
Come around

Sitting at one end of the couch, Con doesn't hear the doorbell ring. For once, he was glad for the light they'd installed as it blinked to signal someone at the door.

Glancing to the other end of the room, he can't see a car, but shrugs. It was late. Jamie was getting ready for bed. He'd just been finishing up watching a show on television. Who would be here?

Con gets up and cautiously opens the door. Seeing his sister, his eyebrows rise. "Laura. Hi. What's up?"

Laura forces a smile. "I... Do you have time to be my big brother?"

Con's expression softens. "I always do. Come on in."

Laura steps inside and wanders to the living room with Con. "I didn't interrupt anything did I?"

"No. Jamie's around here somewhere. Sit down... tell me what's on your mind."

Laura sighs then flops down in the corner of the couch. Kicking off the tennis shoes she'd traded for her nice shoes just half an hour earlier when she'd changed clothes, she pulls her feet up on the couch, curling up against the soft cushions. A tear rolls down her cheek.

Con watches her cautiously, wandering to the couch as well to sit down quietly beside her. He just lets her sit, not asking until she was ready to talk. Seeing Jamie come from the hall, he looks to her quickly. He hoped she didn't mind Laura was there - they'd always left the house open to his sister any time she wanted to come.

Laura sniffs and finally looks up to Con. "Nate asked me to marry him."

Con's eyes widen. He would have smiled, had it not been for Laura's tears. "And... what did you tell him?"

"I didn't." Laura's voice cracks. "I just... I couldn't yes, and I couldn't say no and..." She proceeds to tell her brother what had happened, and how scared she'd been.

Con did his best just to listen and give Laura a hug. But he really had no advice. He knew she was scared. But he also knew she did love Nate. Yet he could not give her any advice. This would have to be her own decision.

An hour later, Laura is fast asleep on the couch. Con lays a blanket over her and wanders to the kitchen where he finds Jamie still up. "I'm gonna let her sleep on the couch," he informs quietly. He wraps his arms around his wife, giving the top of her head a kiss. "I gotta make a call... I'll be up to bed in a few minutes."

Separating himself from her, he goes for the phone and dials. Holding the receiver up to his good ear and turning up the volume, he hears Nate answer. "Hey, Nate... it's Con. Listen... I just wanted to tell you to hang in there. It's none of my business, but... don't give up on Laura yet. I have a feeling she'll come around."


Sitting there while Laura left Nate felt almost numb. Everything seemed to hurt and he wasnt sure what to do now. Pushing his plate to the side Nate props his elbows on and leans his head into them the tears coming to his eyes again. He felt so helpeless and he didnt know what to do.

Finally calling the waiter over Nate gets the check and stands making his way to the front. Paying for the meal Nate heads out of the restront.

Heading to his car Nate trys to keep his shoulder as high as he can. Letting out a long sigh as he starts his car Nate exits the parking lot and makes his way home.Where for once Nate only hopped Maggie would be asleep so tonight he wouldnt have to try and explain to her what happend.

Need to

Laura feels terrible. Seeing the tears behind Nate’s own eyes felt as badly as if she had hauled off and slapped him.

Turning back to the table, she takes a napkin to wipe her eyes, but they just didn't seem to want to stop crying, even as silently as it was.

Her gaze won't lift. She felt as if her eyes were glued to the table. The color had returned to her cheeks and all she could do was feel awful.

The food came. But she wasn't hungry. Making small talk just seemed too hard. She had ruined their evening. She had ruined Nate's evening.

She swirls her fork on her plate. But only a few bites had been taken.

Nate had tried so hard. He'd done such a beautiful job of proposing. No man had ever expressed love to her like he had. And it made her feel like a princess. But she'd ruined it. She'd ruined it all. She was leaving him in a terrible position, and now there was an awkward tension between them that she hated.

Unable to take it any longer, Laura finally stands up. Setting her napkin down, she picks up her purse. "I'm sorry," she apologizes quietly. "I... I need to go." Passing by Nate, she leans down to give his forehead a kiss, but she doesn't linger. She has to get out before the waterworks started again.

The night air felt good. But not good enough. Her car was dark and it drew a strange comfort around her. But it was quiet. She felt alone. She was lonely and had just left someone who had offered her the world.

