

Smiling as he see Laura enter work Nate cant help but shake his head a little. He had tryed to ask her this morning to at least stay at home, or his place for just a day or so more to heal but he new she wouldnt listen.

About to leave his cubicle Nate see Ryder and stops. Trying his best to hold back he decieds to just wait and talk with Laura a little longer.

Sinking down in his chair again Nate does his best to work though he takes a glance now and than but trying his best not to be nosey.

Glancing up again this time Nate dosnt look away watching as Ryder gives Laura the back rub. They were close, to close for comfort and Nate could feel his insides bubble as her face felt warm. He was going to let it go, he had to let it go..he had...Nate's eyes widen as he see Ryder lean closer to Laura and give her a kiss on the cheek. The anger is burned to a new level this was not ok.

Seeing Ryder come twords him Nate's eyes burn with fire. Everything, from Laura and Ryder, to Katie he just couldnt take it anymore as he was hitting his breaking point a place he hadent been in so long.

As Ryder pass by Nate grabs him by the arm and spins him around. Before Ryder can even react Nate's fist connects with Ryder's jaw sending him backward a few steps.

"Find your own girl friend to kiss."

Laying on the floor with Trooper Thirteen was fast asleep. Her eyes flutter slightly giving the impression she was dreaming...

"Bring her in here."

"Yes sir."

Going out and grabbing Thirteen by the arm the rather large man pulls her into another large room. Giving her a shove he push her forward infront of an oak desk.

Getting up from the desk the man goes over to Thirteen and lifts her chin to look at her complection, her face giving her the once over.

"Your starting to turn into a very pretty young woman you know that? You will be of great use to us. Because we love you here in your home we will teach you eveything. You will learn to think like us, talk like us, live more like us, and kill like us."

Thirteen's heart pounded in her chest as she listened to what was being said to her. She didnt understand is all but she listened anyways.

As the man comes over and takes her roughly by the arm again He pulls her to the other side of the desk and sits her down to look at some computer screens that held 3 differnt cells that held people being tourchered.

"You will learn to do this."

Thirteen didnt want to look, she didnt want to see this is scaired her. Turning away she receved a back hand to the face as angry words where spoken.

"You never turn away, your a disapointmint, a disgrace. I had big things planed for you, my young daughter but now...now you will be punished take her away."

Giving a sharp scream Thirteen new what was coming and she kicked not again, she didnt want that again.

...As the dream continues Thirteen withers in the bad as she twists and turns, moans, whimpers and screams coming from her lips. Tears making there way out of her sleeping eyes as her crys continue.

Glancing down at her watch more than once Angelica waits for Carson growing impashent and a little nervouse the he wasnt there yet.

Where was he she needed to over a few things, and get his consent on some other stuff. Pulling out her cell phone she is about to dial his number when she see him coming down the hall.


As he draws closer Angelica can pick up on something strange about him, not to mention a he smelled like whisky.

"Dont tell you were..."

Giving a shake of her head there was no point. What was done was done she only wished he would of been smarter.

"Come on, I will give you a quick breffing while we walk to the room. We dont have much spair time."

Entering the court room Misty's heart raced. The message on her voice mail made her worryed and though Carson said not to come she did anyway. Her had a saspition on what was happing with Carson and Dani but she only wish and hoped she was wrong.

Asking for directions on where his case was being held Misty makes her way down the hall and slips into the room un-noticed. Sitting down in the back she was there if needed.

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