

*Katie smiles back at Scott. Still feeling a bit akward about everything with Jason, and the strange feeling settling lunch with Scott would be good. But Katie wanted something differnt today, not the normal grab and go greasy food.*

"One o'clock, some place nice. Maybe that new greek restront in town. Or if you can think of a better place thats cool too."

*Katie smiles and stands leaning over to Scott with a few papers in hand giving him a kiss. Once Scott leave Katie cubicle she makes her way to Jason's office seeing Carson leave. Knockig than poking her head in the door.*

"J...am I bothering you?"

*Jamie pulls into the construction site about 12. Laying on her horn her hope up over the winshield as her car's top is down on such a nice day. She dident mind making a specicle of herself, and cirtinly dident mind picking up Con at work. Jamie Had gotten use to the hoots and hollars from the other guys now, and it dient bother her. Some of them she even called by there names knowing who they were. Griving a grin Jamie calls to a younger kid across the way alittile bit.*

"Hey Bret, You see Con around? He's late meeting me."

*Jamie taps her watching playfuly.*

*As Lockheart makes her way off the plane a shinny black limo is waiting for her. Rolling her eyes she sighs. Jake had gone out of his way again. Geting into the limo Lockheart new it wouldent be to long of a drive, so looking at more files would be useless. Opening her email again she reads over the one Reese sent her. A smile once again cross her face reading it. Reese really was a sweet man, and though she hadent been gone long Lockheart missed them all, already. Forming a new email she reply.*

My flight back was good. It felt longer than when
I came out. Anyways I have leanded now and am making
my way back to the office. I fear to see the piles
of work waiting for me. But I wouldent mind, and would
do it again if I had the chanse. Geting to know you
all was great. Have a great day and talk to you again
soon. Dont hesatate to call. I'm always here for you.

-Angelica Lockheart
Atturny at Law

*As Misty comes up behind Carson she throws her arms around his neck and gives him a bit kiss on the cheek. Than drawing her head back she leans in again for another, repeating it over and over again till finally she draws back again a sausy grin on her face.*

"I told you I was going to smother you in kiss."

*Misty cant help but give Carson a couple hundred more. Before finally breaking free.*

"If you cant tell, I am feeling better today. I work up this morning with very little pain. Well if I move to fast I can still feel it but I can actully move without it hurting. Its great."

*Misty cant help the grin on her face and the shinning in her eye. Life had returned to them. After yesterdays court hearing, and than feeling great today Misty was happy.*

"So, I was going ot be meeting my brother for lunch today in about 15 or 20 min down town. I dident know if maybe you want to come with? I know everyone said what he did to Aerith but, I just cant see that as my brother. So I wanna at least give him a chanse. I thought maybe you would like to come and get to know him too."


Scott can sense the apprehension in Katie relating to the overheard conversation, and tries not to focus on it. He smiles instead. "Well, I'd like to ask you out on a date, and I'm a tech guy, so if I qualify..." His smile widens. "You pick the time and place and I'll drive."

As Carson heads down the hall, he picks up on the loud conversation between Reese and Jason. Stopping, his eyes widen slightly. He hadn't thought much about Jason's absence before, but this sounded like he'd been doing a little bit more than assumed.

He sees Jason stalk by to his office, then emerge with Trooper, heading outside. Thinking for a moment, Carson meanders to his cubicle and waits for his younger friend to return. Within minutes, Jason is back, aiming for his office again. This time, Carson follows.

"Hey, Jason..."

Jason gets Trooper settled in his corner with a bowl of dog food before sitting down in his chair, not trying to hide his irritation. "What."

Carson leans on the doorway, not shutting the door. "Why?"

"Why what?" Jason keeps his eyes to his desk and work.

"You know what," Carson retorts. "What's gotten into you?"

"What do you mean?" Jason finally looks up. "I just had Reese breathing down my neck. Don't you start."

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, or just plain the wrong bed?"

Jason's eyes widen at Carson's blunt statement. "Excuse me?"

"Look, you and I aren't best friends," Carson replies flatly. "But the least you can do is not head down the same road I did. Stop while you can before you pile on too many regrets."

Jason starts to frown. "Carson...have you been drinking again?"

Now it's Carson's turn to frown. "No, of course not. I'm not the one who was having a good time all night."

Again, Jason is taken aback by the bluntness. "Why don't you go back to work and leave me alone?"

"Why don't you just give people some straight answers for once?"

"I don't know why you're so fascinated by my conversation with Reese, but he had no right to question me like he did. What I do on my own time is none of his business."

