
About me

*Katie listen intently as Scott talks about himself. Picking up information she can remember and use for a later date. Taking another sip of her drink she stops and thinks for a long moment as the conversation reverts back to her. Scott dident know everything about her, what should she say and what shouldent she. Katie lets out a sigh irrotated with herself in even thinking of not telling Scott everything about her. He was her friend after all.*

"Well I'll give you the short verson and you can fill in the blanks or ask questions of whatever. When I was small my life was good, when I got older my mother and baby brother died. I never got long with my father and his wife till I was in my accedent and we are staring to patch things up. I life home fairly young ran with the wrong crowd did alot of things that still plag my mind, and am not happy I did but it made me who I am today and taught me alot of things. I like Nature, I like movies, writing poems, computers. I like taking long walks on the beach and I LOVE amusment parks. I've been to a museum once and wouldent mind going again sometime. I work at TJY."

*Katie gets a look of thought for a moment on her face and than smiles.*

"Yep that should be it. Unless you have any other questions!?!"

*Nate lets out a sigh of releaf. The last thing he wanted was to have Con as an enamy. Giving a stong Nod Nate turns and heads back into the restrong sliping in next to Laura smiling. Giving a playful elbow to her am.*

"Miss me...?

*Nate cant help the silly smile on his face. As his puts his free arm over Laura's shoulder lightly.*

"Did you want to sit with your brother Laura or find our own table? Eather way is fine with me."

*Nate studys Laura as his smile remains. He wasent to sit where she felt more at ease.*

*Aerith smiles at nods at Wyatt.*

"Ya it would good seeing you again Wyatt. Thanks for the tip. Have a good day at work and see ya around."

*Aerith's eyes follow Wyatt for a long while after he walks out. He was a sweet guy, seemed pritty down to earth and enjoyed life.Than turning back around she stops Mable*

"Hey Ma'am, I was wondering if you new any places that where highering. I'm still prietty new around here and was looking for something part time. Wyatt said you new everyone and everything."

*Mable cant help but let out a laugh. she certinly dident know everything but she did know everyone. Looking around at busy restront she makes sure everyone is take care of before answering. She was feeling rather tired. The last few days had been pretty buys. Morne than normal. It was hard doing everything alone.*

"First off please call me Mable and next ya I do think I know a place looking for help."

*Mable leans on the counter deep in depth with Aerith talking about jobs, what she wanted and what she exspeced. Mable was an easy person to talk with Aerith was happy Wyatt mentioned her.*

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