
Mid Day

*As Katie stairs back into Scott's eyes all emotion coming forward. This spark with Scott had come up fast, unexspected. God had given her what she needed when she needed it. Scott was differnt from most people. There was just something about him that shined. Through those glasses, and those button up shirts he use to wair something had shown through and captured Katie's heart. As the sweat drips down from Katie's face a smile passes over her lips. She was hot the sweat dripped from her face and tired herself was tired, but Katie dident care. This moment was to good to pass up. Bringing her hands to Scotts face her smile grows. Leaning in her heart races as she lips gently pass his lips pulling back alittle Katie smiles and whistpers.*

"Thank you for everything Scott."

*Leaning in Katie press her lips to Scott more hermly this time. Leting them linger together for a long time. Taking in the sweetness that was refreshing, the emotions rushing over her.*

*Wendy cant help but beam as she watches Clint and his family. They looked so happy, and so excited. It filled Wendy with joy to be part of that happyness. Wendy cant help but giggle alittle herself of the jokes being thrown around. Receving Jim wink Wendy beams even more. As everyone steps off the pourch Wendy sling a sisterly arm around Ty and the other in a more loving mannor around Clint.While Rosalynn in on the other side. A grin cross Katie's face as she leans forward looking at her, ty and than Clint.*

"Actully you boys are going to have 2 of use to deal with. Ty if you hang around Clint alot you will have to lean to deal with me. We like dont go anyways without eachother...SO PREPAIR FOR....THE HARASSMENT OF YOUR LIFE."

*Wendy cant help but giggle as both her hands slip from the boys shoulders. Her one hand finding Clint's ribs as the other finding Ty's. Her giggles ring out as she makes a b-line running across the yard.*

*BJ lets out a scream as Con grabs his ankles.*

"Ohz no....Help help."

*Bj turns and falls backwards onto Con's stomach landing with a giggle. Jamie stands and goes over to Con look at Bj giving a nod. Jamie grabs Con's on arm and holds it.*

"I got him Bj I got him...go now now now."

*Still siting on Con's chest BJ reaches down and tickles Con on the side his fingers light and probley doing nothing to the tanks sides but BJ Laughs anyways thinking he is tickling Con.*

"SAY UNCI...wifh whipcream and cherrys on top."

*Maggie sits still with Jamie watching the butterfly. Softly speaking herself.*

"They...are so pretty. Your like a butterfly too. So am I. We are both soft and delikit. Yet strong, and differnt. Thats why Nate loves us. Cuz we need his comfort and strangth but yet we can still stand on our own."

*Still siting still a butterfly starts to flutter around Maggie as she feels the the soft breexe from the wings. Closing her eyes for a moment and than opening them Maggie looks cross eyed as the butterfly lands on her nose and stairs at her. Maggie cant help but softly giggle.

Nate leands up aganst a tree his arms crossed as he looks out into the field. Watching Laura and Maggie silently for a long while. How happy, and peceful they look. It made Nate happy to see Laura connect and get along with Maggie. Not scaired to spend time with her. Nate says nothing but just watches the two most important people in his life.*

*Aerith cant help but laugh as they watch Reese walk out of the water than looks abck at Wyatt splashing water at him than growing serouse for just a moment.*

"Thank you Wyatt. This day was more than I could ask for."

*Aerith smiles again as continues to cling to Wyatt's back. Aerith cant help but giggle again as she leans her chin on Wyatt's shoulder and lets out a small sigh giving him a kiss on the cheek.*


Scott is hot, sweaty, and breathing heavily by the time they reach their destination. But the view itself captures his mind.

Looking out across the land, it's a breathtaking sight. Katie's excitement is contagious and he just stares, picking out people and horses around the buildings. "Incredible," he whispers. He hadn't brought his camera...he hadn't thought it wise as rough as the trail was, but he now wished he had it. A faint idea sparks in his mind though that he tucks away for later.

As Katie takes his hand, he gives it a little squeeze. "Thank you, Katie...for sharing this with me." He turns to see her eyes, and gives his head a little shake. "You wish for the kind of strength you see in the people here...yet you've overlooked your own."

