

Slipping into the chair next to him Alice gives a nod. She hadnt left him yet, she wouldnt start now.

"I'll be here still when you wake up again. I promise."

Holding his hand she leans back in the chair and just watches him. A small smile on her face and a prayer of thanks on her lips.

Following Ryder out of the intaragtion room and into another Thirteen looks around at all the desks and computers that were set up in the main floor. It was so strange, where was she and what was all this stuff?

Just continuing to follow she enters the next room and stops close to the door still where Ryder was. Looking at the table with the water and the sandwhich Thirteen was thankful for them though she didnt say anything because she wasnt sure how.

Hearing that Ryder was going to leave again Thirteen looks at him and a small flash of fear plays in her eyes, but she new she had no choose. Giving a small nod she walks slowly over to the table and picks up the glass of water taking a very tiny sip.

It felt so good to her lips, and her throt cold water was something she never had before. The stuff she drank was always worm. At fit the cold kind of hurt her teeth but she than got use to it.

Next taking the sandwhich she slowly unwraps it and looks at it closely. Lifting up the bread she new what it was but had never tasted something like this before. Bitting into it just a little the flavors and tasts are like nothing she had ever had before. They mixed together so well, and it was amazing.

Hearing the door close behind her Thirteen puts the food down and just looked at the closed door as the sicking lock sounded once again.

Just standing there for a moment she finally goes to the bed and grabs the pillow and blanket and goes to the courner of the door.

Curling up hugging her knees to her chest tight Thirteen lays down her head on the pillow. This was familure to her sleeping here. Though she didnt think sleep would come, she would watch the door for his return.

Hearing Ryder Nate turns and gives him a small nod as he comes into the room.

"You did a good job out there today Ryder."

Just letting the two of them talk Nate listens intently trying to enjoy the conversation as much as he could. But his ears start to perk up at the mention to the scar on Laura's side and how Ryder new about it. He wanted to jump of the fact that pointed right in his face and he could feel his eyes darken but now was not the time. He had to play it cool and hope it was not what it seemed.

Giving a small laugh he looks from Laura than to Ryder, his eyes still dark with sapision, than back to Laura.

"Show off your battle scars off to people?"

Nate could feel his heart pounding in his chest, as he tryed to will his mind to not think about it.

Listing to Rick Hope gives a sigh of releafe. Knowing Scott was back safe and so where the other was a big weaght off her shoulders. But knowing some people got hurt made her a bit sad. And Katie...poor Katie. It wasnt fair that she had to suffer so. All she could do was continue to pray for her.

Continuing on her conversation with Rick she listens about Scott's house arrest. Surly they didnt mean her as well. She new nothing about TJY, and would cause no danger.

"I can still see him right? I have nothing to do with you guys so that means I wont cause a danger?"

Hope listens intently as a moment of silence draws on.

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