
Rolled Ankle

*Misty cant help but laugh as Carson comes closer and kiss her a few times. There were moments when Misty couldent help but feel like she was in highschool again with a crush. Things were differnt now than how there were before she left for England, but differnt was good. Carson himself had changed yet he will still the same old Carson that made her smile, and gave her chills.

As Carson pulls his head back again Misty leans her forhead aganst his.*

"Ya I think thats where we were. I think there was somthing about continuing that conversation again too."

*Misty pushes her lips to Carson's leting it linger in passtion for a long while.*

*As Reese hangs up the phone Lockheart looks up from her paperwork hearing a certin tone in Reese's voice. After he hangs up the phone Lockheart removes her glass and puts them on he head taping her pen.*

"Whats up?"

*As Katie rounds the courner from the breakroom carrying two plates with baked chicken and corn. She is just in time to see Scott break his glasses. For a moment Katie just stands looking at Scott. Only one word could come to Katie's mind... Wow". Giving her head a small shake she walks over to the desk and puts the two plate down.*

"Looks like your gonna be stuck wearing you contacts again huh."

*Katie cant help but give alittle laugh as she bends down to pick them up and hand them to Scott. As Katie goes to straten up and move around the back of Scott to sit down Katie's ankle rolls and causes her to fall forword into Scott's lap. Out of reactions Kaite reaches her arms up and puts them around Scott's neck to stop herself from falling. Stuned for a moment on what just happend Katie cant help but smile up at Scott looking into it big green eyes.*

*As Nate watches Laura and see her neck is bothering her he rolls his chair behind her and reaches out placing his hands out her shoulder and his thumbs on her neck pressing gently and rubbing. After a few moment Nate puts his arms over Luara's shoulders and gives her a hug.*

"How about we get out of here, go get Maggie and grab something to eat?"

*As Jamie listens to Phil as she stirred the noodles she had made to go with the steak for dinner. A suddon wave of disapointment pass over her. She was looking forward to tonight and had dinner almost finished. But Jamie new that Con had to work and he probley was very upset.*

"Ok Phil, thank you."

*As Jamie hangs up the phone she lets out a sigh. Now what was she going to do with all this food. As She though for a moment an idea comes to her.

About an hour later Jamie is pulling into the parking lot of the lumberyard. Finding Con's car she pulls close to it. Geting out Jamie grabs a blanket and draps it over the hood of Con's car. Taking out some places and forkes along with SEVERAL plastic containers Jamie sets them nicely on the blanket making a immatation picnic. Smiling she jumps on the hood of her car and folds her hands behind her head leaning back. Now all she had to do was wait for Con to get out of work so they still could eat together no matter the time. If it got much darker Jamie had a lamp she could turn on.*


*Pulling into the small parking lot and finding a place to park. Aerith steps out of her car taking in a deep breath of the crisp air. Her light yellow spagedi strap sun dress blowing in the soft wind. Reaching back into the car Aerith grabs her bible and starts her way to the doors of the church. Mable had told her about this church and that it was a pritty good one, she had also though Aerith would be intrested in it cuz there were alot of younger familys that went there. As Aerith enters the church she scans the faces a bit of nerves move in her. As she continues to scan her eyes rest on one face that causes her to smile. It was Wyatt."

Saturday Night

Carson smirks at Misty. "I'm thinking, I'm thinking."

He sighs deeply. "Drew Pierce. Ashlyn's last name is Turner." For just a moment, something flickers in his eyes, but he suppresses it quickly. "And yeah...I never saw Trent - heard about him once. We don't need to worry about him though - he died on a case about five years ago up in North Dakota. Got in the line of fire after he made a stupid move."

He swivels in the desk chair, thinking. "Michael Jenson - he's the head honcho over Louisiana way at that Agency base. And...put down Leroy Miles and Jez Watson. Um..." He scrunches his eyes shut and rubs his forehead. "Erica Trahern - though put a star by her name. She was under suspicion of being a double-agent a while back. I'm not sure if she's still heading up the department in Virginia or not."

Carson rattles off more names that he deems important, coming up with even cell phone numbers, addresses and more, just from memory.

Reese's voice comes over the intercom. "Carson?"


"We need someone in law enforcement who's on the right side and trustworthy."

Without even hesitating, Carson answers. "Sheriff Brown, next county over."

There's slight pause. "Isn't....isn't that the same guy that got Jason hooked up with that band?"

"Yep." Carson nods to no one, speaking loudly so he's heard. "Not only is he a good guy, but he likes Jason. He'd be my first choice."

"Alright, thank you."

Carson looks back to Misty as he hears Reese hang up. "Now...where were we?" He rolls his chair right up behind hers, and rests his chin on her shoulder to stare at what she's doing. Giving her a sidelong glance, he steals a kiss to her cheek. "Mm...I think we were there." He moves a little closer to her lips, kissing her again. "Or maybe it was there..."

"Alright. Sheriff Brown." Reese jots down the name and looks at Lockheart, sighing deeply. "Once we get all the information we need, you and I are going to pay him a visit. If we can convince him first, that we're real, and second that the Agency's real, we're going to have to do some fancy footwork so we don't all get thrown in the slammer."

