm and spins him around. Before Ryder can even react Nate's fist connects with Ryder's jaw sending him backward a few steps.

"Find your own girl friend to kiss."

Laying on the floor with Trooper Thirteen was fast asleep. Her eyes flutter slightly giving the impression she was dreaming...

"Bring her in here."

"Yes sir."

Going out and grabbing Thirteen by the arm the rather large man pulls her into another large room. Giving her a shove he push her forward infront of an oak desk.

Getting up from the desk the man goes over to Thirteen and lifts her chin to look at her complection, her face giving her the once over.

"Your starting to turn into a very pretty young woman you know that? You will be of great use to us. Because we love you here in your home we will teach you eveything. You will learn to think like us, talk like us, live more like us, and kill like us."

Thirteen's heart pounded in her chest as she listened to what was being said to her. She didnt understand is all but she listened anyways.

As the man comes over and takes her roughly by the arm again He pulls her to the other side of the desk and sits her down to look at some computer screens that held 3 differnt cells that held people being tourchered.

"You will learn to do this."

Thirteen didnt want to look, she didnt want to see this is scaired her. Turning away she receved a back hand to the face as angry words where spoken.

"You never turn away, your a disapointmint, a disgrace. I had big things planed for you, my young daughter but now...now you will be punished take her away."

Giving a sharp scream Thirteen new what was coming and she kicked not again, she didnt want that again.

...As the dream continues Thirteen withers in the bad as she twists and turns, moans, whimpers and screams coming from her lips. Tears making there way out of her sleeping eyes as her crys continue.

Glancing down at her watch more than once Angelica waits for Carson growing impashent and a little nervouse the he wasnt there yet.

Where was he she needed to over a few things, and get his consent on some other stuff. Pulling out her cell phone she is about to dial his number when she see him coming down the hall.


As he draws closer Angelica can pick up on something strange about him, not to mention a he smelled like whisky.

"Dont tell you were..."

Giving a shake of her head there was no point. What was done was done she only wished he would of been smarter.

"Come on, I will give you a quick breffing while we walk to the room. We dont have much spair time."

Entering the court room Misty's heart raced. The message on her voice mail made her worryed and though Carson said not to come she did anyway. Her had a saspition on what was happing with Carson and Dani but she only wish and hoped she was wrong.

Asking for directions on where his case was being held Misty makes her way down the hall and slips into the room un-noticed. Sitting down in the back she was there if needed.

No-no's, bungles and introductions

Ryder isn’t sure what Thirteen is giggling at, but he doesn’t ask. At least she appeared to be a little more at ease than when she’d arrived.

At her question, he quirks one eyebrow and thinks. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, letting his gaze go to the dog again. He should say no. He was going against just about every rule in the book the way it was.

He was aware that since Jason had found Trooper, the dog had been trained for numerous tasks, picking up on almost everything naturally. Whether it was sniffing for drugs, searching for victims, protecting an agent, or keeping an eye on someone, the dog had hardly needed any prompting at all, seeming to understand what Jason wanted, right off the bat. So accustomed to work, Trooper had often showed signs of taking matters on his own, but usually it was when Jason was around. Today he’d done things even without his master present. Ryder wondered what the dog’s motives had been. Had he sensed the girl’s fear? Had he just been bored and wanted attention? Had he sensed that someone needed to watch over Thirteen to make sure she didn’t go anywhere? No matter the case, it was obvious that Trooper held no aggression, and perhaps even offered Thirteen some comfort.

Ryder shakes his head, almost rolling his eyes. “Alright. But let me take him out first so he doesn’t start whining in the night.”

Hearing “out,” Trooper stands up, his tail wagging.

“Yeah, yeah, come on.” Ryder lets the dog out before him, then shuts the door, not bothering to lock it. Less than five minutes later, he’s returned, Trooper pushing his way back into the room.

“Now behave yourself, ya galah.” Ryder points his finger at the dog. “She’s not supposed to leave.”

Trooper picks up on the new tone in Ryder’s voice, and knows that his job is to stay and make sure this newcomer stayed too. He wanders over near the bed to flop down on the floor again with a wide yawn, showing all his teeth.

Ryder nods. “He can stay,” he tells Thirteen. “His master’s gone right now anyway and might not be back for a while.” He looks at her grimly. “The girl you were supposed to look like is his girlfriend. Unfortunately, she’s in a coma.”

Moving to the door, he pauses, looking at the lock, then back to the girl. “I’m going to leave this unlocked so you can go to the bathroom or if you need help. I’m trusting you to stick around.” He nods to Trooper. “He may be a new friend, but make no mistake – he’ll keep you in the building if he has to, so just know that.”

Ryder takes on last look around the room, feeling as though he needed to do something more, but unsure what it would be. More would have to be decided about Thirteen tomorrow. “Goodnight.”

The door closes with a quiet click. Trooper sighs and lays his head down on the floor, though his eyes stay open, his ears ever-alert.

Ryder finds a place to bunk down in the infirmary on the spare cot. Rick went home late, so eventually it was dark and quiet. Ryder kept the door open though, ready to wake at any sound.

Sleep finally came, finally relieving exhaustion. More tired than he’d realized, it was fortunate he had the reassurance that Trooper was on guard because he fell into such a sound sleep that it would have taken more than light noise to wake him…

It was early morning. Some people were just starting to get to work. Ryder was already up, wandering to the break room to make some coffee. He could hear Susanne’s humming as she came in for the day, and he saw Rick pass by on his way to the infirmary once more. Yawning, Ryder wandered out to the main floor. He would check on Thirteen in a little bit. Not seeing Trooper, he was confident that nothing needed his dire attention. The girl had seemed scared and tired yesterday… he would let her rest a little longer.

He’s just ready to go check on Henry, when he spies someone else arriving. A smile spreads as he sees it’s Laura, and he waits for her to come over to her cubicle. “Well good morning. Didn’t expect to see you this early.”

“Mm, I couldn’t stand it there any longer.” Laura was walking a little gingerly, but overall she looked good. “I begged the doctor to let me go this morning and he finally gave in. Thought I’d come and surprise Nate.”

“Good. And the others?”

“Um… still no change with Katie. I checked in on her and Jason was sound asleep so I didn’t bother him. And Scott… I think Gunner’s arriving back in town today and he’s going to take Scott home for a while. I saw Reese at the hospital this morning and he said they’re going to have Scott under house arrest until they can figure out exactly how his mind has been tampered with.”

“Might not be a bad idea.” Ryder sighs. “Feel sorry for him though.”

