
My eyes

*Katie smiles seeing the joy, and happyness in Scott's eyes. As Scott draws close to her and she receves it, Katies hands make there way to his back. It was hot out, and katie was sweaty along with Scott, but Katie dident mind. Scott's kiss was like a refreshing burst. Finally drawing away Katie smiles at Scott.*

"I wouldent have wanted to miss it eather. We better go before we dont make it the spot."

*Taking Scott's hand Katie slowly leads him thought the cave taking it slow. Scott dosent need to say anything but Katie knows enough that he is probley alittle sore. Minues past and time flys by but finally Katie and Scott draw near to another opening in the back of the cave. Exiting they wrap around the side of the moutain heading up alittle ways. Finally coming to another clearing and flat area. Beaming Katie leads Scott to the edge. Looking out into the distince the rance is in plane view. They are far enough away to have no one notice them, but close enough to make out people, and buildings. From up here the ranch was so clear.*

"Welcome to the R/M Ranch from my view."

*The air felt cool up here dispite the heat. The View was amazing. Point Katie potins out differnt building. The tree were so green, and the gardens. Wes and Cindy's house could even be made out. The look, the feeling to Katie could descripe.*

"There is the barn. oh look you can see the horses grazing."

*Katie's eyes glow as she over looks the ranch and shairs the view with Scott. People can be made out from up here as well. Pointing to the mess hall swing Katie giggles.*

"Look its Wes and Cindy, and over there...."

*Katie words trail off as her excitment shows. Than drawing silent Katie turns to Scott.*

"I know to some this isent much but to me, this is just my spot. I can over look the ranch, and its peacful here. I'm happy I got to shair this with you Scott. Your the first to see what I see. Not an ordanry ranch, but a safe haven for so many people who need hope. This is family, friends, people who can keep hope when its hopeless. This is home. My aunt and her friends, they have stuck through so many years together. No matter what they always came back to eachother. I hope I'm that strong to when faced with trials."

*Katie slips her hand into Scott and she continues to over look the ranch. Scaning, watching, smiling. It had been a long time since she was up here but it was still the same as it always was.*

*Wendy feels Clint's hand tighter just a bit. Her own tears welling in her eyes at the happy scene infront of her. A new hope was givin to this family. God had found his way through again. Looking to Clint Wendy gives alittle nod.*

"Go on, its ok."

*Wendy keeps her smile urging Clint to go to his brother. This could be the only chanse he got.*

*Wes smiles kiss his wifes forhead and drawing his arm around her alittle bit tighter. He new she was worryed about Jason. It was a mothers job to do that.Giving alittle sigh Wes rocks the swing gently with his feet.*

"He's confused and not sure where he fits in anymore. Prison did a number on him, but through the pain there is hope and he is going to be ok Cindy. Things will become normal for him again in time. We just have to keep praying and have faith that God will work in Jason's life. Everything will be ok."

*Wes leans his head aganst his wifes. This was a hard time for everyone. Not knowing what tomarrow held. My questions un answered, and time lost wishing to be returned. All they could do was enjoy the moments they had left and not let one pass them by. God was at work here one way or another. He had a plane for this for all this, and thats what Wes clinged to the most knowing it would be ok.*

*As the cold water hits Aerith she lets out alittle shreek than ends in a laugh. Her eyes filling with joy.*

"Hey Hey now thats not fair mister."

*Giving a shrug and relizing she is wet already Aerith slips the rest of the way in the water spalshing about*

"Your gonna pay for that Mister."

*Waiding her way through the water Aerith makes her way over to Wyatt and leeping in the air to jump on his back only to miss and land in the water going under for a moment. Than poping back up with great force and sending water everywhere Aerith jumps on Wyatt's back locking her arms around his neck. The laughter ringing out though the air.*

"Your scairing away all the fish you know!"

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