
Mid Day

*As Katie stairs back into Scott's eyes all emotion coming forward. This spark with Scott had come up fast, unexspected. God had given her what she needed when she needed it. Scott was differnt from most people. There was just something about him that shined. Through those glasses, and those button up shirts he use to wair something had shown through and captured Katie's heart. As the sweat drips down from Katie's face a smile passes over her lips. She was hot the sweat dripped from her face and tired herself was tired, but Katie dident care. This moment was to good to pass up. Bringing her hands to Scotts face her smile grows. Leaning in her heart races as she lips gently pass his lips pulling back alittle Katie smiles and whistpers.*

"Thank you for everything Scott."

*Leaning in Katie press her lips to Scott more hermly this time. Leting them linger together for a long time. Taking in the sweetness that was refreshing, the emotions rushing over her.*

*Wendy cant help but beam as she watches Clint and his family. They looked so happy, and so excited. It filled Wendy with joy to be part of that happyness. Wendy cant help but giggle alittle herself of the jokes being thrown around. Receving Jim wink Wendy beams even more. As everyone steps off the pourch Wendy sling a sisterly arm around Ty and the other in a more loving mannor around Clint.While Rosalynn in on the other side. A grin cross Katie's face as she leans forward looking at her, ty and than Clint.*

"Actully you boys are going to have 2 of use to deal with. Ty if you hang around Clint alot you will have to lean to deal with me. We like dont go anyways without eachother...SO PREPAIR FOR....THE HARASSMENT OF YOUR LIFE."

*Wendy cant help but giggle as both her hands slip from the boys shoulders. Her one hand finding Clint's ribs as the other finding Ty's. Her giggles ring out as she makes a b-line running across the yard.*

*BJ lets out a scream as Con grabs his ankles.*

"Ohz no....Help help."

*Bj turns and falls backwards onto Con's stomach landing with a giggle. Jamie stands and goes over to Con look at Bj giving a nod. Jamie grabs Con's on arm and holds it.*

"I got him Bj I got him...go now now now."

*Still siting on Con's chest BJ reaches down and tickles Con on the side his fingers light and probley doing nothing to the tanks sides but BJ Laughs anyways thinking he is tickling Con.*

"SAY UNCI...wifh whipcream and cherrys on top."

*Maggie sits still with Jamie watching the butterfly. Softly speaking herself.*

"They...are so pretty. Your like a butterfly too. So am I. We are both soft and delikit. Yet strong, and differnt. Thats why Nate loves us. Cuz we need his comfort and strangth but yet we can still stand on our own."

*Still siting still a butterfly starts to flutter around Maggie as she feels the the soft breexe from the wings. Closing her eyes for a moment and than opening them Maggie looks cross eyed as the butterfly lands on her nose and stairs at her. Maggie cant help but softly giggle.

Nate leands up aganst a tree his arms crossed as he looks out into the field. Watching Laura and Maggie silently for a long while. How happy, and peceful they look. It made Nate happy to see Laura connect and get along with Maggie. Not scaired to spend time with her. Nate says nothing but just watches the two most important people in his life.*

*Aerith cant help but laugh as they watch Reese walk out of the water than looks abck at Wyatt splashing water at him than growing serouse for just a moment.*

"Thank you Wyatt. This day was more than I could ask for."

*Aerith smiles again as continues to cling to Wyatt's back. Aerith cant help but giggle again as she leans her chin on Wyatt's shoulder and lets out a small sigh giving him a kiss on the cheek.*

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