"It is if it affects you and your work."

"It hasn't!"

"But will it?" Carson cocks his head. "You keep going down that path, I guarantee you that it will. I've been there, Jase...don't tell me I don't know."

"Carson, what are you talking about?!" Jason throws up his arms.

"Well don't make me paint a picture," Carson retorts. "I'm sure you have a fine memory of your own."


The air becomes thick with confusion as Carson shakes his head. "Do you like playing dumb?"

"About what?!" Jason stands up, tired of this stupid argument. "I get here a few minutes late, I got Reese on top of me, and now you! Did I walk into the wrong office this morning or what?!"

"If I'd been out sleeping around, I'd expect to be questioned too!"

"Sleeping around?!"

"You admitted you were with Camryn all night."

"I did not!" Jason's eyes are wide, his voice raised. "Camryn convinced me to go out and get some ice cream. We sat, we talked, I took her back to her apartment!"

"Yeah..." Carson nods. "Exactly. I'm sure you know her apartment real well by now."

"Carson!" Jason slams his hand down on his desk. "I didn't even go in! I dropped her off. I was only a few miles from Mike's place and I didn't want to go home, and I wanted to let the guys know what had happened in court. So I drove out to his place. We had an impromptu jam session, I was too tired to ride home, so I slept on Mike's couch. I didn't get in 'til late this morning because I had to go home to shower and change. I must have just missed you!"

Carson blinks and is silent for a moment. "Uh-oh."

Jason crosses his arms, his eyes narrowing. "Yeah...ok, I get it...You and Reese both assumed I spent the night with Camryn, didn't you?"

"You didn't exactly elude to anything else."

"I can't believe you guys!"

"Well what would you have thought?!"

"I don't know!" Jason groans.

Carson shakes his head. "If that's all it was, why didn't you just say so?"

"I told you, it was none of Reese's business! I don't like being interrogated."

"If you would have talked, we could have avoided all of this!"

"But it wasn't my fault, now was it?"

Carson sighs, relenting. "No..." His tone lowers. "Probably not. So what's with the guilty conscience?"

"Well would you feel innocent for forgetting to call anyone last night and then getting in late from work?"

"So that's it then?" Carson is skeptical. "Nothing more? That really was it with Camryn?"

Jason's eyes float to the floor. "Yeah...that's it."


He looks up again and shrugs. "I like her, alright. Forgive me for feeling strangely since I broke up with Katie. I'm human."

Carson gives a little sigh, a smile tweaking the corner of his mouth. "You're a piece of work, you know that?"

"Now what did I do?"

"Nothing...just keep your head on straight and get past the past before it eats you alive. And for crying out loud, next time something can be misconstrued, try to head it off before it gets that far."

"How about you just don't misconstrue what I say at all?"

Carson throws him a smirk. "We both know how to play this game too well, Jason. Chill out." Turning around he heads from Jason's office, a slight roll to his eyes. That had certainly gone well.

Jason sinks back down into his chair, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. This was not his morning... If this was a sign of how things were to go the rest of the day, he was in trouble. He'd felt good about his time with Camryn last night until he'd started getting interrogated about everything...what was wrong with going out for ice cream? Camryn was different...she'd gotten on his nerves at first, but getting to know her, her forwardness wasn't something Jason disliked, but rather ran with it, getting ample opportunities for some bantering. It was different, and got his mind off of other unpleasant things. And he really had just dropped her off at her apartment - he wouldn't have gone in anyway, but she hadn't even invited him - she wasn't that kind of girl.

As far as all night went, Jason had actually had somewhat of a good time with the band...for the first time since he'd been back, he'd been relaxed enough just to play. He really had been too tired to ride home, and he had quickly taken Mike up on his offer to spend the night. Waking up this morning, Jason had realized he hadn't called anyone, so the guilt had started...he'd known good and well that he'd be questioned, but still Reese's interrogation had just rubbed him the wrong way, making him upset and unwilling to tell about what had happened, no matter the assumptions that flew around. Maybe he'd been wrong for that...

Sighing, Jason opens his eyes back up and reaches down to switch on his computer. Getting past the past as Carson had said really would be a nice thing...but it was coming awfully slowly. "Fun" wasn't hardly a part of his vocabulary anymore and neither was a good night's sleep. Everything seemed a fight...a struggle...would it ever be over?

"Hey, Tank!"

Con looks up from the blueprints as his nickname is called. "Yeah?"