Frustrated, she starts the engine and pulls out into traffic.


Laura's words are like a crack of thunder to his ears as the rain rolls into his heart. Laura hadnt said no, but she hadnt said yes eather and now, now he had to wait even longer.

Gently letting go of her hands Nate takes the tiny ring and puts it back into the box. Giving the best smile he can a few tears can be seen in Nate's own eyes something that didnt happen often.

"You can have all the time you need Laura."

Getting off his knee Nate stands putting the tiny box into his pocket. Looking around the room Nate slowly sees everyone going back to there dinner. Letting out a silent sigh that was mixed with the feeling of hurt Nate slowly slips into the seat across from Laura again. He new she didnt mean to hurt him, and she really did need her time, Nate new she did care for him but still...the pain was there just the same

Seeing the waiter come twords there table with dinner Nate whipes his face and smile once again.

"Just in time I'm starving."

Though really he wasnt that hungry.


Seeing the fear behind Nate’s gaze, Laura’s tears only build until one finally trickles down her cheek.

Looking back down to see the ring again, she swallows hard and blinks, sending a tear down the other side of her face.

Silence. A reply just wouldn’t surface. She had lived in danger for years. She had been in car chases. She had been shot. She had been on death’s door. She had beaten men to a pulp with her own hands. She had learned to survive with the best of them. Yet nothing… nothing compared to the terror she felt, receiving Nate’s invitation.

Her lower lip begins to quiver. Reaching out, she takes Nate’s hands, cupping them between her own, but letting him keep the ring in his own fingers. Bending over, she rests her face against his rough knuckles, the silent tears streaming.

“I love you, Nate,” she whispers as her voice wavers. “I really do. Please don’t think I don’t.”

She sniffs, but can’t bring herself to look up at him. “I just… I don’t know… I’m so sorry.”

Her fingers run over the outside of Nate’s hands, feeling the familiar curves. “Will you…” She closes her eyes, hating the hurt she knew she was causing. “…give me some time to think about it?”


Just watching Laura Nate smile grows. The spark that shown in her eye. Nate grew more nervouse by the minute. As the silence drags on and the tears in Laura's eyes come Nate can only hope they are tears of Joy.

Still holding Laura's hand and the silence continues Nate can hear the chatter from the other people in the restront as his heart races and his own hand shakes just a bit.

Looking down at the ring he takes it from the box and holds it out to Laura as if offering to put it on for her repeating his words once again.

"Laura will you marry me?"


Nate's compliment sends color to Laura's cheeks. Even though Nate complimented her all the time, it always made her blush.

Getting set at the table, the candle-lit restaurant was a nice change from fast food. Laura settles back to enjoy the warm atmosphere and just unwind while talking to Nate.

When there is a pause and he reaches to take her hand and begins to speak, Laura suddenly finds that her pulse has quickened. She stared into Nate's eyes, somehow knowing that this was more than his normal compliment... this was more than what he'd ever said before. It was deeper and more sincere than anything he'd ever said. Her palm grew a little sweaty.

His words filled with more and more meaning… meanings that Laura had not expected to hear. She holds her gaze, now questioning the intention behind Nate’s presentation of love.

As he moves from the table and takes a knee, Laura could feel her heart leap into her throat. Her face felt so warm, she was afraid she was as read as a strawberry. Her hands shook.

She searched Nate’s eyes, his words melding together. But the proposal rang clear. He wanted her to be his wife.

Finally lowering her gaze, she stares down at the beautiful ring. She swallows hard. Her heart beat so hard within her chest she could hear it pounding in her ears. Everything else in the restaurant became a blurry background. All she could see was Nate. The look of love in his eyes was sincere. It was true.

Laura opens her mouth, but no words seem to come. Suddenly she realizes the pain behind her eyes is tears stinging them. She hadn’t realized they had risen to the surface.

She puts a hand to her mouth, still staring at the ring. Her face slowly turns from red to slightly pale. And looking back up at Nate, the words just wouldn’t come.


