
Out of the office

Kyle grins as they step off the ride and amble towards more activity. With Alice's arm up behind him, he drops his shoulder so he can have his own arm on top, slinging it around both her shoulders. "You are a fascinating woman, Miss Whitt. Crazy... but fascinating nonetheless."

Tightening his grip, he starts to drag her towards a nearby game stand. "No fun house because then you'd hear me scream like a little girl too, and that's just not right."

Suddenly he switches directions, making Alice stumble, but holding her upright to continue dragging her. "Oh look! Popcorn! First food. Then game. Can't play straight on an empty stomach."

Sometimes on a cloudy day, the sun breaks through. And perhaps it takes the form of a simple smile... a crisp and honest laugh... a word that touches the heart... or eyes that seem to share the world. No matter the form, the light casts away the shadows, even if only temporarily. But for a few moments when that warmth is revealed, hope can be born. There were good days. There was still joy. Harder to find, perhaps... but it was there.

"Thanks, Alice." Kyle leans on the open window of her jeep, the setting sun behind him. His truck was still on the side of the road untouched throughout the day. He'd talked to no one else during the day, just letting himself have fun. And it had been. Dark clouds still lay behind his eyes, but for a short time, there had been some sunshine. And now with the real sun sinking below the horizon, it was time to part.

Kyle glances to the passenger seat where he'd buckled in the big stuffed panda bear he'd won at one of the fair games. "Make sure the passenger airbag is on," he quips. "We don't want any sudden stops to be the death of Mr. Bear."

Pausing, he looks back to Alice, sincerity in his eyes and voice. "I needed the distraction today. I'm sorry again for yelling this morning though... I'm glad you don't break easily."

He grins again. "I'll see you around. Concert in a couple days... it'll be the last, so be there."

Straightening, he taps his palm on her door. "Don't get lost on the way home."

After a little sigh, Kyle ambles back over to his truck, ready to head home for the day... or maybe the lake first.

"Aw man. Well... take care of yourself." Phil paces his living room while talking to Jason on the phone. All he knew was that Jason would be out of town, and probably wouldn't make it to the next JetStream concert. "What do you want us to do about the gig?"

"I don't know. You guys decide. I think you should go ahead." Jason leans back in his chair, one hand lazily scratching Trooper behind the ears. "Have Kyle sing or something."

"And you're okay with that?"

"We don't have much of a choice, do we? No... it's fine. I'm not mad at him, just... I don't know. You guys decide the best way to move on. The audience will love it no matter what. I got a job to do, and we all agreed whenever this happened that you guys would just keep going without me."

"Alright. We'll manage one way or the other. If Kyle doesn't want to sing lead, maybe we'll ask Rocky."

"That might work. I'll make sure someone here keeps one of you informed if anything happens... otherwise... hang tight and I'll see you when I see ya."

"Sounds good. Thanks, Jase."

"Yeah, bye." Hanging up, Jason sighs, his hand still on Trooper.

Concerts are my times to wind down. Hate missing one. Oh well. This is more important.

Deep down, there was a small, unwanted feeling that he was being pushed to the side. He knew it wasn't true in the least. But... with the way things were going with Kyle... and having Kyle take over while he was gone... it just felt... strange. A month prior, if they'd said Kyle would sing lead, Jason wouldn't have thought much of it. But after what had happened... after realizing Kyle's true potential and capabilities... Jason couldn't help but feel the competitive tension.

Finally getting up, Jason wanders out to the main floor and hangs over Wyatt's cubicle. "Yo... take care of Trooper for me?"

Wyatt rolls his eyes. "Great. But he stays at your house."

"Deal. You'll just have to take him there tonight then. Leave him in the back yard if you want, I don't care. He'll survive."

Though knowing the dog never minded him, Wyatt wasn't as against taking care of Trooper as he acted. It was just something to complain to Jason about. "I'll take care of him. Just get back here in one piece, will ya?"

Jason grins. "Sure thing. Thanks." Moving away, he looked at his watch. They'd been able to secure their flights sooner than planned. Things had fallen into place smoother than they'd thought, and they'd be able to pull out shortly. Wandering back to his office, he grabs his backpack, then heads downstairs. They were getting things packed down there, and would be driven to the airport in the van. He knew Katie was probably already there, set to go.

Carson heads up the hall, having just come from downstairs. He was ready. Plans were set. He was impressed with the speed at which things were going. Now they could only hope and pray that their mission was successful. But before he left, he had one last thing to do.

Getting to the infirmary, he lets himself in, and nods to Luke and Jeff. Rick had gone home for a couple hours. Carson wanders across the room to Misty's desk where she sat, coming up behind her to lay his hands on her shoulders and give them a gentle rub. "It's about that time," he mentions quietly.

Bending down, he leans far enough to drape his arms over the front of her, to give her a squeeze. Twisting his neck, he brings his face around so he could just see her eyes, and he offers a kiss to her lips. "Behave yourself while I'm gone, will ya?"

He grins. "I don't want you wasting your energy on making Rick mad. Save some for me."

Cindy grows solemn as she hears Reese's voice at the other end of the line. It was rare he called her. "Hi, Reese... how are things?"

"Oh, just fine." Reese's tone is casual. "Just thought I'd let you know Jason would be out of the office for a while. Figured he might not have time to call himself."

Out of the office. Cindy tenses. If Reese had said Jason would be out of town, she would have known he was just on some case. But out of the office meant out of the country. She swallows hard, realizing that she couldn't ask too many questions. "Well I appreciate you letting me know. Did he decide to go to the lake?"

"Not sure exactly, but he said he'd be heading by that way, yes."

Cindy swallows hard. Jason was going overseas somewhere, and she couldn't ask where or why.

Reese doesn't let the pause linger too long. "I'll make sure he calls you as soon as he's back so he can tell you all about it."

"Okay. Thank you."

"No worries."

Cindy hangs up the phone and leans back against the kitchen counter, closing her eyes to lift up a silent prayer. It had been a while since she'd felt this kind of concern for her son. Reese wouldn't have called if it was a quick job, or one with few dangers. He only let her know these things if there was a chance for worse news so the shock wouldn't be as great. "God, please keep Jason safe, and whoever else is involved, too." More than likely, Katie was involved as well.

A quiet tear escapes to run down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away and turns back to the sink full of dishes. Keeping her mind occupied was the best way not to worry.

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