He thinks hard for several moments. "What do you think our chances are?"

Scott concentrates on his work, more focused that normal, with a goal and a mission. They needed information and needed it now.

Working with Katie put a new spin on things, and it was different having her help him or vice versa. Once in a while he could feel her eyes on him, though he dared not to return the look.

By early evening, Scott's eyes were weary and a headache had set in. Unbuttoning his collar he polishes off his third can of Mountain Dew and stares at his computer screen. All the codes and file names seemed to be running together. He was warm in the building and that didn't help matters much, not to mention it was coming up on suppertime and he was getting hungry.

Taking off his glasses, Scott rubs his eyes and puts his hands behind his head, accidentally messing up his hair. Yawning, he leans back in his chair, and suddenly his frames slip from his fingers. Leaning back forward too quickly, his chair rolls just a couple inches backward.


Scott groans and folds his arms on his desk to rest his forehead. "That was my last pair."

Laura rolls her head and puts a hand to her neck, trying to work out the kinks. She sighs as she looks at the paperwork in front of her. She was still in Nate's cubicle working with him, but was wishing she could just go home now...she was tired and hungry.

"But I've already got my hours in!"

"I don't care. I need you here for that truck coming in. It'll be here in ten minutes."

"But I made plans for tonight!"

"Well I'm sorry. Do you want to keep your job?"

Con's shoulders drop in surrender as Leonard walks away. "Fine."

Phil comes around the corner and grimaces. "You alright?"

"No," Con complains. "My shoulder's killing me, I had a date with Jamie tonight, and I'm going to miss it again because he wants me to stay for that last load coming in."

Phil sighs and gives Con's arm a pat. "Sorry, man. Anything I can do?"

"You getting off your shift now?"


"Call Jamie for me? Tell her I'll take a raincheck I guess. I left my cell phone in the car and if I leave now for a personal call, Leonard's going to have my hide."

Phil nods. "Consider it done. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah - afternoon. At least I convinced Leonard not to make me work Sunday mornings."

Phil gets out to his truck and retrieves his cell phone. Dialing, he waits for Jamie. "Hey, Jamie, it's Phil... Con's stuck at work again tonight. He couldn't get away to call. He's pretty bummed, but there isn't much he can do about it."

Jason paces back and forth in his cell feeling like a caged animal. His senses were heightened and he didn't know why. Something was happening. Something was going down. But what, he didn't know. Pacing some more, he glances to the box of letters that was overflowing. He hadn't written Katie back yet....it had been several days...but he didn't know what to say. It was always the same old stuff, on top of avoiding telling her what was really going on inside.

Sighing, he flops down on his bed, waiting for lights out.


*After leaving Reese office Misty leads Carson back to the infermary and shuts the door behind them. Fliping on her computer.*

"It will be quiet here to stop and think."

*Opening a word file Misty stops and thinks.*

"Whats Drews last name."

*Misty shivers.*

"I always hated that guy. There is Ashlyn too and there is a guy named Trent as well....mmm...I think he's Katie's uncle but I'm not 100% sure. I only ever talked to him once."

*Misty's finger move at a fast pase as they type on the computer listing off a few names and puting marks by the one who always were the leaders in stuff. Misty stops and looks to Carson.*

"Ok....come on man i need your imput too."

*Misty sticks out her toung.*

*Katie looks up at Scott and musters up a smile looking down at him.*

"Ya I think I'm ok. I dont really want to go home alone anyways."

*Katie stands and follow Scott to his desk. Feeling a bit better she jumps right in. Every once and a while when she runs into a problem or find something intresting She calls Scott over and shows him. Katie cant help but glance at Scott out of the courner of her eyes as he types on his computer deep in though. Katie couldent help it to think Scott looked pritty good with the soft glow of the computer lighting up his face. Shaking her head she relized how rediculace she is and goes back to her work.*

*Nate smiles at Laura and laughs.*

"Lets work at my desk I have a bunch of files there and there is more space."

*Jamie looks up at Nate and gives alittle nod*

"Ya I think I'll be ok. Dinner tonight?"

*Jamie hugs and kiss Con before he leaves and heads to the other room with Susanne.*


One by one, more TJY staff stand, stating their loyalty to staying.

Con's mind races. He thinks of Jamie...thinks of the future that was now so foggy...thinks of his family that he might not get to see again. But sometimes sacrifices had to be made, and though he wasn't any longer staff here, his name was still on record. He stands.

"I may not be employed here any more, but if you go down, I'm coming along. I can't help out much, but I'm not going to back out and have my name erased from anything. TJY is a part of my history and will remain as such."

Wyatt looks at his dad and nods, not needing to repeat what others are saying. "I'm in."

Laura looks to Nate, feeling proud to be close to him... She nods her own agreement. "This place is my life. I'm not leaving, and I'm not going to let Jason down."

