

*Misty rolls her eyes and give Carson a teasing elbow. Not saying anything alse as the meeting starts.*

*Katie finds a chair alittle ways away from everyone and sits down folding her arms around her chest and keeping her eyes close for a moment. A flash of light, there it was again. The same one that had been there yesterday. Katie searces her feelings trying to figure out what it was, she could feeling nothing. Jason was that you trying to get through to me...Katie looks again but nothing. Feeling the pull Katie opens her eyes turning her head to see Scott. Giving alittle wave she she turns her attachen back to Carter as she enters.

As Carter starts to speak Katie listens intently. The mention of Jason causes her to sit up alittle bit straghter. Turning Katie looks at Scott, her own questions in her eyes. She new as little as he did.*

*Sliping in the backroom Lockheart found her way in. Alittle late but there non the less. Feeling a bit strange in a room full of people she dident know, but this was normal. She spent much tiume in court rooms with people but this was differnt. Quietly she stands in the back.*

*As Carter and Reeses words hit many ears everyone looks at eachother chatering.*

*Jamie squeezes Con's hand and stands.*

"I've been with TJY since almost the day it opend. You all helped me through so much and Jason was always a good friend to me. I found loylty and confadince though Carter and yourself. I dont need a day to know where I stand. I wont let you guys take the heat alone."

*Jamie sits back down but sits tall. Everything Jamie went through in the past TJY had been there for her to help her. To comfort her she wouldent leave them high and dry.*

*Nate is the next to stand.*

" I agree with Jamie. I wont leave you guys eather. If we stand as a team it would be harder to snuff us out than if we stood alone. I am proude to be part of TJY, and if I go to jail for what I believed in than so be it. God has a plain for this and I wont back down from what he wants. I'm in."

*Misty looks from Carson, than back to Reese and Carter. She just got home and was greeted by this. Misty lets out a sigh she dident need to think she new what to do.*

"Things could get pretty hairy, and maybe even some bad stuff. You guys are gonna end up needing a docture and Rick just couldent handle you all. So cound me in. I'd hope you guy would do this for me too, so we cant let Jason down."

*Katie sits in her hair stuned for a moment. Her head started to spin from everything that was being said. Slowly Katie turns her head and looks at Scott, the sadnes, and dark raged inside even though there was a light. Katie new what her answer was she just couldent find her voice. After a long moment Katie dosent lift her head from the ground.*

"I vote yes too, we have to do everything to get him out of there. If it was anyone alse the answer would be the same. The innocent done deserve to be locked away."

*Katie pulls her arms in her sweater alittle bit as she keeps her eyes to the ground scaired to look up and anyone as the tears are on the verge of coming.*

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