“Yeah, me to.” Hearing the door, Laura turns around to see Nate arriving. She smiles and waves at him, planning to go see him when he got to his desk. For now, she turned her attention back to her conversation. “I guess they’re afraid that since he went through the assimilation that he might have some automatic responses that could harm the Elite.”

“Well, they make robots out of people like him, so it’s definitely something to consider.”

Laura nods, grimacing as she puts a hand to her neck. “I think I must have slept wrong. My neck hurts more than where I got shot.”

“Oh, here.” Ryder steps forward, turning her around and gathering her hair to one side. Holding her shoulders, he lets his thumbs massage up and down her neck, finding the knot that was causing the trouble.”

“Ooh, ouch.” Laura laughs. “Where’d you learn to do that?”

Ryder grins. “I’m just a natural.”

“Sure you are.” Laura winces, but it felt good. She giggles as he keeps working on her neck. “I’ll have to keep this secret safe. If anybody else knew you were good at neck rubs, I’d never get you back.”

Ryder laughs and gives her shoulders a pat. “There you go. Better?”

“Mm, much. Thank you.” Laura turns around, ready to look through a few things at her desk before going to see Nate. She smiles at Ryder. “See you later I guess.”

“I hope so.” Ryder cocks his head, looking at her for a long moment. “Be careful ay? Kinda scares a bloke when more than one of his friends comes close to bitin’ the dust.”

“Aw.” Laura softens a little. “Don’t worry about me.”

“Too late.” Ryder gives her a little grin as he leans closer. “This is for being as tough as nails.” He gives her a kiss on the cheek before pulling away and brushing her nose teasingly with a finger. “Don’t work too hard today.”

Laura laughs and shakes her head. “I won’t. This tough as nails lady is too sore for much today. I think rest is on the schedule for me.” Watching Ryder walk away, she shakes her head again before setting down her purse and leaning down to check on Henry. She really was sore, and looked forward to going home as soon as Ryder got the windows covered.

Ryder ambles through the line of cubicles, looking ahead to Reese's office. He hadn't seen his boss yet this morning, but he needed to go check on Thirteen anyway. He didn't want to leave her alone too long before checking on her. Passing by Nate’s desk, he gives a little nod. “Morning.”

Dani yawns again as she exits the bathroom, running a hand through her still-damp hair. She was up early today, but it was just as well. After already showering and dressing, she had plenty of time to eat a slow breakfast before heading to work.

Heading for the kitchen, she walks through the living room and pauses, seeing Carson's form on the couch. Odd. It was rare that he sacked out on the couch for the night, and after yesterday, she figured he would have chosen his own bed. She'd hardly seen him at all last night - just long enough to find out about everything that had happened with Katie. She shrugs. It was none of her nevermind where her brother slept.

Turning the light on in the kitchen though, something makes her pause. She sniffs the air. Her nose was sensitive, and the scent she thought she'd picked up shouldn't be there.

Dani backs into the living room again, turning on that light too. The sight made her heart sink. But the disappointment was quickly overtaken by anger. "Carson!" No response. She stalks to the coffee table to pick up the half-empty bottle of cheap whiskey. She had half a mind to break it over his head. "Carson!"

He groans but doesn't move.

"You idiot!" Dani puts the bottle back down again. "What were you thinking?!"


"You have to be in court in an hour!"

Carson manages to get one eye open as his sister's words partially register. "Aw..."

Dani's eyes narrow at the curse he mutters next. "Watch your language!"

Carson cringes. "Keep it down," he mumbles. "Don't shout so loud."

"I'll shout if I want to!" Dani points to the bathroom. "Get up, and get yourself cleaned up! Come on!"

Carson rolls over and manage to sit up before finally getting to his feet. He staggers a little though, steadying himself on the armrest of the couch.

Dani's eyes widen. "You're drunk. You're still drunk! I cannot believe this!" Walking around to him, she grabs his arm to drag him down the hall to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she shoves her brother towards it.

"No!" Carson tries to resist, but he's too tipsy to fight off anybody.

Dani places her hands on his chest and gives a hefty shove. He stumbles backward, his feet catching on the toilet. Down he goes. Falling back, his tailbone bounces off the rim of the tub before his head takes a hard hit to the wall. The cold water sprays down on top of him, clothes and all. Groaning, he tries to get out, but he's like a turtle stuck on his back.

Dani rolls her eyes. She wasn't going to help him. Instead, she spins around and heads back to the kitchen where she puts on a pot of strong coffee. So much for her relaxing breakfast. But she wasn't going to let Carson get away that easy.

It's a few minutes before she goes back to the bathroom and finds her brother still under the stream of water, now cold and sopping wet. He blinks back the water, staring up at her miserably. "You-"

"There's no use calling me names," Dani reprimands. "Now come on." She lays down a set of clean clothes on the counter before reaching in to turn the water off. She then offers Carson a hand. "Get up, get yourself dried off and put some clean clothes on."

Carson mutters a complaint under his breath, but he accepts her help up again. Standing straight, he winces and reaches for the counter to steady himself.

"Your head?" Dani asks.

Carson shakes his head and bites his lip. "I'm fine."

Dani quirks an eyebrow, but doesn't ask. She hands him a towel instead. "I'd like to know what got into you to pull a stunt like this, but we don't have time to stand around talking about it. You've now got less than an hour to make yourself presentable."

"Who cares?"

"I care! You need to get your hind end in gear and get on down to that courthouse so you can prove you didn't kidnap your daughter!" Dani stares at him, then forces him to look at her. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes, okay?!" Carson pulls off his wet shirt and begins to dry off.

"Good." At least he was starting to be a little more alert, but he needed to be fully sober, and Dani only hoped she could help pull it off. This was ridiculous. She makes another trip to the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee. By the time she's returned, Carson is dry and tucking his buttoned shirt into his good blue jeans. "Here."

Carson accepts the coffee, gulping down several large swigs. The longer he was awake, the more aware he became of the fact that he really did need to sober up and get going. Angelica would kill him if she knew about this.

"And here..." Dani hands him his belt and his electric razor.

Carson obeys, slipping on the belt in between swallowing the rest of the hot coffee. It was incredibly bitter - he could only imagine how strong Dani had purposely made it. Just as he's giving himself a quick shave, his stomach retaliates. His face pales, and he doubles over at the toilet.

Dani rolls her eyes. "Don't get any on ya. That's your only good shirt."

Carson spits, trying to regain control. "Thanks for your sympathy."

"You don't deserve any."

Retching again, Carson can't argue. Maybe he didn't. Once he can straighten up again, he gingerly returns to the sink where Dani hands him the mouthwash before proceeding to hand him a black tie.

