
One Friend

*Katie pets Domino and smiles as they drive to the restront. Once geting there Katie lets out a laugh as everyone from TJY. Well this was the hotspot. Katie heads with Scott over to a table kind of away from everyone but no to far. Siting down she picks up the menu to see what she wanted.*

*Mable smiles seeing Katie it had been a while. Katie dident come in much since Jason was gone. finding a free moment she makes her way over to take drink orders and food stoping for small char.*

"Hey Hero."

*Kaite smiles.*

"Hey Mable."

"How are you dear?"

"I'm hanging in there."

"good to hear. I'll put you orders in right away."

*Katie smiles as she watches Mable leave then swinging her legs up to lean back in the booth she turns her attachen back to Scott.*

"So Scotty, your here, I'm here, we have time on our hands, tell me about yourself."

*When stoping to think about it Katie dident know much about Scott, but she certinly would like to know more.*

*Jamie smiles back at Laura taking a sip of her drink.*

"Its ok Laura dont be sorry. I dnt get to spend much time with Con but it helps me charis the time I do. Even if its only for a short while. Are you feelng better today?"

*Jamie takes a bit of her pizza and waits for Laura to speak again.*

*As Nate listens to Con he paces himself in little circles keeping himseld alart. Con had been his friend for a while now and he was completely ashamed of himself for how he acting. Finally stoping his paces he himself looks at Con.*

"I'm sorry to Con. For what I said to you. I had no right if I was angry or not. When I actully nstoped to think about it I would of done the same thing for Maggie. Laura is your sister and you have every right to protecter her. So again I am sorry. But I promise you Con, I wont ever hurt Laura. I car for her to much."

*Wyatt offers his hand to Con in a handshake.*

*Aerith gives alittle nod as she had alreayd had a bit of her food.*

"Ya the food here is pretty good. Its differnt from what I am use to but differnt is good."

*Aerith takes another bit of her pizza than pushes it away decieding she was full.*

"I think i am gonna need to find a job. Not that I need to but it will get me something to do and a reson to get out of the house. What do you do for work anything fun and exciting?"

*Aerit continues to ask questions to get Wyatt to talk to her. It was nice having someone new to taslk to and in a place she dident know anyone, one friend was nice.*

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