

"I forgive you Carson. I'm sorry to....I.."

*Misty's words are cut off as Danielle comes out of the building. Giving her a warm smile she gets into the car with Carson and follows her. The ride was silent but the tention seemed to have been lifted an replaced with a new one. But the new one was one that help hope for Carson and his sister.

Once geting to the beach and hearing Carson's request about looking out for Zane Misty gives a nod. Geting out of the car she walks alittle ways behind them both keeping her eyes and ear out.

Once they are walking and the people that are around seem to dwindle Misty relaxes a bit. Once Carson turns to her she offers him a slight nod as if to say he was doing good, and this was normal. She tryed to offer him comfort with out words. Though feeling to help out once more came over her.

Walking up to Danielle Misty gives her back a gentil rub.*

"I know its diffacult, and hard to understand but not all of us get this chanse. Be strong Danielle and know your brother loves you."

*Misty gently pats her back and takes a few steps back.*

"I'm going to let you guys talk in privet you dont need me hanging around. I wont be far probley just get my feet wet or something. Just yell and I'll come running."

*Misty smiles and nods leting Con know he will be ok. Truning she makes her way down to the shore line sliping off her shoes she walks leting the water slash over her feet. Siting down on the sand and just leting the water splash over her feet she looks out at the harizon and smiles.*

*Once Katie, Camryn, and Jen finish picking up the food they head back to TJY. Not seeing Kyle, Phil, or Mike there yet the girls decied to wait outside alittle bit longer for them. Knowing the food wont spoil that fast. Smile and Katie says.*

"I am really glad you guys decieded to do this. J needs it. I'm just hoping he's not in to much pain."


Danielle eyes Misty with suspicion, her face still pale as though she's seen a ghost. Her hand is still locked tightly with Amy's, her eyes showing something close to panic.

But she stands and listens to Misty, another tear rolling down her cheek. Hearing the plea for one hour, she looks between Misty and Carson for several moments, before swallowing hard. She couldn't even begin to describe how she was feeling. She was shocked, confused, angry...nothing was making sense. But something...something pushed her forward despite her fear. "Alright. One hour."

Amy looks to her quickly. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Danielle nods with confidence - none of which she felt.

"Do you want me to go with you? Or Roger?"

Danielle looks to her brother and stares into his pleading eyes...those eyes that had been the eyes of her childhood hero. They were older...tired...glistening with an agony that could only come from a heart torn in two. "No..." She lets Amy go and turns around to take a tissue from the break room counter, dabbing her eyes. "No, he won't hurt me."

Carson's shoulders drop slightly, signaling his relief. At least there was half an ounce of trust there. "Can we go somewhere else?"

Danielle thinks for a moment. "A ten minute drive will....will, um, get to a part of the beach. We can...we can go there."

Carson gives a little nod. "We'll follow you."

Danielle sniffs and uses her tissue again, turning back to Amy. 'Tell Tanya to take over for me this afternoon, and tell Roger I'll be back in the morning."

"That's a whole lot longer than an hour."

"I don't think I can finish out the day." Danielle sidles past Carson, still keeping her distance. "I...I have to get my purse. You can, um...wait out front."

Carson obeys, not wanting to make any more waves, and takes the couple turns back down the hall to the reception area again. Once outside, the heat feels almost overwhelming, but Carson barely notices. He looks down at Misty for a moment, searching her eyes before pulling into a strong embrace, kissing the top of her head. "Thank you," he whispers. Rocking her slightly, he sighs deeply. "I'm sorry...for yelling at you this morning. I could never regret you coming along."

The station's front door opens, interrupting their exchange. Danielle eyes them with a little skepticism, unsure how to read their display of affection. She speaks to Misty, finding it difficult to look at her brother again. "I'm in the yellow car down there. You can pull out and block the traffic until I get in front of you so you can follow."

Carson watches her walk to her car, his emotions still high, but finally breaks away to get behind the steering wheel of Misty's car again.

It doesn't take long for the two cars to make their way to the edge of the city, following a quiet road. It leads them to a small gravel parking lot in front of the beach that was peacefully void of others. It was in a little nook along the shore, one that appeared to be overlooked by most ocean goers who were gathered at least a half mile away.