He cringes. "Not a tie."

"You're going to look at least halfway decent... maybe they'll be convinced you actually tried."

Carson sighs and takes the tie, but once he's got it around his neck, he fumbles with the knot, getting it more tangled than anything.

Dani groans and intervenes, taking over. "I don't even know why I'm helping you," she grumbles. "You deserve to be horsewhipped. What ever possessed you?"

Carson lamely lets his sister tie his tie for him. "I don't know."

"Yes you do." Dani purposely slides the knot tighter around his neck. "And whatever it was, you know good and well it wasn't worth getting shnockered over. Especially on a day like today. I thought you knew better."

"I... I just..."

Dani turns him around to give him a once-over. "Well... it's gonna have to do." His face was pale, and his eyes slightly glazed, but at least he was alert. At least after the cold shower and the coffee he'd have more of a hangover than tipsiness. "You look terrible. But it's gonna have to do. Come on."

Carson follows Dani numbly back to the living room where he hunts for his tennis shoes.

Dani goes for the phone. She had to get to work. Now instead of early, she was risking being late. She wanted to wallop Carson for getting drunk, and she wanted to know why he'd suddenly broken again, especially since he'd been doing so well. But she didn't have time to find out now. Unfortunately, she didn't have time to give him a ride either. Hearing an answer on the cell phone, Dani tries to make it brief. "Misty? It's Dani. Look, Carson has to be in court in about twenty minutes, but he's in no shape to drive and..."

"I am too!" Carson shouts in irritation. He goes for the phone, trying to shut it off, but Dani is quicker.

"No! You are not driving! Look at yourself!"

"I'm fine!"

"You are not!"

The phone gets taken on a tug-o-war ride. Carson glares at his sister. He hadn't wanted Misty to know about any of this. "I'm driving myself." He finally wins out and puts the phone to his ear. "Misty, forget it. I'm heading in myself. Dani didn't have all the facts."

"Carson Gabriel Banks!"

Carson ignores his sister, continuing to talk to Misty. "Thanks anyway. I'll call you after court to let you know how it went." Hitting the end button, he lets Dani have the phone again. "I said I'm fine," he states flatly.

"You're barely sober."

"But I am sober, so cut it out." Carson looks around for his wallet and keys. He finds his wallet on the coffee table but can't find his keys anywhere. "Dani..." He glares at her. "You better not have taken my keys."

"How should I know where they are?" Dani throws up her arms. "You're the one that was drunk, not me. If you can't find them, it's your own problem. I have to go to work now."


"No buts!" Dani grabs her purse. "Good luck in court. For Mackenzie's sake, I hope the judge sides with you. As for your own sake... well I don't know what would be best at this point. You're a disappointment to everyone who thought you'd changed."

"Wait, Dani, I..." Carson's words trail off as he's met with a slamming door. Looking again for his keys, he still can't find them anywhere. Another curse slips out before he exits the apartment. He would now be late. But walking would get him there one way or the other. Going down the steps seemed to take forever, even though it was only one flight. Every step hurt, but he wasn't about to admit it to anyone. It was bad enough his head hurt from hitting the wall in the shower - he didn't need his throbbing tailbone to get any attention.

Dani slips into her car and starts the engine, pulling out of the drive. She glances down to see Carson's keys in her passenger seat. Sighing, she finds her cell phone. Maybe Carson would accept help from one other person.

Carson trudges down the sidewalk, the morning sunlight making his headache worse. Angelica was going to kill him... she was going to kill him, and he'd be going to jail for kidnapping. Great. Just great.

Dani's words nagged at him. "You're a disappointment to everyone who thought you'd changed."

He grits his teeth, wishing for a moment that he could just walk off a cliff somewhere. He was stupid and he was weak.

Glancing down, he realizes his wrist is empty. He'd forgotten his watch. He didn't even know what time it was. Maybe that was okay... he wouldn't know how late he was once he got to the courthouse.

Halfway to his destination, he hears a car slowing behind him. Spinning around, he sees it's Axel. He sighs. Axel would question him. He'd dig until he found out why Carson was in this mess, and then he'd give it to him for being so stupid. But at this point... Carson could use a lift.

Axel rolls down the passenger window. "Taking the slow route this morning, aren't you? Don't you have to be in court in a few minutes?"

"Yeah..." Carson leans on the door. "I had to hoof it this morning though."

"You should have called. Hop in."

Carson doesn't argue. He gets into Axel's car, only then realizing that there's someone in the backseat. Seeing a young woman, he's surprised.

Axel takes in Carson's state, and a look of questioning disappointment crosses his face. But he wouldn't ask about it now. Now wasn't the time. "Carson, this is my little sister Liz. Liz, this is Carson."

Carson quirks an eyebrow. "Sister?"

Liz laughs. "Not really. But it's close enough."

A lightbulb goes on in Carson's brain. "Derek's daughter."


"Then you're..." His voice trails off and he looks to Axel. He didn't know what kind of tangled web there was within that family, and whether or not Liz even knew she had a half brother.

Axel nods. "Jason's sister."


The rest of the short ride is quiet, and Axel lets Carson out a the courthouse. "Let me know how things turn out, alright?"

"Yeah... and thanks for the lift."

"Not a problem." Axel waits to see Carson makes it up the steps before pulling away from the curb.

Carson heads up the steps two at a time, trying to ignore the pain as he went. Getting inside the building, the cool air was refreshing. He knew he didn't look like he belonged here. No matter his physical condition, he was in jeans and tennis shoes. At least he had a nice shirt and tie on, thanks to Dani. It was the nicest he'd dressed in a long time, but even so, he looked like a hobo compared to all the men in business suits walking around.

He stops in the large foyer with the shiny floor. His eyes roam the people and he finally spots Angelica. He spies a big clock up on one wall. He'd barely made it. "Sorry," he apologizes quickly. "Had a little trouble this morning."

Liz watches Axel in the rearview mirror. "So what was that all about?"


"You know... someone calls and says that guy needs a ride. You don't even tell him that - you just act like we happened to be driving by. He has to be in court, and looks like he was ready to pass out."

Axel takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I don't know... He's in court because someone accused him of kidnapping his daughter that he didn't even know he had. It's a mess and a long story. Bottom line is, he's innocent. And... this morning.... I don't know. If I had to guess, I'd say he was drinking last night, but he's been clean for so long now that I wouldn't have thought he'd do that. I'll have to find out later."

"You're friends then?"

"Yeah." Axel puts his concentration back on the road. Both are lost in their own thoughts for the next fifteen minutes through town.

Liz takes a deep breath as the hospital comes into view. “So… this is the place, huh?”