Dean comes up to him and takes off his hardhat to wipe his brow. "Got a call from Pat. He said to go ahead with the western zone this week if we can get started."


"Hey, so you have fun on your day off yesterday?"

Con chuckles. "You might say that." He focuses back on the blueprints. "By the way, Jamie's swinging by here around noon, so I'll be gone over my lunch break. If you want to start measuring off for that site, we can do that now."

"Alright. Yeah. Come on."


*Katie smiles up at Scott. About to answer but stops as she hears talking, and than a bunch of feelings. Her eyes drift to Jason as she sorts through them. He was with Camryn last night, and from the feeling of it he had a good time. There was a bit of...happyness there. For a moment Katie feels a choke climb in her thourt. As something strange pass over her. Jason was happy thats good, but still something nagged on Katie. Something bothered her. A bit of sadness maybe, but she wasent sure what she was feeling. All she new is that it hurt. That bit in her heart left to Jason, hurt.

Turning back to Scott Katie musters a smile.*

"I dont have anything planed for lunch, unless that is a certin tech guy wants to ask me on a date."

*Lockheart continues to work receveing the email she reads it and smile. Shifting back to her paper work she reminds herself to reply to it later.*


Reese gives a little sigh, but nods. "Yeah, I know you'd tell me. I just wanted to make sure. Thanks."

As he leaves, Scott turns his attention back to Katie, his eyes filled with question. Something just seemed...odd. "That's interesting...I'd worry, but I know you know there's nothing to worry about..." He shakes his head with a little grin. "It's an interesting scenario, I tell ya. So...what are you plans for lunch today?"

Carson throws Misty a sly glance before throwing an arm around her shoulders and planting a kiss on her lips as they walk. "Just don't enjoy it too much, or you might have to put this poor bloke in a looney bin."

Jason ambles onto the main floor, heading towards the hall. From the looks of things, he's showered and has clean clothes on, giving slight waves to those who great him. He's about ready to turn to his office, but Reese calls out to him. "Jason!"

He stops and turns around, calling back to his boss. "I gotta let Trooper out!"

"Let it wait a minute!"

Sighing, Jason goes to Reese out on the main floor. Their voice remain even, but they're within earshot of most people.

Reese looks at him with question. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well..." Reese cocks his head. "Carson said you didn't come home last night, and so we just wondered..."

Jason quirks an eyebrow, a smile playing at his lips. "I'm glad to know I've got so many people looking out for me."

"That wasn't my point. Where were you?"

Jason's smile fades into a frown. He wasn't used to people asking him where he'd been at night - it had seemed no one's business. "Look, I don't think it really matters."

"It does to me."

"Well that's my personal life, Reese. I'm here this morning, that's all you have to worry about."

"No, actually I worry about you too," Reese states flatly. "If no one else is gonna look out for you, I am. And you had me worried there for just as bit."

"Alright, fine." Jason shrugs. "I was with a friend. Happy?"

Reese's eyes narrow. "Can Camryn be trusted?"

Jason's looks at Reese with a bit more surprised, laced with irritation. "I think you can stop now."

"Look, it's my job, Jason. In this line or work, underground or not, I need to make sure security is still being kept."

"Well what do you think I did? Spill every top secret code to her or something?" Jason's irritation begins to build to a dull anger. "Quit digging, Reese!"

Reese is taken aback just a little. "If you stopped looking guilty, maybe I would."

Jason shakes his head, gritting his teeth. "Just let it drop. I'm here for the day, so just pile the work on and I'll get it done." Spinning on his heel, he stalks toward the hall. On his way, he spots Katie out of the corner of his eye. His emotions already exposed, he didn't try to hide them. He was irritated with Reese's questioning. There was some anger there. There was something that felt good tucked away, almost hidden. But in front of it was a strange sensation of guilt for something. A veil was there too, almost as if refusing to let something surface, waiting...testing...something new.

Keeping his route, Jason goes to his office to retrieve Trooper, then heads toward the exit to take the dog out.

Reese gets back to his office, just a tad frustrated. What was wrong with Jason? He could make assumptions that he really didn't want to... everything pointed in that direction...but Jason wouldn't do that...would he?

Shaking his head, Reese plops down, and sees he has a voice mail. Checking it, his heart sinks a little. He'd just missed Lockheart...she was already gone...probably hadn't even received the flowers. Hanging up, he just sits and thinks for several moments. For some reason, the thought of Lockheart not being involved with TJY bothered him. But he couldn't pinpoint why he felt that way, so he tried to dismiss it. Lockheart had her own practice in California...it was her life...if he was her, he wouldn't want to just pack up and come to Nevada just because of one case either. It had been a silly notion.