His palm caresses the side of her face. "Don't forget that you're standing here now as living proof that you have inherited that strength." Gazing into her eyes, he sees the world reflected. "Incredible," he whispers again.

Clint looks to Wendy, grateful for her support, and finally lets go of her hand to enter the bunkhouse himself. Standing in front of Ty, both are quiet for a moment until Clint finally holds out his hand. "Start over?"

Ty studies the hand for a moment, then finally accepts it. "Yeah."

A smile makes its way to Clint's face. "It's stuffy in here...can't we all go outside or something?" His stomach growls loudly and Rosalynn rolls her eyes.

"I hear your brain again, Clint."

He throws her a withering look, then glances back to Ty. "This is the kind of abuse you missed out on."

Ty can't help but give a little chuckle. "I think I could have handled it."

"Well now you'll have to," Rosalynn states decidedly. "Having two brothers to tease is going to be fun."

"Yeah, but.." Clint's eyes light up. "Now I won't be alone!"

Jim shakes his head and laughs at the three siblings, slipping his arm over his wife's shoulders. He glances out to Wendy and throws her a wink, having accepted a long while before that she was just as much a part of this family as anybody. "So are we going to stand around all day, or are we going to go rustle up some grub before Clint's brain dies from hunger?"

A tear lingers in Cindy's eye, but Wes' comfort doesn't let her sorrow stay. "I hope you're right," she replies quietly. "He's changed so much...sometimes I wonder if I should never have let him get involved with TJY...how things might have been more normal for him..." She gives a deep sigh. "But then...I wouldn't have found you."

Con wanders back into the mess hall, after having seen Jason head out towards the barns instead. He aims inside, going back to the living room, hearing Jamie and BJ laughing. Entering the room, he pauses for just a minute, watching them interact. He couldn't deny that even though the scene made him happy, there was a small part of him that slipped disappointment in there somewhere as he thought about his possible future with Jamie, and some of the impossibilities there.

Shaking his head, he comes into the living room quickly, diving head first onto the carpet to sprawl out, his arms grabbing BJ around he ankles. "I got him, I got him!"

Laura sits in the tall grass in one of the empty pastures with Maggie, being very still and quiet, waiting for the butterflies to come land on the flowers. "Look," she whispers. A monarch had just come to light on a black eyed susan. A smile creases Laura's lips, and she keeps her voice low. "Isn't it pretty?"

Wyatt is taken by surprise as Aerith joins them in the river. As she comes up out of the water and pounces on his back, he's knocked off balance and takes them both under for a moment before getting back on his feet, his hands holding onto Aerith's ankles to steady her on his back. "You twerp!" He spits water out and shakes his head, but his longer hair is still matted down into his face and eyes.

Reese laughs and trudges up towards the bank, water splashing everywhere. "You two go ahead and stay drenched. This old man wants to get dry and get something to eat."

Wyatt grins, twisting his head around to see Aerith. "Scaring fish? That's nothing. I think we just scared my dad."

My eyes

*Katie smiles seeing the joy, and happyness in Scott's eyes. As Scott draws close to her and she receves it, Katies hands make there way to his back. It was hot out, and katie was sweaty along with Scott, but Katie dident mind. Scott's kiss was like a refreshing burst. Finally drawing away Katie smiles at Scott.*

"I wouldent have wanted to miss it eather. We better go before we dont make it the spot."

*Taking Scott's hand Katie slowly leads him thought the cave taking it slow. Scott dosent need to say anything but Katie knows enough that he is probley alittle sore. Minues past and time flys by but finally Katie and Scott draw near to another opening in the back of the cave. Exiting they wrap around the side of the moutain heading up alittle ways. Finally coming to another clearing and flat area. Beaming Katie leads Scott to the edge. Looking out into the distince the rance is in plane view. They are far enough away to have no one notice them, but close enough to make out people, and buildings. From up here the ranch was so clear.*

"Welcome to the R/M Ranch from my view."

