
Is he right?

Jason and Wyatt lock eyes for just a moment as Katie walks away.

“What’s your problem?” Jason hisses.

“I just stated it.”

“Don’t you trust Katie?”

“Yes.” Wyatt grits his teeth. “It’s you I don’t trust.”

Jason scoffs and spins on his heel, following after Katie.

Wyatt watches them leave and just stares at the door as it closes. He hadn’t wanted to get as upset as he had…but was it always going to be this difficult? Had he been wrong to pursue Katie’s affections at a time like this? It just seemed so awkward with Jason constantly in the mix. Wyatt was impressed with Katie’s sixth sense, but it drove him crazy to think that it was a harmful quality as Jason’s problems continued.

Sighing in frustration, Wyatt trudges to the door to leave for the night.

Jason wants to tell Katie how neat her car looks, and wants to compliment her choice. But the mood seemed to have been broken. He’s silent as he slips into the passenger seat and buckles himself in. Only as they’re pulling out of the parking lot does he speak. “Is he right, Katie? I know I’ve been more of a burden than Reese intended. I don’t want what’s happening to me to cause so many problems, and if Reese knew, he’d probably let you go to another case. I know tonight isn't going to be an easy night either...not with what's been going through my mind all day... and...I don't want to put you through anything you shouldn't have to. ”


*Katie looks from Wyatt to Jason back to Wyatt again. Puting a hand on his arm she looks at him.* "Wyatt I am ok really. I got some fruit, and..." *For a moment Katie cringes at herself for lieing but she feels its a must to stop a fight from going down.* " Got some stuff to help Jason sleep too so She should be ok tonight and I can get some sleep as well." *Katie continues to look at Wyatt.* " I'll be ok I promise Wy." *Katie looks away.* "Now both of you stop throwing your Male egos around and lets go. Standing here isent helping me eather." *KAtie makes her way to the door.*


Wyatt’s jaw tightens just a little in a rare moment when he allows his frustration to show. “Yeah, well, my Dad has hardly seen you all day like I have, and I say you need a break.”

Jason’s eyes narrow slightly at the challenging tone. “You got a problem, Wyatt, just say so.”

“The only problem I have is that Katie hasn’t slept in two days,” Wyatt states flatly. “I’d much prefer if you were out of her hair for a few hours than going back to the hotel now and starting your crap all over again.”

Jason stands up a little straighter, cocking his head, his stare showing surprise and annoyance. “I commend your heroics, but you do realize that Katie has a mind of her own.”

“And a very fine one,” Wyatt counters. “But everyone needs a break, and I say you’re coming with me – alone.”

Jason bristles, both at the tone, and the idea of going to the mall. “Shopping can wait until tomorrow.”

“Then we’ll go just sit somewhere.”

“No. I’m going back to the hotel, and going to bed.”

“So you can just have another bad night and keep Katie up again?” Wyatt frowns. “I thought you’d be more considerate than this.”

Fed up, Jason glares at him. “Don’t make me pull rank on you, Wyatt.”

I would rather

*Katie looks from Wyatt and than to Jason back to Wyatt again. Know if Jason needed new clothing he would have to go to the mall.* "Well I would feel better if I went to. I mean your dad did say I needed to stay with Jason."

Change of plans?

Jason offers half a smile, not wanting to make a big deal out of the flower. It was the only way he knew how to let her know he’d really been sorry. But she certainly didn’t have a reason to be. “Don’t apologize…I deserved it.” He locks eyes with her, allowing his thoughts and emotions to be laid bare. “I feel like crap.” He forces a wry grin. “But what else is new?” He shakes his head. “Naw, my stomach and head have settled down a bit…I’m just tired and want to get this day overwith.” He holds up a filing folder. “Which is coming up fast.”

The rest of the afternoon does go fast, and soon it’s time to leave for the night. Jason makes his way across the main floor to meet Katie at the door, figuring since Hal’s truck is still in the shop, that he’ll be forced to be driven by Katie. He’s proud of her for getting her own car, but it does feel a little funny to be driven around.

As they’re leaving though, Wyatt catches up with them, ready to go as well. “Hey, you two. Listen, Jason, I know you’ve got some running around to do – you mentioned needing to go buy some clothes and such. How about I take you?” He gives Katie a sidelong glance. “And you can wait back at the hotel for us.”