“Well, your dad said he was at the hospital, right?”

“Yeah.” Liz nods to Axel, still a bit hesitant. She’d gotten a call from her mom early that morning, that said her dad was finished with the mission. She had then called his cell phone, admitting to him where she was. He hadn’t been happy, but since she was there, he wanted to see her, and told her that he was up at the hospital with some of the Elite members, including Jason.

“You okay?” Axel had been waiting to get out of the car, but Liz had not moved.

“I think so.” Liz looks at him sheepishly. “I guess maybe I was little over-enthusiastic about this whole thing. Now I’m a little nervous.”

“About getting a tongue-lashing from your dad for being here, or about seeing Jason?”

“I’m not worried about Dad. He gave me enough of a bad time over the phone. I guess… I don’t know.”

Axel gets out of the car and goes to her side, opening up the door. He throws her a wink. “Come on. Jason’s a good guy.”

They head inside together, Axel taking the lead. Finding Derek, he embraces his daughter more strongly than normal. She didn’t know anything about where he’d been, but he knew that he had been close to never seeing his family again. “If I wasn’t so glad to see you, I’d tell you you’re grounded.”

She laughs and returns his hug. “Am I ever gonna get to know what you were doing here?”

“Yeah… come here. Axel, you can sit with us too.”

It took a little while, but Derek shared the light version of what had happened, and why he and Jay had been wanted. Liz was a bit shocked – she hadn’t expected it to be something like that, and now she could just be thankful that her dad was safe and sound. She was sad to know that someone had died, and that her brother’s girlfriend was in a coma though.

“Wow… that’s all… a lot.”

Derek manages a small smile. “Yeah, I know. But it’s over now. And we’ll go home soon.”

“So… can I meet Jason?”

“I was planning on it.” Derek stands from the hospital dining room table. “Come on. I told him you’d be coming.”

Jason is awake and leaned back in his chair, having hardly left the room at all. No one knew how long it would be… but it didn’t matter.

Seeing someone enter the room, he turns. “Axel?”

“Hey, Jase.” Axel approaches and sets a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “I’d ask how you’re doing, but I think I can figure it out.”

“Heh… yeah.”

Axel goes to the bedside and looks down at Katie with a deep sigh. “Aw, Katie… don’t stay away too long.” He turns back around to study Jason’s tired eyes. “There’s someone here to see you.”



“Derek told me she was here… it was, um… interesting to find out how close you were to the family.”

Axel gives a quiet laugh. “Upset with me for never saying anything?”

“No.” Jason sighs deeply. “No… There’s far worse things for me to be upset about. I can see why you wouldn’t want to tell me.”

“Derek told me that you’ve had quite a life change.”

Jason lifts his eyebrows a little and nods. “I guess I have. It feels…”


“Yeah. Despite all this… I just… I don’t know… I’m not angry like I thought I’d be.”

“That’s good.” Axel nods his encouragement to the young Christian before him. He only wished that the even were surrounded by circumstances better than these. “I’ll um… leave you guys alone. I’ll probably see you again soon.”

“Alright. Thanks, Axel.” Jason stays seated for a few moments alone, feeling like he was in a fog. It felt so strange… he’d been thrown together with his father, he was now meeting his sister… and his best friend wasn’t here to help him through it and help him know what to do. He felt more on his own than he had in a long time.


He jerks his head around, startled. His eyes fall on Derek, then down to the young woman beside him. A kind of warm feeling filled him, though it was awkward. Standing up, he approaches slowly… cautiously.

Liz’s eyes widen. “Wow…” Her younger brother looked more like her mom than anything… seeing Jason, she was very surprised at how much he looked like her dad.

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “Is that a good wow or a bad wow?”

Liz giggles, her cheeks reddening. “A good one. I’m sorry, I… I could have picked you out of a crowd any day.” Looking up at him, her eyes twinkle. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Jason gives a little nod. “Nice to meet you too.”

“I’m sorry… that this is such a hard time.”

“Me too.” Jason gives a quiet, sorry laugh and looks over his shoulder for a moment. “I wish I could introduce you to the other half of my life.”

Liz purses her lips, feeling sorry for this stranger that was her brother. “I hear you two are pretty important to each other.”

“Yeah… yeah we are…”


As the door opens and Trooper woofs Thirteen sits up strange as well. She didnt know who would be coming through the door next.

Seeing it was Ryder she gives a small sigh of releaf and was happy he didnt look to upset Trooper was in there with her.

The confused look on Ryder's face over the dog and the strange words he was using again made her giggle a little she she smiled up from the floor at Ryder and Trooper.

Hearing Ryder's question Thirteen shakes her head. She didnt really need anything at the moment, but she was lonly. Pointing to the dog she asks.

"Can he stay so I am not lonly?"

Seeing Dani walk but his office and give a wave Dalton looks back down at his computer untill he relized who it was.

Standing quickly he goes to the door and looks out.

"Hey Dani!"

He gives a wave back before exiting to follow her.

"Sorry I didnt wave sooner i was lost in my own world. What are you doing here so late?"


Ryder can feel a sharpness in Nate's tone. Part of him wanted to retaliate and tell Nate to cool it, and part of him felt badly. Had he done something wrong? He's tempted to ask, but realizes that he's not wanted here any longer - better to just go.

"Yeah, sorry I kept ya. Thanks for the ride." Ryder gets out of the car and shuts the door, watching Nate drive away. It was hard to believe it was already evening, but sure enough, the sun was slowly sinking beneath the horizon.

Sighing, Ryder goes back inside. He needed a shower and sleep too. Everybody did.

He heads across the quiet main floor, nodding to a few people who were still around. Before going to the spare room to check on Thirteen, he heads to the bathroom for a shower. After he made sure everything was still good, he'd take care of Henry, then find somewhere to sack out. Tomorrow he'd go home and fix the windows and change the locks so things could get back to normal.

His mind full of all these things and more, he takes a quick shower and gets into some clean clothes. Still barefoot with his hair still wet, he wanders down the hall to the spare room. Fishing a key out of his pocket, he inserts it in the lock, but finds it turns way too easily. Strange...

Opening the door cautiously, he steps in, noting that the light was still on.

Trooper's head shoots up and he gives a soft woof, but shows no aggression to someone he knows.

Ryder's eyes widen. "Trooper! What..." He stares at Thirteen, first wondering why she was on the floor and not on the bed, and then wondering how on earth the dog had gotten in there. "How did you..." His eyes spot the key ring and he picks it up, quirking an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you..."

Trooper groans and gets to his feet, wandering to Ryder and sniffing the keyring as if he didn't know what it was.

