
Crazy tank

Though not surprised by Katie’s affection, her showing it never goes unwanted. Scott returns Katie’s kiss with gentle passion, his arms slowly making their way around her to draw her closer to him. Though his eyes were closed, he could see everything.

A cool breeze suddenly disrupts the heated air, bringing relief to the hidden lookout. Scott finally withdraws from Katie, just to pull her into a tight hug before holding her out at arm’s length.

“As much as I’d love to stand here kissing you all day…” His eyes sparkle with mischief, though they also beg for something else. “If I don’t get something in my stomach, I’m going to waste away to nothing, and then you’ll have to explain to everyone what really happened up here.”

Clint gives a surprisingly high-pitched shriek as Wendy’s fingers touch his ribs. He squirms out of her reach, unable to handle the tickling.

Ty jumps at her movement as well, even more surprised than Clint, and bewildered for just a moment.

“You…you…” Clint fishes for something to call after Wendy. “You mean…person…” His eyes go wide as he realizes just how lame he sounds.

Ty quirks an eyebrow at him. “Dude, you gotta work on those comebacks.”

“Great. You teach me. In the meantime, don’t let her get away with this!” Clint breaks into a sprint, running after Wendy.

Without thinking, Ty goes after him. More wiry than Clint, he passes him by, gaining ground on Wendy. As they cross the yard, Ty takes a flying leap, landing on the ground just close enough behind her to grab her legs and bring her down too.

“Ha!” Clint is quick to catch up, helping Ty pin Wendy to the ground. “Now who’s laughing, hmm??”

“Not fair!” Rosalynn hadn’t been far behind, and now helps fight for her friend by dragging Ty off of her, holding his arms behind his back. Instincts are automatic and Ty takes half a step back, kneels, and rolls forward, sending Rosalynn over his shoulders to do a summersault and land right next to Wendy.

Clint still straddles Wendy’s back and looks up in surprise. “You’ve got to show me how to do that.”

“Oh, no, not tickling!” Con squirms under BJ’s fingers, even though he can’t hardly feel a thing. “I won’t give up! I won’t!” Sitting up sends BJ tumbling into his lap, and he yanks Jamie down too, winding up with both of them locked in his strong arms.”

“So is this what you’ve been doing since I’ve been gone?” Austin cocks his head as he looks at the three of them from the doorway.

Con looks up, not having quite heard everything Austin said. His face turns a slight shade of red, but he doesn’t let either of his captives go. “Well hi there, Austin.”

Austin shakes his head, grinning just a little. “Jamie, just a fair warning – a crazy man is bad enough. A crazy tank is even worse.”

A bit of color enters Laura’s cheeks at some of Maggie’s words. She wondered if on some level Nate loved her…she knew he liked her, but…

Grinning, she watches the butterflies for a few more minutes before suddenly flopping onto her back, completely enveloped by the tall grass. “Ooh, look at the clouds, Maggie!” She points heavenward. “I see a cow….ooh, and a teapot….oooh,” She giggles. “That one looks like your brother when he’s pouting.”

Mick rides slowly back to the barn, Rosetta on her horse beside him. Finally dismounting, he gives Rosetta’s cheek a stroke with the back of his hand. “Thank you,” he says softly. “For just being you.”

Turning, he heads inside with Rosetta behind him to unsaddle the horses.

Heading down the aisle, he turns a corner but stops abruptly, spinning back around and holding out his arm to stop Rosetta as well, guiding her back a ways.

A laugh sticks in his throat and chokes him as he coughs it out, his cheeks gaining some color in them. He leans up against the wall, his eyes wanting to go wide, but he squints them almost shut instead.

“Unless you want to see my brother making out with Mel, don’t turn that corner,” he whispers. Covering his eyes with his hand, his shoulders start to shake, proving the humor he finds in this. Oh how he’d love to barge in on them, but he would feel too awful.

Wyatt grins. He can’t remember the last time he’s had this kind of fun. Hefting Aerith up further on his back, he carefully splashes through the water, finally sloshing up onto the shore where he lets her down. Running a hand through his drenched hair, he lets out a sigh. ‘Well…I didn’t think I would have to bring spare clothes along today.” He chuckles. “At least the water feels good on a hot one like this afternoon.”

He cocks his head to a couple nice big, flat rocks closeby. “I don’t know about you, but after this adventure, I’m ready to take it easy for a while and wait for those terrified fish to come back.”

Making his way over to the rock, he sets himself down, stretching out on his back to let the sun dry him and his clothes. He gestures for Aerith to join him.

Reese watches from his seat by the basket of food, a smile quirking his lips. Memories ran through his mind of a time he’d been in his son’s position. Oh how sweet it had been. He closes his eyes for a moment, reminiscing. Those happy moments had been gone a long time, but he still held them in his heart.

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