

*Charlotte sinks down next to Bret watching him push his beer bottle away. Ordering a small drink herself. Her tone softens differnt from how it was when they first met here. Charlotte new what it was like to lose someone it was never a good feeling. Her hand still on Bret's arm rubbing it softly is quiet for a moment. Leting out a soft sigh.*

"Anyone is to young to die when its not there time. I'm sorry your friend died Bret. I know its not easy and its not much but I'm here for you."

*Charlotte sits next to Bret taking a sip of her drink hoping maybe her pressence would bring Bret the comfort he so despertly needed.*

*Kaite intently listens to Laura. Taking in everything she was saying and agreeing with most of it. Finishing off her coffee Katie stand and puts it in the sink. Giving Laura a friendly hug she thanks her.*

"Thank you Laura you have helped alot."

*Heading back into her room Katie takes a moment siting on her bed to say a prayer. Asking God to show her the way and lead her where he wanted her to be. Once finising Katie takes her shower, lets Laura know she will be home later and heads off to work.*

*Misty sits down with Carson to eat a good breakfest. It felt nice to eat with someone in the morning rather than to eat alone. It felt good to have Carson looking out for her as well.*

"Ya I have no problem with that. I will probley stay at TJY till you done. I have alot of work to make up not to mention I am woking on another project that will requir some quiet. So when ever you done with your friend if you want to come and pick me up that would be great."

*Misty continues to eat breakfest with Carson. Cleaning up afterwards and geting ready to start the day.*

Too young

Laura can sense the seriousness in Katie’s tone, and pulls out a chair across from her. Listening, her eyes get wide with surprise. “Wow, Katie. That’s…a lot to think about.”

She leans back in her chair, giving a little shake to her head. “No wonder you haven’t gotten much sleep – I wouldn’t have either.”

Laura thinks for a few moments, mulling over what Katie had said. “I had heard something about some openings in Arizona, but I never thought Scott would take it. He’s always been quite the homebody. Of course…” She gets a little smile on her face. “He hasn’t exactly been the same old Scott since you got a hold on him.”

Taking a sip of her coffee, she sighs deeply. “I wish I could give you some great advice…” She thinks about if Nate were to ask her the same thing. Would she go? “But I just don’t know what to say. I know it boils down to what’s most important to you… You have an awful lot here, Katie, an awful lot. But, if you love Scott enough, does what is here really matter? And then…do you love him that much?”

She purses her lips in thought. “Do you think God is leading you one way or the other? Has he shown you the path He wants you to take? I know it’s hard, but sometimes where He leads might not be the obvious choice…I have found that out. Where does your heart truly lie? With Scott alone? Or with everything you’ve gained here? Where are the most opportunities for you to serve? In Arizona? Or here in Nevada? And wherever your heart is, is that really where God wants you?”

Laura offers Katie an encouraging smile. “I know I would miss you something awful if you left, and so would a bunch of other people.” Her mind automatically pictures Con and Jason, but she doesn’t mention them by name. “But whatever you decide, we’ll all be behind you. Just be sure that you’re sure before you change anything. If the path isn’t clear, wait until it is.” She gives a little shrug. “If you wait for God’s answer and in two months He reveals to you that you should go, then it’s not like Arizona is gone… it will still be there. And if Scott is willing to hang on to your relationship over the distance, he’ll still be there too. But follow God…let Him decide where you need to be, and when any changes are to be made. With Him in the lead, you can’t go wrong. And if you need to wait to hear from Him, then wait.”

Carson grins and takes in a breath, smelling the delicious looking breakfast. “Mm, I don’t think I’ll have a problem helping you out here.” He reaches out to snitch a tiny piece of bacon. “Yep…I definitely think I can handle this.”

His head is still over her shoulder, and he gives her a sidelong glance. “You, on the other hand, I’m not so sure.” Withdrawing his hands, he gives her hip a pat before heading to the fridge to find something to drink.

