

Watching Trooper enter Thirteen just sits for a long moment. She could tell he was checking everything out.

He was such a big dog. An time she had ever seen pictured of dog they had been small. But there was nothing small about this dog. For his massive size he seemed so gentil too.

As He finally sits down next to the bed Thirteen wanders over to him. Giving his head a gentil scratching top and than behind his ears.

"Your a ig gentil teddy bear arnt you?"

Going to the courner Thirteen grabs the blanket and the pillow bringing them next to Trooper. Laying down on the ground facing the door She takes Trooper's paw in her hand and gentily holds it.

Glancing to Ryder relizing he wasnt getting out of the car Nate gives a small sigh that could undetected. He tryed to hold his anger he felt in, the hurt and jelocey he felt. It was almost like Ryder and Laura were married. They was they talk and acted. He didnt know if it was his own tired mind or not.

Hearing about the key Nate gives a small rolls of his eyes. Trying his best to maintain his controll.

"Yes I would like a key to my girlfriends house, thank you."

Looking out the window again Nate looks to Ryder, he kept his voice stedy for now.

"Ryder I really need to get home. The show has my name on it and I am very tired. We can chat more later."

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