Katie looks to Jason, than to Carson and than back to Hal. She felt a bit nervouse. Leaving Texas to go to Nevada had been the farthest from home she had even been and now, now she was going over seas. Katie new she would be ok, she was in good hands with her two friends but still it was a bit nerve racking.

"Ready, lets his the road."

Taking Jason's hand Katie makes her way to the door. It braught her a bit of comfort knowing he was going to be there with her.

Stairing at the closed infermary door Misty lets out a sigh. So far from home Carson would be and though it was to help Angel she still wished he didnt have to go and face the danger that awaited.

"He's gonna be ok right Rick?"

Turning Misty goes back to her desk and sifts through a few papers trying to keep her mind on something alse for now.

Waiting at the door for Laura Nate sees her enter and smiles walking up along side of her.

"You look very pretty tonight Larua!"

Taking hold of her arm and smiling he guilds them to there seat. He could never be prouder to have something so beautiful on his arm and to him today was a special day.

Sitting across from Laura Nate just smiles as they order and get there drinks. The small candle casting a soft glow to Laura's face and the music in the background playing quietly just setting the mood.

The talk is light as they wait for there food, both joking and remembering the past. Finally there conversation had a break in it and it was quiet. Looking down at the table for a moment Nate finally looks up back. This quiet break was the opening he needed. It was now or Nate would never do it.

Taking Laura's hand in his own he holds it silent for a moment as he runs his thumb over it. His other hand resting in front of him. Looking up again He meets Laura's eyes the flicker of the candle giving them a glow that made Nate's heart flutter.

"Laura its been a year today that you have blessed me with being the luckiest man in the world. I remember when I first came to TJY I saw you and I leaned over to Con and made a comment about the cutie that just walked in the door."

Nate stops and shakes his head gives a tiny chuckles at the memorie.

"And he stoped and looked at me and told me you were his sister. I think I was scaired of him from that point on, but than one day I think it was a simple Hi you said to me and I relized that even if I was scaired of your brother it was worth it."

Nate is silent again as he gathers his thoughts.

"Than I was lucky enough for you to go for ice cream with me that day, and you ended up letting me part of your life. It took a while but I'd never change anything because when you finally said I could be more than a friend it was the happest moment of my life, and to this day I have never regretted it."

Nate clears his throat again and he continues to look deep into Laura's eyes. He was so nervouse and his heart was thumping so fast he feared that she could hear it herself. Shifting just a little Nate gets out of his chair and comes closer to Laura bending down on one knee he looks up at her.

"Laura, I hate it when we have to say good bye and go our own ways. I hate not knowing your ok, and if you made it there ok or not. Sometimes I feel silly for thinking these things but than I remember I do because I love you very much."

Taking a deep break Nate continues to talk for fear if he stoped he would never get it out.

"I hope that one day I wont have to wonder anymore because I will know when you get home, and I will know you are ok. Laura I want that day to be soon, I want to not have to say goodbye to you anymore and worry about you are night, because you will be in my arms and I will be keeping you safe."

Moving his free hand Nate opens it and laying in his palm is a black silk box. Letting go of Laura's hand he opens it slowly to reveal a silver ring with a single small dimond in the middle that sparkled in the light.

"Laura Gribbs, will you marry me and let me take care of you?"


Jason hesitates on the way downstairs and turns, staring after Dalton. "I will," he replies quietly. "...I will."

Giving a sigh, he keeps up his route until he's downstairs and finds Katie. "Hey you. All set or what?"

A smile creases Carson's lips as he sees the locket. Just looking at it for several moments, he finally reaches out to take it, letting it dangle and sparkle in the light. "Old and new... I like that."

Slipping it over his head, he tucks it safely underneath his t-shirt. "Thanks, Misty." His thanks meant so much more. It wasn't the necklace he was grateful for... it was the trust he'd gained back. The trust he'd broken so severely. It seemed like an eternity ago. All he could do now was strive to live up to who he could be, and who Misty wanted him to be.

Seeing his bracelet on her wrist, he cocks his head. "Guess a bloke really can have third chances, huh?"

He reaches out and pulls Misty roughly to him, gazing down into her eyes. "One for the road." Leaning in he gives her one last kiss before he has to leave. But he just doesn't want to let go.