Scott glances around the room, seeing everyone's brave stances. He looks back to Katie, but she doesn't see him as her gaze is on the floor. If for nothing else, he wanted to get Jason back here just to see Katie happy again. Neither one of them deserved this fate. He stands up.

"I know I'm just the tech guy around here, but for what it's worth, I'm staying. I don't have anything else but my dog, and I know my sister's staying here too." He glances in Sapphire's direction, then back at Reese. "I couldn't live with myself if everyone else got taken down and I was left on the outside. So...if your computer blows up, I'm still here."

Reese looks around the room, pride in his eyes. By the time the rounds are finished, there is not one left without having stated their support. He nods decisively. "I couldn't be more honored to work with all of you." He scans the faces. "Then that's settled. We forge ahead, and we will expose TJY and all its employees"

He points to Carson. "I want you and Misty in my office in ten minutes to discuss Agency members. Scott, I want you on hack detail to get into police files and dig up all the info on past cases we've been involved with - we'll have to prove we've helped the law. Katie, I want you working with Scott. Nate and...." He looks around and shrugs. "Laura. You two compile a list of local authorities to talk to. Lockheart, come in my office too so we can discuss how we'll approach the law. Con, I know you have another job, so I won't keep you here. But keep your phone on. Jamie...you and Susanne dig up what we have on cases we've found Agency influence in. We have to prove the Agency exists, too. Everyone else - do your jobs as usual, but be on call for anything else."

The staff disperses. Everyone mingles for a minute, but what can be said? Each heads out to do their tasks.

Carson and Misty wind up in Reese's office, and he looks to them before Lockheart, not wanting to make her wait, but not wanting her to leave just yet either.
Reese sighs deeply and grabs a notepad and pen. "Alright you two... I'm gonna need some names of Agency people you two have been involved with. I know there's a lot, but give me some feedback on ringleaders. We've got to come up with some solid stuff here."

Scott meanders over to Katie and squats down next to her, trying to find her eyes. "Hey...you up to some work? I know Reese will understand if you need to go home. Otherwise you can come on over to my desk - I've got two computers we can work at. You're probably just as good at hacking into systems as I am."

Laura separates from the group, and finally gets back with Nate at his cubicle. Well...I guess we're it." She gets a little grin on her face. "Surprise surprise. Where you want to work?"

Con catches Jamie before he leaves again. "Hey...I'm gonna go back to work..." he looks down at her, searching her eyes. "You're okay with all this?"


*Misty rolls her eyes and give Carson a teasing elbow. Not saying anything alse as the meeting starts.*

*Katie finds a chair alittle ways away from everyone and sits down folding her arms around her chest and keeping her eyes close for a moment. A flash of light, there it was again. The same one that had been there yesterday. Katie searces her feelings trying to figure out what it was, she could feeling nothing. Jason was that you trying to get through to me...Katie looks again but nothing. Feeling the pull Katie opens her eyes turning her head to see Scott. Giving alittle wave she she turns her attachen back to Carter as she enters.

As Carter starts to speak Katie listens intently. The mention of Jason causes her to sit up alittle bit straghter. Turning Katie looks at Scott, her own questions in her eyes. She new as little as he did.*

*Sliping in the backroom Lockheart found her way in. Alittle late but there non the less. Feeling a bit strange in a room full of people she dident know, but this was normal. She spent much tiume in court rooms with people but this was differnt. Quietly she stands in the back.*

*As Carter and Reeses words hit many ears everyone looks at eachother chatering.*

*Jamie squeezes Con's hand and stands.*

"I've been with TJY since almost the day it opend. You all helped me through so much and Jason was always a good friend to me. I found loylty and confadince though Carter and yourself. I dont need a day to know where I stand. I wont let you guys take the heat alone."

*Jamie sits back down but sits tall. Everything Jamie went through in the past TJY had been there for her to help her. To comfort her she wouldent leave them high and dry.*

*Nate is the next to stand.*

" I agree with Jamie. I wont leave you guys eather. If we stand as a team it would be harder to snuff us out than if we stood alone. I am proude to be part of TJY, and if I go to jail for what I believed in than so be it. God has a plain for this and I wont back down from what he wants. I'm in."

*Misty looks from Carson, than back to Reese and Carter. She just got home and was greeted by this. Misty lets out a sigh she dident need to think she new what to do.*

"Things could get pretty hairy, and maybe even some bad stuff. You guys are gonna end up needing a docture and Rick just couldent handle you all. So cound me in. I'd hope you guy would do this for me too, so we cant let Jason down."

*Katie sits in her hair stuned for a moment. Her head started to spin from everything that was being said. Slowly Katie turns her head and looks at Scott, the sadnes, and dark raged inside even though there was a light. Katie new what her answer was she just couldent find her voice. After a long moment Katie dosent lift her head from the ground.*

"I vote yes too, we have to do everything to get him out of there. If it was anyone alse the answer would be the same. The innocent done deserve to be locked away."

*Katie pulls her arms in her sweater alittle bit as she keeps her eyes to the ground scaired to look up and anyone as the tears are on the verge of coming.*

The Meeting

The rec room grows warm as the TJY staff gathers. Someone pulls out folding chairs so everyone can sit down, and they mingle, waiting for direction.