Thank you

*Katie enters Jason's office and smiles.* " Hey J. Thank you for the flower. Its very pritty. I just wanted you to know I am sorry for being strong with my words before. I was just worryed. I dont want anything to happen to you." *Katie searches Jason eyes for a moment.* "How are you feeling?"


Wyatt thoroughly enjoys his time with Katie, disappointed when they have to return to work. “Don’t worry. If Dad says anything, blame me.”
Walking Katie back into TJY, Wyatt returns the hug before watching her go her own way. He sighs deeply, not knowing if he should interfere or not. Perhaps he could have his own backup plan…

Pull out of it Jason…you know you can…your mind is playing tricks on you…it’s not real…. Jason struggles between reality and a vague world of skewed memories. He sits at his desk, staring at his papers, having been caught off guard again by a rampant memory, brought on by a name in one of the files. He scrunches his eyes tight, fighting the memory before it can erupt into a full fledged flashback.
The knock at the door is just what he needs, propelling him back to his office. He looks up quickly. “Yeah, it’s open.”


*Katie smiles and nods.* " How about I show you the car and than we take your Jeep." *Katie heads to the door and outside with Wyatt. Walking over to her new car she smiles and points.* "This is it. Scott really helped alot." *Katie beams as she shows Wyatt the sun roof and every other little gadget it has. After she is done still beaming and full of energy again Katie stands and makes her way with Wyatt to the jeep.* " I am starving." *As the time goes by Katie has a very enjoyable lunch with Wyatt. Joking and teasing eachother, talking about the new car. Everything stay peacful in Katies mind and it feels good. The peace and quiet means Jason was doing well too....Finally after they are finish Katie relized 2 hours have gone by.* "Wy do you relize we have been here for 2 hours." *Katie cant help but laugh. Standing to streach she says.* " I guess we should get back before you father thinks I took a vacation on his time." *Its dosent take them long to get Back to TJY. Before going back in Katie goes to her car and peeks in the window smiling. It was hard to believe she had her own car now. When she is done she heads inside. One in she parts ways with Wyatt gives a small kiss and hug. Heading back to her desk. Once there she see the flower and smile. Katie's heart cant help but melt when she see it. Placing it in the water with the other one Katie heads to Jason's office and knocks on the door.*

Giving In

Wyatt raises his eyebrows, hearing the crash in Jason's office as well. But seeing Katie make no move to go back there, he doesn't make it his concern. Instead, he gets up and slings his arm around Katie, aiming her for the door. "Don't worry about it, alright? I'd rather you be late than not come at all. And I'm dying to see this new set of wheels you got." He gives her a squeeze as they get closer to the door. "But I'm only letting you drive if you promise to stay awake - you're as beautiful as ever, but your eyes aren't lying."

Jason raises his head from his desk, realizing that he'd dozed off. Surprisingly, he'd experienced no ill-effects from sleeping. Perhaps exhaustion did eventually override the nightmares.

Looking down, he realizes that he'd been in he middle of some paperwork that Reese needed that afternoon. He tries to concentrate, but his mind continuously wanders. He keeps thinking about what happened earlier...Katie's words thrown at him...the way he was treating her... it didn't make him feel good.

Sighing, Jason stands to get into his filing cabinet, attempting to clear his mind, but it didn't help much. Guilt was too busily at work in order for him to think of much else. Since all this started, he'd been concerned about being a burden to Katie...it was bad enough that he couldn't have made it through the night without her, and then to have laid upon her the added pressure of his health because of his own stupidity... it wasn't fair. He was being hypocritical, and he knew it. She was right...the flashbacks he'd have to work through...the depression he would have to trudge through...but his health was a responsibility he could handle right now. If he continued to neglect himself, Katie would have even more to pay attention to, and she didn't deserve that.

Jason slams his filing drawer shut in frustration. He didn't like the feeling of having his pride shattered, but right about now it was. He'd been an idiot...again. He still couldn't bring himself to share with anyone but Katie...she was the only friend he really trusted...and he still felt miserable...but if it would make Katie's life easier, he needed to start getting his act together if only in this one small area. Somehow he needed to get through this bout with the past again, but for now...at least he had one thing he could do.

Flopping back down in his chair, he picks up the phone, rolling his eyes that he can't leave and go do this task himself. But Reese wasn't about to let him leave the building alone.
He dials and waits...one rose, delivered to the gate to be taken to Katie's desk, with a simple note. "Sorry."


