

Heading down the hall and glancing into the living room Jamie spots Laura with Con. Giving him a knowing nod she heads for the bedroom. They had always said Laura could come anytime she wanted or needed someone and she would never change her mind about that. When Con was done he would be up.

Leaning back in his chair Nate stairs at the tv. Not really paying attachen enough to know what was playing but enough to keep his mind busy. Hearing his cell ring for a moment Nate hesitates to answer it. He really didnt feel like talking to anyone right now. But thinking better of it and that it might be an emergncy he pick it up.


Hearing Con's voice on the other end Nate gives a sigh. The memories of the nights events coming back to him like they only happend moments ago.

"Hey Con its good to hear from ya....Yeah I dont plane on giving up not yet, just is hard is all. I know its 10x harder on Laura so I am gonna be as pashent as I can be."

Almost going to hang up the phone Nate stops knowing Con was still on the other end.

"Hey Con? Have a good night and Thanks!"

Hanging up the phone Nate lets out a sigh and goes for his jacket that way handing up. Taking the tiny ring box out of the pocket he just told it before turning and heading upstairs. Going into his room and to his dresser Nate opens the tiny jewlery case the was on the top and places the ring inside closing it and heading to bed. Tomarrow had to be a better day right? Checking on his sister one last time he places a soft kiss on her head before heading back into his own room and crawling into bed ready to leave this whole day behind him.

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