
Red Rose

*Jamie searchs Con face. His pain for Jason evadent. Her own pain for her friend great.*

"Your probley right. I just hate leaving at time like this."

*Jamie lets out a sigh. Jamies mind floats to Cindy. Poor thing. She was going to be geting married soon and her son was now in jail. At least she had Wes to give her comfort. Jamie trys to revert the conversation to a not so depressing topic, she new how much this had to be killing Jason inside.*

"I'm nervouse about going. I dont even know these people in Texas or what they are life. What if I dont fit in?"

*Nate smiles at he looks at Laura. She looked pretty as ever to him. With no makeup she looks natrule the way God intended her to look.*

"I think you look pretty the way you are now, but I know wemon and there make up, so I dont mind stoping by your place to let you change and what not. Let me just put Maggies food into a container for her with a note and than we can be on our way."

*Nate disapears into the kitchen humming a toon trying to keep his mind off Jason for the moment. After a few moment Nate returns with his coat on and some paper work in hand.*

"Ok lets head on over to you place to get ya ready for the day."

*Nate smiles at Laura as he heads out the door.*

*Misty looks up at Carson with a sassy grin on her face. Leting go of his wrists she heads to her backpack and pulls out a small pack of something. Walking back over to Carson she hands him the pack of gum.*

"Chew this when ever you have a craving it should help. And I think you should feel happy you alive, and happy you have a pretty little sassy lady in front of you."

*Misty cant help but let out a laugh.*

"We also have a shooting range downstairs, we could always see who had the better aim unless you scaired a girl will beat you."

*Misty holds her sassy grin as she challanges him.*

*Katie nods at Reese.*

"Ok as soon as I hear from her I'll let you know Reese. I guess I should start on my paper work till than."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and sits in the chair for a moment longer thinking. She was worryed about Jason and worryed what would happen. It was bad enough not seeing him as much as when she was in the hospetal but she still saw him and could spend time with him. But now she couldent see him when she wanted. There was only certin times. Finally standing Katie makes her way to the door to head to her desk.*

*Lockheart studys Jason for a long time searching his eyes, searching his face. The look in his eye showed he was scaired of what was to come but willing to hide the truth to protect thoughs he cared for. Everything Katie told Lockheart about Jason she could see in his eyes. His lovem his passtion, his faithfulness. Jason was a good guy and for that fact alone Lockheart was willing to help him anyway she could if only he would let her.*

"Just cuz they have a bullet dosent mean its over like that. If you have witness, people who were there with you saw what happend that can change alot."

*Lockheart once again studys Jason, his eyes, his movments.Looking for answers, feelings, what nature he was. For a moment Lockhearts face becomes soft a small smile crossing her lips. She saw it now, what Katie loved about this boy so much.*

"Everything Katie said about you true. Your a good guy who would never hurt anyone unless you had no choise. As for your signature Katie told me you might ask. So she told me this "The first time Jason wanted to say thank you to me he gave me a single red rose. Many a times after that for differnt resons I have receved roses from Jason as well. I always new he was near if I saw a rose on my desk, or at my door. I new he would be ok, once it even saved his life when I found where the rose was sent from. Now when I see a Rose I know who sent it. Jason's signature to tell me something is a Rose." So Jason your signature to Katie is a red rose. A simple thank you turned into so much more meaning for one girl who cares very much for you."


Con looks across the table at Jamie, thinking about her…thinking about them…

“Hey, Jamie…I’ve been wondering…about you going to Texas and all.” He sighs deeply. “And I don’t think any of what’s happening now should change your plans. As much as I want to help Jason, I don’t think there’s anything we can do, and it might even be a good idea if we weren’t around as much so we don’t draw any attention. If the Agency is involved it might not be bad to change our pattern.” He shrugs. “Just a thought. I know you wanted to go and tell the gang about that little boy.”

Con pauses, a new thought crossing his mind. “Oh no…somebody has to tell Cindy about Jason. It’ll probably be Austin…”

Laura quirks an eyebrow and sits up, setting the blanket aside. “Mm…thanks, but I’m not usually much of a breakfast person.” She gives a little laugh. “I’d take up the offer for a shower, but seeing as though I don’t have any clean clothes here, I might be defeating the purpose.”

She pauses for a moment, thinking her own feeling strange. Where had the awkwardness gone? She vaguely remembered seeing Nate the night before…but she hadn’t been uncomfortable. Maybe she’d simply gotten past the little episode in the TJY hallway. And at least Con had behaved decently the evening before. Laura knew Nate had no ill intentions…it was just hard to trust again, no matter how good of a friend he was or how sweet he was being.