“Listen, I got some running around to do tonight. Got a buddy who wanted me to help him move some furniture into his place, but he doesn’t get off work until about eleven. So I’m going to go over there tonight for just a bit. While I’m gone though, I either want you at TJY, or I’ll get someone else to come stay with you. That choice is up to you.”

Jason leans back in his office chair, unable to concentrate on the information he was supposed to be studying. He’d started to form a plan of action that he would need Nate for, but as soon as he tried to figure it all out, his mind just wandered again.

Sighing, he twirls a pencil in his hand. Pausing for a moment, he taps the tip of his finger with the point, just enough it stings a little. Stopping, he cocks his head, concentrating on the sharp lead. Katie felt him when there was a heightened reaction in feelings, triggered by an event. If he got into an argument, his anger would spike and she’d know it. If he hit his hand with a hammer, it would spike a physical reaction of pain and she would feel it. What if…would it be possible to harness that single instance and withhold it from her?

Jason knew he could withhold everything. He could block out all his feelings so Katie would sense nothing. But…was there an in between stage? Could it really work that way? Could this…thing…be controlled?

Getting up from his desk, Jason heads down the hall, wanting to see if Katie were here yet.

Con hugs Jamie back, closing his eyes for a moment and letting her own embrace comfort him. “Yeah…” He speaks quietly. “I’ll be okay. I just keep seeing the whole thing over again. But Brandon’s in a better place now. His family aren’t Christians…maybe there’s a bigger reason I’m supposed to be there.”

Withdrawing, he kisses Jamie’s forehead. “Let’s enjoy the next couple days and make arrangements for BJ for Friday. Then you and I can head back then.”

Bret takes a swig of beer, not even looking to Charlotte. “He died last night.” He swallows another mouthful, letting the beverage slide down his throat. “Brandon died because some idiot didn’t do their job.”

He finally turns to see her, the flirtatious spark in his eye gone. “He was a good guy, ya know…” Looking back to his bottle, he spins it on the counter, making a pattern in the water rings. “Talked too much sometimes…butted heads with Dean once in a while…but he was a good worker.” He pauses, staring at the beer label. “He was just twenty-six. That’s too young to die…. Too young.” Finishing his statement, he finishes off his beer and sends the bottle shooting down the bar, signaling the bartender he wants another one.


*Katie smiles at Laura as she takes the cup of coffee.*

"Thanks. Yeah you could say it would a rough night. Alot on my mind to think about."

*Katie sinks down at the kitchen table taking another sip and than thoughtfuly looking into her coffe cup. So much was on her mind and she wasent sure where to even start. Looking back up at Laura she thinks for a moment. Laura was her friend, maybe talking to her would help alittle bit.*

"Laura do you mind if I talk to you about something?"

*After geting the ok Katie starts telling Laura about Scott's propasition last night. She filled her in how she loved Scott and she would love to go with him but was she really ready to do that. Leave everything, everyone behind. Katie also shaired some of her fears with Laura about leaving, and even what would happen if she stayed.*

"...so thats why I dident get much sleep lastnight. I told Scott I would have an answer for him today but I'm not even sure if I will have an answer for myself. I just...dont know what to do."

*Katie takes another sip of her coffee, she eyes showing the lack of sleep in them, along with look that Katie was troubled by this and deep in thought wanting to make the right one.*

*As Misty feels Carson's arms around her and his breath on her face she smile. These were the moments that matter the most to her. The small little things Carson did that made her feel on top of the word. Fliping the eggs with one hands her other one find Carson's arm and hand just resting on it as she leans her head back on his shoulder and giving him a kiss back.*

"Hey you. I though you might be hungry this morning so I made up alittle bit of everything. So I hope you really are hungry so this dosent go to waist."

*Slowly Charlotte makes her way down the now familure street she had been down quite a bit to get places around town. She was quite sure why she was out so early this morning when she should be prepairing for the court hearing this afternoon but something told her there was a reason.

