
Saturday Night

Carson smirks at Misty. "I'm thinking, I'm thinking."

He sighs deeply. "Drew Pierce. Ashlyn's last name is Turner." For just a moment, something flickers in his eyes, but he suppresses it quickly. "And yeah...I never saw Trent - heard about him once. We don't need to worry about him though - he died on a case about five years ago up in North Dakota. Got in the line of fire after he made a stupid move."

He swivels in the desk chair, thinking. "Michael Jenson - he's the head honcho over Louisiana way at that Agency base. And...put down Leroy Miles and Jez Watson. Um..." He scrunches his eyes shut and rubs his forehead. "Erica Trahern - though put a star by her name. She was under suspicion of being a double-agent a while back. I'm not sure if she's still heading up the department in Virginia or not."

Carson rattles off more names that he deems important, coming up with even cell phone numbers, addresses and more, just from memory.

Reese's voice comes over the intercom. "Carson?"


"We need someone in law enforcement who's on the right side and trustworthy."

Without even hesitating, Carson answers. "Sheriff Brown, next county over."

There's slight pause. "Isn't....isn't that the same guy that got Jason hooked up with that band?"

"Yep." Carson nods to no one, speaking loudly so he's heard. "Not only is he a good guy, but he likes Jason. He'd be my first choice."

"Alright, thank you."

Carson looks back to Misty as he hears Reese hang up. "Now...where were we?" He rolls his chair right up behind hers, and rests his chin on her shoulder to stare at what she's doing. Giving her a sidelong glance, he steals a kiss to her cheek. "Mm...I think we were there." He moves a little closer to her lips, kissing her again. "Or maybe it was there..."

"Alright. Sheriff Brown." Reese jots down the name and looks at Lockheart, sighing deeply. "Once we get all the information we need, you and I are going to pay him a visit. If we can convince him first, that we're real, and second that the Agency's real, we're going to have to do some fancy footwork so we don't all get thrown in the slammer."

He thinks hard for several moments. "What do you think our chances are?"

Scott concentrates on his work, more focused that normal, with a goal and a mission. They needed information and needed it now.

Working with Katie put a new spin on things, and it was different having her help him or vice versa. Once in a while he could feel her eyes on him, though he dared not to return the look.

By early evening, Scott's eyes were weary and a headache had set in. Unbuttoning his collar he polishes off his third can of Mountain Dew and stares at his computer screen. All the codes and file names seemed to be running together. He was warm in the building and that didn't help matters much, not to mention it was coming up on suppertime and he was getting hungry.

Taking off his glasses, Scott rubs his eyes and puts his hands behind his head, accidentally messing up his hair. Yawning, he leans back in his chair, and suddenly his frames slip from his fingers. Leaning back forward too quickly, his chair rolls just a couple inches backward.


Scott groans and folds his arms on his desk to rest his forehead. "That was my last pair."

Laura rolls her head and puts a hand to her neck, trying to work out the kinks. She sighs as she looks at the paperwork in front of her. She was still in Nate's cubicle working with him, but was wishing she could just go home now...she was tired and hungry.

"But I've already got my hours in!"

"I don't care. I need you here for that truck coming in. It'll be here in ten minutes."

"But I made plans for tonight!"

"Well I'm sorry. Do you want to keep your job?"

Con's shoulders drop in surrender as Leonard walks away. "Fine."

Phil comes around the corner and grimaces. "You alright?"

"No," Con complains. "My shoulder's killing me, I had a date with Jamie tonight, and I'm going to miss it again because he wants me to stay for that last load coming in."

Phil sighs and gives Con's arm a pat. "Sorry, man. Anything I can do?"

"You getting off your shift now?"


"Call Jamie for me? Tell her I'll take a raincheck I guess. I left my cell phone in the car and if I leave now for a personal call, Leonard's going to have my hide."

Phil nods. "Consider it done. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah - afternoon. At least I convinced Leonard not to make me work Sunday mornings."

Phil gets out to his truck and retrieves his cell phone. Dialing, he waits for Jamie. "Hey, Jamie, it's Phil... Con's stuck at work again tonight. He couldn't get away to call. He's pretty bummed, but there isn't much he can do about it."

Jason paces back and forth in his cell feeling like a caged animal. His senses were heightened and he didn't know why. Something was happening. Something was going down. But what, he didn't know. Pacing some more, he glances to the box of letters that was overflowing. He hadn't written Katie back yet....it had been several days...but he didn't know what to say. It was always the same old stuff, on top of avoiding telling her what was really going on inside.

Sighing, he flops down on his bed, waiting for lights out.

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