"Yeah sure, ya big dingaling. You get nicked, they're gonna be really cheesed off, and I'll be the one getting the earbashing." He rolls his eyes an clips the keys to his beltloop. Trooper just sits down, waiting for someone to tell him what to do.

Ryder folds his arms and looks down at Thirteen. "Just wanted to see if you were alright." He notices the sandwich has only been partially eaten. And he also finds it interesting that with an unlocked door, she'd chosen to stay. That only proved to him that she was no threat. "I'm gonna be sacking out for a while... do you need anything?"

Carson sits bolt upright, the nightmare having shattered any peaceful sleep. A bead of sweat runs down the side of his face. All those hours watching Katie had been burned into his mind... it was a hard thing to get over. Everyone thought he was so tough... everyone thought he was so cold, able to handle anything. And he could handle it at the time... he was trained to. But it was always after the fact that got to him.

Rolling out of bed, he goes to the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face. The case was over... he needed to move on... set it aside... concentrate on the other part of his life now. But the other part of his life was just as screwed up at the moment.

He needed some good sleep... he needed to mute all the noise in his mind. As he wanders to the kitchen for something to drink, his temptation grows stronger. Just once... for tonight... just to help him sleep...

Weakened too much by the stress, he goes for his car keys.

Dani slips inside TJY and glances around the main floor. It was strangely quiet. She knew the reason though. So many people had been gone to find Katie... and even now when it was over, so much was still yet to be done, and everyone was probably exhausted.

Moving along the cubicles, Dani recalls the short phone call she'd received the previous day. She knew that Misty didn't think it was a good idea for her to come, but deep down, Dani hoped that there was a chance, no matter how small, that Alec was turning around.

Slipping down the hall, her eyes bounce from one thing to the next, trying to remember where everything was. Closer to the end, she discovers the control room, along with Hal. She knocks lightly on the door.

Hal swivels in his chair and lifts his eyebrows. "Can I help you?"

"Um... I hope so. I mean... I wanted to see Alec Banks... he's still in custody, right?"

"Well yeah, he is. But... why do you need to see him? Reese hasn't said anything to me about it."

"I'm Dani... his sister."

"Oh, that's right." Recognition flickers in Hal's eyes. "I guess I have seen you a couple times. You just wanted to talk with him?"

"If I could. I assumed I would need an escort."

Hal glances back to one of he monitors that showed Alec was quite calm, lying on his cot. "Well... I got a few extra minutes. I guess I can take you down there." With the case for Katie closed, it would be nice to get his mind onto something else for a few minutes.

Dani smiles. "Thank you." Once Hal is ready, she follows closely down the hall, then down the stairs. Reaching the door, she realizes that she's just a little nervous.

Hearing the lock open, Alec looks up quickly. When he spots Dani entering, a smile spreads on his face. "Well looky here... looks like the good doctor delivered my message after all. You'll have to thank her for me."

"I can do that." Dani steps closer to the cot as Alec sits up. "What did you want?"

"Can't a fellow just want to see his long lost sister?"

"I wasn't long lost," Dani corrects. "And while you can want to see me, I'm not stupid. What do you really want?"

Alec's eyes narrow slightly. "Can't give a guy a break, can you?"

"Not unless you show me you're worth the effort."

"Ouch." Alec looks towards Hal, whose rifle was poised. "Careful, big guy, that thing could go off."

"It could," Hal states flatly. "If it does, we'll just be rid of one prisoner."

Alec rolls his eyes. "Can't I talk to my sister in private?"


"Come on. Be a decent fellow."

Hal shakes his head. "You've pulled too many stunts already."

Alec fingers the bandage on his hand, knowing that much was true. He sighs, then pats the cot next to him. "Well, Dani, have a seat then. Guess we'll just have to have an audience."

Instead of accepting the offer, Dani takes a nearby chair instead, and sits to face him. "Talk about what?"

"The future." Alec leans forward, propping his elbows on his knees to be just inches from Dani's face. "See..." He lowers his voice to a whisper. "I'm gonna need your help."

Hal tightens his grip on his rifle, his eyes never leaving Dani or Alec. He grows on edge though, when he can't hear what Alec was saying. He lets it go for a couple minutes, but when he sees Dani straighten, obviously on edge, he intervenes. "Dani, I think we need to go now," he directs. "We've been down here long enough."

Dani locks eyes with Alec, searching for the truth that had been lost in a fog. His blue eyes stared right back at her with a pleading challenge. She swallows hard, then stands up, returning the chair. Walking over to Hal, she nods. "I'm ready."

Alec flops back against the wall. "Don't forget to thank Misty for me."

Dani smirks a little and just shakes her head before following Hal back out of the cell. Back upstairs, she thanks Hal and heads for the exit. As she wanders down the hall though, she pauses at one of the office doors, spotting Dalton. She gives a little wave, not knowing if he'd remember her or not.


Watching Trooper enter Thirteen just sits for a long moment. She could tell he was checking everything out.

He was such a big dog. An time she had ever seen pictured of dog they had been small. But there was nothing small about this dog. For his massive size he seemed so gentil too.

As He finally sits down next to the bed Thirteen wanders over to him. Giving his head a gentil scratching top and than behind his ears.

"Your a ig gentil teddy bear arnt you?"

Going to the courner Thirteen grabs the blanket and the pillow bringing them next to Trooper. Laying down on the ground facing the door She takes Trooper's paw in her hand and gentily holds it.

Glancing to Ryder relizing he wasnt getting out of the car Nate gives a small sigh that could undetected. He tryed to hold his anger he felt in, the hurt and jelocey he felt. It was almost like Ryder and Laura were married. They was they talk and acted. He didnt know if it was his own tired mind or not.

Hearing about the key Nate gives a small rolls of his eyes. Trying his best to maintain his controll.

"Yes I would like a key to my girlfriends house, thank you."

Looking out the window again Nate looks to Ryder, he kept his voice stedy for now.

"Ryder I really need to get home. The show has my name on it and I am very tired. We can chat more later."


Trooper wags his tail and waits for the door to open. Hearing the keys, he starts forward, but realizes it isn't opening yet so he steps back. Hearing them again, he prepares again, only to be left standing. Sighing, he waits until Thirteen finds the right key.

Staring up at her he cocks his head for a moment. Hearing the invitation, he accepts and enters the room. His massive frame wanders around to sniff out the room, ensuring nothing was of the dangerous sort. Winding up near the bed, he flops down on the floor, enjoying the carpet.