Coming across the bar where she first met Bret at and had been back to a few times since than. Stoping at the door Charlotte just stands for a moment before entering. Crossing the floor and making her way to a stool at the bar Charlotte notices Bret. Giving alittle bit she sits down next to him.*

"Well look who I found walloring again."

*Taking a closer look at Bret's face now Charlotte can see the distress in his eyes. Her own demeaner growing softer and alittle bit worryed. Puting a hand on Bret's arm Charlotte askes.*

"Bret? Whats wrong?"

*Jamie wraps her arms around Con in an embrace. She had scene Brandon once or twice when she would go to pick Con up but never was close to him. Yet her own heart acked and she could only imagen how Con must be feeling. There was no way she was going to let him have to go through it alone.*

"I'm sure Angel wont mind watching BJ, and I know Rosetta and Mick will understand. I'll be going back with you."

*Jamie continues to hold Con. Even someone as strong as him still needed that every once and a while.*

"Are you going to be ok?"

Cut short

Laura grins at Katie and turns around with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Hey, good morning." She frowns a little. "Ooh, hun, you look like you could use some of this."

She pours Katie a cup of coffee. "Rough night?"

Carson breathes in deep to stretch full out on the couch and yawn. After a few moments, he realizes that he isn't in his own bed, and remembers falling asleep on the couch. The smell of breakfast lures him into a sitting position, his stomach looking forward to a morning meal.

Standing up, Carson stretches again, wincing a bit as he'd forgotten about his ribs. Sighing, he looks around for a few minutes and stumbles to the bathroom before emerging again in the kitchen to come up behind Misty as she cooks breakfast, slipping his arms under hers and around her waist to bend his head over her shoulder and give her a kiss. "Hi."


Scott stops in his tracks at Susanne's calling. He cringes. "Yeah....?" he answers hesitantly.

Susanne looks out of her office with a smile. "Just wanted to tell you that my new computer is working great."

Scott's eyebrows raise in surprise and relief. "Great!" Smiling, he aims for his desk. It was a good morning. Despite a lot on his mind, he was refreshed and ready to get on with the day. He needed to get a hold of the department in Arizona and start making plans for his move, then needed to finish up a stack of work Reese wanted done.

Sitting down at his desk, Scott's mind starts to wander a little bit again about last night. He didn't know what Katie would decide...he wanted her to go...he wanted that the most. But he also knew she had a lot back here... He wasn't sure what would happen if she stayed... were they strong enough to last across the miles? He hoped so. Perhaps it really would be the ultimate test for them...

Jason rolls out of bed, barely able to open his eyes before he stumbles to the bathroom for a shower. It doesn't wake him up as much as he wants though, and he downs his breakfast of orange juice on the way into work, trying to get his brain to function properly.

Getting to TJY, he goes inside, trudging toward the hall. He wasn't sure why he was so tired...he thought he'd slept okay...but his mind had constantly gone back to Katie and what they both were dealing with right now. His mind was searching for a solution, and he wasn't sure where one was.

Bret rests his elbows on the bar, staring at his half-empty beer bottle. It was early...but he had nowhere else to go, and even if he did, he didn't feel like going. The court hearing was this afternoon, and it was going to be harder now that Brandon had died. And he couldn't even take the time to grieve, while he was busy trying to get himself out of trouble first.

Con rubs his face wearily, not having slept well at all after Bret's phone call the evening before. It had spawned nightmares of the cave-in, and staying awake half the night had been the only way to stay sane.

Stepping off the porch he walks slowly to the mess hall, his enthusiastic bounce absent from his step this morning. Entering the building he looks around, seeing that breakfast is halfway over by now. He'd been on the phone again this morning, keeping him a little late in the bunkhouse.

Greeting a few people around the tables, he makes a beeline for Jamie, waving for her to leave the table and come off to the side with him. Drawing her out of earshot of the others, he looks down at her, the sadness in his eyes. "Bret called me last night...Brandon didn't make it."