Danielle parks, but just sits for several minutes alone, trying to regain her composure. Her mind was reeling, bouncing back and forth between so many thing. She almost wondered if she were dreaming. Her older brother had been her hero when she'd been a child. His big strong arms had been her protection, his laughter her joy. And he...had died. Along with the rest of her family. She had been crushed...devastated. She had been shipped out of Australia for reasons unknown, then placed in a family here in the United States. Nothing had made sense...she didn't remember a whole lot about that year.

But during her teenage years, she began to come out of her shell again, bouncing back as children are able to do. Going to school, making friends, and having a loving family had all been of help. God had become a big part of her life, helping her find meaning and purpose, guiding her to stretch her wings and move out on her own. Her life was quiet. She liked it. She worked full time, had her own apartment with her best friend as a neighbor, and her weekends were usually spent down at the beach. Things were good.

And now...today...in an instant...everything seemed to have turned upside down. She didn't want to believe that it was really Carson who was here...but she couldn't mistake those eyes...that voice.

Saying a quick prayer for help, Danielle finally gets out of her car.

Carson waits until he sees his sister move before getting out of Misty's car. Throwing Misty a quick look, his eyes convey that he still wants her with him. But he couldn't forget their mission entirely. "Keep an eye out," he warns. "Zane said he's got men everywhere, and if they think we're trying to take her away or pull a fast one, we'll all end up dead."

Locking the car once he and Misty were out, he looks to Danielle for the lead.

She just stands for a moment, studying him...taking in the way he looks. As her lower lip quivers again, she turns to lead the way down a narrow little path into the sand.

Carson follows, hooking his thumbs in his jeans pockets, wishing for a moment for another shot of whiskey. If his nerves made it through this, he would be more than relieved.

Danielle slips out of her sandals to carry them, letting the warm sand envelop her feet and toes. She walks a ways until arriving to the point just out of reach of the surf where she stops, just looking out at the water, letting the wind comb her hair.

Carson comes slowly up beside her, careful to stand several feet away to give her space.

Tears stream silently down Danielle's cheeks as she sees her brother in her peripheral vision. "Why, Carson?" she almost whispers. "Why did you let me think you were dead?"

Carson swallows hard, grinding his teeth in an effort to keep his own tears hidden. "It wasn't a car accident..."

"What?" Danielle turns to him. "They said..."

"I know what they said." Carson looks her in the eye. "But it wasn't true."

"Well what...what happened then?"

"There were bad people...really bad people that Dad was involved with."

"He was a good man," Danielle defends. "He was just a businessman who..."

"Who didn't realize what he was doing," Carson interrupts. "It's just...the way it was."

Danielle swallows hard and glances at Misty, then back to Carson. She wasn't sure she wanted to know the truth. "So if it wasn't a car accident..."

Carson draws in a shaky breath and shifts his gaze to the water. "They were murdered."

Danielle puts a hand to her mouth in shock. "Murdered?"

"Yeah." Carson looks down, trying to keep his mind from replaying that day.

"How...how did it happen?"

"You don't want to know all of that."

"Yes I do!" Danielle suddenly raises her voice as her emotions come to a high. "Since I was twelve, I thought all of you were dead! I thought it was a car accident! You can't just appear out of nowhere and tell me my parents and sister were murdered without telling me all of it!"

Carson shifts his gaze to look at her again. She was no longer a child. She deserved to know. "They were gunned down. Shot in the backs."

Though having asked, Danielle sucks in her breath. Searching Carson's eyes, she knows the truth. "You saw it, didn't you?"

"I did."

New tears being to overflow Danielle's eyes as she pictures the horrific event. "Dad...and Mum...and Sarah?"

Carson nods. "They died instantly."

More questions surface in Danielle's mind. "Why didn't they kill you?"

"Because they knew my type...I was a coward that wouldn't stand up to them...and..." Carson hesitates. He had been a scumbag, hired to torture. "...and they wanted me to work for them instead."

Danielle can feel just a bit of anger. "You worked for the people that killed our family?"

Carson stands tall, receiving the blame bravely. "I did. I was scared...I didn't want them to retaliate against you...I didn't want to die. So yes...I did. And I was wrong."

"What did you do for them?" Danielle's tone indicates she suspects he had not done good things, and was angry with him.