*The air felt cool up here dispite the heat. The View was amazing. Point Katie potins out differnt building. The tree were so green, and the gardens. Wes and Cindy's house could even be made out. The look, the feeling to Katie could descripe.*

"There is the barn. oh look you can see the horses grazing."

*Katie's eyes glow as she over looks the ranch and shairs the view with Scott. People can be made out from up here as well. Pointing to the mess hall swing Katie giggles.*

"Look its Wes and Cindy, and over there...."

*Katie words trail off as her excitment shows. Than drawing silent Katie turns to Scott.*

"I know to some this isent much but to me, this is just my spot. I can over look the ranch, and its peacful here. I'm happy I got to shair this with you Scott. Your the first to see what I see. Not an ordanry ranch, but a safe haven for so many people who need hope. This is family, friends, people who can keep hope when its hopeless. This is home. My aunt and her friends, they have stuck through so many years together. No matter what they always came back to eachother. I hope I'm that strong to when faced with trials."

*Katie slips her hand into Scott and she continues to over look the ranch. Scaning, watching, smiling. It had been a long time since she was up here but it was still the same as it always was.*

*Wendy feels Clint's hand tighter just a bit. Her own tears welling in her eyes at the happy scene infront of her. A new hope was givin to this family. God had found his way through again. Looking to Clint Wendy gives alittle nod.*

"Go on, its ok."

*Wendy keeps her smile urging Clint to go to his brother. This could be the only chanse he got.*

*Wes smiles kiss his wifes forhead and drawing his arm around her alittle bit tighter. He new she was worryed about Jason. It was a mothers job to do that.Giving alittle sigh Wes rocks the swing gently with his feet.*

"He's confused and not sure where he fits in anymore. Prison did a number on him, but through the pain there is hope and he is going to be ok Cindy. Things will become normal for him again in time. We just have to keep praying and have faith that God will work in Jason's life. Everything will be ok."

*Wes leans his head aganst his wifes. This was a hard time for everyone. Not knowing what tomarrow held. My questions un answered, and time lost wishing to be returned. All they could do was enjoy the moments they had left and not let one pass them by. God was at work here one way or another. He had a plane for this for all this, and thats what Wes clinged to the most knowing it would be ok.*

*As the cold water hits Aerith she lets out alittle shreek than ends in a laugh. Her eyes filling with joy.*

"Hey Hey now thats not fair mister."

*Giving a shrug and relizing she is wet already Aerith slips the rest of the way in the water spalshing about*

"Your gonna pay for that Mister."

*Waiding her way through the water Aerith makes her way over to Wyatt and leeping in the air to jump on his back only to miss and land in the water going under for a moment. Than poping back up with great force and sending water everywhere Aerith jumps on Wyatt's back locking her arms around his neck. The laughter ringing out though the air.*

"Your scairing away all the fish you know!"

Sweet Moments

Jason is silent until he and Con reach a fair distance away from the mess hall, near one of the pastures. Con follows quietly, unsure what his young friend has brought him here to say.

Jason leans up against the fence and doesn't say anything for several long moments, though sensing Con's anticipation behind him. Finally he turns around, looking up at Con's eyes. "I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "I've been a jerk to you."

Con folds his arms across his chest and cocks his head. "Well...yeah...you have been...but I forgive you."

Unsure what else to say, Jason looks down. He'd always valued his friendship with Con, even through the years that he hadn't let anyone close. Con had always been there no matter what - a big brother looking out for him, even when Jason had been too proud to accept help.

Con can sense Jason's awkwardness, and makes the next move. "All I want is to be friends again...I miss seeing you around, and I hate this rift."

"Me too." Jason glances back up at him. "I shouldn't have left like I did."

"Eh...maybe you needed to get out of my place if I was rubbing you the wrong way. I'm sorry if you felt I'd betrayed you. That wasn't my intention at all."

"I know...I just...I guess I've lost a lot, but it's all been my fault and...I just started blaming other people and then...." Jason's eyes drift downward again. "I didn't know how to pick myself back up...I still don't think I know."

