
Rolled Ankle

*Misty cant help but laugh as Carson comes closer and kiss her a few times. There were moments when Misty couldent help but feel like she was in highschool again with a crush. Things were differnt now than how there were before she left for England, but differnt was good. Carson himself had changed yet he will still the same old Carson that made her smile, and gave her chills.

As Carson pulls his head back again Misty leans her forhead aganst his.*

"Ya I think thats where we were. I think there was somthing about continuing that conversation again too."

*Misty pushes her lips to Carson's leting it linger in passtion for a long while.*

*As Reese hangs up the phone Lockheart looks up from her paperwork hearing a certin tone in Reese's voice. After he hangs up the phone Lockheart removes her glass and puts them on he head taping her pen.*

"Whats up?"

*As Katie rounds the courner from the breakroom carrying two plates with baked chicken and corn. She is just in time to see Scott break his glasses. For a moment Katie just stands looking at Scott. Only one word could come to Katie's mind... Wow". Giving her head a small shake she walks over to the desk and puts the two plate down.*

"Looks like your gonna be stuck wearing you contacts again huh."

*Katie cant help but give alittle laugh as she bends down to pick them up and hand them to Scott. As Katie goes to straten up and move around the back of Scott to sit down Katie's ankle rolls and causes her to fall forword into Scott's lap. Out of reactions Kaite reaches her arms up and puts them around Scott's neck to stop herself from falling. Stuned for a moment on what just happend Katie cant help but smile up at Scott looking into it big green eyes.*

*As Nate watches Laura and see her neck is bothering her he rolls his chair behind her and reaches out placing his hands out her shoulder and his thumbs on her neck pressing gently and rubbing. After a few moment Nate puts his arms over Luara's shoulders and gives her a hug.*

"How about we get out of here, go get Maggie and grab something to eat?"

*As Jamie listens to Phil as she stirred the noodles she had made to go with the steak for dinner. A suddon wave of disapointment pass over her. She was looking forward to tonight and had dinner almost finished. But Jamie new that Con had to work and he probley was very upset.*

"Ok Phil, thank you."

*As Jamie hangs up the phone she lets out a sigh. Now what was she going to do with all this food. As She though for a moment an idea comes to her.

About an hour later Jamie is pulling into the parking lot of the lumberyard. Finding Con's car she pulls close to it. Geting out Jamie grabs a blanket and draps it over the hood of Con's car. Taking out some places and forkes along with SEVERAL plastic containers Jamie sets them nicely on the blanket making a immatation picnic. Smiling she jumps on the hood of her car and folds her hands behind her head leaning back. Now all she had to do was wait for Con to get out of work so they still could eat together no matter the time. If it got much darker Jamie had a lamp she could turn on.*


*Pulling into the small parking lot and finding a place to park. Aerith steps out of her car taking in a deep breath of the crisp air. Her light yellow spagedi strap sun dress blowing in the soft wind. Reaching back into the car Aerith grabs her bible and starts her way to the doors of the church. Mable had told her about this church and that it was a pritty good one, she had also though Aerith would be intrested in it cuz there were alot of younger familys that went there. As Aerith enters the church she scans the faces a bit of nerves move in her. As she continues to scan her eyes rest on one face that causes her to smile. It was Wyatt."

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