

Con sighs and is glad for Jamie’s reassurance, even if his worry lingers. This could be a very long road. “I know…just a bit scary.” He pats Jamie’s leg. “I’ll bunk down here again tonight. If you need anything, give a holler. I probably won’t be sleeping much.”

…The bowl of cold cereal was enough to put something in Con’s stomach for the morning, though it didn’t taste all that great. His mind was going in every direction as he sat at the kitchen table, staring out the window. He wanted so badly to go to TJY and to help any way he could with this case…. But for one, he knew that logically, there was nothing he could do. And two, he wasn’t sure he could take going back yet. Carson was still there, and he wasn’t sure he could yet handle himself to see him. All that was left was sitting and waiting…

Carson is just a bit frustrated with the reactions he sees around him, but doesn’t offer anything more. Apparently he was still under suspicion, so there wasn’t a whole lot he could do. Sighing, he nods to Misty. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I won’t run away, so unless someone comes and murders me in my sleep, I’ll be here in the morning.

…It wasn’t quite boredom…it wasn’t quite frustration…it wasn’t quite claustrophobia…but it was on verge of one of them or all three maybe that invaded Carson as he sat back down on the infirmary bed after taking a shower and dressing. It didn’t help that his hands were a bit shaky and all he wanted was a smoke. He wasn’t sure why on earth he’d decided to go cold turkey, but there was reasoning somewhere and he’d made the decision, so he was going to see it out. If he was in a bad mood, they’d just have to put up with him.

His stomach growls, and he glances at the clock. He expected to see people filtering in and out soon, and wondered what would be done about Jason. He didn’t really feel sorry for Jason…he didn’t feel sorry for many people at all, let alone a cocky guy like Jason. But he had to admit that he was getting the short end of the stick here.

Laura stirs in her sleep, as the feeling comes over her that she’s being watched. She feels the blanket move up closer to her chin, making her warmer and cozier. For a split second, her eyes crack open groggily and she think she sees the blurry form of Nate. Something tells her she needs to get up because he’s home, but her tiredness was stronger.

…Laura’s eyes flutter open. There was light in the living room. She was alone on the couch…Maggie must have gotten up already. Laura was using the armrest on the pillow, the blanket still pulled up over her. She was so comfortable…she doesn’t want to move.

Realizing just whose house she was in, she expected to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, but she didn’t. This house was welcoming…the atmosphere, the smells…one could feel the peace in this house, and it was nice.

She stretches out and yawns, trying to get her mind functioning again. She needed to get home to shower and change, then get on back to TJY. She should probably call Con…if he felt like getting out. Or maybe…hmm…there were too many things to think about. TJY was going to be crazy.

Wyatt arrives at TJY at the same time as his father, making a beeline for his own desk to start going through files and records of what really happened in Texas.
Reese heads for his office, giving Susanne a brief explanation of what’s going on, so she can forward all calls to him. Getting ready for the day, he wants to get everyone together at some point once Katie comes in, to see about several going down to the jail, or at least meeting with this lawyer that Katie had called.

Jason isn’t asleep…he’s not even sure he’s caught any all night…but is lying down when he hears someone approach and be allowed into his cell. Looking up, he’s surprised to see the woman, noting her professional air. He eyes her warily and sits up as she introduces herself, returning the handshake firmly. He pays no attention to the fact that his hair his messed and his clothes wrinkled…right about now he’s not caring much about anything.

The small bunch in the next cell had finally settled down sometime early in the morning and had stopped hacking on him, but it hadn’t been much of a relief. The cot had still been hard, and the air had still been cold.

Jason listens to Lockheart and quirks an eyebrow, leaning back against the concrete wall and folding his arms across his chest. “Yeah, I’m Jason Stevenson.” He cocks his head. “I’ve lived in Nevada all my life, I work at a factory, live a normal, quiet life, I’ve never heard of a Miss Pent, and have no idea why I’m being charged with murder.” He stares at her, challenge in his voice.

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