She runs a hand through her hair and grimaces, knowing she must look a sight with no makeup and her hair all askew. “Though if I don’t shower, you’re gonna have to put up with the way I look. How about swinging by my place before work? I’ll be fast, I promise.”

Carson’s mouth twitches into a slight grin at Misty’s comment, and lets her check him over. At her question, he looks at her slyly. “I’m sore as I’ll get out, I’m going through nicotine withdrawal, and I’m still stuck here. How would you suggest I feel? Maybe if you give me a better idea than going out and shooting somebody just to take it out on them, I can give you an answer.”

Wyatt looks up from his computer in surprise. “I…well, I…” He doesn’t get a chance to defend himself as Katie continues her route. “You could have called!” he yells after her.

Reese nods in thought to Katie. “Alright…lets just let Lockheart get a handle on what’s happening first. We don’t want any of us to get involved too quickly lest we draw unwanted attention in our direction. These things move slowly, and really, that’s in our favor at the moment because nothing will happen too quickly for us not to know about it.”

He taps a pencil on his desk absentmindedly. “Later after we hear from her, I’ll have you and Nate go down to see Jason, make sure he’s holding up alright.”

Jason continues to study this woman, still unsure whether or not he can trust her. “Why would I want to call someone I don’t know?” he replies evenly.

“Look, they’ve got me in here with a charge of murder. They were able to arrest me because they traced the bullet back to my gun. It’s an open shut case, and anything else is my word against theirs – a story I could pluck out of thin air in their minds. If you still want to take it on, be my guest..”

He thinks for a moment, trying to come up with something the Agency couldn’t know about, so he could find out for sure if Lockheart was on the up and up. “If you can tell me what my signature is to Katie, you’ve got my belief that you’re on my side.”

Work with me

*Jamie gets up from bed and showers coming down stairs she greets Con with a kiss.*

"Morning Con."

*Grabing her own bowl of oatmeal. The sky looksed a bit dark out today. I guess it was to match the moods everyone was probley feeling. Jamie trys to keep the sperits up. She would be leaving soon to go to texas and she hated having to leave Con. Maybe she should postpone her trip. Jamie sits at the table with Con at a total loss for words. There really wasent anything that could be said to make Con or herself feel better. Jamie felt so helpless.*

*Misty makes her way into TJY again heading for the infermary. Apon entering Misty lets her still wet hair down to fall over her shoulders. Looking over at the bed where Carson was Misty smiles.*

"Well it looks like no one killed you in your sleep so thats a bright spot to my day."

*Misty lets out a laugh than rolls her eyes at how stupid she sounded sometimes. Going over to Carson she starts to check him over, looking at the bump on his head, his ribs, and his wrists.*

"How are you feeling this morning?"

*Nate steps out from the kitchen as he hears Laura stir. He gives her a friendly smile.*

"I made some eggs, bacon for myself and Maggie when she wakes. but I still have extra would you like some before we head to work? If you want to you cant use the shower in Maggie's bathroom I am sure she wont mind. But that totally up to you."

*Nate dident even bother to ask if Laura wanted to ride with him he just assumed since she was there she would.*

*Katie steps off the elavator a bit out of breath and sweating. Walking pasts Wyatt's desk she thorws him a smart alic respons.*

"Thx for remembering to pick me up."

*A bit of a laugh escapes Katie's lips as a smiles cross her face showing she really dosent mind. Not stoping Katie heads to Reese office knocking on the door and entering. Taking note he is not on the phone she starts to talk.*

"Lockheart called me this morning and she was heading to the Jail to talk to Jason and than she is gonna see what she can find out what they have to keep Jason with. She said she would give me a call after she finds more out but she felt she was gonna be at the Jail for quite sometime."

*Katie is silent for a moment and than looks up at Reese again.*

"I'd like to go down with someone when they go to the jail."

*Lockheart quirks her eyes brow at Jason. Katie had warned her that this might happen though she dident know why she dident bother to ask questions. A grin cross her lips.*

"Mr. Stevenson, Katie spoke very highly of you to me. I've known her for a long time and I doubt someone would call out of the blue to help a perfect stranger. She warned me that this case was delakit and should be handeled with the utmost care and thats what I entend to do. This matter is time sensitive and the sooner you cawoperate with me the sooner we can get the ball rolling in knowing what is going to happen. Its up to you Mr. Stevenson but I would think it be in your best intrests to help me out and work with me. Like I had said before if you want to talk to Katie first to make sure I am who I say I am you can."