"Aw, Jase..." Con sighs and reaches out to pull Jason into a rough hug. "It's not bad to ask for help you know."

Jason returns Con's brotherly hug. "Asking for directions isn't exactly my forte."

Con chuckles and holds Jason out at arm's length, his hands on his shoulders. "You don't have to be good at it." He searches his young friend's eyes. "You're gonna be okay, Jason."

For some reason, Con's words strike Jason hard, and he can suddenly feel his emotions highten, threatening to spill over. Afraid if he meets Con's eyes again he'll break, he glances away again. "Thanks, Con."

"Anytime." Con pulls Jason back toward the mess hall, an arm slung over his shoulders for just a moment to give him a friendly jolt. "Now come on...it's water under the bridge. Let's have a good time today."

Scott continues to follow Katie, gladly letting her take the lead as he's completely turned around by the time they reach the small clearing. Mimicking Katie's movements with her horse, he ties Crimson up, and continues to follow into the cave.

Taking in the sights and sounds, he quietly absorbs it. As they stop near the waterfall, his eyes are lit with the excitement of adventure he's never experienced before. He reaches out to let the cold water run over his hand, feeling the freshness, opposite the city water he was used to.

"This is amazing," he comments, his eyes still roving the cave. He was already getting sore and could feel himself getting tired from the physical work he wasn't used to, but it was well worth it and he wasn't about to complain or lead on to Katie that he was feeling that way.

Drawing closer to her, a smile plays at the corner of his mouth. "Good thing Crimson didn't break my neck this morning. Otherwise I would have missed this." Reaching out, his fingers brush Katie's cheek before he leans in to place a tender kiss on her lips. "I wouldn't have missed this for the world."

Clint keeps his fingers wrapped around Wendy's as he, Becky and Rosalynn head out of the mess hall towards the bunk where Ty is. Halfway there, Jim emerges from the barn and spots them. Starting to walk, he finally stops at a distance. Clint, Wendy and Rosalynn stop as Becky covers the ground to her husband and they embrace, holding each other for a long moment. Clint cocks his head and glances to his sister, who gives him a smile. Whether they'd seen it before or not, and whether they fully understood it or not, their parents were examples to them of what love was all about.

After Jim and Becky converse quietly for several minutes, they finally head to the bunk, gesturing for the others to follow.

A knock at the door startles Ty and he sits up from the bed where he'd been slouched, thinking. He really wasn't in the mood for any more company, but with as many people as there were around here, it was inevitable. "Yeah?"

Jim cautiously opens the door and steps through the doorway, the others barely within Ty's view. "Ty..."

Ty bristles and stands. "Now what?"

Clint can hear Ty's strained voice, and swallows hard. This was partially his own fault for getting so upset. His grip automatically tightens a little on Wendy's hand.

Jim looks at his son, emotions filling his eyes. "I don't think it would be worth it, trying to apologize again...there's nothing I can do to replace lost years, or make up for what you didn't know...the lies you lived under. But...please give your family a chance. We care...we just want to get to know you, whether you'll accept us as your family or not."

Ty crosses his arms in defense, though Wendy's previous words replay in his mind. "It just ain't that easy though, is it?"

"No...it's not," Jim agrees. "This has been a shock to all of us. But please, Ty...please just have an open mind?"

Becky steps into the doorway and puts a hand on Jim's arm so he can step out of the way. As her eyes fall on her son, tears fill her eyes. It had been close to twenty years now since she had laid eyes on him...he'd been so small...just a baby in her arms.

Ty's eyes widen slightly. He didn't need an introduction. He knew immediately who this was. He recognized it...he felt it. This was his mother. His pulse quickens just a little and has a hard time not letting his emotions show. His upbringing by his adopted family had been less than perfect...less than loving. Secretly, he'd always longed to find his real family and have a movie-like reunion with hugs and the whole bit. But he was too realistic to ever believe that would happen. And yet...here before him was his father...his brother...his mother. Could he deny himself the joy of finally finding his real family? And discovering that they hadn't given him up because they'd hated him?