Deciding he still wanted to send his thanks though, Reese opts to go to the computer instead of the phone this time, opening his email.
Just wanted to say thanks again. Got your message. Hope your flight back is smooth. We all appreciated your hard work. Don't stay a stranger...
Reese stops typing and shakes his head. What was he thinking? He backspaces.
Take care...
No, that didn't sound right. He backspaces again, giving an inward groan at himself.
Got your message. Hope your flight back is smooth. We all appreciate you and your work. Thanks again for everything. Will keep in touch.
Rolling his eyes, Reese hits "send."


*Katie looks away from her computer screen and looks up at Scott. Her own eyes seemed alittle brighter. Weaghts removed, and freedome now rained proving alittle less tress.*

"Heya Scotty. You look alittle less tired today. Thats a good thing."

*Misty gives alittle jump receveing the swat from Carson a grin on her face as he pass her. Throwing him a killer look.*

"You know I dont choose to be this goodlooking it just happens. And who said I dont like seeing you crazy?"

*Misty cant help but shakes her head as a few eyes turn to look at her and what she just said. Giving them a thumbs up she continues to walk ahead with Carson.*

*Katie looks up at Reese as he asks about Jason. Giving a little shrug Katie shakes her head.*

"No I dident feel anything last night. Nothing bad anyways. Everything was calm and peacful, a bit of good feelins here and there. My guess would be Jason was out just gaving a good time with freedome. Trust me if it wasent you would of been one of the first to know."

*Katie looks back up at Reese and than Wyatt a bit of worry now entered her veins. Jason he been last seen with Camryn. Katie dident think much about it lastnight but now Katie's mind started to wonder. A strange feeling moved inside of her, almost like a stab to the stomach. Katie trys to push the feeling away. She didet know anything of what was going on and she would rather not start assmuing. But the ping was still there.*

*Lockhearts room stays quiet and empty. The bed neatly made and all signs of someone staying there gone. Money left on her dresser.

Lockheart waiting in the terminal her phone pressed to her ear.*

"Jake...calm down I am on my way back now. My plane leaves in a half hour. Ok...ya send me the reports to my laptop and I will look them over on the plane. Ok Jake...ok...see ya than."

*Lockheart hangs up the phone and lets out a sigh. She dident want to be going back so soon but a case that she had been working on for a while took a turn for the worse and she had to. Taking her phone again Lockheart dials Reese' number only to receve his voice mail.*

"HI Reese, Its Lockheart. I know I said I was going to be staying around for a for a few days but there is an emergncy back at my company in Cali with a case that too a turn for the worst so I had to leave early this morning. I'm at the air port now and the plane takes off in a half hour. If you need me please feel free to call any time of day. My number is 567-460-8934. You can my cell already and my faxe is 567-2391. Take care and Hope to talk to you soon. Good Luck!"

*Lockheart hangs up the phone and stands geting ready to bored the plane. For a moment she stops and turns. Something told her to stay, something wanted her to stay, but now it wasent her fear holding her it was the face she HAD to go. Jack was her Sr. partner she couldent let him high and dry. Lockheart gets on the plane and finds her seat. Flipping open her laptop she receves the files Jake had sent her and gets lost in her work.*


Con returns a bear hug to Katie. "See you tomorrow, Kat." He chuckles at her teasing. "I promise I won't be mean...mostly." He throws Jamie a glance before slinging an arm around her. "Alright, you.... home."

Scott grins as he heads out the door with Katie. "I'm alright. But let me tell you, as soon as I get home, it's crashing time."

Reese stands on the sidewalk for a moment, his hands in his pockets as he watches Lockheart's taillights disappear. He heaves a sigh...he's not sure why he felt disappointment, but that's what it felt like. Lockheart had done a lot for TJY, and he was more than grateful. But apparently she was set on going back to California. Or had she not understood he was asking her to stay?

Shrugging, Reese heads back to his own car. He had one more thing on his list to do...one last effort maybe, but after that, it was up to her.

"Dad, you okay?"

Wyatt and Aerith head toward his jeep, Wyatt glancing to his father.

Reese nods. "Yeah, why?"

"You just looked a bit spaced out."

Reese chuckles. "Guess I'm just tired. Goodnight, you two."

Wyatt nods his goodnight and keeps on to his jeep. He takes Aerith for a quick stop to her grandmothers before going on to Jamie's where Con is just pulling away.