Con sighs and is glad for Jamie’s reassurance, even if his worry lingers. This could be a very long road. “I know…just a bit scary.” He pats Jamie’s leg. “I’ll bunk down here again tonight. If you need anything, give a holler. I probably won’t be sleeping much.”

…The bowl of cold cereal was enough to put something in Con’s stomach for the morning, though it didn’t taste all that great. His mind was going in every direction as he sat at the kitchen table, staring out the window. He wanted so badly to go to TJY and to help any way he could with this case…. But for one, he knew that logically, there was nothing he could do. And two, he wasn’t sure he could take going back yet. Carson was still there, and he wasn’t sure he could yet handle himself to see him. All that was left was sitting and waiting…

Carson is just a bit frustrated with the reactions he sees around him, but doesn’t offer anything more. Apparently he was still under suspicion, so there wasn’t a whole lot he could do. Sighing, he nods to Misty. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I won’t run away, so unless someone comes and murders me in my sleep, I’ll be here in the morning.

…It wasn’t quite boredom…it wasn’t quite frustration…it wasn’t quite claustrophobia…but it was on verge of one of them or all three maybe that invaded Carson as he sat back down on the infirmary bed after taking a shower and dressing. It didn’t help that his hands were a bit shaky and all he wanted was a smoke. He wasn’t sure why on earth he’d decided to go cold turkey, but there was reasoning somewhere and he’d made the decision, so he was going to see it out. If he was in a bad mood, they’d just have to put up with him.

His stomach growls, and he glances at the clock. He expected to see people filtering in and out soon, and wondered what would be done about Jason. He didn’t really feel sorry for Jason…he didn’t feel sorry for many people at all, let alone a cocky guy like Jason. But he had to admit that he was getting the short end of the stick here.

Laura stirs in her sleep, as the feeling comes over her that she’s being watched. She feels the blanket move up closer to her chin, making her warmer and cozier. For a split second, her eyes crack open groggily and she think she sees the blurry form of Nate. Something tells her she needs to get up because he’s home, but her tiredness was stronger.

…Laura’s eyes flutter open. There was light in the living room. She was alone on the couch…Maggie must have gotten up already. Laura was using the armrest on the pillow, the blanket still pulled up over her. She was so comfortable…she doesn’t want to move.

Realizing just whose house she was in, she expected to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, but she didn’t. This house was welcoming…the atmosphere, the smells…one could feel the peace in this house, and it was nice.

She stretches out and yawns, trying to get her mind functioning again. She needed to get home to shower and change, then get on back to TJY. She should probably call Con…if he felt like getting out. Or maybe…hmm…there were too many things to think about. TJY was going to be crazy.

Wyatt arrives at TJY at the same time as his father, making a beeline for his own desk to start going through files and records of what really happened in Texas.
Reese heads for his office, giving Susanne a brief explanation of what’s going on, so she can forward all calls to him. Getting ready for the day, he wants to get everyone together at some point once Katie comes in, to see about several going down to the jail, or at least meeting with this lawyer that Katie had called.

Jason isn’t asleep…he’s not even sure he’s caught any all night…but is lying down when he hears someone approach and be allowed into his cell. Looking up, he’s surprised to see the woman, noting her professional air. He eyes her warily and sits up as she introduces herself, returning the handshake firmly. He pays no attention to the fact that his hair his messed and his clothes wrinkled…right about now he’s not caring much about anything.

The small bunch in the next cell had finally settled down sometime early in the morning and had stopped hacking on him, but it hadn’t been much of a relief. The cot had still been hard, and the air had still been cold.

Jason listens to Lockheart and quirks an eyebrow, leaning back against the concrete wall and folding his arms across his chest. “Yeah, I’m Jason Stevenson.” He cocks his head. “I’ve lived in Nevada all my life, I work at a factory, live a normal, quiet life, I’ve never heard of a Miss Pent, and have no idea why I’m being charged with murder.” He stares at her, challenge in his voice.


