
New scents

Laura blinks for a moment, catching an odd tone in Nate's voice. She was a bit groggy, but not groggy enough not to hear it. She shrugs it off though. Everyone was a bit uptight.

An amused grin quirks her lips at Nate's question. "Um, sort of."

Ryder snickers and shakes his head. "Just get out of here quick, huh?"

"Yeah, I get out tomorrow." Seeing Ryder ready to leave, Laura remembers her cat. "Oh, Ryder! Before you go... take care of Henry, will you?"

"Sure thing." Ryder nods. "I gotta get those windows taken care of at the house then I can take him back there. I think we're 'bout out of cat food though."

"I think you're right. If you wouldn't mind picking some up... I got some cash in that box."

"The one on the dresser by your bed?"

"Yeah that one."

"Right." Ryder gives her a casual salute. "I'll be around." Turning, he ambles back out of the room, taking a deep breath before heading down the hall. There was just too much on his mind, and he needed sleep as badly as everyone else did.

Trooper pushes open Jason's office door, giving a whine. He'd been ignored all day and wasn't happy about it. Looking down the hall, he sniffs and cocks his head, but doesn't hear any voices that he was looking for. Trotting down the other direction, his nose goes to the floor as he picks up new scents. He stops at the interrogation room for a moment, then slowly follows the new smells to the spare room. His nose sniffs back and forth under the door. He doesn't growl, but he gives a quiet low woof. He scratches at the door, but finds it locked, and his nose goes back to the small crack where he sniffs again, trying to figure out who the newcomer was.

Rick bites his lip and it seems to take him forever to answer Hope's question. "It's nothing personal, Hope... it's just protocol. We trust you. But we don't want the Agency to try to get to Scott through you, and we don't want him to accidentally involve you either. Without really knowing about his assimilation and everything that went on... we just don't know if he would leak information or not... we can't make exceptions."

He gives a little sigh and leans on the counter. "We got a guy coming in from the road who will be staying with Scott, and hopefully we'll be able to find some answers in no time. Then Scott can get back to work and seeing people, but... in the meantime... anyone here can relay messages, but... he's not going to be able to have any contact with anyone. I'm sorry."

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