

Scott is hot, sweaty, and breathing heavily by the time they reach their destination. But the view itself captures his mind.

Looking out across the land, it's a breathtaking sight. Katie's excitement is contagious and he just stares, picking out people and horses around the buildings. "Incredible," he whispers. He hadn't brought his camera...he hadn't thought it wise as rough as the trail was, but he now wished he had it. A faint idea sparks in his mind though that he tucks away for later.

As Katie takes his hand, he gives it a little squeeze. "Thank you, Katie...for sharing this with me." He turns to see her eyes, and gives his head a little shake. "You wish for the kind of strength you see in the people here...yet you've overlooked your own."

His palm caresses the side of her face. "Don't forget that you're standing here now as living proof that you have inherited that strength." Gazing into her eyes, he sees the world reflected. "Incredible," he whispers again.

Clint looks to Wendy, grateful for her support, and finally lets go of her hand to enter the bunkhouse himself. Standing in front of Ty, both are quiet for a moment until Clint finally holds out his hand. "Start over?"

Ty studies the hand for a moment, then finally accepts it. "Yeah."

A smile makes its way to Clint's face. "It's stuffy in here...can't we all go outside or something?" His stomach growls loudly and Rosalynn rolls her eyes.

"I hear your brain again, Clint."

He throws her a withering look, then glances back to Ty. "This is the kind of abuse you missed out on."

Ty can't help but give a little chuckle. "I think I could have handled it."

"Well now you'll have to," Rosalynn states decidedly. "Having two brothers to tease is going to be fun."

"Yeah, but.." Clint's eyes light up. "Now I won't be alone!"

Jim shakes his head and laughs at the three siblings, slipping his arm over his wife's shoulders. He glances out to Wendy and throws her a wink, having accepted a long while before that she was just as much a part of this family as anybody. "So are we going to stand around all day, or are we going to go rustle up some grub before Clint's brain dies from hunger?"

A tear lingers in Cindy's eye, but Wes' comfort doesn't let her sorrow stay. "I hope you're right," she replies quietly. "He's changed so much...sometimes I wonder if I should never have let him get involved with TJY...how things might have been more normal for him..." She gives a deep sigh. "But then...I wouldn't have found you."

Con wanders back into the mess hall, after having seen Jason head out towards the barns instead. He aims inside, going back to the living room, hearing Jamie and BJ laughing. Entering the room, he pauses for just a minute, watching them interact. He couldn't deny that even though the scene made him happy, there was a small part of him that slipped disappointment in there somewhere as he thought about his possible future with Jamie, and some of the impossibilities there.

Shaking his head, he comes into the living room quickly, diving head first onto the carpet to sprawl out, his arms grabbing BJ around he ankles. "I got him, I got him!"

Laura sits in the tall grass in one of the empty pastures with Maggie, being very still and quiet, waiting for the butterflies to come land on the flowers. "Look," she whispers. A monarch had just come to light on a black eyed susan. A smile creases Laura's lips, and she keeps her voice low. "Isn't it pretty?"

Wyatt is taken by surprise as Aerith joins them in the river. As she comes up out of the water and pounces on his back, he's knocked off balance and takes them both under for a moment before getting back on his feet, his hands holding onto Aerith's ankles to steady her on his back. "You twerp!" He spits water out and shakes his head, but his longer hair is still matted down into his face and eyes.

Reese laughs and trudges up towards the bank, water splashing everywhere. "You two go ahead and stay drenched. This old man wants to get dry and get something to eat."

Wyatt grins, twisting his head around to see Aerith. "Scaring fish? That's nothing. I think we just scared my dad."

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