*Jamie heads up to her room after returning home. Con would be staying there alone with her tonight as Laura was busy with Maggie. Jamie dident mind all that much she new should could trust Con with her life and he would never harm her. There was never a doubt in her mind he would. As Jamie sits on her bed her mind goes to Jason and the look on Con's face. Though there age differnce was great they were still best of friends. Jamie new this must be so hard on Con, on top of everything alse. Geting up off the bed Jamie exits the room and decents the stairs. She could see Con siting on the coutch. Walking over to him she lays a hand on her shoulder than makes her way to sit down next to him. Wraping an arm around his shoulder.*

"Its gonna be ok Con. TJY has some of the best lawyers there are. They are gonna be able to get Jason out of this."

*As Wyatt and Reese enter the infermaty Katie stands and gives Wyatt alittle hug. Her face streked with a few tears.*

"I'm the best I can be in this situation."

*As Wyatt aims his questions at Carson Misty stands.*

"Hey easy there."

*Misty places a hand on Wyatt's shoulder and than turns walking to stand next to Carson. Just taking in everything that is being said.

Nate lets out a long sigh and sits down in a chair.*

"So first thing in the morning we need to call one of our best Lawyers. We cant let this wait or sit. They need to be on top of everything. We could always call Anderson and see if He can do it. He's goten some of us out of sticky situations before."

*Nate shakes his head not being able to believe what was going on. How could this happen. The Agency were dirty rats that wanted to hurt people but this was a new low.*

"Well for now we might as well all go home get some sleep and be back here bright and early to get started. I think we are all tired and there isent anything we can do now anyways."

*Nate makes his way to the door the pain, sadness and anger in his eyes.*

"I know I need to cool down myself so I'll be back in the morning."

*Nate exites TJY and heads for his car to make his ride home. His mind races as he thinks about Jason, about the Agency. He hadent been there that say when it all went down but he was one of the many that was in charge of cleaning up the mess. They had been so carfel not to leave anything behind and no leaf unturned. Nate shakes his head. Finally pulling into the driveway Nate steps out of his car lingering for a moment taking in the fresh air. How things had changed so fast, to a wonderful night to something of desaster. Entering the house Nate makes his way to the living room as he sees a light still on. As he aproches the coutch and looks over the back his eyes rest on Laura and Maggie cuddled together. On this dismal night Nate needed a smile, He needed to feel the warmth in his heart and he found it. It was to perfect to see Maggie and Laura both laying there, peacful in dream land. For a long moment Nate just stands leaning on the back of the coutch watching his sister and Laura sleep. Finally he comes around to the front and pulls the blanket under Maggie and Laura's chins alittle more. Leaning over Laura, Nate gives Maggie a kiss on her forhead. Drawing away Nate's face pass Laura's stoping for a second. How happy she looked sleeping. A feeling creeps into Nate. A feeling of impaulse, seasing the moment. Drawing away Nate stands, this way not the time not like this. He couldent do that to Laura. Just friends. Smiling he turns the light out and heads up to bed before the next dawn came to summon him.*

*As Reese and Wyatt leave the infermary Katie stops them asking to speak with Reese in his office. Entering Katie explains a few things to him in hopes he would agree and understand. Moments later Katie exits the office and asks Wyatt for a ride home.*

*Misty lets out a sigh knowing she could do no good in this situation but give Carson comfort and be there if anyone needed her. As her eyes grow tired and everyone had gone for the night Misty turns to Carson and smiles giving him a hug.*

"If your gonna be ok I am gonna head out and get some shut eye. I'll be back in the morning though I promise."

*Misty draws away from the hug and makes her way to the door giving Carson one more glances as she slips out winking.*

*Night turns to day as the sun starts to rise. The birds start to sing as if the events from the night had been washes away.

The clicking of heels can be hurd on the floor as someone aproches Jason's cell. The woman lets out a long sigh trying to remove the sleep from he eyes. It was no 6am and she had arrived earlyer than planed. After geting another phone call to know what was going on and the skim light verson of why Jason was here. Deep down she new there was more much more, but she needed Jason himself to tell her.

As the door to Jason's cell opens a tall slender woman step in. She skin was bronze, and her hair was long, brown with a bit of a curl. She had big brown eyes that showed a certin air about them. The woman was dressed in a light grey suit and had a brefcase she set down on a small table in Jason's cell. Looking him dead in the eyes she finally speaks.*

"Jason Stevenson I presume?"

*The lady step a bit closer offering her hand to Jason.*

"I'm Angelica Lockheart. I'll be your lawyer. Miss Pent told me to let you know she called me cuz you would be on edge about a stranger showing up. If you need to know more about me you can talk to her. I'm here to help you Jason, I'm one of the best of the best."

