
Break out of Jail

*Katie cant help but smile as the moonlight shines in the hospetil window reflecting off Jason's face. Oh how it lit it up reflecting off his endless eyes. The yes that had never betrayed Katie. The ones she could get lost in for hours. Taking Jason's hand she draws him close to her. In a soft voice she whispers.*

" If your not going to spend the night with me tonight at least give me a goodbye kiss?"

*Katie smiles up at Jason as she lifts her head off the pillow the light now lighting up her own face.*

*Misty cant help but smerk as she enters the police station and asks about Carson.*

"Don't worry I wont break him out again. I promise."

*Misty follows after one of the cops that escorts her. Drawing closer to the cell with Carson Misty her a sassy smile on her lips as she trys to cheer Carson up.*

"Shesh these guy watch me like a hawk. One would think I broke someone out of jail once or something."

*Misty smiles again as she leans again the cell bars and her look becomes more searouce.*

"Herb told me what happend Carson, are you ok?"


Carson keeps his eyes lowered as Herb speaks. He wished he were right...he wished that soon people would look at him for who he was now. He was still making some stupid mistakes and making some bad decisions, but he really was trying... But was it enough? Was him finally turning around now really enough for people to look at him differently? Would he ever really shed his old reputation? At least he had a small group of people that accepted him as he was now.

At Herb's comment about work, his head jerks up and he only sees Herb walking away. His eyes are widened slightly. After all that...after his stupid move and the fight, and him getting arrested...he still had a job? He'd known Herb was on his side, but to let him keep his job...

Carson swallows hard and finally goes to sink down on the hard cot. It felt kind of strange...either had had enemies, or he had people who stuck with him no matter what. He wasn't used to that, even now.

Closing his eyes, he leans back against the wall again, his tongue running over the cut in his lip. Misty might come tonight...he wouldn't be surprised. Herb would tell her the true story and she wouldn't hold it against him. In a way, Carson hung on to that knowledge. With all the stupid things he'd done, Misty hadn't given up on him.

Jason swallows hard as he hears Katie humming his song…he knew good and well when she’d heard it, and it wasn’t a good memory. He’d been in prison.

Seeing her tears again, he wants to comfort her, but doesn’t know how. Why did this have to be so hard?

As she thanks him and runs her thumb over his hand, a tingle shoots up Jason’s arm. He can feel the heat rising to his face again. His response would have been, “I think I’m the lucky one.” His response would have been his own affectionate squeeze to her hand. His response would have been to lean down and give her a kiss. But he could do none of those…not now…

He slowly withdraws his hand to pat hers, and takes a deep breath, letting it out gradually. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m plum tuckered out. I guess I’ll…” He stops short. Had he still been dating Katie, he would have stayed in the spare bed in the hospital room. But that bed was made up nice and neat, showing that he had not slept in it, nor was he intending to. “…be calling it a night,” he ends lamely. “You be alright? Can I get you anything before I take off?”


*Herb cant help the small grin the plays on his lips but he trys his best to hide it before Carson can see.*

"Yeah I will let Misty know for you. As for the new life, your doing a pretty good job so far. Just at the moment your still paying for you past. Stay on the right road Carson and soon people will forget the old Carson Banks and see the new one. I've already got a glimpse of the new Carson. God works in mysteries ways."

*Herb turns to start to walk away but than stop turning his head slightly to talk over his shoulder.*

"Once you get out of here I expect you at work bright and early to make up for lost time yesterday and tomorrow. Leave me to deciding who works at my restaurant and who doesn't ok."

*Katie cant help a little laugh that escapes her lips.*

"Kyle will never change I think, but that is a good thing. He wouldn't be the same any other way. Some people just are not ment to change I think while other are."

*Katie smiles at her looks into Jason's eyes. Than her excitment grows as she hears about Mike and Jen.*

"Oh wow Mike and Jen. I am so happy for them. Your guys songs on the raido is amazing as well. Thats so cool."