*As Katie is standing with Wyatt she can hear the comotion in Jason's office and knows his temper has goten the best of him. Normaly she would of run to him. But she wasent giving into his childish behavoure. Katie trys to smile down at Wyatt.* "Ya I do still want to go out. I need to show you my new...." *Katie winces as she hears shattering glass and another bang in Jason's office.* "....car." *Katie lets out a long tired sigh.* "I just need to get away a bit too and who better to be with than you. You know how to make me smile Wy. Sorry I was a bit later than planed." *Katie trys to hold her smile the best she can not leting this set back rune her good mood.*


Jason lifts his head as Katie speaks, the raw tension reflected in his cold stare. Her words hit below the belt, but he had nothing to say. He watches his office door close, the anger inside of him building. He was angry at his situation, angry with what could not be helped, and angry with himself. A paperweight on his desk receives the brunt of a curse as he snatches it up and hurls it through the air. It hits the wall with a loud bang, hard enough to shake the structure and send one of his picture frames to the floor, shattering the glass into a million pieces. Knowing he was wrong, and feeling stupid, Jason groans. He gets up and kneels down next to the frame, carefully picking the picture out from the bits of glass. It was a photo of him, Con and Austin on a fishing trip they'd taken over a year ago. It had been a rare time to get away from work and relax on a weekend.
Jason sinks down further, leaning up against the wall. His mind brought to light memories of that trip. He could say he'd enjoyed his time...even had fun. But had he even been himself then? He recalls all the conversations he'd had with Katie back in Texas, and his admittance that he didn't know who he was...he'd gotten so used to wearing masks that he never had really been truly himself. Then he'd thought he was rediscovering that...he'd made progress. But now...it was all coming back again. He was closing himself off from the world again, out of desperation. He didn't want the others to know about his problems. He didn't want them to know about his flashbacks or how he couldn't sleep at night. It felt so childish...
He had to conquer this...he had to do it on his own.... he had to...

Wyatt's eyes show an element of disappointment, but he gives Katie a smile, laying a hand on her shoulder. "I know. Laura told me. ....you still want to go out?"


*Katie looks at Jason sternly* " Dont start the poor me trip Jason. If you would take care of youself and your sugar you wouldent need a babysitter. Your doing this to yourself. I can understand the flashback, and I can understand being depress, but your sugar is in YOUR hands no one alses. And you try cuz its life, and its what you love to do. I'm going to lunch now. And I will buy you some fruit and cheese to keep here and at the hotel." *Katie turns and leaves Jason's office making her way to Wyatt's. Laying a hand on his shoulder.* " I'm sorry I am late." *Katie eyes reflext she is truly sorry.* " Realy." *Katie smiles.*


Jason allows Katie to help him to his office, not in he mood to create any more of a scene and too tired to care. Sinking down in his office chair, he leans forward on his desk, hiding his face in his arms. "Good ol' Hotshot," he mumbles. "Has to have a babysitter...can't function...can't take care of himself...can't do his job...why do I even try."

Laura heads back to her cubicle, stopping by Wyatt's desk on the way. "You're probably waiting for Katie. She'll be right out. Jason just passed out and we had him in to see Rick."

Wyatt raises his eyebrows. "Is he alright?"

"He will be, if he starts taking care of himself, the idiot." Laura rolls his eyes. "I care too much about him - he's got me worried. But if Rick can get him to straighten up, he'll be fine."

Wyatt watches Laura leave, and lets out a slow sigh. Jason. Again.

Back to the office

*Katie nods at Rick.* "Ya I can." *Katie glances down at her watch. She was ment to be meeting Wyatt right now. Katie hoped he would wait alittle bit longer for her.* "Come on J lets get you back to you office. When I am out I'll get some fruit and my car will just have to wait to see you till after work." *Katie puts Jason's arm around her neck and helps him up slowly.* "Thank you Rick." *Katie and Jason make there way to his office.*


Rick continues to check Jason over, but suddenly Jason's body begins to shake.
"He's going into mild shock." Rick stops what he's doing and tries to lift Jason off the floor. "Katie, Laura, help me get him into my room, now."

It takes some effort for the three of them to get Jason the short ways down the hall and onto the table in Rick's office. Despite a slim frame, Jason's 6'8" height makes it none too easy.