Rick comes into the room, his eyes down on paperwork he picked up on his way back into the office. Looking up, he spots Misty and Carson, and he lets out a groan. "You know... I hated it when you two were at odds... but I forgot it would be like this again if you got back together."

Carson's laugh breaks up the kiss and he hugs Misty tightly. "Say what you want, Doc - you're not gonna scare me away."

Rick can't help his grin as he returns to his work. "Good."

Carson finally knows he has to pull away. Giving Misty's cheek a brush with his hand, he backs off. "See you soon."

Letting her go, he turns and heads out of the infirmary, heading downstairs. It was down to business.

Arriving downstairs, he meets up with Jason and Katie. "Alright you two. Let's load up. Hal's gonna drive us, and we're all set." He looks down at the table, seeing the IDs. "Mm... nice work. Oh, and by the way, Reese has been busy all day getting our contact for when we get to Australia. His name is Ryder and he's gonna be our 'tour guide.'"

Hal comes around the corner, keys in hand. "Ready?"

Jason looks to Katie then Carson, then back to Hal. "Ready."

Laura glances down at her watch. "Oh, shoot." She was late. She was supposed to meet Nate for their special supper and she'd lost track of time. He'd already left hours ago.

Quickly shutting down her computer, she makes fast work of getting out of TJY for the night. She wanted to stay and find out more about Jason and Katie's mission, but maybe she could just forget about work for a while and relax. At the very least, Nate could always make her smile.

Getting home, she finds a nice blouse and slacks, takes a quick shower, and is out the door again. She knew the restaurant she was supposed to meet Nate at, and within fifteen minutes, she was there. Parking her car, she goes inside and looks around, not knowing if he was there yet or not.


Sitting in her car and looking over to the right at Kyle Alice lets out a long content sigh. Today had ment to have been work for her but it ended up being a day full of fun.

Giving a smile and a pat to the bear next to her a small giggle escapes her lips.

"Dont worry Huckabe is strapped in and the air bag is on. He will make it home in once peace. With any luck to my dog will leave him alone."

Looking back to Kyle again Alice smile is still on her face. Never through out the day had it left. Some might thing it was painted there just something that ment nothing but for those who cared to look and see the changing emotions in her eyes and the forms in witch the smile took they would see that there really was feeling and that the smiles were real and ment so much more.

"I'll be at the concert you can count on that. Dont forget to let me know when the bus pulls out as well so I can clam my spot behind it."

Giving one last smile and a pat to Kyle's hand Alice nods and turns to the bear.

"Alright Huckabe its time to go home and get you settled."

And with that Alice pulls away from the side of the road heading for home. Giving one last glance in her mirror at Kyle a softer less hyper smile forms on her lips.

"Thank you."

She whispers.

Her bags sitting next to her packed and ready to go Katie looks down at the table as she lays out three IDs than she looks up at Dalton with a smile.

"Hulk I told you not to worry about Jason and I's."

Dalton looks down at Katie with a smug look.

"Kitkat I wanted to do it, Jason and yourself look totally differnt now than you did back than. I didnt want to run the chanse of having any issues. Carson's is there all set and ready too."

Stopping for a moment Dalton finally sinks down in a chair new to Katie a worry in his eye.

"Are you guys sure following Carson's orders is a good thing? I mean can you trust him?"

Looking at her Hulk of a friend Katie can see the worry in his eye and lays a hand on his arm.

"I know you dont know Carson like we do, but he has changed and is a good guy. It took him a while to get there but I know we can trust him. It's gonna be ok."

Giving a nod Dalton stands. He hadnet said it but one of his favorite people here was Katie and if anything was to happend to her he would not be happy.

Turning Dalton heads out of the room and back upstairs passing Jason on the way.

"Make sure you take care of her while your away."

Continuing his root he leaves the basment.

For a moment Misty closes her eyes as Carson holds her. She was gonna miss him and knowing the danger she could only hope he would be safe. Opening her eyes and looking into his a sassy grin forms on her face.

"Ok I guess I'll leave some for you and as for staying out of trouble. I'll try my best."