Carson shakes his head. "I did bad things...real bad things." His eyes rove quickly to Misty for support, then back to his sister. "But...but not all that long ago I finally got out...realized I couldn't work for them anymore."

Danielle turns away from her brother, unable to control the tears. "I just can't believe it," she sobs quietly. "But I know it's true. I was just so...so alone. And you never even tried to contact me...not once... I missed Mum and Dad, but you...you were my hero...and in my mind, I always imagined that you had died a hero. But now...now I find out that not only did you not die, but you lived because you were a coward."

Carson's heart sinks as he feels the rejection he had hoped against. He looks to Misty, not knowing what to do now. After several moments, he finally reaches out to tilt Danielle's face back to his own, with a gentle finger under her chin. The pain coursed through her eyes and stabbed his heart like a dagger. He moves his hand to wipe away some of her tears with a rough thumb. "I'm sorry, Danni," he whispers. "I'm trying to do what's right."

Danielle looks at her brother through her tears, fighting the turmoil within her. But she can't stand up under it alone. Breaking down, she falls into Carson's arm, the sobs coming forth as she cries onto his chest.

Carson wraps his arms around her, holding her close, holding her tight, a single tear finally escaping to roll down his cheek as he closes his eyes against the emotions.

"I can't believe you're alive," Danielle sobs as she clings to him. "I just don't understand."

"Shh." Carson desperately tries to comfort her, feeling so inadequate. Helpless, he finally turns to Misty, questioning what to do...questioning how to go on...he was at a total loss.

Rick finishes his examination of Jason's knee, and rewraps it, seeming to be deep in thought.

Jason looks to him with question, trying not to flinch under the painful movements. "What's wrong, Rick?"

Rick shakes his head a little. "I'm afraid that there's some infection setting in. We'll have to keep an eye on it."

"Great. Just what I needed." Jason sinks his head further into his pillow, discouragement setting in. It had been a long, boring day, he was missing out on fun with friends tonight, and he was in too much pain to care anymore.

Rick quirks an eyebrow. "Hey...copping an attitude never helped anything."

Jason sighs. "I know...when can I get out of here."

"It hasn't even been twenty-four hours. Settle down, Hotshot."

Bret sits against against the large rock, hidden in a nook along the lakeside beach. The wind blew through his hair, and his eyes were closed, letting just his eyes and skin receive what was going on around him. He hadn't moved since he'd arrived hours earlier, and didn't understand why he didn't want to leave. He simply didn't want to go home. He was upset and didn't understand why. He was miserable and didn't understand what had spawned it. Something was missing...something had been taken from him. But what...and why.

Bret knew the answer. But he didn't want it. He knew what was bothering him, but didn't want to acknowledge it. If he did, he would have to admit that he'd made a second mistake.

Just an hour

*Slowly Misty follows Carson into the building. Weaving through people Misty's own thoughts run wild. She would nervouse for Carson. She wasent sure how this was going to go down but could only hope it would be good.

Coming up to the breakroom Misty stands next Carson glancing around at the saroundings. Finally searching the room Misty new witch one was his sister. She looked just like him. Listing to Carson Misty's own heart goes out for the of them. She couldent imagen how hard it was on Danielli must be feeling and Carson, she knows how had this is for him.

As Carson looks to her she can see the pleading look in his eyes. Misty quickly trys to formulate a plane in her mind. Than takes a few steps infront of Carson pating his am on the way. In a quiet Gentil voice Misty speaks.*

"Danni...sorry I've listened to your brother call you that for the last 4 hours."

*Misty starts over again.*

"Danielle...You dont know me for anything, but I'm your brother girl friend. My name is Misty and We've come a really long way to see you. All the way from Nevada. You cetinly dont need to talk to us, or listen to us. But at least give us an hour of your time. After that hour is up if you never want to see us again thats ok. We'll go away and leave you alone. Just seeing your ok if what mattered to your brother. We've litterly risked everything to find his baby sister. We hate to go back to Nevada without talking to you. He's a great guys who I love dearly and I know you will to. He just wants a second chanse to get to know his sister he though he lost. Just an hour thats all."

*Misty offers a friendly smile to Danielle.*

*Charlotte has all of her stuff packed up and takes one more look around the hotel room. She was actully going to miss it.