Rick works quickly, preparing several syringes and gives Jason some shots, trying to get him to calm down. "Come on, Hotshot," he speaks quietly, "tell me what's wrong..."

It take several minutes for the shots to take effect, and Jason slowly begins to relax, his breathing slower and deeper. Rick checks his pulse, blood pressure and blood sugar, just trying to figure out what exactly had happened.

Laura stands by, her face pale as she worries about her friend. She'd noticed he hadn't been feeling well, but had just figured with everything going on she wouldn't have felt well either. All she could do was pray he was okay.

Wyatt sits back in his chair and looks at his watch again. Strange...he'd seen Scott...but Katie hadn't come by. Had she changed her mind about lunch?

Jason's eyes flutter open and he squints in the light up at the faces around him. Not knowing where he is, he sits up quickly, putting a hand to his head.

"Whoa, Jase, take it easy." Rick lays a hand on his shoulder. "You're alright. Just take a minute."

Jason blinks and brings Laura, Rick and Katie into focus, finally realizing where he was. "What happened?"

"You passed out." Rick sits on the high table and shines a light in Jason's eyes, having him follow his moving finger. "Good thing Katie found you or else you might have had some permanent damage."

Jason frowns, not understanding.

Rick sighs. "Jason, how long have you been sick like this?"

"I don't know...a few days maybe."

Rick rolls his eyes. "I'm here for a reason you know. Are you that stupid not to come see me before you kill yourself?" He shakes his head, the gentle reprimand hanging on his tone. "Let me guess... You've had severe headaches, nausea, can't keep food down..."

Jason nods lamely, for once not finding enough energy to argue or even pretend he's fine.

"Uh-huh." Rick nods. "If I had readings like these I'd probably feel the same way." He taps his clipboard. "Your blood sugar is way out of whack, your blood pressure is in the danger zone...and have you been taking anything for your headaches?"


"On an empty stomach."

"I guess."

Rick keeps himself from rolling his eyes, but he lets out another sigh. "And you wonder why you get sick? You've got a better brain than that." He stands up to put away some of his supplies, but keeps talking. "How's your emotional state?"

"What?" Jason frowns, unsure how to answer that one.

"Look, it's no secret that losing your house and more isn't the easiest thing in the world. I also know you worry about your mother. I also know that you had to give up your dog." Rick turns around and crosses his arm, having no problems with being this blunt. "Emotions can wreak havoc with one's physical system, Jason. Ulcers can form because of stress and worry. Heightened emotions can cause blood pressure to skyrocket. How long has it been since you've had this much trouble with your sugar?"

Jason shrugs, finding it hard to even argue. "It's been a while."

"The last time I had you in here because of your sugar, you had an excuse - it was five years ago and you didn't know you had a problem. What excuse do you have now?" Rick doesn't let him answer. "You need to relax, Hotshot, before you kill yourself. From here on out, I want you to watch your diet, and for pete's sake, eat some fruit regularly instead of candy all the time. Candy's sometimes a must for emergencies, but you shouldn't be having emergencies that often. And don't tell me you haven't used that cure - right about now your sugar's high enough to last a normal person a week. The problem is that instead of keeping yourself on an even keel, your levels are going like this..." He creates a severe mountain range in the air. "...As far as your blood pressure goes, you just need to settle down those nerves of yours, and I think you'll find your headaches start to go away too." Rick reaches to his counter to grab a small device. "And I want you checking your blood sugar often until you get yourself back into a healthy routine."

"Aw, Rick..."

"Don't 'aw' me," Rick counters sternly. "You do as I say or I'll go over your head and request Reese put you on medical leave. Now you eat better, stop taking meds on an empty stomach, relax that brain of yours, and come back in a week to show me what your sugar levels have been doing." Rick glances Katie's direction. "Think you can make sure he does all that? I don't trust him to do it himself."


*Kneeling down next to Jason still Katie stays calm.* " I'm not sure. I just got back and when I cam in here he was siting there. It looks like he threw up whatever he had eaten. I know he's been having problems with his sugar. He might of let it get to low and than eat to fast. He tryed to stand up when he saw me, and he got dizzy and passed out. Thats all I know." *Katie watches Rich and Jason intently hoping he will be ok.*


Laura is walking down the hall with some papers, and hears Katie’s call. Moving quickly, she opens the bathroom door, her eyes widening. “What happened?” Without waiting for a response, she yells down the hall to Rick who had just disappeared around the corner. “Rick! Get over here, pronto!”

