
Just wanted

Ryder shakes his head numbly. "It's just... the way I am."

Slowly, his breathing relaxes again, and Rick deems it safe to let him be once more. Though this time he paid closer attention to what was happening around him.

Ryder shifts alittle, the throbbing in his shoulder starting up again. "You shoulda just... let me go," he states wearily. "I woulda been... better off."

Rocky cringes a little as at first Jess is frightened. Once she stops though, he steps a little closer. "Don't be sorry... it was my fault."

Moving in a couple steps, he eases down cautiously on the edge of the bed. "I didn't want to wake you. I just... wanted to see how you were doing."


Still feeling Ryder's hand tight in her own Katie draws close next to him again just letting him hold her hand.

Keeping her voice soft as she sits down Katie questions.

"Why cant you have drugs? Is it something to do with the Agency?"

Katie can only imagen what it was and right now talking to Ryder was keeping her calm and proving to her Ryder was alive an ok.

Rolling over Jess didnt even hear Rocky at the door. Giving a jump seeing him Jess eyes wildly search his face as she pushes herself aganst the wall behind her.

Finally relizing it was only Rocky Jess can feel herself calm just a little as she still sits close to the wall. She felt so foolish but she also didnt exspcet him to be right there.


She manages to whisper to Rocky.

"I didnt hear you knock."

Kind of

Ryder's hand finds Katie's and his fingers wrap around hers in a vice grip as his eyes still roam wildly back and forth. His breathing is shallow and he shakes.

Displeased with the progression, Rick brings out another syringe, trying to find out what would help Ryder's system. But before the needle can be inserted into his vein, Ryder mumbles groggily. "No... you'll... kill me."

Rick stops. "What?"

Ryder fights to keeps his eyes halfway open. "Don't," he manages. "I can't..."

"It's just a sedative. It will help you relax if it can get through to your system."

"No," Ryder insists. "I can't... it's a... the reaction... no drugs... no more."

Rick lifts his eyebrows, and withdraws. "Are you allergic to something? Is that what happened?"

"Kind of." Ryder's eyes fall shut and he licks his dry lips. "Just... leave me be..."

Rick sighs and backs off, motioning for Misty to do the same. As long as Ryder was out of the woods, he wouldn't try for any more answers.

Though Ryder seemed to not have heard Katie at all, he had. And though it would seem he'd drifted to sleep again, his grip on Katie's hand proved he was still awake, perhaps not even realizing what he was doing.


Stepping up once again Katie's face is stricken with tears as her head beats lowdly in her chest. They had almost lost him, Ryder had almost died in front of her.

"Ryder its ok, I'm here with you. This is Rick and this is Carson's girlfriend Misty. They wont hurt you."

Katie moves a hand to place it on Ryder's arm again.

"I almost thought I lost you.You scaired the crap out of me you know."


It feels like a confusing place. It's not dark and it's not something to be feared. But it doesn't feel right either. No matter how wide the gaze, nothing can be seen on the outside. But here, it seems clear. Like a painter's canvas, the surroundings are clear, yet muted by strokes of the artist. There's no gravity, but no dizziness either.

Breath. Air fills the lungs, expanding them, sending oxygen through the blood. A light. A face.

It's warm here. Like a child at play. Or a rainy day inviting a soft blanket. It's like the feeling of blowing the seeds off a dandelion to watch them float on the summer breeze.

Breath. Air flows in and out. A voice. A face. Desperation. Begging.

But it's so nice here. Can't I stay?

Rick whirls around at Katie's cry and sees her trying to revive Ryder. His eyes wide, he rushes to Ryder's side, checking his pulse and looking at his eyes. "I don't understand - he was stable not five minutes ago."

Moving quickly, he takes over, directing Katie to stand back, and asking for Misty's assistance. "Don't do this," Rick speaks as if hoping his words would revive his patient. He couldn't lose someone. Not like this. He breathes into Ryder's lungs, his hands going to the chest to pump, counting in his head.