Angelica comes back into the room and stands in the doorway. She new her sister wouldent say anything and she was strong but look like in her eyes that probley only she could see said she was sad.*

"Are you ready to go Hermana?"

*Charlotte looks around the room one more time before turning and giving a smile to her sister.*

"Yes I am."

*Charlotte and Angelica make there way out of the hotel and get into the car making there way home.

Charlotte is quiet most of the way stairing out the window watching the scenary pass by. Right now silence was her best friend.*


Carson looks down to Misty's hand in his, and just looks at it for a moment, listening to her talk. Slowly, his fingers tighten around hers, though they tremble slightly, his nerves almost shot. His voice is strained with new emotions. "I don't think I can do it alone," he admits quietly.

His eyes stay focused downward. "I need you, Misty."

Finally looking up, his gaze is full of the thousands of thoughts that are running through his mind. So much pain from the past, so much worry for the future, so much anxiety for the present.

Just letting his eyes do the talking, he lets go of Misty's hand and turns the car off once more. Taking a deep breath, he gets out of the car and comes around to the sidewalk to wait for Misty.

Entering the building, they're met with a blast of cool air and a bustle of activity. Seeing a receptionist's desk, Carson aims for it and questions the woman. "I um...I came to see Danielle Ban.... I mean... Danielle Davis."

The woman quirks an eyebrow, annoyed at being interrupted. She points down the hall. "Keep going, turn right at the end, then hang a left a the studio sign."

Carson follows her directions with his eyes and nods his thanks. Making sure Misty is still with him, he leads the way, looking around nervously. Seeing the sign in the hall, he's ready to make the left turn, but instead, his eyes wander to what appears to be the break room on the other side.

He stops dead in his tracks. His heart leaps into his throat.

Danielle tucks a long strand of blonde hair behind her ear and laughs at a coworker's joke. Dressed casually in a tank top and khaki capris, she leans back in her chair, taking a sip of her iced tea. "Hey, did I tell you about what Jerry told me the other night?" She rolls her eyes. "Poor guy was trying to be romantic.."

"Jerry?" The other woman, a brunette in her forties, raises her eyebrows. "Romantic?"

Danielle giggles. "Yeah, that's my point. So here we are, out at that hotdog stand at the beach and..." Suddenly her eyes drift upward and catch sight of the two strangers in the door. She leaves her sentence hanging and looks at them with question. For some strange reason, a chill runs down her spine. "Can I...help you?"

Carson doesn't even know what to say. His eyes stayed glued to Danielle, his mind racing. Finally, a slight smile curls one corner of his mouth and he cocks his head. "You're all grown up."

Danielle raises her eyebrows and she stands from the table, studying Carson. A strange fear came upon her. It had been a long time since she'd spoken to someone with that strong of an accent. Her own had faded long ago. "I'm sorry...do I...do I know you?"

Carson swallows hard and tries to gain strength from feeling Misty at his side. "I'm...I mean....it's...it's been a long time."

Danielle's senses are heightened and she glances down to Amy, then back up at Carson. "I'm sorry, but...who are you?"

Carson lets a faint laugh escape. "I guess a twelve-year-old's memory might fade after a while...Danni."

Danielle sucks in her breath, her hands starting to shake slightly. "Only one person has ever been allowed to call me that," she hisses. "And he's dead. "Now I don't know who you are, or what you want, but please leave."

Her words cut Carson to the quick, and he grits his teeth, trying to stay in control of his own emotions. He searches his sister's eyes. "He's not dead..." He takes a step forward. "You do know me."

Tears of fear and confusion spring into Danielle's eyes and she takes a step backward. Memories that she had suppressed years ago come flying back to her. "No...no...I don't know what you're talking about. Please, just leave."

Amy stands up, ready to defend her friend, but Carson waves her off. "I'm not here to hurt anyone," he defends quietly. He turns back to Danielle. "Look at me, Danni...please..."

Danielle dares to stare him in the eye, dares to study his face, dares to hear that voice. Close enough, she reaches out a trembling hand to touch his face. Her voice is but a whimper. "Carson?"

Carson's own tears pool behind his eyes. "It's me."