*Katie leans her head back for a moment as she fishes thorough the fog. As if a tiny bit of fog lifts a tone enters Katie's mind as a soft hum comes from her lips and form words.*

"Now I’m broken, See the trouble I’m in.
I got down far, Alone I can’t win.
Bein’ here’s tough, And I know that you’re hurtin’,
Didn’t mean no harm, I love you for certain.

Baby don’t leave me,

Don’t leave my side.
I need you here,
Till the day that I die.

Life ain’t pretty,
And that much I know.
But please…
Stay by my side..."

*As if a lightbulb goes off in Katie's mind her eyes opens and she sits up. Closing them once again she trys to fish through the fog more. A memorie, that song...it was there peeking through the fog but she couldent seem to grasp the rest.*

"That song, you sang it..but I dont remember when I hurd you sing it...I...."

*Katie continues to search, for the becon, for the light. Pushing the fog away only to find more. Her head started to hurt as she clenched her eyes closed tighter to try and remember. But all she came up was with nothing. A few tears roll from her eye.*

"...I...cant remember anything alse...my head it hurts to much."

*Katie keeps her eyes closed for a long moment till she opens them and looks to Jason. A small smile plays on her lips.*

"Thank you for being here with me again."

*Katie runs her thumb over his hand.*

"Your to good to me. I'm so lucky."


Jason feels Katie's hand on his, and resists withdrawing it. She needed this comfort. She needed him right now. Con was right.

"It'll be alright, Katie, I promise." He shifts his hand to give hers a squeeze.

Chuckling, he nods. "Kyle is Kyle." A grin spreads. "Mike and Jen are dating now. That's something fairly recent." He gives another nod. "The band is good." He thinks for a moment, trying to recall when things had happened, though makes sure that he blocks the majority of emotion-filled memories. "Got a couple songs they're playing on the radio. Kyle gets hyped every time he hears one."

Pausing, he studies Katie's eyes. Where had her memories gone...where was the woman he knew? What had this changed...what did these events mean?

Camryn wanders down the hospital hall, and spots the others. Seeing Jason not with them, she assumes he's in Katie's room, but Con stops her. "Hey, Camryn...hold off a minute or two."

Camryn stops, and quirks an eyebrow. "What? Why?"

"Katie's awake, but, um..."

Camryn is filled with relief. "Oh that's wonderful." She searches Con's face. "But...what?"

"She doesn't remember a lot about recent events." Con swallows hard. "When she woke up, she thought she was still here from an accident she had a while back."

"Oh..." Camryn's brow furrows. "So...what does that mean?"

"Well, she's a little confused at the moment. She doesn't realize how much has happened lately or anything. So we all have to take it pretty easy and slow with her so she doesn't get a shock about some things."

"Some things?"

Con glances at Nate and his sister for help, then back to Camryn. "Well, she still thinks that..."

Camryn doesn't need Con to finish. Her eyes show she suddenly understands. "She still thinks she's together with Jason, doesn't she?"


Camryn takes a moment to think, not sure what to say. She looks down at the ring on her finger. "Well...I guess...I guess I better not be all over him when she's around yet then huh?"

Con can't help his chuckle. "For the moment, that might be wise. We're hoping Katie will remember everything on her own soon, but if not, there will be things we will simply have to tell her. Just be patient with that man of yours, okay? Katie's a good friend, and he's in a pretty awkward position."

Carson glances up as Herb approaches the cell, but then lowers his gaze again, his hat brim hiding his eyes. "Yeah, I need a new life. But they seem to be in short supply at the moment."

He folds his arms across his chest and sighs, grinding his teeth as he thinks. "Someone needs to let Misty know I'm here...I was supposed to pick her up tonight for a date. And.." He shrugs. "Just go ahead and tell her I lost my job while you're at it. Mom and Pop's can't have someone like me working there."

...still a ham?