Swallowing hard, Con takes a deep breath to stay on top of his emotions. "He, um...I guess he woke up right before, and spoke to his family that was here...sounds like his mom and brother and his brother's family were still there." Con takes a moment to try to straighten out his thoughts. "Bret said that Brandon told them I was the one that got him out of the cave-in, and they've requested that I say some words at his funeral."

Con glances out into the dining area, his eyes sweeping the room, finding BJ, then looking back at Jamie. "The funeral is Friday though, and that's a day earlier than Mick and Rosetta will be back. So...I'm sure someone here can look after BJ, or you can stay the extra day, but I have to go back Friday morning."

>.> <.<

*Misty cant help but give a giggle as Carson shifts his weaght.*

"Like you think I am actully going to stay awake myself."

*Misty was comfortanle forcing her eyes to stay open longer watching the movie. Though after a short while her eyes finally drifted closed a smile on her lips.*

*Katie stands with Scott leaning into him as she was wraped in his arms watching the sun set. Many think weaghed on her mind. She loved Scott and she wanted to jump at the oppertunity to move on with him as he moved up, but how could she move now. Everything she new since she left the ranch was here. Con, work, and than theis whole thing was Jason. Could she really leave while everything was so up in the air. If she said no would that mean the end of her and Scott? Katie certinly hoped not but what was his feel on long distince relationships. Katie's mind reeled with thoughts. Trying to push them away for now Katie spends the rest of the night with Scott just enjoying the time.*

The night goes on, for some they sleep peaceful waking to a new day....

*Opening her eyes and seeing the morning light shine in the window Misty gets her bearings relizing she was in the living room. In the same position she had fallen alseep lastnight Carson still next to her. Smiling Misty slowly slips off the coutch and bends down giving Carson a small kiss before slipping into the kitched to start some coffee. In no time the smell of Bacon makes its way through the house beckoning those fast alseep to wake.*

...and for others the morning came to fast. The sun telling them to wake, when all they wanted was to sleep more...

*Kaite slowly opens her eyes at the sound of her alarm. Her head felt like it was spliting open, and her eyes droopy. Lastnight with Scott had been fun but after she got home sleep was not on her mind. Even when she tryed she couldent. All Katie could do was toss and turn. Finally when he eyes closed and sleep found her, the alarm went off an hour later not giving her nearly enough sleep. Throwing the covers back Katie makes her way out of her room and heads for the kitchen before heading to work. If Laura had made coffee Katie wanted a glass.*

..and for other the morning held the feeling of sadness. Like something wasent right. Only they dident know yet what it was.


Carson chuckles and gives Misty a squeeze, not really wanting her to leave either. Shifting his weight so he's lying on his back, he gives a tired sigh, his interest in the movie dwindling due to his weariness. "Let me know how it ends."

He lets her lay on his chest, one hand resting on her head as his eyes drift shut. It was just as well if she wanted to stay there with him... Ever since they'd settled down in the living room, he'd had a strange feeling as if someone was watching them, and it was enough to put him on edge. For now, he was content to know Misty was safe and as long as she was with him, he knew it.

Scott grins and stands up again. "As long as it's you by my side, I'd love to go for a walk."

Paying for the meal and heading outside, it's just a short walk to get down on the beach. They walk hand-in-hand for a while, letting the silence be their friend.

As the sun begins to sink below the horizon, the drifting clouds take on the brilliant colors of red, purple and orange, soaking in the last bit of light until morning.

Scott stops and turns to it, bringing Katie closer to put his arm around her shoulders. He had questions...he wondered about her thoughts, but remained quiet. It was only natural that she would need time to think about his proposition, and he would respect the time she needed. It was a big decision, he knew. For him, it was almost a no-brainer. He'd spent so long as the lowly, resident nerd, that actually being a head of a tech department almost made his mouth water. He could only hope that his relationship with Katie was such that she would want to follow. If it wasn't, he certainly wouldn't give up on it, but it would be harder with that much distance between them.

