

*Katie smiles at Laura as she takes the cup of coffee.*

"Thanks. Yeah you could say it would a rough night. Alot on my mind to think about."

*Katie sinks down at the kitchen table taking another sip and than thoughtfuly looking into her coffe cup. So much was on her mind and she wasent sure where to even start. Looking back up at Laura she thinks for a moment. Laura was her friend, maybe talking to her would help alittle bit.*

"Laura do you mind if I talk to you about something?"

*After geting the ok Katie starts telling Laura about Scott's propasition last night. She filled her in how she loved Scott and she would love to go with him but was she really ready to do that. Leave everything, everyone behind. Katie also shaired some of her fears with Laura about leaving, and even what would happen if she stayed.*

"...so thats why I dident get much sleep lastnight. I told Scott I would have an answer for him today but I'm not even sure if I will have an answer for myself. I just...dont know what to do."

*Katie takes another sip of her coffee, she eyes showing the lack of sleep in them, along with look that Katie was troubled by this and deep in thought wanting to make the right one.*

*As Misty feels Carson's arms around her and his breath on her face she smile. These were the moments that matter the most to her. The small little things Carson did that made her feel on top of the word. Fliping the eggs with one hands her other one find Carson's arm and hand just resting on it as she leans her head back on his shoulder and giving him a kiss back.*

"Hey you. I though you might be hungry this morning so I made up alittle bit of everything. So I hope you really are hungry so this dosent go to waist."

*Slowly Charlotte makes her way down the now familure street she had been down quite a bit to get places around town. She was quite sure why she was out so early this morning when she should be prepairing for the court hearing this afternoon but something told her there was a reason.

Coming across the bar where she first met Bret at and had been back to a few times since than. Stoping at the door Charlotte just stands for a moment before entering. Crossing the floor and making her way to a stool at the bar Charlotte notices Bret. Giving alittle bit she sits down next to him.*

"Well look who I found walloring again."

*Taking a closer look at Bret's face now Charlotte can see the distress in his eyes. Her own demeaner growing softer and alittle bit worryed. Puting a hand on Bret's arm Charlotte askes.*

"Bret? Whats wrong?"

*Jamie wraps her arms around Con in an embrace. She had scene Brandon once or twice when she would go to pick Con up but never was close to him. Yet her own heart acked and she could only imagen how Con must be feeling. There was no way she was going to let him have to go through it alone.*

"I'm sure Angel wont mind watching BJ, and I know Rosetta and Mick will understand. I'll be going back with you."

*Jamie continues to hold Con. Even someone as strong as him still needed that every once and a while.*

"Are you going to be ok?"

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