A tear runs down Danielle's cheek as she breaths in deep, retrieving her hand. "How is this possible? I don't understand. Is this some horrid joke?"

"It's no joke." Carson pleads with her to accept the truth.

"How...how can I be sure?"

Carson looks at her with so many thoughts...so many memories flashing through his mind. "Don't let the bullies scare you, Danni. Just call for me...no matter where you are, I'll come running."

A sob sticks in Danielle's throat as she's thrown back into grade school, standing in that scary hall, her big brother offering his protection.

Amy sidles in next to her, to put an arm around her shoulder. "Honey, are you alright?"

Danielle shakes her head, now the tears flowing from her eyes. "I don't know... I just..."

Carson reaches out to his sister, but she backs up another step. "Please, Danni...don't be scared of me."

"How can I not be?" Danielle finally finds her voice. "You've been dead to me all these years. I don't understand...this isn't possible...Mum and Dad..."

Carson shakes his head, willing his own tears not to fall. "I was the only one."

"But why...why didn't you tell me."

"It's a long story...one I can't share in here in five minutes."

Danielle is shaking now, and clings to Amy's hand. "Please leave me alone, she begs."

Carson's heart sinks. "But..."

"Please! Or I'm going to call security."

Carson looks to Misty for help, then back at his sister, not understanding, not able to express what he wants to.

Bret passes his own house, stepping on the gas to speed out of town, his windshield wipers fighting the rain. Why he was so upset right now, he didn't know. Screeching to a halt at the side of the road, he reaches into his pocket to pull out a quarter. Giving it a toss, he catches it to reveal tails.

Throwing his car back in gear, he continues his route to the lake. The bar would wait.

To Late

*Misty listens to the raido closely. She was excited to know Danielle was ok. She hadent voice her mind on this whole thing, but Misty was really proud of Carson. For once her new something he wanted, he new he needed to do something good and he was doing it no matter the bumps. After the raido is off and the silence rains for a moment Misty turns to Carson. She can see the worry and term oil on his face. Slowly Misty slips her hand into Carson and gives a smile gives a soft whisper.*

"Go Carson. Go see your sister. We have enough time to find some place to stay after. You've come this far. Don't walk away from her now."

*Misty gives a gentil squeeze of his hand.*

"I can wait here, or come with you. Whichever is fine with me."

*Charlottle draws from from Bret holding the coin and smiling. Her heart hurt to know she might never see Bret again. Fate was cruel to give her something and that it away but such is life.

Bringing her hand to Bret's face she runs a hand over his cheek. Withdrawing she put the coin in her pocket. Gently she takes her necklace off and lays it in Bret's hand.*

"You take care to Bret and remember no wallowing without calling me first!"

*Slowly Charlotte turns away and gets out of the car shuting the door behind her. Turning her smiles and gives half a wave. She dident want to walk away, she dident want to say goodbye but how could she stay. Continueing to walk backwards Charlotte dosent take her eyes off Bret till she is inside and can no longer see him. Turning she makes her way up the steps. Half way there she stop taking the coin from her pocket whispering.*

"Heads I go back out to him, Tails I continue up the steps."

*Flipping the coin Charlotte catches it and slaps it on her hand. Moving the other she looks a smile spreading acorss her face. Heads Up. Turning Charlotte bolts down the steps and out the front door only to be greeted byt an empty parking space where Bret's car once was. She was to late he's already gone. Turning she head back inside.

The rain started to fall as the sky opened up,
As if to cry for those who cant when they feel like it the most.*


Carson is jolted from his thoughts as Misty gets back in the car, and he takes the map from her. Looking up he accepts the drink and gives her half a smile of gratitude. "Thanks..."

Sitting quietly for a moment, he seems as thought he wants to say something, but resists. Instead, he starts the engine again, and pulls out to follow the map. "Alright...we're on Eighth Street now..." His accent is once again resumed within the confines of the car. "Looks like we gotta hang a right at Fern...."

They drive for a while, Carson looking at every intersection, finally spotting it. Frowning, he realizes they're headed toward the center of the city, not a residential area. "If Zane pulled one over on me, he's dead meat," he threatens under his breath.