Turning, he plants a kiss on the top of her head, giving her a little squeeze. He couldn't feel more content than now in this moment.

"I am not brushing you off!" Jason exclaims, laughter held back in his throat. He holds the phone to his ear, carrying on the conversation while watching tv at the same time. "I said maybe."

"Oh, come on. How could you turn down a end-of-the-summer bash?" Camryn persuades. "It'll be fun."

"I didn't say it wouldn't be. But it's a Mitts family thing."

"They're hosting it, sure, but like Kyle put it - who cares? Invite all the friends you know. The more the merrier."

"Sounds scary."

"Oh, stop it," Camryn chides. "I bet they'd love for folks from TJY to come down too. Come on...say yes you'll go."

Jason quirks a grin even though she can't see him. "I'll check my calendar."

"Last I looked you didn't even have on in the house."

"I'll go buy one."

"You are THE most difficult person..."


Camryn sighs with emphasis. "Alright, fine. Think about it. But you know that if you say no, the guys are going to bug you ten times worse than me."

"I didn't even know that was possible."



Camryn giggles. "I haven't given this up yet."

Jason nods, flipping tv channels. "Of that I have no doubt."

"You realize I know good and well you like all this arguing."

Jason pauses, his wry grin spreading. "Maybe."

Con rolls over in bed, thinking he might have heard something. Sure enough, his cell phone was going off. Frowning, he sits up and grabs the phone. He'd already been in bed for an hour - who would be calling at this time? "Hello?" He lifts an eyebrow. "Bret... Yes... Oh, fine. Jamie and I are having a blast. Mm-hmm...yes..." Con's face falls. "Oh no..." He swallows hard. "When...okay. Yeah...you alright? ....Okay. Yeah. Thanks, Bret. We'll see you soon."


*Katie smiles at Scott glad to see he is ok now. Giving him a kiss she nods to the still seting sun.*

"Good I dont want to go home yet eather. Its possable the meal just dident agree with your stomach. How about we take a walk and get some fresh air we can still make the sun set."

*Katie smiles at Scott a bit confused herself how Scott now seemed fine and the strange phone call from Jason. Things just seemed to get stranger and stranger by the moment.*

*Misty's arm laying on Carson's chest she looks up at him giving a sleepy smile. She was to comfortanble to move. She also felt safe being in Carson's arms.*

"So let me get a crick in my neck I'm to comfortable to move.*

*Misty settles her head back on Carson chest and continues to watch the movie.*

*As Misty and Carson sit snuggled on the coutch a dark figure looks outside the widow in the front of the house. Watching through the half opend curtin. He'd been there since Misty and Carson had returned. Seeing every kiss, ever moment. His eyes angry as on the inside he raged with confustion on what was going on. The more he watched Misty and Carson the more his anger grew. In his mind his little sister was being riped away from him. Not even relized he was the one who was hurting her. Continuing he watch he trys to stay in the shadows trying to not let his form pass the window and cast its own shadow making his presence known.*


Jason furrows his brow, a little confused. But if Katie said everything was alright, then it was alright. “Yeah…okay…” He lets the call end and hangs up the phone. Odd…he felt fine again. Feeling silly, he tosses another chip to Trooper and once again changes channels on the tv.

Scott takes a moment, then nods to Katie. “Um…yeah…I’m sorry, I…” He stops, feeling perfectly fine. “I’m fine…I guess.”

He frowns, trying to decide if that were really the truth, and it was. He nods. “Really…I don’t know what hit me, but whatever it was has passed.”

He looks at Katie, giving her an embarrassed smile. “I’d hate to end the evening now. We just got started.”

Even though Carson’s sleeping bag is by the door, he finds himself on the couch with a blanket instead. But it’s not the blanket that’s keeping him warm, it’s Misty. His arms around her, they watch a second movie, though are starting to grow tired. He gives Misty’s shoulder a little pat. “Hey…you should got to bed before you fall asleep here and get a crick in your neck.”