
Inside waterfall

*Katie continues on the path glancing every once and a while behind her. Seeing Scott falling behind Katie pulls back alittle offering him a smile.*

"Sorry I'm going fast. "

*Continuing along the moutain going up. There is finally a flat patch of land. sarrounded by trees still nothing much can be seem. Except for whats in front of both riders.

Smiling Katie dismounts and leads her horse to a nearby tree tieing the horse up.*

"This is where we stop riding. The horses cant make it the rest of the way. So we go on foot. The horses will be ok here. There is shade and grass for them to eat."

*Katie pulls out a few water bottled from the horses pack, and puts them in a bag, along with a lite lunch she had packed. Slining the bag over her shoulder she waits for Scott to rejoin her and than heads for an opening in the side of the wall.

Entering light shines through the cracks, the sound of water driping, and the light relecting off the drops causing patterns dance on the wall. Its much cooler in this cave than outside. As Katie leans on deeper into the cave the sound of rushing water can be hurd. Turning a courner a flood of light shows though the one side of the cave wall. Water rushing over the opening on the outside making a water fall. Katie stands next to Scott smiling.*

"Last time I was up here this was dryed up. I'm glad I get to see it with you."

*Katie crosses a few rocks drawing closer to water fall. The soft misty landing on her face, as the water bubbles around her feet. Looking over at Scott Kaite smiles, the water light bouncing off her face causing it to glow.*

*As Con ruffles BJ's hair and tell him to watch Jamie he stands up laugh and jumps into Jamie's lap spralling out across her arms and legs.*

"I dot you now. I DOT HER FOR YOU CON."

*Jamie cant help but laugh drawing her hands out from under BJ and having them meed his sids as she tickles him. Enjoying his squerming and laughing.*

*As Clint requests Wendy to come with him and his family she smile grows even more as a warm feeling fills her heart. It felt nice that Clint wanted her to come with him. Looking at Becky and searching her eyes to make sure it was ok Wendy nods geting her answer.*

"I wouldent mind at all."

*Wendy tightens her grib slightly on Clint's hand. Though Clint and Wendy spent almost every moment dident mind. She loved being around Clint and could never grow tired of his presence around her. *

*Wes exits the shop shuting the door behind him. He felt good. Spending the little bit of time with Jason had been nice. Making his way to the mess hall Wes can see Cindy on the swing. Smiling her jumps up the steps and slowly comes to sit down next to her.Geting her a kiss than Puting his one arm around the back of her to hold her lightly Wes puts his other hand On Cindy's stomach ever so gently.*

"How are my two favrote people doing?"

*Wes beams at his wife. The feeling and relization of being a daddy growing every day as his excitment is hard to hold in at times. Wes couldent be happyer.*

*As Aerith and Wyatt's kiss comes to an abropt end and is left alone she cant help but sit there for a momet blinking. Not being able to move for a moment. Her mind still foggy from the kiss, and her world still spinng. Finally though everything stop and Aerith slowly stands hearing the two men. Coming to the bank Aerith steps up on one of the rocks. Leting out a giggle as she listened to Reese and Wyatt. Hearing the comment about cooling off Aerith's own cheeks start to grow alittle red. Trying not to let the embaressment get the best of her she kicks off her shoes.*

"Do you relize you scairing the fish away right."

*Slowly lowering herself on the rock Aerith puts her feet and legs into the water. Watching Wyatt and Reese inter act. They were funny she couldent help but laugh.*

"Personaly Wyatt I think you look even better with your hair wet."

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