*Lockheart stands looks at Jason as if waiting for his promition to continue speaking.*


Jason looks out the window of the police cruiser, watching the lights go by. He could still hear Katie’s voice calling after him as he’d been pushed from the restaurant. He desperately tried to keep his emotions in check…to stay calm…if he didn’t, Katie would know it, and he couldn’t put her through any more misery than this already was surely causing.

Arriving at the station, Jason is manhandled out of the car and forced inside. He’s taken directly to a holding room where he’s sat down in a chair, his wrists still in cuffs. Questions are hurled in his direction, but he answers none. They were asking where he was the day Blake was killed…what had he been doing…who had he been with…who were his partners…
Jason stares at the table, remaining silent. He needed a TJY lawyer and needed one fast. Right now, he could say nothing…he had to be so careful…he couldn’t convict himself, and he couldn’t involved TJY. But as such…he could not defend himself. If he were to tell the story, it would involve more people, and would point back to TJY. If he were to make up a story, they would find out he was lying and he would be convicting himself.

Jason’s own mind floods with more and more questions. What had TJY missed? Why had the police not been thrown off the trail? No one from TJY had ever been arrested for murder before – they’d always done too good of a job of cleaning up. But as he sat now…he was in very real danger of not being able to prove he had shot Blake to defend a young woman.

“Alright, mute, how about you think about this overnight, eh?” A cop jerks Jason up from his chair and shoves him to the door. “I’d think twice if I were you before keeping that mouth shut tomorrow when Jackman gets here. It will only go better for you if you cooperate.”

Jason doesn’t respond as he’s led down the hall, then another to several jail cells. His wrists are released and he’s pushed into the cell, the door slamming shut and locking behind him. He was alone in the cell, but that adjoining him had several men in it, appearing to have been in a gang. They snicker at his entrance and start to jeer at him.

He ignores them and sinks down on the hard cot, burying his face in his hands. He had to stay strong…he had to have faith that TJY would get him out of this… but already he was doubting. He hadn’t been given all his rights upon arriving here, and he had the sinking feeling that whoever Jackman was, would not be playing by the book or the law. And if that was the case, it was going to be hard not to react…not to break…not to retaliate.

Con takes Jamie, Laura and Maggie away from Mom and Pop’s, dropping off Laura and Maggie first at Nate’s. Heading to Jamie’s, he realizes that his sister may not be with them tonight as planned, but it didn’t bother him…he’d probably be up all night anyway, and as long as Jamie didn’t mind it was fine.

Arriving to Jamie’s, Con takes up residence on the couch again, his mind a thousand miles away. His best friend had just been arrested for murder, and there was nothing he could do about it. He knew what had happened…he knew Jason had been defending others…but it didn’t matter…the story couldn’t be told…but if it wasn’t…what did that mean for Jason?

Con can’t help but shake his head a little. This is what working with TJY brought…how many more lives would suffer?

Laura takes Maggie inside and helps get her ready for bed. She was worried sick about Jason…was he okay…were they treating him fairly? But she tried to mask her thoughts for Maggie’s sake, not wanting to upset the girl.

Once Maggie is in her pajamas, Laura give her a smile. “Hey, how about we do things different tonight and have some fun since it’s just you and me?” He nods to the kitchen. “I’ll make the popcorn and you go get that book Nate’s been reading to you.”

It isn’t long before both are seated on the living room couch, the bowl of popcorn being polished off as Laura reads to Maggie. Laura can see the girl’s eyes growing heavy, and her own were getting pretty tired themselves. She knew she could call Janet, and then have Con come pick her up, but she didn’t want to bother anyone else the way it was, so she might as well jut wait until Nate returned.

The scene an hour later is the two girls sharing a blanket, both sound asleep on the couch.

Carson spins around as Nate enters the infirmary, talking on his phone. His eyes widen as he hears the news. Jason had been arrested?

He looks back and for between Misty and Nate for a moment, but before he can say anything, Katie appears.

Shaking her hand, he’s a little surprised that she would greet someone so warmly…he knew what she’d just been through at the hands of the Agency.

Carson eases down on the edge of the bed, watching the others interact. There was genuine worry for Jason there…they were a close-knit team, no doubt. He couldn’t blame them for their worry…this wasn’t something to joke about.

Once again, he’s about to intervene the conversation when both Reese and Wyatt arrive at the same time. “Good land,” Reese exclaims. “Do we not have a night of peace around here anymore?”