After several more turns, having to turn around once, then finding their way again, Carson furrows his brow at the number on the sign of the large building, and parallel parks along the curb as noisy traffic goes by. "Where are we anyway..." He looks at the map, looks at the note he jotted down from Zane, then looks at the number again. "We're at the right place according to this..."

Squinting, he leans down to read the tall sign at the other end of the building. KLVT 95.4

Carson quirks an eyebrow and sits up straight. Thinking a moment, he reaches for the radio and finds the station. A female d.j. is just talking.

"...and it's a great day out there for all you folks wrapping up your weekend. We got ninety-five degrees and sunny out there though, so lather on that sun screen and get lots of water while you're out and about. Annnnd coming up next we got a full hour of your favorite smooth listening songs, so don't go anywhere. This is Danielle Davis at KLVT - your station for great music."

Carson shuts the radio off as a commercial comes on. Sitting back in his seat, he gets lost in a stare as the realization hits him. That had been his sisters voice. "She's a disc jockey..." He swallows hard, now not knowing what to do. She was obviously safe...obviously unharmed to still be on the air...so Zane had told the truth.

But to know that all that separated Carson from her was a wall, was a realization he wasn't prepared for. He wanted to go in there now and see her...logic reminded him that she'd be on break now if there was going to be a full hour of music. He could actually see her again....after all these years, no knowing where she was...

Blinking, Carson clears his throat and starts the engine again. "We need to find a place to stay. The drop off point is the next town over, but we've got plenty of time now."

Bret's hand brushes Charlotte's face as he returns the kiss, knowing good and well that he would probably not be seeing her again. Part of him didn't want to feel this emotional pull right now because it increased the pain of knowing that he wouldn't see her anymore.... but part of him didn't care, and took that chance, just enjoying this sweet moment.

Finally drawing away, he gives her a smile. "Take care of yourself, Charlotte. Maybe fate will bring us back around again sometime. In the meantime..." He hands her a quarter. "You might need this."


*As the hours drag on Misty is quiet leting the silence be her best friend. She dozes here and there but not geting much sleep. Drive is a nice change when she does but other than they is nice to watch the scenes pass by and listen to music that was kept low. Misty's head still pounded but after downing a few more advil the pain subsided for now.

Pulling into the gas satation Misty takes the paper from Carson.*

"Yeah I can do that."

*Geting out of the car Misty goes into the little gasstation store and looks for the map stand. Pulling one out she finds there destanation running her finger along the roads. Leaving out a sigh she takes the mape, grabs something to drink for Carson and herself, more Advil and something to eat. Paying for it all she heads back to the car and gets in.*

"I found the place on the map there..."

*Misty points to the area she circled.*

"...but I am horrable with direction so I though I'd just buy the map. I also got you something to drink. I thought you might be thirsty."

*Misty holds up the bottle for Carson.*

*Charlotte turns to Bret. Again this morning she had a great time with him. Now, now was the moment they both dreaded. Charlotte always hated goodbyes. Leting out a sign she opens the car door.*

"I guess it is. I've always hated goodbyes. I have a great week Bret and you made the possable thank you. It's one I'll probley never forget."

*Charlotte laughs leaning closer to Bret.*

"Sure is going to be boring in Cali without you."

*Leaning farther Charlotte's lips meet Bret's for what she knows to be the last time. She lets it linger for a long while as is remembering his kiss to always carry with her. This feeling she had washed over her again. She hated that she had to leave.*

*Pulling out of Mikes driveway Katie chatters with Jen finding there way to Camryns. Katie lays on the horn when they are outside and waits. She'd picked up both girls and now she just needed to food. Dispite Misty and Carson missing everything alse had run smooth today. It was turning out to be a good day after all.*

This is it

Carson doesn't respond, but simply pulls back out onto the highway, letting the radio take over the silence.

His mind fills with a million and one thoughts, all tangled within themselves, impossible to sort out. This was a mess...it was just one big mess. He'd actually gotten to the point that he'd go to the authorities now, but it was too late - he didn't have time, let alone the fact that it would be hard to convince anyone he wasn't lying just to get himself out of trouble.

The hours drag by, miles and miles left behind. The bag Carson brought from Jaz's is finally opened to retrieve the sandwiches and fruit she had packed, and it's discovered that she had also slipped in a roll of cash that came in handy for filling up the car with gas.

