

Getting lost in the conversation once again Nate's head felt like it was spinning from one though to the next.

When Ryder is about to leave Nate is more than happy about it but than the conversation it stricked up again. Hearing Laura and Ryder talking they almost new everything. Stuff that he didnt even know.

A cash box by the bed why would Ryder be in Laura's room. His mind just wanted to scream as he could feel his blood rising. The horrable feeling coming to him once again though he wanted to deni it and pretent it wasnt there..

As Ryder leaves Nate is silent for a moment before standing.

"I'm going to head home and shower than get some sleep."

His voice lacks much emotion. He was so tired after the last few weeks and now this stuff with Laura and Ryder is was just all to much. He needed to get out before he blew up.

"I'll be back later unless Ryder is here keeping you company."

Leaning down to give Laura a kiss Nate than turns and starts to head for the door.

Letting out a sigh of disapointment Hope trys her best to understand. She wasnt scaired of the Agency even though maybe she should of been. But she new there would be no changing there mind on letting her see Scott.

"Just let Scott know I will be waiting for him ok? Thank you Rick."

Hanging up the phone disapointment hung in the air. She prayed this whole thing would be worked out soon so she could see Scott again.

Hearing something at the door Thirteen sits straght up. She didnt know what the sound was and it was loud, and a bit scary.

Hearing the low woofing sounds makes her jump. She new the sound came from a dog but never hearing one before it seemed so strange and so loud.

Slowly moving away from the courner her own cureosity kicked in. Getting closer she leans down close to the floor and trys to see under the door. It was hard and she could really only make out a shadow.

Taking a chanse to feel it, she takes one of her fingers and puts it under the door trying to see what the soft fer felt like on her skin. In a low whisper she spoke.

"Hi there."

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