
Sweet Moments

Jason is silent until he and Con reach a fair distance away from the mess hall, near one of the pastures. Con follows quietly, unsure what his young friend has brought him here to say.

Jason leans up against the fence and doesn't say anything for several long moments, though sensing Con's anticipation behind him. Finally he turns around, looking up at Con's eyes. "I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "I've been a jerk to you."

Con folds his arms across his chest and cocks his head. "Well...yeah...you have been...but I forgive you."

Unsure what else to say, Jason looks down. He'd always valued his friendship with Con, even through the years that he hadn't let anyone close. Con had always been there no matter what - a big brother looking out for him, even when Jason had been too proud to accept help.

Con can sense Jason's awkwardness, and makes the next move. "All I want is to be friends again...I miss seeing you around, and I hate this rift."

"Me too." Jason glances back up at him. "I shouldn't have left like I did."

"Eh...maybe you needed to get out of my place if I was rubbing you the wrong way. I'm sorry if you felt I'd betrayed you. That wasn't my intention at all."

"I know...I just...I guess I've lost a lot, but it's all been my fault and...I just started blaming other people and then...." Jason's eyes drift downward again. "I didn't know how to pick myself back up...I still don't think I know."

"Aw, Jase..." Con sighs and reaches out to pull Jason into a rough hug. "It's not bad to ask for help you know."

Jason returns Con's brotherly hug. "Asking for directions isn't exactly my forte."

Con chuckles and holds Jason out at arm's length, his hands on his shoulders. "You don't have to be good at it." He searches his young friend's eyes. "You're gonna be okay, Jason."

For some reason, Con's words strike Jason hard, and he can suddenly feel his emotions highten, threatening to spill over. Afraid if he meets Con's eyes again he'll break, he glances away again. "Thanks, Con."

"Anytime." Con pulls Jason back toward the mess hall, an arm slung over his shoulders for just a moment to give him a friendly jolt. "Now come on...it's water under the bridge. Let's have a good time today."

Scott continues to follow Katie, gladly letting her take the lead as he's completely turned around by the time they reach the small clearing. Mimicking Katie's movements with her horse, he ties Crimson up, and continues to follow into the cave.

Taking in the sights and sounds, he quietly absorbs it. As they stop near the waterfall, his eyes are lit with the excitement of adventure he's never experienced before. He reaches out to let the cold water run over his hand, feeling the freshness, opposite the city water he was used to.

"This is amazing," he comments, his eyes still roving the cave. He was already getting sore and could feel himself getting tired from the physical work he wasn't used to, but it was well worth it and he wasn't about to complain or lead on to Katie that he was feeling that way.

Drawing closer to her, a smile plays at the corner of his mouth. "Good thing Crimson didn't break my neck this morning. Otherwise I would have missed this." Reaching out, his fingers brush Katie's cheek before he leans in to place a tender kiss on her lips. "I wouldn't have missed this for the world."

Clint keeps his fingers wrapped around Wendy's as he, Becky and Rosalynn head out of the mess hall towards the bunk where Ty is. Halfway there, Jim emerges from the barn and spots them. Starting to walk, he finally stops at a distance. Clint, Wendy and Rosalynn stop as Becky covers the ground to her husband and they embrace, holding each other for a long moment. Clint cocks his head and glances to his sister, who gives him a smile. Whether they'd seen it before or not, and whether they fully understood it or not, their parents were examples to them of what love was all about.

After Jim and Becky converse quietly for several minutes, they finally head to the bunk, gesturing for the others to follow.

A knock at the door startles Ty and he sits up from the bed where he'd been slouched, thinking. He really wasn't in the mood for any more company, but with as many people as there were around here, it was inevitable. "Yeah?"

Jim cautiously opens the door and steps through the doorway, the others barely within Ty's view. "Ty..."

Ty bristles and stands. "Now what?"

Clint can hear Ty's strained voice, and swallows hard. This was partially his own fault for getting so upset. His grip automatically tightens a little on Wendy's hand.

Jim looks at his son, emotions filling his eyes. "I don't think it would be worth it, trying to apologize again...there's nothing I can do to replace lost years, or make up for what you didn't know...the lies you lived under. But...please give your family a chance. We care...we just want to get to know you, whether you'll accept us as your family or not."

