

Rolling her eyes as Jason and Carson banter Katie shifts herself to look out the window. Watching the building and lights come into view Katie cant help but looks in aw. It worked that she was in aw after all they were "on vacation."

Finally landing and getting off the plane Katie holds tight to Jason's hand. The airport was packed and it was hard to move. It was easy to lose someone in this mess. Grabbing her bage she slings it over her should still glancing around at all the people. It wasnt her job to be a bodyguard on this mission but Katie couldnt help her instincts anyways as she took everything in and protected the two guys anyways.

Turning to see the guy coming twords them Katie holds out her own and gives her greeting to him giving one of her shinning smiles.

"Nice to meet you Ryder."

Starting to follow after him Katie knows not to talk about the case but keep it casule. Outside where anyone could be watching that was the best to do.

"So Ryder, have you always lived here in Austraila and can you sugest any good places for use to see?"

He seems ok to me. I am not here as your bodyguard but I cant help it anyways.

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