

*As Misty walks close to Carson her own arm goes around his wast. Misty cant shake the grin on her face. Carson was deffintly differnt for other guys and Misty liked it. Misty wished the night wouldent end and they could stay outside forever, but that wasent possable and soon the night would be ending. Once inside Misty follows Carson to grab her stuff from the infermary stoping shot as Carson turns around. As he runs his hand through her hair she bats it away playfuly.*

"Oh..I'll see what I can do."

*Misty throws him a grin and enters going to her desk.*

*As Jason is being taken from the restront Katie stands and makes her way to the door calling his name. As she pass Nate he stands and grabs her by the hand. For a moment Katie trys to resist but than stops the tear welling in her eyes. How was this happoning. The night was so perfect. Katie looks from Nate to Con as than back outside.

Nate nods to Laura as he bends eye level with his sister give her a smile to calm the fear he could see in her eyes.*

"Hey there kiddo. Everything is gonna be ok. You head home with Laura and Jamie ok. I have to head to work. But I'll be home alittle bit later ok. Maybe if you ask real nice they can read you some of your book ok."

*Nate reaches a hand out to brush some of the hair from his sisters face and gives her a hug handing her off to Laura and giving her a bref lowdown of where everything is, Also leting Laura know if she needs anything alse Janit's number is on the the firdge. Giving Laura's arm a gental thank you squeeze Nate heads for the door to be stoped by Katie her eyes full of tears.*

"I'm coming with you back to TJY Nate. Kyle can you drive Jason's bike back to my house please? I'll call you guys when I know more."

*Nate nods to Katie and before Kyle can even reply to her she is out the door with Nate heading to his car.

Jamie nods to Con understanding as she stands. Going over to her mom and dad she gives them a short bref on what happend and pays for the food. Mable and Herb let Jamie know if they need anything to let them know and Jason was in there prayers. Jamie gives them both a kiss and than joins Con, Laura, and Maggie to head for the car.

The ride back to TJY is quiet. Katie and Nate's mind reel with everything that has happend. The ride seems to take so much longer tonight. Finally arriving at TJY and geting down to the main floor Katie lets Nate know she is going to her desk to make a phone call.

Nate nods at Katie and pulls out his phone dialing Reese number as he heads for the infermary.

Misty grabs her backpack and gives Carson a hug.*

"I'll be back early tomarrow. If you need anything in the middle of the night you have my number dont be scaired to call."

*Misty smiles at Carson and heads for the door only to be pushed back inside as Nate enters. It was evadent he had alot on his mind he dident even see Misty.*

"Reese its Nate, ya guess what...more bad new after bad news...You need to get to TJY pronto bring Wyatt too...Jason was just arrested for murder. We dont know all the details yet...."

*As Misty hears what Nate says she drops her bag back down on the ground and throws a glance at Carson a new look in her eyes. One of worry than she looks back to Nate waiting for him to get off the phone to tall them more.*

"Ya I am here now with Katie, Carson and Misty is still here too....ok....Ya we will wait here for you....ok..."

*Katie sits down at her desk and pull out a peace of paper from her desk that looks very old. Holding it for a moment she continplates dialing the number. It had been so long she dident even know if she would be remembered But he had to do something. She had just watched Jason be halled away for murder. Finally taking out her phone she dials the number and wait.

A groggy voice on the other line finally answers.*


*Katie perks up at the voice but is silent for a long moment deciding what she should say. Finally Katie just decieds to be herself the way she would be remembered.*

"Hey Lockheart.....its been a long time..Its Katharine Pent."

*The womans voice on the other end seems to be more awake now as she replys to Katie. A bit of saprise in her voice.*

"Hey Katie...it has been a while. What do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

*Katie lets out a sigh happy that at least Lockheart remembered who she was.*

"It happend again. I new if anyone would understand it would be you."

*Russling around on the other end of the phone can be hurd as another muffled voice is hushed away.*

"Alright Katie, I can take the next plane out and be there by the morning."

*Though the caller on the other end cant see her Katie smiles anyways and nods.*

"Thanks Lockheart I new I could count on you. Bye."

*Katie hangs up the phone and makes her way to the infermary alittle bit slower than normal as her back is starting to kill her. Entering she relizes this is the first time she has seen Carson. Giving a nod to Misty, Katie walks slowly over to where Carson is standing offering her hand she trys to smile the best she can pushing away who Carson use to be.*

"I'm Katie Pent. Its nice to finally meet you."

*After making her introduction Katie makes her way to a near by chair and sits down not being able to stand anymore. Looking up at Nate she asks.*

"Now what Nate? Can they really convicte him of murder? What did TJY miss cleaning up for this to happen?"

*Nate eyes show simpathy for Katie. He had seen how they acted around eachother tonight they were so cute and so inlove. It was hard to see them apart now not knowing if they will see one another ever again. Nate shakes his head. He wish he had the answers for her but he dident.*

"I dont know Hero. I dont know. The best thing we can do right now is wait for Reese and Wyatt to show up to see what out next movie is gonne be."

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