Becky takes a couple more steps forward and just reaches out to touch Ty's face as if checking to make sure he's real. "You're so tall." A laugh gets stuck in her throat, in between a couple tears. "You look so much like your father...and I see your grandfather in there too."

Ty stands awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

Becky looks up at his eyes, begging him for acceptance. "We're so sorry...can you forgive us?"

Seeing his father had been one thing...taking the words from a man had been one thing....but seeing his own mother now...the tears...the love in her eyes...the tenderness in her voice... it was enough to make any man break, even a stubborn twenty-year-old. "I think so," he manages in almost a whisper.

A smile creases Becky's lips, despite another tear that rolls down her cheek. "Can I hug you?"

Ty's eyebrow raises. He couldn't remember the last time he'd received a hug. He hadn't even let Jim close enough today. "I...I guess...so..."

Becky doesn't need affirmation twice, and reaches out to wrap her arms around her long lost son.

Clint gives Wendy's hand a squeeze as they watch from the porch. Rosalynn sniffs as her own tears come forth.

After a long embrace, Becky finally steps back, giving Ty a teary smile. "I can't thank God enough for bringing you back to us. If only for a day...if only for an hour..." She glances over her shoulder and waves Rosalynn in. "This is your sister, Ty."

Ty is moved again, looking at this pretty young woman. He could tell she and Clint were twins - they looked different in many ways, but so alike as well. "Um...hi."

"Hi." Rosalynn smiles and steps forward to give him a hug just as her mother had. "All this time I thought my baby brother was dead...and here you are..." A laugh escapes. "I can't believe it."

Despite the positive reunion, Ty hangs his head. He'd done a miserable job of taking the news earlier. He'd hated it here...he'd hated Jim and Clint...but now...something, somehow, had softened him. "I....I'm sorry," he mumbles.

Jim steps forward and lays a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay...I know this isn't easy for you."

"It's not..." Ty's eyes drift back up. "But...I...I guess...I don't have anyone else I'd call family."

The stillness settles over the room for just a moment before Jim can't hold it in any longer, and pulls his son into a firm embrace, tears filling his own eyes. "Thank you, God," he whispers, "for bringing my son back."

Clint cocks his head, having a hard time not letting tears fill his own eyes. His hand remains in Wendy's as he watches the scene in front of him.

"Mm." Cindy smiles and closes her eyes, leaning her head back into Wes' arm. "Your two favorite people are tired, but happy nonetheless." Her fingers stroke Wes' hand lovingly.

Opening her eyes again, she turns her head to see her husband's face. Her look showed the expanse of what she was feeling....she was so happy...so content in Wes' arms. Yet there was still concern for her son. She'd witnessed that he was well and healthy, but she'd also seen the pain. "How is Jason?"

Still standing in the water, Wyatt puts his hands on his hips, giving Aerith a playful smirk. "Oh, I look better wet, do I? Why don't we see if it works the same for you?" Cupping both hands, he scoops up a quick wave of water, sending it in Aerith's direction.

Reese lets out a hearty laugh, no longer caring that he was standing in the water, drenched to the bone. Seeing Wyatt and Aerith having fun was the best thing he could have done on a day like today.

Inside waterfall

*Katie continues on the path glancing every once and a while behind her. Seeing Scott falling behind Katie pulls back alittle offering him a smile.*

"Sorry I'm going fast. "

*Continuing along the moutain going up. There is finally a flat patch of land. sarrounded by trees still nothing much can be seem. Except for whats in front of both riders.

Smiling Katie dismounts and leads her horse to a nearby tree tieing the horse up.*

"This is where we stop riding. The horses cant make it the rest of the way. So we go on foot. The horses will be ok here. There is shade and grass for them to eat."

*Katie pulls out a few water bottled from the horses pack, and puts them in a bag, along with a lite lunch she had packed. Slining the bag over her shoulder she waits for Scott to rejoin her and than heads for an opening in the side of the wall.