Breath. It comes. It goes. It draws life. But it calls the soul from this place. It beckons. Time held no bearing. But not now... not now.

"Come on, Ryder," Rick begs as he and Misty do all they can. He gives orders, desperate to see the life back in the man's eyes.

Breath. It breaks through the barrier, shattering the light. The colors of the canvas twist and turn into a blur of reality and dream. A flash of darkness hits until the cold air is felt once more. Life. But which was truly life?

Ryder's eyes spark and suddenly he gasps for breath. He looks around wildly, staring up into the faces that were still not familiar to him. A panic sets in, and once more he starts to fight.

"Whoa, whoa, easy." Rick tries to hold him down, not knowing if he should be relieved he was breathing again or afraid of overworking Ryder's system. "Katie, talk to him, please," he directs. They'd administered all the drugs they'd dared, they'd started his heart and breathing once more. But he needed to be kept still to recover.

Head First

Giving a smile Katie was happy to see Ryder awake. He might not know where he was, or how he got here but at least he didnt have to wake to strangers faces.

About to say something to Ryder Katie feels his hand drop and sees his breathing stop. A wave of panic hits her as her voice rises just a little.


Shaking him just a little and not any reply instince kicks in as Katie stands. Leaning over Ryder Katie starts to do CPR the way she new how to only hoping someone would see her and come to help more.

In between breaths she try to hold back her tears as she pleads with him.

"Come on Ryder dont give up on me."

Ceased breath

Carson studies Angelica as she talks, taking in the information like a sponge. His mind was already calculating... already at work. Her final statement makes him pause, and he just looks at her. She knew that he wouldn't be held back from this case, Elite agent or not.

After asking a few more questions, he finds out that Jess hadn't been hurt quite as badly as last time, though Peter had been on his way to do more. Apparently Rocky and Reese had arrived just in time. Carson still wished he would have been there though.

"Alright..." He pauses, contemplating his options. "I might be back. Thanks." Turning around, he stalks out again, this time heading for Reese's office. Just as he reaches the main floor though, he almost runs into someone else. "Rocky!"

"Whoa, Carson, you're back." Rocky lifts his eyebrows. His friend look like he'd been on a battle field. "Everything alright?"

"Um, yeah...yeah. I just saw Jess."

Rocky's eyes dim. "Yeah. I came to see how she was."

"Shook up. But... at least it wasn't quite as bad as last time."

Rocky shakes his head, holding back what he really wanted to say about Peter. "I'm just glad I was there, and what's his name... the chief."


"Yeah, him. Otherwise..." Rocky stops. "Is Jess up?"

"Don't know. You can check the room."

"Okay, thanks."

Carson watches Rocky head down the hall, then keeps on his route to see Reese.

Rocky wanders past the line of doors, not totally confident of where everything was, even though he'd been here the night before. He sees into the infirmary, noting that it was quite busy, then continues to the next room. He knocks quietly with a knuckle before cracking the door. Peeking into the dimness, he sees Jess' figure on the bed. But instead of going in, he just stands for a moment. She was resting. He wouldn't disturb her.

Ryder groans and moves around, but with not enough strength to fight back Rick, who held him still as Misty worked on him. Things were foggy... fuzzy... nothing made a whole lot of sense. He wasn't really afraid... but there was no peace in this feeling either.

Once the stitches are completed and a bandage in place, Ryder's eyes are closed, seeming to relax more on the table. While the bed was still taken by Angel, he'd been made to be as comfortable as possible in adequate space.

With Rick and Misty cleaning up and away from the table, Ryder stirs. Turning his head, one eye is pried open, bringing Katie's face into focus. He was tired... so tired... numb, almost not even feeling as though he were lying in the infirmary.

He opens his mouth, his voice a quiet and hoarse whisper. "You're here..." His arm reaches over so his finger can barely touch Katie's cheek. "Does that mean..." His words trail off, his eyes becoming dim and faraway. His hand drops from her face, and suddenly, his raspy breathing ceases.