Con finds his way downstairs, feeling just a little out of place. He wasn't sure why Reese wanted him here...he was no longer staff. It felt strange being included in a meeting like this. Just being here for anything other than to say hi or pick someone up for lunch was strange. But apparently he was wanted. He finds a chair on the end and strikes up a conversation with Wyatt as hey wait.

Carson looks around the room, and finding Misty, goes to her. Knowing they're gonna start soon, he doesn't say anything, but takes the darts from her hand and puts them away, dragging her to the empty seat next to the one he'd chosen, and sets her down. "I'm scared of everyone else," he teases with mock fear. "I can't have anyone else sitting next to me."

Scott was one of the first on the scene, and swivels around as someone else enters the room. He's got back on a collard shirt, though no tie, his glasses on and every hair in place. He spots Katie. She looked terrible. Worry hits him. Whatever she had couldn't be good if it was taking her on such a severe rollercoaster ride. She had been fine when they'd been out yesterday.

Everyone is present. They wait. Finally the door opens and Carter enters. His walk is slow, showing the years that have affected him. Not normally seen throughout TJY, some staff raise their eyebrows, slightly surprised.

Carter makes his way to the front of the group and looks at each one before beginning to speak. "I've never been as privileged as I am now, working with such a diverse, talented, dedicated...wonderful group of individuals. I've done a lot wrong in the past, and you all know that I took part in what is now our arch enemy. But turning around and starting TJY was the best decision I ever made."

He pauses, obviously having a plan, but unsure how people will respond. "My great-grandson has been wrongly imprisoned. And I don't approach you today as simply Jason's boss...I can't deny that personal feelings are involved here, and I beg your forgiveness for this. I hate favoritism and will need you all to inform me if my decisions are being clouded by those personal feelings."

Another pause takes over the room. Scott throws Katie a look of question. Con glances around wondering if he's the only one out of the loop. One could hear a pin drop before Carter continues.

"We all know that the secret of TJY has been in jeopardy for a long time, and that it has worsened in the last few months. The danger increases that we may be found out, and that all of our lives will change drastically. Though we believe in our mission and have done all in our power to promote what is right, in doing such, we have committed what would be considered crimes by governmental law enforcement."

It's obvious that something big is happening as Carter looks to Reese, then back to the staff.

"The fact is, that while trying to get Jason out of prison, we have been unable to produce hard evidence for his case because of the secrecy of TJY. Bringing forth all of the information we hold, would put everything in danger, and we would be exposed. For over six months now, we have stuck to this secrecy and done our best...with some good help..." Carter's eyes drift to Lockheart for just a moment.

"But it hasn't been good enough. Reese and I have had heavy debates about what should happen, and we both feel very strongly that we cannot abandon this case. My great-grandson or not, I would not be able to live with myself if any of you were wrongly imprisoned, when I had the power to have you released. However..."

A pause again. The staff is on edge.

"...At this point in time, if we were to gather the evidence we need, it boils down to one fact - if we are to have Jason released, TJY must be exposed."

A murmur waves through the group, and Carter holds up his hand.

"Yes, I realize what I just said. And the problem is this - If TJY is exposed, all of our livelihoods are in jeopardy. If TJY is taken down, all of you will be out of jobs. Some of you have families to care for, and even if you don't, finding work is hard, especially if you have a passion for justice. Therefore, we have some hard decisions to make. And I am unwilling to make this decision myself. That's why I've called you all here today...if we cannot agree on this action, then it will simply not happen, and we will continue trying to work underground to free Jason, though I fear it would be futile." He turns to Reese, wanting to hand the job of details over to him.

Reese takes his place, holding several papers in his hand, and addressing the staff matter-of-factly. "There are several things that can happen here...several different scenarios.

"Number one - We decide exposing TJY is the best option. Everyone leaves here, we clean house and Carter and I take the heat without revealing any of your names. You all will be stripped from our records, your jobs here never having existed. This will disperse TJY and leave all of you free.

"Number two - We decide exposing TJY is the best option. Everyone stays and we bring everyone out in the open as substantial proof of our existence and our loyalty to justice. This bears with it the possibility that everyone here could be sent to prison for acts considered criminal in nature.

"Number three - We decide that exposing TJY is not worth the exchange, and we continue as-is. We would then implement some further changes in protocol to tighten security because of the severe threat of exposure without Jason even being in prison."

Reese lets the choices settle before moving on. "If either of the first two options are chosen, Carter and I will be working hard at clearing names and convincing the law that no one deserves to have charged placed against them. If the law complies, then TJY will be disbanded without the tragedy of imprisonment. Lockheart has offered to help us in our case, and we can hope that we can convince the right people of our intentions, but it is not certain."

Wyatt raises his hand. "Who do we talk to that would believe us? How do we know who would be on our side?"

"It's true that most law enforcement has first of all, never believed we existed as we clean up our messes well and help out behind the scenes. It's also true that no one believes the Agency exists, and the Agency is one of the main reasons we're here. How do we know who to talk to?" Reese shrugs, admitting he doesn't know. "We can only pray we find the right person."