Wyatt shoots Katie a glance. “You alright?”

Reese paces a little. “We’ve got to get someone on the inside to find out what’s going on. If I know Jason, he’s probably not going to talk, but that will convict him just as quickly as anything. We’ve got to get a handle on this case and either come up with some evidence fast, or somehow steer the law in another direction.” He shakes his head as he paces. “How could this have happened? What did we miss? We’ve never had anyone get this far before!”

Carson finally stands up and enters the small group. “You didn’t miss anything.”

Wyatt spins around to glare at him. “Are you saying you know something about this?”

Carson raises his hands, taking a step back at Wyatt’s accusing tone. He frowns, the hardness returning to his eyes. “Look, I had nothing to do with this. But this is something the Agency has been working on for months. The law gave up that case a while back until, someone from the Agency got involved to try and resurrect the case. Apparently it worked.”

“And you said nothing?” Wyatt exclaims. “You know this and you didn’t warn us?!”

Carson grits his teeth. “I didn’t think they’d gotten that far. They must have come up with just what the law needed.”

“Are the cops dirty?”

“Not that I know of. We don’t have any guys in the departments around here. My guess is that this is a totally legit case, and we all know that Jason killed that guy. If you can’t intervene and get him out, he’s dead meat.”


*As Misty walks close to Carson her own arm goes around his wast. Misty cant shake the grin on her face. Carson was deffintly differnt for other guys and Misty liked it. Misty wished the night wouldent end and they could stay outside forever, but that wasent possable and soon the night would be ending. Once inside Misty follows Carson to grab her stuff from the infermary stoping shot as Carson turns around. As he runs his hand through her hair she bats it away playfuly.*

"Oh..I'll see what I can do."

*Misty throws him a grin and enters going to her desk.*

*As Jason is being taken from the restront Katie stands and makes her way to the door calling his name. As she pass Nate he stands and grabs her by the hand. For a moment Katie trys to resist but than stops the tear welling in her eyes. How was this happoning. The night was so perfect. Katie looks from Nate to Con as than back outside.

Nate nods to Laura as he bends eye level with his sister give her a smile to calm the fear he could see in her eyes.*

"Hey there kiddo. Everything is gonna be ok. You head home with Laura and Jamie ok. I have to head to work. But I'll be home alittle bit later ok. Maybe if you ask real nice they can read you some of your book ok."

*Nate reaches a hand out to brush some of the hair from his sisters face and gives her a hug handing her off to Laura and giving her a bref lowdown of where everything is, Also leting Laura know if she needs anything alse Janit's number is on the the firdge. Giving Laura's arm a gental thank you squeeze Nate heads for the door to be stoped by Katie her eyes full of tears.*

"I'm coming with you back to TJY Nate. Kyle can you drive Jason's bike back to my house please? I'll call you guys when I know more."

*Nate nods to Katie and before Kyle can even reply to her she is out the door with Nate heading to his car.

Jamie nods to Con understanding as she stands. Going over to her mom and dad she gives them a short bref on what happend and pays for the food. Mable and Herb let Jamie know if they need anything to let them know and Jason was in there prayers. Jamie gives them both a kiss and than joins Con, Laura, and Maggie to head for the car.

The ride back to TJY is quiet. Katie and Nate's mind reel with everything that has happend. The ride seems to take so much longer tonight. Finally arriving at TJY and geting down to the main floor Katie lets Nate know she is going to her desk to make a phone call.

Nate nods at Katie and pulls out his phone dialing Reese number as he heads for the infermary.

Misty grabs her backpack and gives Carson a hug.*

"I'll be back early tomarrow. If you need anything in the middle of the night you have my number dont be scaired to call."

*Misty smiles at Carson and heads for the door only to be pushed back inside as Nate enters. It was evadent he had alot on his mind he dident even see Misty.*

"Reese its Nate, ya guess what...more bad new after bad news...You need to get to TJY pronto bring Wyatt too...Jason was just arrested for murder. We dont know all the details yet...."

*As Misty hears what Nate says she drops her bag back down on the ground and throws a glance at Carson a new look in her eyes. One of worry than she looks back to Nate waiting for him to get off the phone to tall them more.*

"Ya I am here now with Katie, Carson and Misty is still here too....ok....Ya we will wait here for you....ok..."

*Katie sits down at her desk and pull out a peace of paper from her desk that looks very old. Holding it for a moment she continplates dialing the number. It had been so long she dident even know if she would be remembered But he had to do something. She had just watched Jason be halled away for murder. Finally taking out her phone she dials the number and wait.

