

Jason looks up from his desk to see Katie in his doorway. Hearing her question, he throws up his hands. “No, no bother. Just come barging in like everyone else – I don’t care about getting any work done this morning anymore anyway.”

Once the words are out of his mouth, he realizes just how snippy they are, and he’s hit with a pang of guilt. Taking a deep breath, he closes his eyes for a moment, regaining control.

“I’m sorry,” he speaks with a softer tone. “You never bother me, so come in. What’s up?”

As usual, the guys at the construction site great Jamie enthusiastically, though comments are tempered by the knowledge that Con would beat any guy to a pulp that acted inappropriately.

Bret laughs and shakes his head as he walks past, removing his leather gloves. “Tank’s around here somewhere. I think he and Dean were out scouting that new zone, but if he knew you were coming, he’ll be here.” He throws Jamie a wink. “In case you didn’t know it, he’s head over heels for you.”

“Hey! Quit getting distracted by the pretty onlooker!”

Bret turns to see Con coming towards them. “Speak of the devil…” He waves off Con. “I was just making sure no one else bothered her.”

“Uh-huh.” Con throws him a withering, but teasing look. “Right.” He grins at Jamie. “Sorry I’m late. Lost track of time.”

Bret tsks at him and shakes his head. “Rule number one – never use that excuse. It makes the ladies feel less important than whatever it was you were doing.”

Con fakes a stance ready to slap Bret upside the head. “Don’t you have anything better to do?”

“Mmmm, I think I like it when you’re feeling better.” Carson grins at Misty’s antics, pulling her in close for a kiss of his own. “You shouldn’t have told me though – there will be no stopping me now.” Another kiss lands on her lips.

Chuckling, Carson draws away and shrugs at her invitation. “Sure…I’ll come along if you like. You’ll have to drive though, I haven’t been able to go pick up that car from the lot yet.”

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