The night seems all too short for those exhausted, but the morning insists on coming. Lighter spirits seem to help, though, and everyone seems to get to TJY a little earlier than normal.

"Morning, sunshine." Scott leans on Katie's cubicle, his eyes much brighter than the evening before, a smile playing at his mouth.

Reese glances across the main floor, then wanders down the hall, knocking on Jason's office, then entering. Frowning, he turns back around, glancing at his watch. He spots Carson. "Hey, Jason coming in?"

Carson shrugs. "I don't know. Haven't seen him."

"He wasn't up by the time you left?"

"He didn't come home last night."

Reese's eyes widen. "What?"

Carson shrugs again. "I'm not his keeper. He didn't come home. Figured he was out and about or something."

Reese shakes his head and aims back for the main floor.

Carson takes his route back down the hall towards the restroom, spying Misty. "Hey." He takes his rolled up papers and swats her bottom as he passes her in the hall. "Don't you know better than to look so pretty on a morning like this? You could drive a man crazy."

"Katie?" Reese approaches her cubicle, seeing her and Scott. "Sorry to interrupt. You didn't feel anything last night about Jason or anything, did you?"

Scott frowns. "What's up?"

"Carson said he didn't go home last night."

Scott's eyebrow quirks. "Odd."

"Well when was the last time anyone saw him?"

"He left Mom and Pop's with Camryn last night," Scott recalls. "That's all I know."

"I just want to make sure he wasn't in any trouble." Reese looks to Katie again with question.

"Room service!" A woman knocks on Lockheart's hotel door. A bright bouquet of flowers is in her hand with a note. Thanks for all your hard work. We appreciate you, and all would be thrilled if you reconsidered staying in Nevada.

Run away

*Katie studys the new comer for a moment. Give a friendly smile Katie nods.*

"Nice to meet you, if Jason is to much of a jerk for you just tell one of us and we will wack him for you. "

*Katies gives a grin at her comment trying to get everyones mood light again.*

*Misty looks to Carson, and shakes her head alittle bit.*

"I...I dont know.I've waited to see my brother for a long time, He was my best friend growing up and now this. I just dont understand he'd never hurt a fly. I...just dont know. I guess I'm just confused. I'll just talk to him later and see whats going on.*

*Misty trys to give Carson her best grin than grabs a slice of pizza. She dident want him to worry about her more than he already did.*

*The night draws on and the fun continues as everyone stays light. Today was to much of a good day to stay down for to long.

Katie smiles at Jason and Camryn as they head out.*

"See ya tomarrow J. Nice to meet you again Camryn."

*Katie's eyes follow them out as they leave. A strange feeling pinged inside of her. Trying to push it away she smiles at Scott seeing the tired look in his eye.*

"I think I should be driving you home. You look exsausted Hun. Like your going to fall asleep any minute. If you think you will be ok than yes. If not I'll drive."

*Katie stands waiting for Scott, heading over to Con she gives him a big hug.*

"Night Big Brother. Dont be to mean to that girlfriend of you."

*Katie smiles and throws a wink at Jamie before heading to the door.*

*As Lockheart heads outside with Reese feeling the cool breeze on her face. It was nice out, warm but there was a nice coolness about.

Arriving to the car Lockheart stops and looks up at Reese. He called her by her first name again. The wheels in her head start to turn. Was there more to this invitation than simply stated? Searching Reeses eyes she looks for answers but comes back with non. Lockheart is quiet for a long moment before speaking again.*

"I guess you guys will be needing a good lawyer. I will certinly leave my number with you so if you guys ever need me again you are more than welcome to call. I'm more than happy to be on call for TJY 24 hours. I could even come out time from time to see how things are."

*Lockheart smiles back at Reese opening her car door. Before she gets in she turns again. an undefined look in her eyes.*

"I'll call you some time tomarrow and I'll give you my number and fax of my office. Thanks for everything Reese."

*Lockheart gets into her car slowly driving away she gives a small wave to Reese. As she finally is driving down the road twords the hotel Lockheart lets out a frustrated sigh. She new what Reese was asking, he wanted her to stay. But insted of saying yes she twisted her words to make him think she dident think he was asking her to stay. What was she running away from now, She was so strong in the court room, and with her cases but when it came to her own personaly life everything was crazy and confused. Lockheart dident even know why she felt this strange erg to run. Its not like Reese had said Angelica let get together and date. He was just offering her a job. Lockheart rolls her eyes at herself frustrated continuing to make her way for the hotel.*

Evening closes

Jason gives Katie a short look of gratefulness, knowing that she had read and understood him. He couldn't do that with anyone else.

