

*Charlotte sinks down next to Bret watching him push his beer bottle away. Ordering a small drink herself. Her tone softens differnt from how it was when they first met here. Charlotte new what it was like to lose someone it was never a good feeling. Her hand still on Bret's arm rubbing it softly is quiet for a moment. Leting out a soft sigh.*

"Anyone is to young to die when its not there time. I'm sorry your friend died Bret. I know its not easy and its not much but I'm here for you."

*Charlotte sits next to Bret taking a sip of her drink hoping maybe her pressence would bring Bret the comfort he so despertly needed.*

*Kaite intently listens to Laura. Taking in everything she was saying and agreeing with most of it. Finishing off her coffee Katie stand and puts it in the sink. Giving Laura a friendly hug she thanks her.*

"Thank you Laura you have helped alot."

*Heading back into her room Katie takes a moment siting on her bed to say a prayer. Asking God to show her the way and lead her where he wanted her to be. Once finising Katie takes her shower, lets Laura know she will be home later and heads off to work.*

*Misty sits down with Carson to eat a good breakfest. It felt nice to eat with someone in the morning rather than to eat alone. It felt good to have Carson looking out for her as well.*

"Ya I have no problem with that. I will probley stay at TJY till you done. I have alot of work to make up not to mention I am woking on another project that will requir some quiet. So when ever you done with your friend if you want to come and pick me up that would be great."

*Misty continues to eat breakfest with Carson. Cleaning up afterwards and geting ready to start the day.*

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