Ryder nods his agreement. "I don't know how Jason hasn't gone mad by now." He stares out the window for a few minutes, feeling a strange tension in the air. It had been this way for a while now. He'd think it was because of Nate's tiredness, if he hadn't felt it before.

He starts to open his mouth and question it, but then thinks better of it. Maybe he didn't really want to know. Instead, he changes topics in his mind. "By the way, we're getting the locks changed at the house. You want a key too?"

Carson flops down in bed, total exhaustion taking over. But he was so tired he couldn't sleep. So many things ran through his mind. The two messages from Heather on the answering machine didn't help matters either. Maybe tomorrow he would finally be rid of that whole thing. But a strange pang in his heart makes him wonder if he really did want to be rid of it.

Tossing and turning, he finally is able to doze off for a few hours.

Holding up

Seeing his friend was sleeping Nate just gives a small pat to Jason's shoulder before turning to head out. He new he was as tired as everyone else and even if it was only a little he was happy he was getting some sleep as all.

Getting outside Nate takes in a deep breath of fresh air. Getting into his car he makes sure Ryder is in as well before pulls out.

Keeping the drive quiet Nate dosnt really say anything untill Ryder starts the conversation. Making sure his attachen stays on the road he replys.

"I am as well. I dont know would I would of done if I had lost her. I give Jason alot of credit for being as strong as he is."

Pulling into the TJY parking lost Nate pulls up to the door for Ryder and just waits for him to get out.

Hearing Trooper leave down the hall Thirteen thinks his feet make a funny sound on the ground and can only guess the dog is in a hurry.

Waiting a few moments she finally thinks the dog is not coming back. Turning around to head back to her courner Thirteen hears the keys fall to the ground.

Moving back to the door and looking underneath she see the keys. Thinking for a moment she probley shouldent see what this dog looked like in real life she reaches out and takes the keys with her fingers pulling them under the door.

Taking the keys she trys one after another till finally she finds the one that fits and unlocked the door slowly opening it to come face to face with the big dog.

Just looking at him for a long moment she didnt exspect him to be that big.


She manages to whisper and holds her hand out to him before continuing.

"Come on so I can shut the door. You cant stay long so I will get in trouble."


Trooper gives another little woof and rolls back over, giving a sigh. He looks up at the door handle, then gets to his feet, sniffing around the edge of the door again. Turning around, he bounds off down the hall, his nails clicking on the tile.

Without many people around, no one is there to yell at him for being where he shouldn't be. Down the hall, to the right and into the supply room where Hal kept everything. Using his nose, Trooper sniffs around, knocking over a broom and bumping into a stack of boxes.

Going to the wall, he raises himself up on his hind legs, and sets his teeth around that which he wanted. Back on all fours, he's once again racing down the hall. No master was around. He had no orders but knew better than to take his boredom out on chewing something. So this was what he had come up with.

Getting to the door again, he opens his mouth. The key ring clatters to the floor with a clang and he steps back, his ears perked as he waits for those mysterious fingers to take the treasure he'd found.

Ryder opens his mouth to respond, but Nate is already walking away. He was tired too... but he was trying not to be a grouch. What was with Nate anyway?

Sighing, he follows after him.

Jason doesn't even hear Nate's voice. His head was still resting on the bed, but his lack of motion proved that his exhaustion had finally gotten the best of him. He'd fallen asleep, Katie's hand still in his own.

Ryder stays on Nate's heels out of the hospital and to the car. Getting in the passenger side, he buckles in for the short ride. Once on the road, he throws Nate a sidelong glance. "I... was glad to see Laura was okay..."


Feeling the strange wetness on her fingers Thirteen isnt sure what it is, but cant help the giggle that came from her lips as the sandpaper feeling tickles her fingers.

Hearing Trooper whine Thirteen can't help but feel sorry for the dog.

"I'm sorry. The door is locked or I would let you in."

Continuing to look under the door Thirteen can see the dog's eyes peek under the door and she is startled for a moment. She never new dogs could be so big. But continuing to look a smile makes its way on her face.

Feeling his ear on her fingers she moves them back and forth just feeling the soft fur on them. It felt so smooth and silky. Like nothing she had ever felt before.

"Your so big and soft. Are you hungry?"

Looking to Ryder as he comes up to him Nate thinks for a long moment. Did he really want Ryder in the car with him?

They wernt that far from TJY and it WAS on his way him, he didnt see why not.

"I am leaving now if your coming lets go. I need a shower and am extramly tired."

Not waiting for much of a response Nate turns and continues on his way out, stoping shortly at Katies room.

Entering her walks over to the bed and lays a hand on Jason's shoulder.

"If you need anything Hotshot, just call."


Again, Laura feels a funny vibe, but decides not to dwell on it. Saying goodbye to Nate, she finally lets her eyes fall shut. Sleep sounded awfully good right about now.

Out in the lobby, Ryder is speaking to a few lingering Elite agents. Spotting Nate leaving, he jogs over to him. "Hey, can I catch a ride back to TJY? No one else is headed that way at the moment."

Seeing a couple of fingers come out beneath the door, Trooper's nose is right there. Smelling ham, he licks the fingers, his tail wagging slightly. Then hearing a voice, he cocks his head, giving a little whine. Crouching down with his hind end in the air, he sniffs some more, his paw brushing up against Thirteen's hand. Then turning, the huge dog flops down on his side, one eye able to see through to the other side, his ear falling against Thirteen's fingers. He sniffs again, getting caught up in this little game that was curing his boredom.


Getting lost in the conversation once again Nate's head felt like it was spinning from one though to the next.

When Ryder is about to leave Nate is more than happy about it but than the conversation it stricked up again. Hearing Laura and Ryder talking they almost new everything. Stuff that he didnt even know.

A cash box by the bed why would Ryder be in Laura's room. His mind just wanted to scream as he could feel his blood rising. The horrable feeling coming to him once again though he wanted to deni it and pretent it wasnt there..

As Ryder leaves Nate is silent for a moment before standing.

"I'm going to head home and shower than get some sleep."

His voice lacks much emotion. He was so tired after the last few weeks and now this stuff with Laura and Ryder is was just all to much. He needed to get out before he blew up.

"I'll be back later unless Ryder is here keeping you company."

Leaning down to give Laura a kiss Nate than turns and starts to head for the door.

Letting out a sigh of disapointment Hope trys her best to understand. She wasnt scaired of the Agency even though maybe she should of been. But she new there would be no changing there mind on letting her see Scott.

"Just let Scott know I will be waiting for him ok? Thank you Rick."

Hanging up the phone disapointment hung in the air. She prayed this whole thing would be worked out soon so she could see Scott again.