Carson thinks for a moment, then raises his hand. "I know who's dirty and who's not. Shoot me some names and I can tell you if they're clean."

"Thank you." Reese nods. "That information will be helpful whether we disband or not." He looks around at the staff grimly. "Unless all of you have a strong pull right now in any one direction, I suggest taking a day to think this through, and we will have a second meeting tomorrow evening to finalize our decision."

Carson can't help his harsh remark. "If anyone here chooses to let Jason rot, then they shouldn't be here. And if anyone here would rather let Carter and Reese take all the heat for something we've all done, then they don't deserve to be here either. I may be the newbie here, but I thought this was a team. I don't care what happens - I'll go down with the ship if I have to. I couldn't live with my conscience otherwise. I've played that game enough. Everyone here signed on knowing that one day this could happen. Everyone knew that their family lives could be put in jeopardy, and it was a risk you all thought was worth taking. If it was that important then, then it better be now too, unless you all are hypocrites. If it takes a whole day to decide what to do, then I'm more concerned about loyalty within the ranks than outside interference." He leans back in his chair and folds his ams across his chest, waiting for the rebuttals.

Life changing

*Nate smiles at Laura and gives alittle nod sliding out of the booth again. Nate keep the conversation light with Laura. Talking about work, things they liked to do and even trying to set up another real date. Nate tryed to be cautious with his words and actions as to not scair or make her nervouse.*

*Katie frowns alittle bit. As Scott's suhestion of being boring. Finishs off her food before replying.*

"I dont think your boring at all Scotty. "

*Lunch goes by all to fast and Katie is siting in Scotts car outside of her house once again. Giving a smile Katie opens the car door and before geting out she turns to Scott again.*

" Thanks for a great day again Scotty. It was nice. I'm feel better as well. Maybe I just needed some company"

* Looking down at Domino Katie pats her head than scritches her ears gently puting her down in Scott's lap so she dosent try and exit the car with her. Geting out Katie makes her way up the walk before disapearing from view she gives a wave and enters. Walking twords her room Katie's tummy starts to chern. Stoping for a moment Katie just stands with her eyes closed as everything spins, and Jason pops into head again. Searching, searching....she came up empty haneded. Slowly Katie enters her room and lays down not even changing out of her clothing for the day. Katie pulls the blanket up under her chain and she shivers. Maybe going out wasent a good idea.*

*Time came and time went. Before anyone new it that day had passed and another was breakingforth. How it seemed when things were happy and going right time flyed without stoping. Every moment wasent was a moment time would laugh and say, thats alittle bit less. But as the day ended another day started in hopes it wouldent go by as fast.*

*Misty throws another dart as she waits in the rec room for the meeting to start. She just got home and there was a meeting already stangs.*

*Katie pulls herself out of bed, dark circles under her eyes. She felt like crap still today. Grabing a par of jeans and a baggy hoody Katie heads to the bathroom. She dident feel like going to work but she had to there was a big meeting she couldent miss. Geting out of the shower and into her room she grabs her car keys and head out.

It takes Katie longer than normal to get to work this morning. She dident want to chanse her normal speed with how she was feeling. Finally making it Katie heads inside. Stoping at her desk fast and than heads down to the rec room where others are filing in.*

*One by one everyone from TJY files into the recroom. As people wait some look at eachother in confustion on what is going on questions lingering in there minds. No one knows what the meeting is about or why but a certin sence lingered in the air that like would be life changing.*

Strange feelings

Leaving, Waytt knows he's left Aerith in good hands, and heads out of the restaurant. As he passes by the window outside, he glances in to see Katie and Scott again. It wasn't abnormal to see Katie hanging out with other people, especially over the lunch hour, but it was unusual to see Scott with someone. He'd always been pretty much a loner.

Wyatt couldn't help the strange feeling he got..almost as if the scene now was the reflection of something to happen in the future..almost as if this scene would be replayed, but with damage in its wake.

Shaking his head, Wyatt hops into his jeep. Whatever was running through his mind was silly - he couldn't even decipher what it was. Katie had Jason and was out now with Scott as friends. What was wrong with that?

Laura contemplates her choice, and glances to her brother and Jamie. She'd really prefer to stay here...she felt safer with Con around.... but he and Jamie deserved their alone time, and Laura had already done enough to disrupt them.

"Um, we can go to that booth over there," Laura points just a short ways away. That way they wouldn't bother Con and Jamie, but would still be within sight.

Scott listens to Katie, finding her story an interesting one. There was more to her than met the eye, just as he'd suspected.

He stirs his ice around with his straw as she concludes. Yes, there were more questions, but he wasn't going to ask them. He was going to stick to his word and not walk on eggshells, but there was no point in creating awkwardness.

"Sounds like you've had a life lacking boredom." Scott chuckles. "You're hanging out with the right guy then - I'm an expert at boring other people." Though the statement is intended to be humorous, something in his eye reveals that he believes it. The past has shaped him too, but somewhere along the way he got stuck in a mold that others had made.

