
White Pill

Just sitting back and listoning to Kyle and the Dr. talk Alice knows what Kyle said was truth. He had been depressed but she doubted he would try and take his own life. Not after last night and the moment they shaired.

As the Dr leaves Alice lets out a small sigh. This who thing braught so much stress but she was happy Kyle was awake and ok. Giving him a small smile Alice's tone is laced with a little bit of humor.

"You sure did."

But than turned very searous.

"I though I'd almost lost you after I finally got you."

Continuing to see at the table thirteen just watches Ryder. As he lifts her head to look at her, her eyes look back at him, big and blue. She didnt understand why he was studing her so much. The Agency usaly told whoever took her about her before hand. No one ever bothered to look at her only ordered her to do odd jobs, cleaning, cooking, laundry from caked bloody clothing, and so much more.

Seeing Ryder lock the door she cant help but wince just a little as the threating sound the click made.

Seeing the cuffs unlocked she mentily prepaired herself for the wrost even if she felt comfortable with Ryder. For some reason he seemed differnt but the hunting thoughts in her mind couldnt stop her body from trying to shield herself anyways.

Once her hands are free and Ryder moves away again Thirteen just places them palm down on the table her fingers almost seeming to dig into the wood. She couldnt help the small bit of fear that rose in her and winces away just a little as he went to clean the cut.

"What is that?"

Was the words that came from her mouth. As the cool liqued touched her skin it stung a little but felt more soothing than anything, it was a strange feeling.

Watching him as her went to the courner in the room again her eyes following him, full of question, full of wonder, and a small hint of an emptyness.

As Ryder walks back and his questions hits her ears Thirteen cant help but be a bit saprised as she studyed him again and processed his words. Though his voice was funny, it was calm, and not harsh the the ones she was use to hearing. It was differnt.

"No one ever asked me...if I wanted something before. I just...had to wait till they wanted to give me something..."

Looking down at her hands again her voice was soft, an timid. One could tell she never asked to many questions before or even gave an answer like this to someone.

"Water please?"

Thinking for a long moment Thirteen reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small white pill with a few numbers on it. It was about the side of thimble. Holding it in her hand for a long moment words came back to her.

When you captured first chanse you get take this. It will help us find you and bring you home.

Those words now seemed to throw a chill through her. It didnt feel right to take this, they would just have to find her with out it.

Setting it down on the table she slides it twords Ryder. Looking up at him again. She felt so empty, she felt so lost in this place she didnt know.

"Rod told me to take this so they could find me, but I...I dont like pills. I dont want to take anymore."

If one took a closer look to the pill, or even ran tests on it they could tell it was a deadly poison that would kill on contact to the system of any person. This was how the Agency protected there secrets.

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