

*Katie sits down in the chair across from Jason. The tention was so high it could be cut with a knife and Katie new Jason could feel it too.*

"If you think leave and than coming back would help than you could, but I think just trying to make the rest of day good would work better."

*Katie cant help but smile alittle trys to let herself relax. So Jason spend the night at Mikes. Well thast good Katie was glad she hadent assumed and made a jerk of herself, but still that pang was there. Katie trys to push it away not wanting the tention to continue.

" I said it always and was being honest, I just wanted to see how you were doing. I dident get time to talk to you much yesterday as much as I wanted to. But you already answered that question. I guess I just miss talking to you as much as I use to. We use to talk about everything and its so differnt now. We hardly even say Hi to eachother now. I hate this tention I just wish everything could be normal again ya know."

*Katie stops for a moment still looking Jason in the eye. She wasent even sure what she was saying and she felt like she had said this all before. Was she just repeating herself again, was what she was saying even comingout right.*

*Jamie smiles at Con as she pulls out of the site parking lot throwing a wave to anyone who was watching. Heading down the road Jamie thinks about a place to go.*

"How about..."

*Jamie continues to think.*

"Are you up for chinese? Thats always good for the Tanks that are hungry."

*Jamie cant help but aligh alittle bit.*

"I still think its so funny they call you that. A tank with a teddy bear heart."

*Jamie continues to drive down the road and keeping the conversation light with Con. Till finally they get to the restront.*

*Misty cant help but laugh as Carson and herself head out the door and to the car.*

"Your such a suck up you know that!"

*Geting into the car and situated they finally makes there way out of the parking lot and head for town. Misty keeps the conversation light with Carson as her nerves run high.

After about 20 minutes of driving Misty and Carson finally pull into the restrong parking lot. Befor geting out of the car Misty lets out a sigh and just sits for a moment. She was nervouse and dident know why. It had been so long since she spend time with her brother.

Finally geting out Misty waits for Carson taking his hand and making there way inside. Scaning the room Misty see her brother as he stand.

Keeping his eyes out the window Frankie waits for Misty to show up. He had called her late lastnight and asked if she wanted to get together. He dident think Misty would agree after what happend yesterday but was happy she did. Seeing his sister pull in and Carson with her he smiles. Frankie wanted to know this name that had tamed his sister. As they both enter he stands and waves.

Misty walks up to her brother and gives him a strong embracee.*

"Its good seeing you again Frank."

*Frankie smiles and returns the hug.*

"Its been to long little Sis."

*Misty smiles as she pulls away from Frankie and turns back to Carson. Taking his hand.*

"Frank you remeber from yesterday my boyfriend Carson. I hope you dont mind I invited him alot to spend lunch with us."

*Frankie exstends his hand to Carson a plesent smile on his face.*

"Of course I remember him. Good to see you again Carson and please call me Frankie. I have told my sister that a million time and only half the time she listens to me. Please come sit, and we can enjoy lunch together."

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