
This is it

Carson doesn't respond, but simply pulls back out onto the highway, letting the radio take over the silence.

His mind fills with a million and one thoughts, all tangled within themselves, impossible to sort out. This was a mess...it was just one big mess. He'd actually gotten to the point that he'd go to the authorities now, but it was too late - he didn't have time, let alone the fact that it would be hard to convince anyone he wasn't lying just to get himself out of trouble.

The hours drag by, miles and miles left behind. The bag Carson brought from Jaz's is finally opened to retrieve the sandwiches and fruit she had packed, and it's discovered that she had also slipped in a roll of cash that came in handy for filling up the car with gas.

Carson has Misty drive at one point so he can grab an hour or two of sleep, but he's soon behind the wheel again, pulling over only for necessary stops or to stretch legs. The state border comes and goes, and by the afternoon, they start seeing signs for California beachfront resorts.

Talking seemed strange...there had been little dialogue since early that morning, but Carson proceeds, despite the odd tension. As they enter the city, he takes the paper he'd scribbled on and glances at the address. Seeing a gas station, he pulls up to the pump and cuts the motor, then hands Misty the paper. "Would you mind seeing if you can find that on a map?"

Getting out, he approaches the pump where another man is filling his truck, who nods with a smile, noting the Nevada license plates. "You're a ways from home."

Carson forces half a smile as he opens the gas tank. "Yeah, just a bit."


"Something like that. Looking forward to the beaches." Carson starts to fill up the car, and to the normal observer, nothing was out of place. But for someone who knew him, it might throw them to realize that he'd just lost his Australian accent.

Reese rubs his forehead, trying to get rid of his headache as he talks on the phone. "No, nothing. I can't get a hold of her or Carson." He sighs. "No leads? Nothing? We don't even know which direction they went... Yeah....no, I've got someone checking the airports already...." He shakes his head. "Whether it appears Misty helped him break out or not, I don't know whether she went on her own will or not. If not, we have an even bigger problem here.... Okay... Thanks, Doug."

Hanging up, he leans back in his chair, the worry evident on his face.

Bret pulls up to the hotel after having had breakfast with Charlotte, followed by a walk on the beach, then lunch. He glances out the window to the tall building where he knew Angelica would already be finished packing. "So...I guess this is it, huh?"

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