Clint's coffee lowers as he rests the mug on his knee, Wendy taking his other hand. As it's placed on her belly, he almost flinches. He was used to touching her, but... it was different this time. There was a life there... one that was a part of both of them... so unplanned... and so terrifying.

Relaxing though, he gives her a little rub, a smile forming on his face. He leans his cheek into her hand, letting her calm him down from the fears that welled inside. "I love you."

Easing closer, Clint puts his own cup down, and he leans over Wendy, the smile staying on his face. "And I am so happy that you and I will be spending the rest of our lives together." Leaning in further, he puts his lips to hers, tenderly, softly, before letting his kiss linger, bringing his rough palm to her face.

Any man

Sinking down on the bed Jess crawls under the covers and pulls them up over herself. She felt cold and tired maybe all she needed was a little more sleep till Carson came back. Just a little more and she would be ok. Slowly Jess' eyes become to heavy to keep open and she slowly difts back to sleep.

Looking up from her desk Angelica is a bit saprised by Carson's entrince but dosnt bother saying anything about it. She new Jess was his friend and he had to be pretty upset about what happend and she couldnt blame him.

"Well I dont know much becase the original case was closed. From the paper work I got they said a second hearing he had witch I didnt even know about it."

Angelica holds up the paper that she had found on her desk dated a few weeks back. She still felt resposable for this whole thing, and being away she hadnt gotten it. If only she had than maybe they could of stoped this form happening again.

"They said that dew to a technacality they had a second hearing and a woman came forth as a whitness that Peter was with her the whole night that this happend to Jess. So they ended up letting him go. As far as where he is I dont know. I would guess look at old hangouts, people he new and stuff as that nature."

Searching Carson's eyes Angelica can see the anger more clearly than ever.

"Don't worry Carson they are looking for him and we have witness this time saying he did hurt Jess. They will find him. However if you happen to find him first I'm behind you. I myself dont take kindly to guys that hit a woman."

Pulling a chair up to the bed Katie sits down, a warm bath and new cloths being forgotten. Right now someone she had formed a friendship with was in need and she might very well need to calm him down again.

Staying close Katie gently gives a small pat to Ryders good arm to let him know she was there. He'd want to see a face he new when he woke and Katie would be right there for him.

Setting the coffee down on the night stand Wendy sits up a little stranger so she can be closer to Clint. Reaching out she lays a hand on his arm and gives a smile.

"Clint, I am happy. You and I are going to start a family how could I not be happy? I dont want you to run yourself ragged because than you will miss out on the important things."

Bringing her hand down Clint's arm to his hand, taking it Wendy gently puts in on top of her stomach her face beaming.

"I dont want to miss out on our child."

Bringing her own hand back to Clint's face she gives another smile as she looks at Clint's tired eyes.

"I love you just the way you are and I know you will provide all you can I have no worry about that."

Dire states

Having Jess return to his arms, Carson doesn't withdraw. Instead, he offers what she needs - pure and simple comfort. Even though they had gone their separate ways, and even though Carson had known that friendship was the only thing that could be between them... feeling needed was a sensation that he didn't mind one bit. He knew that Jess had been making more friends, but he also knew that she trusted very few. And to be the one she needed... he was only too willing to be there for her.

Carson holds her close, giving her back a gentle rub, and rocking her lightly. "It's okay," he assures quietly. "You'll never be in a safer place than this. I promise you that. And we'll find Peter... don't worry... we'll find him." He hadn't even realized that he'd included himself in the "we" until it was out of his mouth.

After holding Jess for a few moments, he finally pulls her away just as little bit, wiping her tears with his hands as gently as he could. He knew his palms were rough. "I want you to stay here," he directs gently. "I know you don't like it, but it's best until we can get Peter off the street for good."

He offers as much of a smile as he can. "And I want you to get some rest. Let me get myself cleaned up, report in to Reese and everything else I need to do. Then I'll be back... and maybe I'll even bring that milkshake for you." He tosses Jess a quick wink.