A groggy voice on the other line finally answers.*


*Katie perks up at the voice but is silent for a long moment deciding what she should say. Finally Katie just decieds to be herself the way she would be remembered.*

"Hey Lockheart.....its been a long time..Its Katharine Pent."

*The womans voice on the other end seems to be more awake now as she replys to Katie. A bit of saprise in her voice.*

"Hey Katie...it has been a while. What do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

*Katie lets out a sigh happy that at least Lockheart remembered who she was.*

"It happend again. I new if anyone would understand it would be you."

*Russling around on the other end of the phone can be hurd as another muffled voice is hushed away.*

"Alright Katie, I can take the next plane out and be there by the morning."

*Though the caller on the other end cant see her Katie smiles anyways and nods.*

"Thanks Lockheart I new I could count on you. Bye."

*Katie hangs up the phone and makes her way to the infermary alittle bit slower than normal as her back is starting to kill her. Entering she relizes this is the first time she has seen Carson. Giving a nod to Misty, Katie walks slowly over to where Carson is standing offering her hand she trys to smile the best she can pushing away who Carson use to be.*

"I'm Katie Pent. Its nice to finally meet you."

*After making her introduction Katie makes her way to a near by chair and sits down not being able to stand anymore. Looking up at Nate she asks.*

"Now what Nate? Can they really convicte him of murder? What did TJY miss cleaning up for this to happen?"

*Nate eyes show simpathy for Katie. He had seen how they acted around eachother tonight they were so cute and so inlove. It was hard to see them apart now not knowing if they will see one another ever again. Nate shakes his head. He wish he had the answers for her but he dident.*

"I dont know Hero. I dont know. The best thing we can do right now is wait for Reese and Wyatt to show up to see what out next movie is gonne be."

Losing Battle

The chatter and laughter around the table doesn’t cease as everyone begins to eat their pizza. Kyle keeps his end of the table in stitches, while the humor filters through the others. No one cares about what time it is…no one wants the evening to end.

Carson almost grins and pulls Misty closer with just enough force that she bumps into him, so his arm can go around her shoulder. “You’re something else, you know that?” He sighs, starting to give up fighting this whole thing. He felt different…strange…but apparently it was a losing battle.

The walk back to TJY is quiet, and they make their way back inside, Carson aiming back for the infirmary. He stops outside the door and takes back his hat, reaching out to run his hand through Misty’s messed up hair. “Do me a favor and don’t get into any trouble tonight, eh?”

Two men enter Mom and Pop’s nonchalantly and scan the people at the tables. One is a uniformed police officer, the other in plain clothes. They exchange several quiet words, then the one in plain clothes points to the table in the back. They move slowly, scanning the faces as they approach the noisy group.

“Jason Stevenson?”

The group very suddenly goes quiet as everyone looks up to the two strangers. The gaiety feels as though it was abruptly sucked from the room. Jason looks between them, a tension rising in the air. Something wasn’t right. “Yes?”

The two men approach him from behind, the policeman reaching out to take his arm. “You’re under arrest for the murder of Blake Thomas.”

Jason is so stunned that he doesn’t even resist being pulled up from his chair as his arms are placed behind his back.

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law…”

Con rises from his seat, shocked by what’s happening. “Whoa, whoa, what is all this about?”

“Sir, please sit back down,” the officer instructs, showing that he has a gun.

Con numbly sits back down. Though a rage is building inside of him, he knows he has to keep calm…he has to stay cool, otherwise it will just make things worse for Jason, whatever it was that was going on.

Jason’s mind reels. Blake Thomas…Blake Thomas…. It had to be the guy back in Texas. He feels the cold handcuffs being tightened around his wrists, and looks around the table, seeing the paled faces and looks of shock. But he can say nothing, lest he convict himself.

He lets his eyes land on Nate. “Call Reese,” he instructs quickly, “and…” He’s twisted around and pushed towards the door, and he resists just a little, trying to see back over his shoulder, and raising his voice. “Talk to Carson to see if it’s legit!”

Con is back on his feet again as the two men’s backs are turned, pushing Jason towards the door. He opens his mouth to say something, but the shock seems to have taken his voice.

JetStream exchanges glances, completely confused by what just happened, and very concerned for Jason. But no words seem appropriate. No one knows what to say or how to react. The current mood is a shocking and stark contrast to the fun that was happening only minutes before. Jason had just been arrested for murder.

