

Jason’s head whips around to see Jamie leave, and he looks to Katie with helplessness. He could offer nothing. All he had was his bike.

Scott is to his feet on an instant, his half-eaten lunch forgotten. “Come on. I’ll drive.”

As the three hurry down the hall, Jason’s stomach suddenly sinks. “Laura.” He stops for a moment and looks toward her cubicle. “You guys go and call me as soon as you know something,” he orders.

Scott nods his response and starts to sprint for the stairs, wanting to catch Jamie before she left. He can feel Katie right behind him.

Hitting the exit, he squints in the sunlight. “Jamie!” He calls to her just as she’s ready to get to her car. “I’m driving. Come on.” He waves her over.

As soon as the three are in his car, he accelerates out of the parking lot. He knew where the site was, and wasted no time in cutting corners to take the shortest route. The ride is quiet and tense.

Jason is on his way to Laura’s desk when he stops. Pondering a moment, he thinks better of it, and aims for Nate instead. “Nate…” he leans on the cubicle wall, keeping his voice hushed. “There’s been an accident down at the construction site…Jamie, Scott and Katie are on their way there to see about Con, but there were lots of guys hurt. I…” He pauses. “We just heard it on the news, so I know Laura doesn’t know anything yet.” He knows Nate will take his implication. He didn’t want to start a panic…Con was probably fine…but Laura should know what was happening, and she’d probably take it better from Nate than himself.

Arriving at the site, Scott has a hard time finding a place to park. Vehicles were everywhere. News crews and rescuers jam the street next to the site and clog the parking area.

Finally finding a spot, the three exit quickly. Yellow tape surrounds the west end of the site where most of the activity is. Several ambulances are present and red and blue lights flash.

Passing by several people, they’re ignored at first, receiving only questioning glances until they get closer.

Several tables are set up where paramedics are treating some of the injured.

Bret holds his left arm as he waits to be looked after, blood running from a gash in his shoulder. Looking up, he sees the three newcomers, and his face pales as he sees Jamie.

Taking a few steps towards them, panic plays in his eyes, for the first time, no teasing comes, “Guys, you shouldn’t be here. It’s a danger zone. Pretty soon they’re going to get everyone out of here.”

He looks at Jamie, unsure of what she knows. “Jamie…” He stops, swallowing hard. Obviously she knew there had been a cave in or else she wouldn’t be here. Surely the news would have reported the missing men. “I…they’re going to find them…they have to…it’s…” His face is drawn tight. “Three men went down, Jamie…. We think Dean was on the site and Brandon was in the bulldozer and…and Con was with them.” He pauses again. “They’re trying to find them…”

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