All he talked about at work was computer equipment...it was what everyone expected, so that's what he gave. He'd slipped up numerous times in high school, giving him the title of Clumsyscott, and he'd quit a long time ago trying to prove that one wrong...he still remembered the day he'd picked Katie up...not only had he been all thumbs, but he'd been running on caffeine-induced energy after pulling an all-nighter at the office...it had only amplified his habitual state of ineptness.

People teased him about how he dressed...he was the nerd...When in high school he'd hung out with the other "nerds" and picked up on silly habits, then once here had tried breaking out of that a couple times, just to be bombarded with a whole new set of teasing...trying at style drew more attention than just continuing with his normal look, so he'd given up on that one too.

He didn't like a lot of attention, so just always staying the same and being consistent kept him out of the spotlight. Maybe there were times he wanted to change it...maybe there were times he wanted to try something else...find himself...but he'd convinced himself that this was him...it was a safer place to be in.

But lately, something inside him had intensified, creating a desire to stop with the mold... He would always like computers, and he would always like the strange combination of sportscars and classical music...but there was something inside of him, trying to get him to break out and let his true self out. And Scott knew...this feeling had erupted after he'd started hanging out with Katie. There was just something about her...

...Conversation falls back into light chitchat once their food arrives, and after they're done with the meal, Scott insists on paying as a get-well gesture.

Driving Katie back to her place, he parks in the drive and looks at her with question. "You be alright, or do I need to stick around to make sure you don't go and do something crazy like get sick again?"

Domino looks up at her from her lap and almost seems to smile.

About me

*Katie listen intently as Scott talks about himself. Picking up information she can remember and use for a later date. Taking another sip of her drink she stops and thinks for a long moment as the conversation reverts back to her. Scott dident know everything about her, what should she say and what shouldent she. Katie lets out a sigh irrotated with herself in even thinking of not telling Scott everything about her. He was her friend after all.*

"Well I'll give you the short verson and you can fill in the blanks or ask questions of whatever. When I was small my life was good, when I got older my mother and baby brother died. I never got long with my father and his wife till I was in my accedent and we are staring to patch things up. I life home fairly young ran with the wrong crowd did alot of things that still plag my mind, and am not happy I did but it made me who I am today and taught me alot of things. I like Nature, I like movies, writing poems, computers. I like taking long walks on the beach and I LOVE amusment parks. I've been to a museum once and wouldent mind going again sometime. I work at TJY."

*Katie gets a look of thought for a moment on her face and than smiles.*

"Yep that should be it. Unless you have any other questions!?!"

*Nate lets out a sigh of releaf. The last thing he wanted was to have Con as an enamy. Giving a stong Nod Nate turns and heads back into the restrong sliping in next to Laura smiling. Giving a playful elbow to her am.*

"Miss me...?

*Nate cant help the silly smile on his face. As his puts his free arm over Laura's shoulder lightly.*

"Did you want to sit with your brother Laura or find our own table? Eather way is fine with me."

*Nate studys Laura as his smile remains. He wasent to sit where she felt more at ease.*

*Aerith smiles at nods at Wyatt.*

"Ya it would good seeing you again Wyatt. Thanks for the tip. Have a good day at work and see ya around."

*Aerith's eyes follow Wyatt for a long while after he walks out. He was a sweet guy, seemed pritty down to earth and enjoyed life.Than turning back around she stops Mable*

"Hey Ma'am, I was wondering if you new any places that where highering. I'm still prietty new around here and was looking for something part time. Wyatt said you new everyone and everything."

*Mable cant help but let out a laugh. she certinly dident know everything but she did know everyone. Looking around at busy restront she makes sure everyone is take care of before answering. She was feeling rather tired. The last few days had been pretty buys. Morne than normal. It was hard doing everything alone.*

"First off please call me Mable and next ya I do think I know a place looking for help."

*Mable leans on the counter deep in depth with Aerith talking about jobs, what she wanted and what she exspeced. Mable was an easy person to talk with Aerith was happy Wyatt mentioned her.*

Good luck

Scott grins a little and looks down at his drink. “I’m a clumsy computer geek. What more is there?”

He knows that Katie wants more than that, so he shrugs after taking a sip of his pop. “I survived high school as the number one nerd, took three years at a tech school, got hooked up with TJY and here I am. I like computers, cars and classical music. I enjoy my dog, I collect sportscar magazines and movies, and when I have time, I like exploring photography and visiting the museum in Treyville.”

Scott pauses and looks up, cocking his head. “What about Katie Pent? What’s behind those eyes of hers?”

Laura gives a little sigh and nods. “Yeah…I’m better today…” Her face reddens just a little. She didn’t know if Jamie knew everything or not. “Just a bad night…and Nate and I are okay I think.”

Con looks at Nate’s hand and accepts it with a firm grip. “Alright. So we’re both sorry, but we both know where we stand now. And I know you care about Laura…” He gives a little nod. “She needs someone to stick this out with her, and if you can do that, then you deserve to keep her.”