Carson has Misty drive at one point so he can grab an hour or two of sleep, but he's soon behind the wheel again, pulling over only for necessary stops or to stretch legs. The state border comes and goes, and by the afternoon, they start seeing signs for California beachfront resorts.

Talking seemed strange...there had been little dialogue since early that morning, but Carson proceeds, despite the odd tension. As they enter the city, he takes the paper he'd scribbled on and glances at the address. Seeing a gas station, he pulls up to the pump and cuts the motor, then hands Misty the paper. "Would you mind seeing if you can find that on a map?"

Getting out, he approaches the pump where another man is filling his truck, who nods with a smile, noting the Nevada license plates. "You're a ways from home."

Carson forces half a smile as he opens the gas tank. "Yeah, just a bit."


"Something like that. Looking forward to the beaches." Carson starts to fill up the car, and to the normal observer, nothing was out of place. But for someone who knew him, it might throw them to realize that he'd just lost his Australian accent.

Reese rubs his forehead, trying to get rid of his headache as he talks on the phone. "No, nothing. I can't get a hold of her or Carson." He sighs. "No leads? Nothing? We don't even know which direction they went... Yeah....no, I've got someone checking the airports already...." He shakes his head. "Whether it appears Misty helped him break out or not, I don't know whether she went on her own will or not. If not, we have an even bigger problem here.... Okay... Thanks, Doug."

Hanging up, he leans back in his chair, the worry evident on his face.

Bret pulls up to the hotel after having had breakfast with Charlotte, followed by a walk on the beach, then lunch. He glances out the window to the tall building where he knew Angelica would already be finished packing. "So...I guess this is it, huh?"


*Misty opens her eyes slowly and turns her head to Carson and grins alittle.*

"Ya I'm ok its just a headack. Bloodpressure sky rocketing can do that. You know I'll always stay by you Carson no matter what. Its been like that since I met you. Even if I am mad."

*Misty lets out a sigh and reaches out turn on the raido but keeping it low. She leans her head back again and just watches the scenary pass by.*


Carson takes a step forward as Misty falls, but stops as she picks herself back up. A curse slips out under his breath as he follows, once more sliding into the driver’s seat and shutting the door.

Without a word, he starts the engine, but just lets it idle for several moments. Suddenly his voice comes a bit quieter, though his gaze remains on the side mirror, ready to pull out. “You okay?”


*Misty lets out a sigh and stands in front of Carson.*

"Get in my stupid car Carson and lets go."

*Misty turns to walk back to the car when suddanly she stops falling to her knees for a moment holding her head as pain courses through her body. Her head it felt like it was splitng open again. Like someone was pounding on her skull. Slowlying picking herself back up she finishes her walk to the car taking out the advil from her purse again she grans a few more swalling them.*

"If your coming lets go already. You said you dont have time to waist."

*Misty slips into the passanger seat of the car leaning her head back and closing her eyes not sure if Carson was coming or not.*

Last thing

Carson stops and spins around to face Misty, his eyes reflecting the anger and hurt that he felt. “The last thing I am is a baby, Misty Miller,” he hisses. “I’ve killed people for a living for the last ten years of my life before coming here, and once…once, just once I’d like to save one. But it’s awfully hard when I got you hanging on my tail and whining about me all the time. You can’t have it both ways. Either you’re with me, or we part. It’s that simple.”

He searches Misty’s eyes, his own glaring at her to compensate for the hurt. “I know good and well the mistakes I’ve made and I don’t need you continuously pointing them out. Now I’m on my way to save my sister…but I’m only getting back in that car if I know you’re going to sit down and quit hefting around that chip on your shoulder that’s aimed at me.”

Carson pauses, his jaw muscles working with the tension. “And as far as you and I go…”

He cuts his own sentence off, leaving it unfinished. “It’s up to you what happens next, Misty. I’ve just given you the ultimatum, so now it’s your call. But make it quick because I’m running out of time.”

Get back in the Car

*Misty watchs Carson for a moment and than watches him walk away. As he heads up the shoulder and sticks out his thumb Misty runs to catch up with him just leaving her car behind.*

"Your not leaving without me Carson. I have nothing to go back to now. You get in a car I'll get in to. You get in a semi so will I. So stop being a baby and go back to my car and lets get going."