Giving Carson a kiss on the lips Misty pulls away. Before Carson left she had something for him, it was something she new ment alot but it was also held a new meaning too. Opening her desk draw she pulls out an item keeping it in her hand tightly. Standing she leans aganst her desk just looking at Carson for a moment.

"I have something for you, so you can remember whats waiting for you at home and you know to be safe. If things get to dangerous I want you to see this and pull out."

Holding her hand out and opening it Misty reveals her locket that she had once givin to Carson. Opening it up the one side reveals the picture that had always been in there of a yougerself and on the otherside held a new one. This picture had been on of Misty and Carson standing under a tree there heads close together just looking into eachother eyes. From the scene in the background one could tell it had been taken a few years back at the Mitts famil picnic.

"Its something old that held meaning, yet on the inside there is something new showing a change and that we are starting again. New relationship, new picture."

Holding it out for Carson a glittering was easy to spot on Misty's wrist. For Carson name plate had found its way back there.

Out of the office

Kyle grins as they step off the ride and amble towards more activity. With Alice's arm up behind him, he drops his shoulder so he can have his own arm on top, slinging it around both her shoulders. "You are a fascinating woman, Miss Whitt. Crazy... but fascinating nonetheless."

Tightening his grip, he starts to drag her towards a nearby game stand. "No fun house because then you'd hear me scream like a little girl too, and that's just not right."

Suddenly he switches directions, making Alice stumble, but holding her upright to continue dragging her. "Oh look! Popcorn! First food. Then game. Can't play straight on an empty stomach."

Sometimes on a cloudy day, the sun breaks through. And perhaps it takes the form of a simple smile... a crisp and honest laugh... a word that touches the heart... or eyes that seem to share the world. No matter the form, the light casts away the shadows, even if only temporarily. But for a few moments when that warmth is revealed, hope can be born. There were good days. There was still joy. Harder to find, perhaps... but it was there.

"Thanks, Alice." Kyle leans on the open window of her jeep, the setting sun behind him. His truck was still on the side of the road untouched throughout the day. He'd talked to no one else during the day, just letting himself have fun. And it had been. Dark clouds still lay behind his eyes, but for a short time, there had been some sunshine. And now with the real sun sinking below the horizon, it was time to part.

Kyle glances to the passenger seat where he'd buckled in the big stuffed panda bear he'd won at one of the fair games. "Make sure the passenger airbag is on," he quips. "We don't want any sudden stops to be the death of Mr. Bear."

Pausing, he looks back to Alice, sincerity in his eyes and voice. "I needed the distraction today. I'm sorry again for yelling this morning though... I'm glad you don't break easily."

He grins again. "I'll see you around. Concert in a couple days... it'll be the last, so be there."

Straightening, he taps his palm on her door. "Don't get lost on the way home."

After a little sigh, Kyle ambles back over to his truck, ready to head home for the day... or maybe the lake first.

"Aw man. Well... take care of yourself." Phil paces his living room while talking to Jason on the phone. All he knew was that Jason would be out of town, and probably wouldn't make it to the next JetStream concert. "What do you want us to do about the gig?"

"I don't know. You guys decide. I think you should go ahead." Jason leans back in his chair, one hand lazily scratching Trooper behind the ears. "Have Kyle sing or something."

"And you're okay with that?"

"We don't have much of a choice, do we? No... it's fine. I'm not mad at him, just... I don't know. You guys decide the best way to move on. The audience will love it no matter what. I got a job to do, and we all agreed whenever this happened that you guys would just keep going without me."

"Alright. We'll manage one way or the other. If Kyle doesn't want to sing lead, maybe we'll ask Rocky."

"That might work. I'll make sure someone here keeps one of you informed if anything happens... otherwise... hang tight and I'll see you when I see ya."

"Sounds good. Thanks, Jase."

"Yeah, bye." Hanging up, Jason sighs, his hand still on Trooper.

Concerts are my times to wind down. Hate missing one. Oh well. This is more important.

Deep down, there was a small, unwanted feeling that he was being pushed to the side. He knew it wasn't true in the least. But... with the way things were going with Kyle... and having Kyle take over while he was gone... it just felt... strange. A month prior, if they'd said Kyle would sing lead, Jason wouldn't have thought much of it. But after what had happened... after realizing Kyle's true potential and capabilities... Jason couldn't help but feel the competitive tension.