Laura stands up quickly, laying a hand on Maggie’s shoulder, but speaking to Nate. “Go to TJY and do what Jason asked. I’ll have Con take me and Maggie back to your place and I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.”

Con glances down to Jamie. “I’m sorry. Laura’s right. Let me take you three back. We shouldn’t stick around here if something bigger goes down.”

Jen looks to her brother with worry. “What’s happening?”

Kyle shakes his head. “I don’t know.”

Jason is shoved towards the police cruiser and then into the back seat, his head barely missing the door frame. The door is slammed shut, and the two men get in the front without a word. The ride to the police station has never seemed so long, and Jason’s mind is reeling. How could this be happening? What had gone wrong? What had slipped through the cracks? What did this mean for him? What if TJY couldn’t pull him out? Murder… that could mean one of two things, if he was convicted… life in prison, or the death penalty himself.

Rub a dub dub thx for the grub

*Misty giggles as Carson puts the hat on her head. Pushing the hat up again so she can see Carson. Misty new this was going to be the start to something great. She was already enjoying the time they spent together. It could only get better from here.

Misty gribs Carson's hand it felt good in her. As he makes the comment about neather of them being armed Misty's sassy smile cross her face as she takes her free hand and reaches into her pocket pulling out her butterfly knife and opening it with one hand holding it up for Carson to see.*

"I prefure my knife over a gun but I do agree we should be heading back now thats its geting dark. You should probley start carrying a gun yourself too now."

*Misty closes her knife and sticks it back into her pocket. Smiling and enjoying the evening air Misty walks back with to TJY with Carson.*

*Jamie and Katie both let out a shrek as Jason and Con grab them, than turns into laughter.
Katie wraps her arms around Jason head for a moment accepting the kiss than lets go to look into his eyes. Jamie's face turns a bit red as she kiss Con back but enjoying herself non the less. Finally being left up.

As Jamie slides back into her seat she takes Con's hand for a moment and gives it a squeeze than she grabe a slice of pizza for herself and one for Con as well.

Katie grins at Jason and he lets her get back into her seat. Puting her arm around the back of Jason's chair.*

"You wouldent like me any other way and you know it."

*Katie sits up and grabs some pizza for herself offering Jason a peace as well.

Nate leans over the table grabing a small peace of pizza for Maggie. Nate offers Laura a peace and than gets himself a pizze. Scaning the table Nate smiles. This moment here and now is what life was mad of. Friends having a great time, being happy and at peace.*


Carson lets a small grin upturn the corner of his mouth at Misty’s quiet statement. He just stands holding her until the sun begins to sink below the horizon and long shadows are cast on the ground.

Finally, he lets her go, turning her around to face her, and just looking in her eyes, letting his own tell their story of a little boy who was lost…who is trying to be found again…who has found hope in her light.

Reaching up, Carson takes off his hat and teasingly puts it on Misty, pulling the brim down low over her eyes. He takes her hand in his and starts back towards TJY. “I don’t want to be out here when it gets dark,” he muses. “Not when neither of us are armed.”

Con and Jason’s eyes widen as Jamie and Katie come out singing and dancing. Though it takes a moment for the surprise to wear off, the whole table erupts into laughter, Laura and Jen joining in the singing, though remaining in their seats.

As Katie and Jamie take to the counter, the others start to clap and Kyle lets out a whistle, encouraging their performance.

Only when it comes to an end do Jason and Con exchanges looks. Neither have to say what they’re thinking, and they rise from the table, making a beeline for the counter.

Con goes for Jamie and Jason for Katie as both girls are still standing on the counter.

Without even hesitating, they grab their girlfriends by the legs and pull them off the counter, slinging them over their shoulders like sacks of potatoes. Marching back to the table, both Con and Jason swing Jamie and Katie back off their shoulders as they sit down, landing the girls in their laps. Though the two guys hadn’t even spoken, both do the same things, ending the whole charade by landing kisses to the girls’ lips.

Kyle lets out a whoop before starting an applause around the table, and the laughter erupts again, including Jason and Con.

Mike stands up at one end of the table and taps his glass with his spoon. “I hate to break up this beautiful scene, but some of us are actually hungry and the pizza is ready!”

Con grins at Jamie and lets her slide back into her own seat. “Alright, I guess we can eat now.”

Jason throws Katie a quirky grin and spins her off his lap before letting her land in her own chair beside him. “Will you behave? You’re making a scene.”