"Come on." He leads her to the bed where he gestures for her to sit down. "You'll be out of the chaos in here, alright?" He ruffles her hair a little, trying to bring a smile to her face. "I'll be back, I promise."

Not wanting to leave, but knowing he must, Carson slips out of the room. Only when he was out of sight of Jess does his facial expression change. It's hard. It's cold. It's angry.

Stalking down the hall, he stops at Angelica's office. He doesn't even knock, bypassing all formalities. Swinging the door open, he barely keeps it from banging back against the wall. His eyes blazed. "What do you know about Peter Sanford?" he demands. "How did he get out, and do we know where he is?"

Both Rick and Jason continue to struggle with Ryder, even after Misty comes to help. Though Katie comes, Rick goes for a second sedative. Again, it's worthless.

"What's this guy made out of?" He tries to catch his breath, fighting Ryder's strength.

Jason struggles too. "I don't know. Ask the crocs he's taken down."

Rick's surprise makes him falter a moment, and he gets an elbow to the gut.

Ryder hurls a curse through the air. Screaming, he tries to rip himself loose, by now, his shoulder giving out a steady stream of crimson, mixing with his sweat.

As Katie approaches and touches him, he flinches, his eyes wildly searching her face, groping for recognition. Sweat stings his eyes and he squints, still pulling against the three that were fighting to keep him still.

Jason can feel a shift in emotions, and consciously slows down his own flow in order to give Katie more freedom to help.

Ryder's heart races, his pulse pounding in his head. Everything was blurry and the panic ran deep. But suddenly something started to overshadow the panic, wrapping it in a comforting warmth. It almost felt as though someone had reached inside of him, down deep to find any amount of calmness and trust that existed, and had begun to pull it out, bringing it to the surface.

Staring at Katie, gradually, his pulse begins to slow, his breathing growing steadier. Without putting so much strain against the others, Rick and Jason are able to relax a little bit, finally gaining control again.

Ryder's body starts to drop from its tense state, and his eyes start to droop as he fights to stay conscious. Still looking at Katie, his surroundings slowly come out of the fog, her face coming into focus. "Katie?" he mumbles. Despite his groggy state, somehow he suddenly understands Katie's words, and realizes that what he'd been fighting to get away from had been his imagination. "Dang..." But he can't even finish his statement as his eyes roll back in his head.

Now instead of fighting, Rick and Jason struggle just to keep Ryder from falling onto the floor.

"Get him back on the table," Rick orders. He knew Misty was right. They had to get some more blood into Ryder, and fast. He'd gone too long without treatment and now was intensely weaker than just minutes before. "Thanks, Katie."

Yes, hats off to ya, Hero. You saved the day once again.
Jason lets Rick and Misty set to work on Ryder, now confident that things were back under control. He nods to the door.
Probably shouldn't leave just yet, but... join me in the break room for some coffee? We might as well get out of the way in here now.

Ryder writhes on the table, somewhere between being awake and unconscious. A fever had set in, and he shakes with cold chills. Rick gives up on another sedative and just focuses on helping Misty get the wound closed up. He wanted to go back to look for the antidote, but unfortunately, right now Ryder was in a more dire state. Rick's fear of losing someone was always present, but today it was worse. He had two people in here now who needed their help... would either make it through?

Clint shifts his weight a little, not wanting to crowd Wendy. He takes a sip of his own coffee, then looks down at the steaming liquid. "Yeah... I've been up... for a while." He sighs, then looks back up to her. "I've been working nights in town," he finally admits. "I... didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry about me. But... I guess Mick convinced me that keeping it a secret was stupid, so..." He shrugs in defeat, lifting his mug a little. "Here's to your stupid fiance. May he quit learning things the hard way."

Taking another sip, he just hopes that the coffee will wake him up. This morning he wouldn't even get his two hours in.

"Sorry I didn't tell you..." He grows a little more serious. "I just... want to provide is all I guess... and... I want you to have enough and... and be happy."