

*Katie smiles back at Scott. Still feeling a bit akward about everything with Jason, and the strange feeling settling lunch with Scott would be good. But Katie wanted something differnt today, not the normal grab and go greasy food.*

"One o'clock, some place nice. Maybe that new greek restront in town. Or if you can think of a better place thats cool too."

*Katie smiles and stands leaning over to Scott with a few papers in hand giving him a kiss. Once Scott leave Katie cubicle she makes her way to Jason's office seeing Carson leave. Knockig than poking her head in the door.*

"J...am I bothering you?"

*Jamie pulls into the construction site about 12. Laying on her horn her hope up over the winshield as her car's top is down on such a nice day. She dident mind making a specicle of herself, and cirtinly dident mind picking up Con at work. Jamie Had gotten use to the hoots and hollars from the other guys now, and it dient bother her. Some of them she even called by there names knowing who they were. Griving a grin Jamie calls to a younger kid across the way alittile bit.*

"Hey Bret, You see Con around? He's late meeting me."

*Jamie taps her watching playfuly.*

*As Lockheart makes her way off the plane a shinny black limo is waiting for her. Rolling her eyes she sighs. Jake had gone out of his way again. Geting into the limo Lockheart new it wouldent be to long of a drive, so looking at more files would be useless. Opening her email again she reads over the one Reese sent her. A smile once again cross her face reading it. Reese really was a sweet man, and though she hadent been gone long Lockheart missed them all, already. Forming a new email she reply.*

My flight back was good. It felt longer than when
I came out. Anyways I have leanded now and am making
my way back to the office. I fear to see the piles
of work waiting for me. But I wouldent mind, and would
do it again if I had the chanse. Geting to know you
all was great. Have a great day and talk to you again
soon. Dont hesatate to call. I'm always here for you.

-Angelica Lockheart
Atturny at Law

*As Misty comes up behind Carson she throws her arms around his neck and gives him a bit kiss on the cheek. Than drawing her head back she leans in again for another, repeating it over and over again till finally she draws back again a sausy grin on her face.*

"I told you I was going to smother you in kiss."

*Misty cant help but give Carson a couple hundred more. Before finally breaking free.*

"If you cant tell, I am feeling better today. I work up this morning with very little pain. Well if I move to fast I can still feel it but I can actully move without it hurting. Its great."

*Misty cant help the grin on her face and the shinning in her eye. Life had returned to them. After yesterdays court hearing, and than feeling great today Misty was happy.*

"So, I was going ot be meeting my brother for lunch today in about 15 or 20 min down town. I dident know if maybe you want to come with? I know everyone said what he did to Aerith but, I just cant see that as my brother. So I wanna at least give him a chanse. I thought maybe you would like to come and get to know him too."

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