Entering light shines through the cracks, the sound of water driping, and the light relecting off the drops causing patterns dance on the wall. Its much cooler in this cave than outside. As Katie leans on deeper into the cave the sound of rushing water can be hurd. Turning a courner a flood of light shows though the one side of the cave wall. Water rushing over the opening on the outside making a water fall. Katie stands next to Scott smiling.*

"Last time I was up here this was dryed up. I'm glad I get to see it with you."

*Katie crosses a few rocks drawing closer to water fall. The soft misty landing on her face, as the water bubbles around her feet. Looking over at Scott Kaite smiles, the water light bouncing off her face causing it to glow.*

*As Con ruffles BJ's hair and tell him to watch Jamie he stands up laugh and jumps into Jamie's lap spralling out across her arms and legs.*

"I dot you now. I DOT HER FOR YOU CON."

*Jamie cant help but laugh drawing her hands out from under BJ and having them meed his sids as she tickles him. Enjoying his squerming and laughing.*

*As Clint requests Wendy to come with him and his family she smile grows even more as a warm feeling fills her heart. It felt nice that Clint wanted her to come with him. Looking at Becky and searching her eyes to make sure it was ok Wendy nods geting her answer.*

"I wouldent mind at all."

*Wendy tightens her grib slightly on Clint's hand. Though Clint and Wendy spent almost every moment dident mind. She loved being around Clint and could never grow tired of his presence around her. *

*Wes exits the shop shuting the door behind him. He felt good. Spending the little bit of time with Jason had been nice. Making his way to the mess hall Wes can see Cindy on the swing. Smiling her jumps up the steps and slowly comes to sit down next to her.Geting her a kiss than Puting his one arm around the back of her to hold her lightly Wes puts his other hand On Cindy's stomach ever so gently.*

"How are my two favrote people doing?"

*Wes beams at his wife. The feeling and relization of being a daddy growing every day as his excitment is hard to hold in at times. Wes couldent be happyer.*

*As Aerith and Wyatt's kiss comes to an abropt end and is left alone she cant help but sit there for a momet blinking. Not being able to move for a moment. Her mind still foggy from the kiss, and her world still spinng. Finally though everything stop and Aerith slowly stands hearing the two men. Coming to the bank Aerith steps up on one of the rocks. Leting out a giggle as she listened to Reese and Wyatt. Hearing the comment about cooling off Aerith's own cheeks start to grow alittle red. Trying not to let the embaressment get the best of her she kicks off her shoes.*

"Do you relize you scairing the fish away right."

*Slowly lowering herself on the rock Aerith puts her feet and legs into the water. Watching Wyatt and Reese inter act. They were funny she couldent help but laugh.*

"Personaly Wyatt I think you look even better with your hair wet."


Jason’s eyebrows raise. He knew good and well who Wes was referring to, and it hit him hard. He hadn’t even acknowledged Katie’s presence today. But she’d been with Scott…he didn’t want to make it awkward for her, not to mention, the look in Scott’s eyes warned him that he was still scared to death of him. Besides, what was Jason supposed to say? “Hi” just didn’t seem to cut it.

Turning, Jason walks quietly to the door, opting not to converse any more with Wes right now. Heading out of the shop, he stands lamely for a few moments, feeling lost without a destination.

Wes’ words return. “…you’d have that last moment to say what you really wanted to a lot of people…

Jason gives a little sigh. There was more than one person he needed to talk to, even if he didn’t know what to say to Katie.

Aiming for the mess hall, his walk is slow. He enters quietly through the front. Seeing Clint and his family at the other end, he just gives him a small wave, knowing that there was a lot going on in that family right now, and he wasn’t going to interrupt.

Hearing Con’s voice from the living room, he heads in that direction, but now notices a stranger sitting at the near table.

Greg looks up as Jason enters the room, his eyes going wide. “You’ve got to be Austin’s grandson.”

Jason looks to him with a bit of surprise and pauses his route to approach the table. “I am. And you are…?”

“Greg Timble.” Greg stands up, offering his hand.

Jason accepts the gesture, repeating the name in his mind. “Do I know you?”

“Not that I know of.” Greg chuckles. “But I know the gang here from quite a ways back… I did a lot with Mick up in Montana. Becky and Rosalynn have been staying with me.”

