

*Katie smiles at Scott glad to see he is ok now. Giving him a kiss she nods to the still seting sun.*

"Good I dont want to go home yet eather. Its possable the meal just dident agree with your stomach. How about we take a walk and get some fresh air we can still make the sun set."

*Katie smiles at Scott a bit confused herself how Scott now seemed fine and the strange phone call from Jason. Things just seemed to get stranger and stranger by the moment.*

*Misty's arm laying on Carson's chest she looks up at him giving a sleepy smile. She was to comfortanble to move. She also felt safe being in Carson's arms.*

"So let me get a crick in my neck I'm to comfortable to move.*

*Misty settles her head back on Carson chest and continues to watch the movie.*

*As Misty and Carson sit snuggled on the coutch a dark figure looks outside the widow in the front of the house. Watching through the half opend curtin. He'd been there since Misty and Carson had returned. Seeing every kiss, ever moment. His eyes angry as on the inside he raged with confustion on what was going on. The more he watched Misty and Carson the more his anger grew. In his mind his little sister was being riped away from him. Not even relized he was the one who was hurting her. Continuing he watch he trys to stay in the shadows trying to not let his form pass the window and cast its own shadow making his presence known.*

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