*Misty continus to follow Carson.*

Don't have to

Carson catches the keys as they’re thrown at him, his facial expression remaining hard as he receives Misty’s yelling.

When she’s through, he just stands for a moment, finally looking down and shaking his head.

Taking a deep breath, he looks back up, his tone calmed, though his eyes still blazing. “You know what….I don’t have to put up with this.”

Walking back to the car, he tosses the keys into the driver’s seat and leans in to grab his cell phone. Hooking it to his belt, he heads away again. “I’m wasting my time here. I don’t care what you do, but go throw your tantrum somewhere else. I have better things to do than stand here and listen.”

Heading down the shoulder he turns around to walk backward, sticking out his thumb as a semi passes.


*Misty stands back up she wasent intimanated by Carson and steps right back up at him. Throwing the keys at him. Her eyes flamed with fire bright than they had before.*

"Dont you EVER push me again do you understand me."

*She just stands stairing him in the eyes.*

"I'm NOT geting in the car and I'm NOT going home with out you. So do you understand me mister motcho. I'm not someone you can just push around got that. SO just SHUT UP and deal with me being mad."


Carson slams his fist onto the dashboard as Misty walks away. Letting out a frustrated groan, he rests his forehead on the steering wheel, his hands shaking from the nervous wreck he was beginning to be. “Dang it, Misty!” he yells.

Pulling the keys from the ignition, he gets out of the car and slams the door, making long strides to catch up to Misty.

Grabbing her by the arm, he yanks her back to the car, spinning her around, and giving her a light push so she backs into the hood. Taking her hand, he slaps the keys into her palm and shuts her fingers over them.

“The last thing I need on my record is car theft,” he hisses. “Now you get in that car and turn around and go back home.” He points up the highway. “Get your hind end out of this mess before you get us both killed, do you understand me?”

You dont need me...

*Misty flinches for a moment saprised a bit by Carson's out burst. Her own anger flases again.*

"There is never a good reason to lie. Thats a Carson copout."

*As Carson's words hit her ears they hurt more than she ever thought they would.*

"You dont need me, you dont need me huh. Fine..."

*Misty takes her seat belt off and opens the car door and geting out.*

"For someone who is grateful you have a funny way of showing it Carson Banks."

*Slaming the car door Misty starts walking down the side of the road as the cars fly past the same way they were driving.*

Up to you

Carson grits his teeth, his fingers gripping the steering wheel more tightly. Silent for a moment, he suddenly changes lanes again, putting on the breaks and skidding to a halt on the shoulder of the road. Reaching down, he shuts the radio off and turns to glare at Misty.

“Look, I know you’re upset with me, alright? So I did something stupid. So I pulled a few stunts I shouldn’t have. So I’m sorry, alright?! But I’m not going to go groveling at your feet, begging for forgiveness when there was a dang good reason I did it.”

Fire flashes in his eyes. “If you’re just staying with me so you can keep harping on me, then forget it.”

Carson swallows hard, still looking at Misty, one hand resting on the steering wheel. “Now I’m grateful for you getting me out of jail, and for getting me this far. But so help me, I don’t need you. I can just as well get out of this car and find my own way to California. So make up your mind. Either shut up and buck up and put up with me, or I walk. It’s up to you.”


*Misty goes to speak only to have the phone shut on her. Looking at Carson she puts the phone back in her pocket.*

"He wasent tracking us and I'll say sorry all I want. At least I know how."

*Misty parshaly mumbles. Folding her arms she turns the raido on and just looks out the window.*


“Misty! What in blazes do you think you’re doing?!?! I cannot believe that you did this! What were you thinking?! Where are you??”

As Carson pulls the car back out onto the highway, he can hear Reese’s yelling from his seat. Quirking an irritated eyebrow, he reaches over before Misty can stop him, and shuts her phone to cut off the call. “For all we know, he’s trying to trace us,” he mutters flatly. “If I were you, I’d shut the thing off…that is, unless you want to blow the whistle on our whereabouts.”

Glancing into the rearview mirror, he changes lanes. “And by the way, don’t apologize for anything.” His voice is still cool as he concentrates on his task ahead. “What’s done is done and it’s over.”