

*Frankie stratens alittle, still confused by everything that went on. Seeing the pain in his sisters face, and glancing around the room to the others that were growing uneasy. Laying a hand on her shoulder he nods.*

"Its ok Sis. I can see I am not welcomed and I dont want to cause any problems for you. I'll be in touch again. Maybe we can get together for something to eat."

*Frankie smiles at Misty as the look in his eye starts to waver. Throwing a glair at Jason, Frankie a pat to his sisters shoulder and than turns making his way out of the restront.

Misty watches as her brother leaves. It had been so long since she last saw him and now, before she could even spent time with him he was gone. Spinning around Misty glairs at Jason.*

"What is wrong with you? Why did you do that?"

*Misty cross her arms across her chest and heads back to the table to sit down a bit disapointed.

Aerith relaxes a bit as Frankie leaves, though she cant help but feel bad for Misty. She had caused her not to have a good reunin with her brother. A bit of Aerith feelt horrable.

Katie stands and looks to Jason. Knowing the question was on everyones mind. Keeping her voice calm and cool she speaks.*

"Jason, whats going on? Whats wrong?"

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