As Misty speaks to him, he nods. "Thanks, and again...I'm sorry."

Wyatt gives Aerith's hand a squeeze, knowing she's trying her best to be calm and move on. "It's alright," he whispers. "We'll get this whole thing straightened out. But for tonight, let's both just try to have some fun."

With the pizza arriving, Jason glances around, and sees that there are a lot of people looking at him with question as to who this new young woman was. He clears his throat a bit awkwardly. "Um, well...bad timing, but this is my..." Jason hesitates for just a moment. He hardly knew Camryn. He'd seen her only a few times now and barely knew anything about her, other than she seemed nice, was out going, and he knew where she worked. "...acquaintance, Camryn Lane."

Sensing his friend's awkwardness, Con is the first to call out his greeting from the table. "Hey, Camryn. I hope this rowdy bunch doesn't scare you too much."

Camryn laughs. "Hardly. You all look too nice to be scary."

Con grins. "Would you tell my girlfriend that?" He thumbs towards Jamie. "She doesn't think I'm being nice."

"Oooh." Camryn gives him a sly look. "You look like the kind of man who can handle yourself quite well without my help."

Several people around the table laugh as they begin to relax. "Yeah, tanks don't usually need much help," Ty quips.

"Heeey." Con shoots him a mock annoyed glance.

Camryn giggles. "Well it's nice to meet y'all. I didn't mean to barge in on your party."

"You didn't," Laura responds, sensing this young woman's honesty. "Just don't be afraid to join in or defend yourself if these guys get too overbearing for you."

Jason quirks an eyebrow. "For some reason, I don't think that will be a problem."

Camryn elbows him.

"Hey, I meant it in the nicest way," Jason defends.


"Come on." Jason heads back down to his end of the table with Camryn behind.

Scott eyes them as they go to the other end. "I've seen her somewhere," he comments, mostly to himself. "But I can't put my finger on it."

As the chatter around the table picks up again, though this time without a war as everyone starts digging into the pizza, Carson leans closer to Misty. He was confused about what had just happened...he knew she had a brother, but didn't know details, nor did he understand how she and Aerith knew each other. But those seemed unimportant details at the moment. The look on Misty's face worried him. "Hey...you alright?"

Despite the brief and tense interruption, the evening proceeds as lighthearted as possible with much talk, much laughter, and much teasing and banter between almost everyone. Scott and Jim get into it over something to do with cars, Con relentlessly picks on Laura, though she seeks protection from Nate, and Wyatt joins in, constantly keeping one eye on Aerith.

"...and then I..." Camryn stops as her cellphone in her purse starts to ring. "Oh, hang on." Standing up, she goes to the corner where there's less noise to take the call.

Jason takes another swig of his soda and looks up just in time to catch a flying ball of napkin, hurled from Rick. "What?"

"You're too quiet!" Rick calls down to him.

Jason shakes his head. "Maybe you're too loud!"

As Camryn comes to sit down again, he diverts his attention back to her and the annoyed look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, that was Sandi. She dropped me off down here and was going to do some shopping, and come back by and pick me, up. However..." Camryn rolls her eyes. "She got carried away, basically forgot I was here, and now she's at the movies with her boyfriend."

"So you're stranded."

"Yeah, pretty much." Camryn chuckles. "But that's ok. It's a long walk, but I do it all the time."

"In the dark?"

"Well, no, but..."

Jason looks at her with his own annoyance, remembering Frankie. "This town is nice, but it has its creeps. Let me give you a ride home."

Camryn lifts an eyebrow. "Well aren't we being quite the gentleman tonight."

"Is that a no?"

"It's a maybe. What's with you being so nice?"

"I told you I had a good day."

"Mm, you ought to have more of them then."

"I wouldn't mind that." Jason rolls his eyes. "If you're too scared to go with me on my bike, then I'll arrange for someone else here to take you home."

Camryn's eyes light up. "You've got your bike here?"


"Now how on earth could I pass that up? You got an extra helmet?"


Camryn bites her lip, then nods. "Okay."

"That took long enough." Jason looks around, noting that people were beginning to get full, the pizza almost gone.

Camryn follows his gaze. "I'm ready any time."

"Well...let's go then before it gets too late then." Jason stands up and grabs his leather jacket off his chair, handing it to her. "You're wearing this though. Safety for my passengers comes before mine."

