
Come around

Sitting at one end of the couch, Con doesn't hear the doorbell ring. For once, he was glad for the light they'd installed as it blinked to signal someone at the door.

Glancing to the other end of the room, he can't see a car, but shrugs. It was late. Jamie was getting ready for bed. He'd just been finishing up watching a show on television. Who would be here?

Con gets up and cautiously opens the door. Seeing his sister, his eyebrows rise. "Laura. Hi. What's up?"

Laura forces a smile. "I... Do you have time to be my big brother?"

Con's expression softens. "I always do. Come on in."

Laura steps inside and wanders to the living room with Con. "I didn't interrupt anything did I?"

"No. Jamie's around here somewhere. Sit down... tell me what's on your mind."

Laura sighs then flops down in the corner of the couch. Kicking off the tennis shoes she'd traded for her nice shoes just half an hour earlier when she'd changed clothes, she pulls her feet up on the couch, curling up against the soft cushions. A tear rolls down her cheek.

Con watches her cautiously, wandering to the couch as well to sit down quietly beside her. He just lets her sit, not asking until she was ready to talk. Seeing Jamie come from the hall, he looks to her quickly. He hoped she didn't mind Laura was there - they'd always left the house open to his sister any time she wanted to come.

Laura sniffs and finally looks up to Con. "Nate asked me to marry him."

Con's eyes widen. He would have smiled, had it not been for Laura's tears. "And... what did you tell him?"

"I didn't." Laura's voice cracks. "I just... I couldn't yes, and I couldn't say no and..." She proceeds to tell her brother what had happened, and how scared she'd been.

Con did his best just to listen and give Laura a hug. But he really had no advice. He knew she was scared. But he also knew she did love Nate. Yet he could not give her any advice. This would have to be her own decision.

An hour later, Laura is fast asleep on the couch. Con lays a blanket over her and wanders to the kitchen where he finds Jamie still up. "I'm gonna let her sleep on the couch," he informs quietly. He wraps his arms around his wife, giving the top of her head a kiss. "I gotta make a call... I'll be up to bed in a few minutes."

Separating himself from her, he goes for the phone and dials. Holding the receiver up to his good ear and turning up the volume, he hears Nate answer. "Hey, Nate... it's Con. Listen... I just wanted to tell you to hang in there. It's none of my business, but... don't give up on Laura yet. I have a feeling she'll come around."

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