Finally getting up, Jason wanders out to the main floor and hangs over Wyatt's cubicle. "Yo... take care of Trooper for me?"

Wyatt rolls his eyes. "Great. But he stays at your house."

"Deal. You'll just have to take him there tonight then. Leave him in the back yard if you want, I don't care. He'll survive."

Though knowing the dog never minded him, Wyatt wasn't as against taking care of Trooper as he acted. It was just something to complain to Jason about. "I'll take care of him. Just get back here in one piece, will ya?"

Jason grins. "Sure thing. Thanks." Moving away, he looked at his watch. They'd been able to secure their flights sooner than planned. Things had fallen into place smoother than they'd thought, and they'd be able to pull out shortly. Wandering back to his office, he grabs his backpack, then heads downstairs. They were getting things packed down there, and would be driven to the airport in the van. He knew Katie was probably already there, set to go.

Carson heads up the hall, having just come from downstairs. He was ready. Plans were set. He was impressed with the speed at which things were going. Now they could only hope and pray that their mission was successful. But before he left, he had one last thing to do.

Getting to the infirmary, he lets himself in, and nods to Luke and Jeff. Rick had gone home for a couple hours. Carson wanders across the room to Misty's desk where she sat, coming up behind her to lay his hands on her shoulders and give them a gentle rub. "It's about that time," he mentions quietly.

Bending down, he leans far enough to drape his arms over the front of her, to give her a squeeze. Twisting his neck, he brings his face around so he could just see her eyes, and he offers a kiss to her lips. "Behave yourself while I'm gone, will ya?"

He grins. "I don't want you wasting your energy on making Rick mad. Save some for me."

Cindy grows solemn as she hears Reese's voice at the other end of the line. It was rare he called her. "Hi, Reese... how are things?"

"Oh, just fine." Reese's tone is casual. "Just thought I'd let you know Jason would be out of the office for a while. Figured he might not have time to call himself."

Out of the office. Cindy tenses. If Reese had said Jason would be out of town, she would have known he was just on some case. But out of the office meant out of the country. She swallows hard, realizing that she couldn't ask too many questions. "Well I appreciate you letting me know. Did he decide to go to the lake?"

"Not sure exactly, but he said he'd be heading by that way, yes."

Cindy swallows hard. Jason was going overseas somewhere, and she couldn't ask where or why.

Reese doesn't let the pause linger too long. "I'll make sure he calls you as soon as he's back so he can tell you all about it."

"Okay. Thank you."

"No worries."

Cindy hangs up the phone and leans back against the kitchen counter, closing her eyes to lift up a silent prayer. It had been a while since she'd felt this kind of concern for her son. Reese wouldn't have called if it was a quick job, or one with few dangers. He only let her know these things if there was a chance for worse news so the shock wouldn't be as great. "God, please keep Jason safe, and whoever else is involved, too." More than likely, Katie was involved as well.

A quiet tear escapes to run down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away and turns back to the sink full of dishes. Keeping her mind occupied was the best way not to worry.

Scream like a girl

Alice can't help but bust out laughing once again herself as well ignoring the shouting from below. Claping her hands together and than bringing them to her face as if in shock by what Kyle said she couldnt hold off the smile that grew and that laughing that followed.

"I don't think your the only crazed human out there...I do believe when people find out what I am doing they are going to think I am crazed as well. But ya wanna know what, I think I like it that way more than anything."

Turning as Kyle ploped down next to her she cant help but laugh again at the mention of the sugar.

"Now you see why I only eat half of mine? I think we both stood up in this old thing it might break."

As the ride stops at the bottom and they both get nasty looks Alice just smiles to the ride attendent. Throwing her arm around Kyle again as they slowly walk again.

"So...I say we play some games now and see if I can kick your butt or we go into the hunter fun hours and you can watch me scream like a little girl."

Life, full of twists and turns, full adventures just waiting to happen around the bend. Life, it had its up and it had its down, but always there would be someone there to help you though, someone you didnt exspect. Life, friendship it comes in all shapes and sizes to mold to your life and change it.