Camryn's eyes narrow for just a moment, a smile playing at her lips before she takes his jacket. "Alright."

Jason moves down the table, waving to some of the others. "Good night, guys." Seeing Scott, he gives him a nod. "Scott." His eyes move to Katie and he lets his gratefulness out again through his eyes and feelings. "See you tomorrow."

The table bids him goodnight, and he heads out with Camryn. A few minutes later, his bike can be heard starting and revving down the street.

His was the first exit of many, as the others begin to relent to giving up for the night. Everyone was exhausted, especially those who had been on a flight that morning. Scott's own eyes showed his sheer exhaustion, still running on the little sleep he'd gotten on the plane. It was hard to believe that just that morning they'd been in Texas. It seemed a lifetime ago.
He turns to Katie, offering her a smile. "Can I take you home?"

As the group begins filing out, everyone hollering to Herb and Mable their thanks, Reese holds the door open for Lockheart and steps out onto the sidewalk with her, taking in a deep breath of the evening air. The sun was just sinking below the horizon.

He walks her slowly to her car, his hands in his pockets, deep in thought. Arriving at the vehicle, he stops her. "Angelica..." He pauses, looking at her for a moment. "A lot is going to be changing around TJY now...I think it will be good in the end, but I imagine staff will shift a bit, and the process will be a bit painful at times. Regardless though, Sheriff Brown leaves most of the authority to me in this and that includes who we hire, etcetera." He pauses again. "We could use a good lawyer on the team..."


*Katie's eyes widen a bit feeling Jason's emotions and seeing through his eyes. Giving a slight nod Katie sits back down.*

"I new there had to be a good reson J, I just dident know what it was."

*Looking past Wyatt Aerith steps forward twords Misty,

Seeing Aerith Misty stands again. It had been sometime but Aerith still almost looked the same as always now that it was pointed out. Hope lingers in Misty's voice. She had always known her brother to be rought and quite forward with wemon but never would he hurt anyone.*

"Aerith...Its been a long time. Is it really true my brother tryed to hurt you?"

*Aerith's face drops alittle bit. She hated to be the one to tell Misty. She new how close her brother and were.*

"I'm sorry Misty, I never saw the look in your brother eye like I did the other night. I really am sorry we had to remeat this way."

*Misty's heart sank. Its just dident make any sence. Could her brother really have changed that much? Siting back down Misty looks to Jason and gives alittle nod. Jason was her friend and she felt foolish for doubting he had a good reason.*

"I'm sorry Hotshot. Please stay with you friend and eat."

*For a moment Katie looks up again seeing Camryn. She dident reconize who she was but could guess she was a friend of Jason. Something rummbles in Katie tummy but she shutgs it off as hunger.

Before anything more can be said Mable and Herb both apear with 2 Pizzas each. Giving a smile Mable refills drinks.*

"Dig in guys. We have more if you want it."

*Misty sits lost in though not sure what to think. So many things were running wild in her mind.

Aerith finally sits down next to Wyatt again. Her nervs calming, but she still felt horrable. Trying to get herself back into better spirits she smiles at Wyatt. Trying to consintrate on him.*


Jason feels badly for Misty, and knows she’s upset with him now, but just having Frankie leave was a relief as his blood begins to simmer down.

Receiving Katie’s question, he stares her in the eye for a moment, not holding his emotions back from her. There was anger against Frankie, there was frustration for injustice, there was fear from seeing someone hurt. He hadn’t acted on a whim just now – his actions had been justified whether anyone saw it or not.

Finally giving in, Jason shakes his head. He looks past Katie to Misty. “With all due respect, Misty, I’m sorry, but your brother was caught in some regrettable actions against Aerith. If Wyatt and I hadn’t come along the other day…” Jason stops, shifting his eyes towards Aerith, trying to respect her as well. “Let’s just say that I’m glad Wyatt and I were there.”

Wyatt looks between Aerith and Misty, now realizing that they must have known each other…Misty was the sister Aerith had mentioned. This was awkward, to say the least. “I’m sorry, Misty.”

Camryn is totally confused by all of this, and beginning to feel that it was her time to exit. Standing up, she comes up to Jason, speaking quietly. “Maybe I should leave now…I think you’ve got more important things to worry about.”

Not even thinking, Jason puts a hand to her arm. “No…stay…I offered you dinner and I’m not backing out….” He looks back to the others and Misty, then to Camryn again. “…whether it’s here or somewhere else.”