*Katie turns her head as she hears Jason come into the room and gives a smile. Her head hurt a little, and she still felt confused but she was happy to see a face she new again.*

"Hey! Going home will be nice. I hate hospetils, not to mention if I go home maybe it will help me remember what I cant."

*Katie gives a little sigh. She really was frustrated that she couldent remember anything. The feeling of something bad loomed in the darkness but she couldent put her finger on it.*

"Oh, I'm doing ok. I just feel tired and hate that I cant remember anything from the last year. Great things probley happend and I cant even remember them. Its frustrating."

*Katie's hand finds Jason's for a moment just resting on top of it. In a sence she was kind of scaired.*

"So how is the band doing? Is Kyle still a ham?"

*Herb is escorted to the back to where Carson is. Giving a heavy sigh he looks through the bars at his new employe. *

"Well your going to be held over night, but I told them your side of the story at least. It dident help you resisted much but whats done is done."

*Herb leans aganst the bars for a moment.*

"Do you need anything Carson? Other than to get out of here?"


Jason gives Dr. Fuller a grateful nod in response.

Laura reaches over to take Nate’s hand, not exactly sure what to do.

Con looks to Jason, gesturing to the door. “You might want to be the first one back in there, Jase.”

Jason swallows hard. “But Con, I…”

“I know it’s awkward. But you know it’s best. It’s you she wants to see, and for right now, the awkwardness on your part is worth it.”

“She’ll have to know sometime…”

“Yes, but not today.” Con almost can’t stand the thought of how much Katie would hurt to find out right now that she and Jason had broken up. “Just be her friend…she needs that.”

“I don’t know how long I can keep this up…. Letting her think we haven’t changed, not to mention not letting her know what I’m thinking. It’s hard enough now the way it is, I’m driving myself crazy trying to block all these things.”

Con looks Jason in the eye. “You have the ability and you know it. Be yourself and just quit worrying. It’ll all work out.”

Jason glances down at the table. “Yeah…I know…” Finally he rises. “Alright…I’ll be back.”

Slowly he makes his way back to Katie’s room….he’s so unsure about so many things. It was just something else he has to block. He had to do this…for Katie. Whether they were dating or not, she was still his friend, and he still cared about her.

Knocking softly, he enters her room, a smile coming to his lips. He approaches casually and eases down in the chair again, looking her in the eye. “So…I guess you’re gonna live, huh?” The humor dances in his voice. “That would be a good thing. Doc said you could go home in a day or two…I think Laura will be pretty happy about that.” He pauses a moment, cocking his head and knowing that his small talk chatter wasn't doing anyone any good. He finally gives in to a little more seriousness. "How you holding up, Hero?"

The officer at the counter sports a badge with the name Springer on it. He quirks an eyebrow at Herb, and lazily flips through some papers. “Ah, yes…brought in a while ago. Assault charges, I believe. The other three were released, and Mr. Banks was kept for additional questioning. Detective Houghens is unable to see him right now though, so the sheriff has informed us that Mr. Banks will be held overnight.” He shrugs and thumbs to the back. “Want to see him though, be my guess. Officer Thomlinson will escort you.”

Carson paces the small cell, his anger boiling. How could this have happened? It was ridiculous! It was unfair and stupid! He’d been attacked, and just because the other guys had a better story, they were the ones to go free, and he was kept. A ‘troublemaker’ they said. Maybe losing his temper hadn’t helped things much, but he was tired of the bad guy label! No matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, he was still a bad guy. Would it follow him the rest of his life? Even with a pardoned record, after the stunt he’d pulled with the fight ring and escaping jail, all the dirt was back again.

Leaning back against the wall, his baseball cap is pulled low over his eyes and he stares at he floor. He might lose his job over this one. He’d been given the chance to make a phone call, but the only person he’d call would be Misty, and he hadn’t had the nerve to call her and tell her where he was. Even if it wasn’t his fault, he just didn’t want to have to tell her one more time that he’d messed up. He was tired of being the screw-up.