
Life changing

*Nate smiles at Laura and gives alittle nod sliding out of the booth again. Nate keep the conversation light with Laura. Talking about work, things they liked to do and even trying to set up another real date. Nate tryed to be cautious with his words and actions as to not scair or make her nervouse.*

*Katie frowns alittle bit. As Scott's suhestion of being boring. Finishs off her food before replying.*

"I dont think your boring at all Scotty. "

*Lunch goes by all to fast and Katie is siting in Scotts car outside of her house once again. Giving a smile Katie opens the car door and before geting out she turns to Scott again.*

" Thanks for a great day again Scotty. It was nice. I'm feel better as well. Maybe I just needed some company"

* Looking down at Domino Katie pats her head than scritches her ears gently puting her down in Scott's lap so she dosent try and exit the car with her. Geting out Katie makes her way up the walk before disapearing from view she gives a wave and enters. Walking twords her room Katie's tummy starts to chern. Stoping for a moment Katie just stands with her eyes closed as everything spins, and Jason pops into head again. Searching, searching....she came up empty haneded. Slowly Katie enters her room and lays down not even changing out of her clothing for the day. Katie pulls the blanket up under her chain and she shivers. Maybe going out wasent a good idea.*

*Time came and time went. Before anyone new it that day had passed and another was breakingforth. How it seemed when things were happy and going right time flyed without stoping. Every moment wasent was a moment time would laugh and say, thats alittle bit less. But as the day ended another day started in hopes it wouldent go by as fast.*

*Misty throws another dart as she waits in the rec room for the meeting to start. She just got home and there was a meeting already stangs.*

*Katie pulls herself out of bed, dark circles under her eyes. She felt like crap still today. Grabing a par of jeans and a baggy hoody Katie heads to the bathroom. She dident feel like going to work but she had to there was a big meeting she couldent miss. Geting out of the shower and into her room she grabs her car keys and head out.

It takes Katie longer than normal to get to work this morning. She dident want to chanse her normal speed with how she was feeling. Finally making it Katie heads inside. Stoping at her desk fast and than heads down to the rec room where others are filing in.*

*One by one everyone from TJY files into the recroom. As people wait some look at eachother in confustion on what is going on questions lingering in there minds. No one knows what the meeting is about or why but a certin sence lingered in the air that like would be life changing.*

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