*Frankie stratens alittle, still confused by everything that went on. Seeing the pain in his sisters face, and glancing around the room to the others that were growing uneasy. Laying a hand on her shoulder he nods.*

"Its ok Sis. I can see I am not welcomed and I dont want to cause any problems for you. I'll be in touch again. Maybe we can get together for something to eat."

*Frankie smiles at Misty as the look in his eye starts to waver. Throwing a glair at Jason, Frankie a pat to his sisters shoulder and than turns making his way out of the restront.

Misty watches as her brother leaves. It had been so long since she last saw him and now, before she could even spent time with him he was gone. Spinning around Misty glairs at Jason.*

"What is wrong with you? Why did you do that?"

*Misty cross her arms across her chest and heads back to the table to sit down a bit disapointed.

Aerith relaxes a bit as Frankie leaves, though she cant help but feel bad for Misty. She had caused her not to have a good reunin with her brother. A bit of Aerith feelt horrable.

Katie stands and looks to Jason. Knowing the question was on everyones mind. Keeping her voice calm and cool she speaks.*

"Jason, whats going on? Whats wrong?"


Wyatt tries to relay comfort to Aerith through his grip on her hand, and just keeps her where she is at a distance, not wanting to stay, but not wanting to leave.

Anger starts to boil within Jason as his emotions surface. Images flash in his mind of seeing Frankie in the parking lot with Aerith. Frankie looked innocent now, but Jason had been the one dodging flying fists…Jason had been the one to see the fear and tears on Aerith’s face. No…Frankie was not welcome here, not by him.

Sensing hostility, the others at the table, including Reese begin to grow uneasy. What was going on?

Jason’s eyes narrow into an angry glare. He has nothing against Misty, but his look is passed on to her anyway. “I don’t care if he’s your brother,” he hisses. “He’s not staying.”

Turning back to Frankie, and looking down on him, he warns him again. “Last chance, Frankie. Get out, or I’m taking you out myself.”


*As the other offer there greetings to Frankie one by one, not having a clue to anything Aerith steps back with Wyatt her finger sightly griping his more, as her hand shakes alittle bit. Aerith dident know what to think, or what to do.

Turing his head to Reese Frankie and give a grin.*

"Its good to see you again Uncel Reese."

*Than turns back to Carson giving his hand a shake back. He new who Carson was from when he had see him and his sister together in England.*

"Your must be Carson the one taking care of this little spitfire. Its a pleaseure to meet you."

*Frankie looks down at Jason, his eyes not giving much emotion, other than a bit of confustion. Opening his mouth to say something Misty intarupts. a bit of irratation in her voice.*

"Of corse there is room for him here, I just said he was my brother. Whats gotin into you Jason?"

*Misty keeps her smile held as she looks at Jason. What was wrong with him? Why was he acting like this.

As Kaie listens on she can feel a sence of hostility. A rising emotion in Jason. Something wasent right.*


Reese cocks his head as he looks at Lockheart, wondering if he was reading her eyes correctly. “Would you ever consider…” As tension suddenly rises in the room, his words trail off and he looks up to see what’s going on.

Wyatt’s hand wraps around Aerith’s protectively as his eyes bare down on Frankie.

As Misty rushes forward, both Jason and Wyatt exchange quick glances, their guards not down for an instant. Carson watches in confusion for a moment, never having seen this man before.

The announcement that Frankie is Misty’s brother widens the eyes of both Wyatt and Jason. While the others in the room start to smile and offer greetings, the two remain tense.

Wyatt’s grip on Aerith’s hand tightens and he backs her up several steps to gain more distance between them and Frankie. Misty’s brother? His own cousin? He’d heard that Frank had been in and out of prison, and never in his wildest dreams had he connected the dots to arrive at the right conclusion. Now that he thought about it, he felt stupid for not realizing this in the first place. But now what…Frankie was out, and was here…and apparently Misty had no clue as to what a monster he could be.

Carson stands up and offers his hand to Frankie. “Nice to meet you.”

Reese’ eyes widen as he realizes just who this is. “Well Frank…it’s…this is a surprise.”

Others in the room wave their hellos. Misty was their friend, and if she was enthusiastic about this newcomer, they had no reason not to be.

Jason doesn’t know what to do. He just stands in shock for a moment. Stepping forward, then back again, his nervousness rising. Everyone around him was clueless. He catches Wyatt’s eye again, but receives no help in knowing what to do. Swallowing hard, he makes a decision and steps forward again, this time, all the way up to Frankie. “I think you need to leave.” His tone is low and cool. “There’s no room for you here.”