

*As the hours drag on Misty is quiet leting the silence be her best friend. She dozes here and there but not geting much sleep. Drive is a nice change when she does but other than they is nice to watch the scenes pass by and listen to music that was kept low. Misty's head still pounded but after downing a few more advil the pain subsided for now.

Pulling into the gas satation Misty takes the paper from Carson.*

"Yeah I can do that."

*Geting out of the car Misty goes into the little gasstation store and looks for the map stand. Pulling one out she finds there destanation running her finger along the roads. Leaving out a sigh she takes the mape, grabs something to drink for Carson and herself, more Advil and something to eat. Paying for it all she heads back to the car and gets in.*

"I found the place on the map there..."

*Misty points to the area she circled.*

"...but I am horrable with direction so I though I'd just buy the map. I also got you something to drink. I thought you might be thirsty."

*Misty holds up the bottle for Carson.*

*Charlotte turns to Bret. Again this morning she had a great time with him. Now, now was the moment they both dreaded. Charlotte always hated goodbyes. Leting out a sign she opens the car door.*

"I guess it is. I've always hated goodbyes. I have a great week Bret and you made the possable thank you. It's one I'll probley never forget."

*Charlotte laughs leaning closer to Bret.*

"Sure is going to be boring in Cali without you."

*Leaning farther Charlotte's lips meet Bret's for what she knows to be the last time. She lets it linger for a long while as is remembering his kiss to always carry with her. This feeling she had washed over her again. She hated that she had to leave.*

*Pulling out of Mikes driveway Katie chatters with Jen finding there way to Camryns. Katie lays on the horn when they are outside and waits. She'd picked up both girls and now she just needed to food. Dispite Misty and Carson missing everything alse had run smooth today. It was turning out to be a good day after all.*

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