Rick stops in his tracks and jogs in her direction, sensing the urgency. “What is it?”

Laura points.

Rick is quick to enter, and kneels down next to Katie. He checks Jason’s pulse and eyes quickly. “Katie, what happened? How did you find him? How long has he been here?”


*Katie grabs Jason and calls for help. Decieding she needed to take him to the medicle room to get looked at. His sugar must have droped.*

Something wrong

Scott is taken completely off guard by Katie’s hug, and just stares at her as she walks ahead of him into the building. A delighted smile reaches his face and he saunters into the office...though tripping over the doorjam on his way in.

Jason lifts his tired eyes to see Katie. He forces a scoffing laugh. “What? Don’t I look okay?” He leans against the wall, reaching up to try and get himself up off the floor. Making it to his feet though, the room begins to spin. He staggers as everything starts to go dark. Bending over, he tries to shake it off…he had to have simply gotten up too quickly. But his body refuses to pay heed to his will, and lets go.
Passing out, Jason sinks to the floor once again.

Are you ok

*As Katie drives up in front of TJY she parks her new car and jumps out. As Scott exits his Katie runs over to him and Hugs him.* " I LOVE IT. Thank you Scott for coming along." *As Katie bounces along she enters TJY and makes her way to Reese office, Singing as she enters and gingles her keys.* " I need...a parking pass please." *Katie does a spin as she exits and looks around for Wyatt not seeing him she makes her way to the bathroom to freshen up. Oping the door she see Jason on the floor.* " J...what happend are you ok?" *KAtie bends down next to him.*


Wyatt glances at his watch as his stomach growls. He grins to himself, just hoping that Scott hasn’t done anything too idiotic. He hoped Katie would be able to find a car…he could tell it was something that would make her feel good.

Jason eyes Jamie warily, catching the subtle reprimand. He forces a slight laugh. “Yeah…I should probably try to eat some lunch if I can scrounge up something leftover in the break room. Hal said there was an extra sandwich there if I wanted it.” He finishes his piece of taffy, his energy returning somewhat. “Thanks, Jamie. Appreciate it.” He stands up and heads to the break room.
Once there, he finds Hal’s extra sandwich and takes it to his office. He wasn’t all that hungry, but if he didn’t eat something, he’d be having trouble the rest of the day.
Alone again, Jason’s mind wants to wander, but he desperately tries to keep it in check. He can’t have an episode now…he’s made it half the day…he has to make it through the rest. Try as he might, though, images start popping up and he combats the emotions fiercely.
Finished eating, Jason leans back in his chair, trying to shift his mind in another direction. Work. The cases he’s supposed to be working on. The paperwork Reese needs to have done. More Advil…Jason puts a hand to his head, frustrated with his headache. He needed to call Terry to find out how Trooper was working out. He needed to get some responses back to Susanne. He needed to…
Jason is suddenly yanked from his train of thought as his lunch decides not to stay down. With barely enough time, he makes it out of his office and to the bathroom before throwing it up. After several minutes of physical distress, he groans in frustration, sinking to the floor as he tries to recover.

Email to the staff at TJY:

Hey, y’all, shhhh…..don’t let Jason know about this email! Con has been brainstorming and wants to know who all would like to be involved.

We all know Jason lost a lot in the house fire, and obviously most of it can never be replaced. But as an act of friendship from the staff here at TJY, Con thought we could all chip in and try to get Jason something that would help lift his spirits. It’s not much, comparatively speaking, but music is a little-known passion of Jason’s, and along with the fire, he’s lost one of his pastimes, which is playing his guitar and writing music. Con would like to try and buy a new guitar for Jason, if the staff can help.

At this point, Con doesn’t know what kind of guitar Jason would want, or what the best option is. (Katie, I’m going to need you to do some sleuthing for us, if you’re in on this!) But in the meantime, until we get that straightened out, email Con directly to let him know if you’d like to help, and we’ll see if it’s even a possibility.

Remember…don’t let Jason know!


Cindy feels warm and fuzzy all over again as Wes’ lips touch hers, and she smiles up at him. “You’re too good to me, Wes…but thank you.” She watches him leave and sighs in content. Her world back in Nevada had fallen to pieces in her absence. But it just didn’t seem as bad when she had all of this here.