Taking a deep breath, he cocks his head back to the restaurant. “And since we care so much about our girls, how about we go back in there so they know we haven’t beaten each other to a pulp.”

Wyatt hands Mabel money for his food, and returns his wallet to his back pocket. He smiles wryly. “I work at a factory. Can’t get much more exciting than that. As far as work around here, it shouldn’t be hard to pick up something part time if that’s all you’re looking for. I wouldn’t recommend the gas stations around here – they get some pretty rough characters hanging around. But otherwise it’s fairly decent in town.”

He nods to where Mabel is back in the kitchen. “You might as her – she knows everything and everybody around here.”

Pausing, he glances at his watch. “Well, it was nice seeing you. Maybe our paths will cross again. Good luck with the job hunt.”

One Friend

*Katie pets Domino and smiles as they drive to the restront. Once geting there Katie lets out a laugh as everyone from TJY. Well this was the hotspot. Katie heads with Scott over to a table kind of away from everyone but no to far. Siting down she picks up the menu to see what she wanted.*

*Mable smiles seeing Katie it had been a while. Katie dident come in much since Jason was gone. finding a free moment she makes her way over to take drink orders and food stoping for small char.*

"Hey Hero."

*Kaite smiles.*

"Hey Mable."

"How are you dear?"

"I'm hanging in there."

"good to hear. I'll put you orders in right away."

*Katie smiles as she watches Mable leave then swinging her legs up to lean back in the booth she turns her attachen back to Scott.*

"So Scotty, your here, I'm here, we have time on our hands, tell me about yourself."

*When stoping to think about it Katie dident know much about Scott, but she certinly would like to know more.*

*Jamie smiles back at Laura taking a sip of her drink.*

"Its ok Laura dont be sorry. I dnt get to spend much time with Con but it helps me charis the time I do. Even if its only for a short while. Are you feelng better today?"

*Jamie takes a bit of her pizza and waits for Laura to speak again.*

*As Nate listens to Con he paces himself in little circles keeping himseld alart. Con had been his friend for a while now and he was completely ashamed of himself for how he acting. Finally stoping his paces he himself looks at Con.*

"I'm sorry to Con. For what I said to you. I had no right if I was angry or not. When I actully nstoped to think about it I would of done the same thing for Maggie. Laura is your sister and you have every right to protecter her. So again I am sorry. But I promise you Con, I wont ever hurt Laura. I car for her to much."

*Wyatt offers his hand to Con in a handshake.*

*Aerith gives alittle nod as she had alreayd had a bit of her food.*

"Ya the food here is pretty good. Its differnt from what I am use to but differnt is good."

*Aerith takes another bit of her pizza than pushes it away decieding she was full.*

"I think i am gonna need to find a job. Not that I need to but it will get me something to do and a reson to get out of the house. What do you do for work anything fun and exciting?"

*Aerit continues to ask questions to get Wyatt to talk to her. It was nice having someone new to taslk to and in a place she dident know anyone, one friend was nice.*


Scott grimaces at Katie’s comment. “Sorry. You’re right. Come on. Mom and Pop’s sounds good. I could go for one of Herb’s meatball subs.”

Once in the car, Domino crawls up from the back seat to sit on Katie’s lap and look out the front window.

Scott chuckles. “Did you find a new friend, Domino, hmm?” He shakes his head as he starts the engine. “She may be small even for her breed – people always think she’s still a pup. But she’s the smartest dog I’ve ever had.”

Pulling away from the house, he aims for downtown.

Rick is standing near his microscope, and hearing someone enter the infirmary, he lifts his head. A smile spreads across his face. “Well, look who the cat dragged in.” Going to her, he offers her a hug. “Am I glad to see you. Watching Carson around here without anyone to make scenes with by kissing in the corners, it was just way too boring around here.” He gives her a stern look. “But don’t you tell him I said that.”

Turning, he points to the side. “Never did get around to doing anything with your desk…it’s still waiting for you.”

Laura sits on the edge of Con’s seat and watches as her brother and Nate exit. She smiles at Jamie, trying not to worry about the conversation going on outside, and finally looks to Jamie with apology. “Hey Jamie…” Her voice grows quiet. “I’m sorry about last night. I know I ruined your date with Con…and you guys don’t get to spend enough time together, so I feel badly.”

Once outside, Con walks away from the restaurant windows a little ways down the sidewalk. He finally stops though, and turns to Nate. “Look, Nate…I wanted to apologize to you.”

He gives a little sigh. “Not for protecting my sister…for that I’m not sorry. But after talking with her last night and this morning, I realized that you weren’t the bad guy I was making you out to be. Laura said she told you a little about the past, so I’m sure you understand why I’m so protective of her, but…” He shrugs. “Learning that my sister cares for you helped me realize that it wasn’t really you she had a problem with…it was just the past. You did scare her last night…but I don’t think it was your fault. So…I’m sorry I threatened you.”

Wyatt chuckles at Aerith being lost again. “Head on out by way of Main Street, hang a right at the stoplight and I bet you’ll realize where you are.”

