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*Misty cant help but give a giggle as Carson shifts his weaght.*

"Like you think I am actully going to stay awake myself."

*Misty was comfortanle forcing her eyes to stay open longer watching the movie. Though after a short while her eyes finally drifted closed a smile on her lips.*

*Katie stands with Scott leaning into him as she was wraped in his arms watching the sun set. Many think weaghed on her mind. She loved Scott and she wanted to jump at the oppertunity to move on with him as he moved up, but how could she move now. Everything she new since she left the ranch was here. Con, work, and than theis whole thing was Jason. Could she really leave while everything was so up in the air. If she said no would that mean the end of her and Scott? Katie certinly hoped not but what was his feel on long distince relationships. Katie's mind reeled with thoughts. Trying to push them away for now Katie spends the rest of the night with Scott just enjoying the time.*

The night goes on, for some they sleep peaceful waking to a new day....

*Opening her eyes and seeing the morning light shine in the window Misty gets her bearings relizing she was in the living room. In the same position she had fallen alseep lastnight Carson still next to her. Smiling Misty slowly slips off the coutch and bends down giving Carson a small kiss before slipping into the kitched to start some coffee. In no time the smell of Bacon makes its way through the house beckoning those fast alseep to wake.*

...and for others the morning came to fast. The sun telling them to wake, when all they wanted was to sleep more...

*Kaite slowly opens her eyes at the sound of her alarm. Her head felt like it was spliting open, and her eyes droopy. Lastnight with Scott had been fun but after she got home sleep was not on her mind. Even when she tryed she couldent. All Katie could do was toss and turn. Finally when he eyes closed and sleep found her, the alarm went off an hour later not giving her nearly enough sleep. Throwing the covers back Katie makes her way out of her room and heads for the kitchen before heading to work. If Laura had made coffee Katie wanted a glass.*

..and for other the morning held the feeling of sadness. Like something wasent right. Only they dident know yet what it was.

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