
Another Carson

*A look pass in Katie eyes as she looks back at Jason knowing thats not what he was going to say but knows the reason for his change it. Giving a smile to Jason and than to Scott Katie was pleased they were talking again. She gives alittle nod.*

"Of corse I am . I cant leave you guys in danger. Pluse Jen need all the help she can get keep you guys in line. Just let me know the time and place and I'll be there."

*Misty snaps her head to Carson at his comment taken aback for a moment. She throws him and elbow and smiles.*

"For your sake I would hope your tasts arnt going anywhere."

*For a moment Frankie looks back up at Carson a grin forming on his face.*

"If my sister leave you wanting something more than your not an easy man to please and I dont think there is a woman out there who could. But you've stayed with her this long so there must be something she is doing right."

*Misty's head snaps back to her brother her jaw almost dropping. Her brother had always been forward but this was more than what she was useto. Maybe after being in jail Frankie changed to be more open and flippent about what he was saying. Anything was possable after all Jason had changed alot in prison so many her brother had changed as well. Misty could help but give a nervouse laugh as her face grew warmer by the minutes.*

"I'm a good kisser maybe. How about we talk about something alse now shall we?"

*Frankie looks to Misty and chuckles geting a kick out of embarssing his sister a suddin glint in his eye changes. A more joking, cold tone seems to show through slightly. Frankie looks back to Carson his voice showing his own cocky air.*

"I guess we are embarssing her. I dont know why thought. I always told you Misty even when you were younger you should be proude to be so pretty and make guys heads turn. Since then you have just got even pretter. Alot of women would kill to have your stunning looks. What do you think Carson?"

*Misty shakes her head she cant help but smile alittle bit at the complament her brother had been one to always give one. Still she felt alittle embarssed. She was use to Carson's remarks but it just felt alittle strange to hear them more openly from her brother. Misty was please though see Carson and her brother geting along. Misty never thought she would meet another Carson but Frankie was just like him in many ways and still differnt.*

"If you dont stop you going to give me a bigger head than I already have. Than I might flote away."

*Misty gives a smerk and laugh.*

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