At her noting Wyatt taking her home, he quirks an amused eyebrow. “Well, maybe we’ll just have to do that again sometime.” Once the words are out of his mouth, he almost cringes. Why had he said that? Moving on quickly, he nods. “Yeah, I’m on break. Gotta get back to work in about ten minutes. I usually hang out here once or twice a week…I could eat here everyday, but…” he looks down at himself. “I don’t think it would do me much good in the weight department.”

Scott holds the door open for Katie and enters Mom and Pop’s behind her, having left Domino in the car. Scanning the room, he almost laughs. “Don’t look now, but if any more of us come, we’re gonna have all of TJY here.” He’d seen Con and Nate outside, and now spotted Laura, Jamie and Wyatt.

He looks around for an empty table. “You pick, Katie. Find a good spot.”


*Katie shakes hear head and gives alittle laugh at Scott.*

"For someone who said he wasent going to be walking on eggshells your doing a horrable job. We can take you care. I might be feeling better but I dont trust myself to drive at the moment."

*For a moment a look pass through Katie's eyes as if she is thinking about what could happend if she did attempt to try driving. Locking the house door behind her and Making her way to Scott's car she thinks.*

"How about Mom and Pop's? I havent been there in a while."

*Misty laughs again.*

"No, I certinly couldent. See ya tonight."

*Misty turns and heads for the infermary wondering if her desk had been replaces or if it was still waiting for her. Misty figured Rich would be happy to see her too.*

*Jamie nods at Con and watches as He walks twords Laura and Nate. Jamie waves to Laura at the Con and Nate exchange words. Keeping the conversation up till the boys come back.*

*Nate eyes Con for a long moment but not with anger. He wasent sure if Con was going to try and take him out now for being with Laura or not. Hesatent at first Nate throws a look at Laura and than back at Con. Not saying anything he nods and aims for the exit.*

*Aerith smiles and looks up at Wyatt as he aproches.*

" I made it here but...I'm not sure if I can make it home. I found this place by geting lost...again. But I guess you have to get lost before you can find you way huh."

*Aerith takes a sip through her straw.*

"My first night was ok. I think the best part was you taking me home though. The rest of my night was full of drawing a bath, and listing to my grandmother snore. Least I had alittle fun though. How about you? On your lunch break?"

Step outside

Scott shakes his head, though is grateful for Katie’s offer of something to take for his allergic reaction. “Naw, I’ll be alright, just give me a few minutes.” He blinks again, squinting a little as the stinging starts to slow.

As Katie gathers her clothes and heads for a shower, Scott raises his eyebrows a little. For someone who had been completely out of it just shortly before, she was moving pretty well now. Not that he wasn’t glad – it did seem just a little odd, though.

Taking the remote, Scott sinks down to the floor and sits cross-legged, using the bed as a backrest. Domino crawls into his lap, and he turns on the tv, to wait.

Once Katie returns, Scott gets up and heads to the front door, putting a leash back on Domino. “I’ll let you choose where we go,” he offers. “I don’t care.” Stepping onto the porch, he hesitates. “We can take my car…or…we can take two vehicles…if you prefer.”

Carson returns Misty’s kiss, ending with a laugh. “Well man, I guess I’m out of luck then. I don’t think I could handle a hot Aussie…” He gives her a sly look. “Could you?”

Giving her a push, he sends her in front of him out onto the main floor. “See you at six, don’t be late.”

Laura’s face gets just a little red, but she nods sheepishly. “I won’t argue with you about buying my meals anymore…though sometime you should let me do the paying so at least I can do something nice for you for a change.”

Con takes a bite of his pizza and lifts an eyebrow at the news of a meeting. “That’s interesting… yeah, I think I might be able to swing getting off work. If I can get Carrie to trade days off with me, then I can pull it off. I’ll talk to her this afternoon about it.”

He’s about to say more when he follows Jamie’s gaze to the door. He pauses his eating, laying eyes on Nate and Laura. Thinking for a moment, he contemplates his options, and finally gets to his feet. He lays a hand on Jamie’s shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”

Laura spots Con and Jamie, and stops, just a little bit of fear returning. Everything would be fine….she knew it…but it still felt awkward.

As Con approaches, she lets go of Nate’s hand and goes to give her brother a hug. Con receives her warmly, returning a caring embrace. “You okay?” he asks quietly.

Laura withdraws and nods. “Yeah…I think I am.”

“Good.” Con gives her cheek a teasing swipe with his finger. Turning his concentration to Nate, he steps forward, studying last night’s foe for several moments. “Would you mind stepping outside for just a minute?” he asks. Though the request might have sounded threatening, his tone indicates that anger is not present today.

Wyatt hears the bell on the door and automatically glances to the entrance, this time seeing Aerith. He gives a little smile and returns the wave. He was glad to see her up and about – apparently she’d had her car repaired.

Finishing off his pizza, Wyatt downs the rest of his pop and gets up from his table, going to the counter to pay. As he does, he gives a glance to his side where Aerith is sitting. “Well, I see you found your way to the best restaurant in town. How was your first night in Nevada?”