Ty crosses his arms in defense, though Wendy's previous words replay in his mind. "It just ain't that easy though, is it?"

"No...it's not," Jim agrees. "This has been a shock to all of us. But please, Ty...please just have an open mind?"

Becky steps into the doorway and puts a hand on Jim's arm so he can step out of the way. As her eyes fall on her son, tears fill her eyes. It had been close to twenty years now since she had laid eyes on him...he'd been so small...just a baby in her arms.

Ty's eyes widen slightly. He didn't need an introduction. He knew immediately who this was. He recognized it...he felt it. This was his mother. His pulse quickens just a little and has a hard time not letting his emotions show. His upbringing by his adopted family had been less than perfect...less than loving. Secretly, he'd always longed to find his real family and have a movie-like reunion with hugs and the whole bit. But he was too realistic to ever believe that would happen. And yet...here before him was his father...his brother...his mother. Could he deny himself the joy of finally finding his real family? And discovering that they hadn't given him up because they'd hated him?

Becky takes a couple more steps forward and just reaches out to touch Ty's face as if checking to make sure he's real. "You're so tall." A laugh gets stuck in her throat, in between a couple tears. "You look so much like your father...and I see your grandfather in there too."

Ty stands awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

Becky looks up at his eyes, begging him for acceptance. "We're so sorry...can you forgive us?"

Seeing his father had been one thing...taking the words from a man had been one thing....but seeing his own mother now...the tears...the love in her eyes...the tenderness in her voice... it was enough to make any man break, even a stubborn twenty-year-old. "I think so," he manages in almost a whisper.

A smile creases Becky's lips, despite another tear that rolls down her cheek. "Can I hug you?"

Ty's eyebrow raises. He couldn't remember the last time he'd received a hug. He hadn't even let Jim close enough today. "I...I guess...so..."

Becky doesn't need affirmation twice, and reaches out to wrap her arms around her long lost son.

Clint gives Wendy's hand a squeeze as they watch from the porch. Rosalynn sniffs as her own tears come forth.

After a long embrace, Becky finally steps back, giving Ty a teary smile. "I can't thank God enough for bringing you back to us. If only for a day...if only for an hour..." She glances over her shoulder and waves Rosalynn in. "This is your sister, Ty."

Ty is moved again, looking at this pretty young woman. He could tell she and Clint were twins - they looked different in many ways, but so alike as well. "Um...hi."

"Hi." Rosalynn smiles and steps forward to give him a hug just as her mother had. "All this time I thought my baby brother was dead...and here you are..." A laugh escapes. "I can't believe it."

Despite the positive reunion, Ty hangs his head. He'd done a miserable job of taking the news earlier. He'd hated it here...he'd hated Jim and Clint...but now...something, somehow, had softened him. "I....I'm sorry," he mumbles.

Jim steps forward and lays a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay...I know this isn't easy for you."

"It's not..." Ty's eyes drift back up. "But...I...I guess...I don't have anyone else I'd call family."

The stillness settles over the room for just a moment before Jim can't hold it in any longer, and pulls his son into a firm embrace, tears filling his own eyes. "Thank you, God," he whispers, "for bringing my son back."

Clint cocks his head, having a hard time not letting tears fill his own eyes. His hand remains in Wendy's as he watches the scene in front of him.

"Mm." Cindy smiles and closes her eyes, leaning her head back into Wes' arm. "Your two favorite people are tired, but happy nonetheless." Her fingers stroke Wes' hand lovingly.

Opening her eyes again, she turns her head to see her husband's face. Her look showed the expanse of what she was feeling....she was so happy...so content in Wes' arms. Yet there was still concern for her son. She'd witnessed that he was well and healthy, but she'd also seen the pain. "How is Jason?"

Still standing in the water, Wyatt puts his hands on his hips, giving Aerith a playful smirk. "Oh, I look better wet, do I? Why don't we see if it works the same for you?" Cupping both hands, he scoops up a quick wave of water, sending it in Aerith's direction.

Reese lets out a hearty laugh, no longer caring that he was standing in the water, drenched to the bone. Seeing Wyatt and Aerith having fun was the best thing he could have done on a day like today.

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