“Oh, I see.” Jason nods, trying to piece it all together. “Well…nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” Greg smiles, just studying Jason’s face. How he looked like Austin.

Jason picks his route back up to the living room. Reaching the doorway, he stops, a small grin toying at his mouth. Con was sitting cross legged on the floor, taking up the entire space between the coffee table and the couch. Jamie was on the other side and BJ was at the end, all engrossed in some kind of game.

He leans on the doorframe for a few moments just watching. That was peace. That was happiness.

Feeling someone watching him, Con instinctively looks up. Seeing Jason, he raises an eyebrow in question.

Jason clears his throat awkwardly. “Got a minute?”

Con cocks his head the other direction. “What’s that?”

“You got a minute?” Jason repeats a little louder.

Con looks to Jamie, not wanting to miss a chance to finally exchange words with his friend. “I’ll be right back.” Getting up, he roughs up BJ’s hair playfully. “Make sure she doesn’t cheat while I’m gone.” He heads over to Jason, trying to suppress his own surprise at being spoken to. “What’s up?”

Jason nods to the door. “Take a walk?”

Scott does his best to keep up with Katie, taking in the sights and sounds like a sponge. Seeing the deer, a smile creases his lips, and he continues the route, following Katie’s path. He was embarrassed by his rough start, but was beginning to forget about it, despite his muscles reminding him that the next day might be a bit unpleasant.

As they rode over rough terrain that grew steeper and rose higher, Scott had just a bit more trouble keeping up, but he didn’t give up, determined not to make Katie wait or need to look after him too much.

Clint squeezes Wendy’s hand, grateful for her support. “Actually…Wendy…would you mind coming with me?” He looks to his mom and sister, receiving looks that convey they don’t mind at all. Glancing back to Wendy, his eyes question her.

Cindy eases down on the porch swing, letting the breeze cool her down from the day’s heat. She hadn’t seen Wes or Jason in a while, and hoped that things were going well.

Wyatt’s arms find their way around Aerith as their exchange lingers, drawn into it until he loses track of time altogether. This feeling…this moment…he wanted them to never end.


Wyatt’s thoughts are shattered as the loud noise in the river disrupts the quiet around them. His eyes fly open and he withdraws from Aerith quickly, looking back over his shoulder just in time to see his father come up from the water a ways down, spitting and sputtering.

Reese mutters under his breath, feeling stupid for having stepped out onto that log. But it was too late now. The water was not rough, but it’s just deep enough and flowing just fast enough to carry him down towards Wyatt and Aerith. Giving up on getting back to his starting place, Reese lets the water take him down, and swims toward the shoreline.

Wyatt’s eyes widen and he gets up, leaving Aerith to walk the several feet to the water’s edge, climbing out onto a rock. “You alright?” he calls.

Reese grimaces. “Just help me up out of here before I make any more a fool out of myself.”

Wyatt withholds his laughter, and leans down to give his father a hand before he passes the rock. Reese grabs hold and finally gets his feet under himself, able to stand up again. As Wyatt’s pulling him up onto the rock however, his foot slips.

One minute, Wyatt is standing firm on the rock, the next, he’s being pulled head first toward the cool water. “Dad!”

Too late. Wyatt plunges into the river.

“Wyatt!” Reese gets back to his feet, though a bit unsteady on some moss-covered, underwater rocks, and looks around frantically for a moment.

Wyatt comes up just a few feet away, managing to stand up on his own and spitting out water.

Reese splashes over to him. “You okay?”

“No, I’m not okay!” Wyatt pushes his sopping hair back out of his face. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Well I slipped, okay?!”

“You could have warned me!”

“I thought you had a better grip!”

“Well I didn’t!”

Reese throws his arms in the air. “What are you complaining about? You needed to cool off anyway!”

Wyatt opens his mouth to retort, but stops, rendered speechless as he realizes his father had witnessed him and Aerith. "I..."

Reese gives his son’s chest a humorous backhanded slap. “Get yourself out of this river. You look ridiculous.”