Hearing something at the door Thirteen sits straght up. She didnt know what the sound was and it was loud, and a bit scary.

Hearing the low woofing sounds makes her jump. She new the sound came from a dog but never hearing one before it seemed so strange and so loud.

Slowly moving away from the courner her own cureosity kicked in. Getting closer she leans down close to the floor and trys to see under the door. It was hard and she could really only make out a shadow.

Taking a chanse to feel it, she takes one of her fingers and puts it under the door trying to see what the soft fer felt like on her skin. In a low whisper she spoke.

"Hi there."

New scents

Laura blinks for a moment, catching an odd tone in Nate's voice. She was a bit groggy, but not groggy enough not to hear it. She shrugs it off though. Everyone was a bit uptight.

An amused grin quirks her lips at Nate's question. "Um, sort of."

Ryder snickers and shakes his head. "Just get out of here quick, huh?"

"Yeah, I get out tomorrow." Seeing Ryder ready to leave, Laura remembers her cat. "Oh, Ryder! Before you go... take care of Henry, will you?"

"Sure thing." Ryder nods. "I gotta get those windows taken care of at the house then I can take him back there. I think we're 'bout out of cat food though."

"I think you're right. If you wouldn't mind picking some up... I got some cash in that box."

"The one on the dresser by your bed?"

"Yeah that one."

"Right." Ryder gives her a casual salute. "I'll be around." Turning, he ambles back out of the room, taking a deep breath before heading down the hall. There was just too much on his mind, and he needed sleep as badly as everyone else did.

Trooper pushes open Jason's office door, giving a whine. He'd been ignored all day and wasn't happy about it. Looking down the hall, he sniffs and cocks his head, but doesn't hear any voices that he was looking for. Trotting down the other direction, his nose goes to the floor as he picks up new scents. He stops at the interrogation room for a moment, then slowly follows the new smells to the spare room. His nose sniffs back and forth under the door. He doesn't growl, but he gives a quiet low woof. He scratches at the door, but finds it locked, and his nose goes back to the small crack where he sniffs again, trying to figure out who the newcomer was.

Rick bites his lip and it seems to take him forever to answer Hope's question. "It's nothing personal, Hope... it's just protocol. We trust you. But we don't want the Agency to try to get to Scott through you, and we don't want him to accidentally involve you either. Without really knowing about his assimilation and everything that went on... we just don't know if he would leak information or not... we can't make exceptions."

He gives a little sigh and leans on the counter. "We got a guy coming in from the road who will be staying with Scott, and hopefully we'll be able to find some answers in no time. Then Scott can get back to work and seeing people, but... in the meantime... anyone here can relay messages, but... he's not going to be able to have any contact with anyone. I'm sorry."


Slipping into the chair next to him Alice gives a nod. She hadnt left him yet, she wouldnt start now.

"I'll be here still when you wake up again. I promise."

Holding his hand she leans back in the chair and just watches him. A small smile on her face and a prayer of thanks on her lips.

Following Ryder out of the intaragtion room and into another Thirteen looks around at all the desks and computers that were set up in the main floor. It was so strange, where was she and what was all this stuff?

Just continuing to follow she enters the next room and stops close to the door still where Ryder was. Looking at the table with the water and the sandwhich Thirteen was thankful for them though she didnt say anything because she wasnt sure how.

Hearing that Ryder was going to leave again Thirteen looks at him and a small flash of fear plays in her eyes, but she new she had no choose. Giving a small nod she walks slowly over to the table and picks up the glass of water taking a very tiny sip.

It felt so good to her lips, and her throt cold water was something she never had before. The stuff she drank was always worm. At fit the cold kind of hurt her teeth but she than got use to it.

Next taking the sandwhich she slowly unwraps it and looks at it closely. Lifting up the bread she new what it was but had never tasted something like this before. Bitting into it just a little the flavors and tasts are like nothing she had ever had before. They mixed together so well, and it was amazing.

Hearing the door close behind her Thirteen puts the food down and just looked at the closed door as the sicking lock sounded once again.

Just standing there for a moment she finally goes to the bed and grabs the pillow and blanket and goes to the courner of the door.

Curling up hugging her knees to her chest tight Thirteen lays down her head on the pillow. This was familure to her sleeping here. Though she didnt think sleep would come, she would watch the door for his return.

Hearing Ryder Nate turns and gives him a small nod as he comes into the room.

"You did a good job out there today Ryder."

Just letting the two of them talk Nate listens intently trying to enjoy the conversation as much as he could. But his ears start to perk up at the mention to the scar on Laura's side and how Ryder new about it. He wanted to jump of the fact that pointed right in his face and he could feel his eyes darken but now was not the time. He had to play it cool and hope it was not what it seemed.

Giving a small laugh he looks from Laura than to Ryder, his eyes still dark with sapision, than back to Laura.

"Show off your battle scars off to people?"

Nate could feel his heart pounding in his chest, as he tryed to will his mind to not think about it.

Listing to Rick Hope gives a sigh of releafe. Knowing Scott was back safe and so where the other was a big weaght off her shoulders. But knowing some people got hurt made her a bit sad. And Katie...poor Katie. It wasnt fair that she had to suffer so. All she could do was continue to pray for her.

Continuing on her conversation with Rick she listens about Scott's house arrest. Surly they didnt mean her as well. She new nothing about TJY, and would cause no danger.

"I can still see him right? I have nothing to do with you guys so that means I wont cause a danger?"

Hope listens intently as a moment of silence draws on.

Matching scars

Kyle tries to smile, though he begins to realize how upset Alice must have been over this whole thing. Letting his arms flop back down, his hand goes to hers and his fingers wrap around her own. "You won't lose me," he states flatly. "I'm not death material. I just keep getting thrown back." A wink follows his statement and he gives her hand a squeeze.

Yawning, his eyes start to drift shut again. "Stick around, will ya?" he mumbles. "I'm tired... of being alone."

Ryder knew he was in for many surprises with Thirteen when he realizes that she really has no idea what he's doing as he tries to clean her up, and as she makes the statement about no one asking her what she wanted. He couldn't remember a time he felt sorrier for someone. It just wasn't right... it wasn't fair.

"Water." Ryder nods. "I can do that."

Before he turns to go though, he stops, seeing the pill that Thirteen brings out. His eyes narrow and he picks it up, taking a closer look. So they could find her? That seemed like a load of hogwash. But why would.... then it dawns on him. His heart sinks even lower. Keeping the pill ensures that she would not even be tempted to take it later. "I'm glad you didn't take this." He purses his lips grimly. "If you had, you would have been dead within half an hour."

Sighing deeply, he turns around. "I'll be right back. Sit tight."

Five minutes later, he returns as promised. But he brings nothing. Instead, he leaves the door open and goes to Thirteen, gently prompting her out of her chair. "Come on. It's okay." Leading her slowly, he takes her out into the hall and just a few doors down to the spare room beside the infirmary. The bed had a fresh blanket and pillow on it, and though it was stripped bare of anything that could be dangerous, the small bedside table had a glass of ice water and a wrapped ham sandwich from the vending machine.

"In case you get hungry, you can have a sandwich," Ryder explains. "There's some water for you, and you can have the bed too. You'll be more comfortable in here than the other room."

Sighing, he glances around the room. He had no clearance to override protocol, but he didn't care. He'd told both Rick and Hal and that was all he would do at this point. "I'm going to leave you here for a bit, but I'll be back. If you need something, press this button here by the lightswitch. Rick, our physician will come, okay?"

Giving a nod, Ryder knows there's not much else that can be done at this point. He wanted to go to the hospital, and he wasn't about to interrogate Thirteen at this point... not now anyway. Leaving her alone for a while was probably the best option.

Without much more to say, he turns from the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. He doesn't want to lock it, but he knows he must before heading out.

Laura is just starting to drift off, when a shadow passes the doorway, making her open her eyes again. Looking past Nate, she spots Ryder and a smile forms. "Hey, stranger."

"Laura." Ryder grins and comes into the room. He'd just spoken with Reese, finding out what was going on with everyone. Though he felt like finding a nice corner to be alone in sorrow over Katie, instead, he tried to push aside those feelings and concentrate on something that could be smiled about instead.

Walking to the end of the bed, he leans on the foot board. "I hear you got a nice hole in your side."

"Oh yeah... nice alright." Laura grimaces. "Mr. worrywart here is making a big deal over it, but it's really nothing."

Ryder chuckles. "Naw, you're too stubborn to let a little piece of lead keep you down. Besides... now you'll have something to match the scar on the other side."

Laura can't help the laugh that escapes. She did have a scar on the opposite side below her ribs from several years prior. She'd been with Con and Jason on that case. "Oh yes, I took the bullet today on purpose so I could remain stylish."

"Ha!" Ryder scoffs. "You don't need a scar to be stylish. You got all those hair clips in your drawer for that."

Laura giggles and she looks to Nate. "We had a little accident one morning," she relates, hinting that it was an inside joke.

A coma. Carson pulled his car into the driveway and parked. Exhaustion couldn't even begin to cover the way he felt. And it wasn't even over yet. He'd barely seen Misty after everyone had gotten back, but he'd at least been able to make sure she was okay and ensure he'd see her tomorrow. He knew he needed sleep. First though, he needed to call Angelica to make sure everything was still a go for the next day. He needed to call Aerith and tell her to be ready for work the day after tomorrow. He needed to let Dani know he was home and safe. He needed to prepare himself for court the next day.

Leaning forward, Carson rests his forehead on the steering wheel. He was so tired. He'd had no sleep and was running on empty. But this whole thing was getting to him. The whole thing with Katie... it made his stomach churn still, just thinking about it. And seeing her in that hospital bed...

He grits his teeth as the tears want to surface. They'd worked so hard at finding her and bringing her home, and now they still might lose her. And what would she have gone through, during the last few hours that she'd been awake? Torture. It just wasn't fair.

"Hope..." Rick holds the phone to his ear as he busies himself in the infirmary. "Scott wanted me to call you. The team made it back... he disarmed the bomb, and they got Katie out. A few people were hurt... Scott's arm got chewed up pretty bad, but he's okay. Katie's in a coma... but... she's back."

He takes a deep breath. "Also, Reese has informed me that to be on the safe side, until we figure some more things out, Scott will be placed under house arrest. Starting as of an hour ago, he's not allowed to see any outsiders. It's just a precaution until we know for sure what went on with him and the Agency. But... anyway... that's everything. He wanted you to know."

White Pill

Just sitting back and listoning to Kyle and the Dr. talk Alice knows what Kyle said was truth. He had been depressed but she doubted he would try and take his own life. Not after last night and the moment they shaired.

As the Dr leaves Alice lets out a small sigh. This who thing braught so much stress but she was happy Kyle was awake and ok. Giving him a small smile Alice's tone is laced with a little bit of humor.

"You sure did."

But than turned very searous.

"I though I'd almost lost you after I finally got you."

Continuing to see at the table thirteen just watches Ryder. As he lifts her head to look at her, her eyes look back at him, big and blue. She didnt understand why he was studing her so much. The Agency usaly told whoever took her about her before hand. No one ever bothered to look at her only ordered her to do odd jobs, cleaning, cooking, laundry from caked bloody clothing, and so much more.

Seeing Ryder lock the door she cant help but wince just a little as the threating sound the click made.

Seeing the cuffs unlocked she mentily prepaired herself for the wrost even if she felt comfortable with Ryder. For some reason he seemed differnt but the hunting thoughts in her mind couldnt stop her body from trying to shield herself anyways.

Once her hands are free and Ryder moves away again Thirteen just places them palm down on the table her fingers almost seeming to dig into the wood. She couldnt help the small bit of fear that rose in her and winces away just a little as he went to clean the cut.

"What is that?"

Was the words that came from her mouth. As the cool liqued touched her skin it stung a little but felt more soothing than anything, it was a strange feeling.

Watching him as her went to the courner in the room again her eyes following him, full of question, full of wonder, and a small hint of an emptyness.

As Ryder walks back and his questions hits her ears Thirteen cant help but be a bit saprised as she studyed him again and processed his words. Though his voice was funny, it was calm, and not harsh the the ones she was use to hearing. It was differnt.

"No one ever asked me...if I wanted something before. I just...had to wait till they wanted to give me something..."

Looking down at her hands again her voice was soft, an timid. One could tell she never asked to many questions before or even gave an answer like this to someone.

"Water please?"

Thinking for a long moment Thirteen reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small white pill with a few numbers on it. It was about the side of thimble. Holding it in her hand for a long moment words came back to her.

When you captured first chanse you get take this. It will help us find you and bring you home.

Those words now seemed to throw a chill through her. It didnt feel right to take this, they would just have to find her with out it.

Setting it down on the table she slides it twords Ryder. Looking up at him again. She felt so empty, she felt so lost in this place she didnt know.

"Rod told me to take this so they could find me, but I...I dont like pills. I dont want to take anymore."

If one took a closer look to the pill, or even ran tests on it they could tell it was a deadly poison that would kill on contact to the system of any person. This was how the Agency protected there secrets.