

Rick continues to check Jason over, but suddenly Jason's body begins to shake.
"He's going into mild shock." Rick stops what he's doing and tries to lift Jason off the floor. "Katie, Laura, help me get him into my room, now."

It takes some effort for the three of them to get Jason the short ways down the hall and onto the table in Rick's office. Despite a slim frame, Jason's 6'8" height makes it none too easy.

Rick works quickly, preparing several syringes and gives Jason some shots, trying to get him to calm down. "Come on, Hotshot," he speaks quietly, "tell me what's wrong..."

It take several minutes for the shots to take effect, and Jason slowly begins to relax, his breathing slower and deeper. Rick checks his pulse, blood pressure and blood sugar, just trying to figure out what exactly had happened.

Laura stands by, her face pale as she worries about her friend. She'd noticed he hadn't been feeling well, but had just figured with everything going on she wouldn't have felt well either. All she could do was pray he was okay.

Wyatt sits back in his chair and looks at his watch again. Strange...he'd seen Scott...but Katie hadn't come by. Had she changed her mind about lunch?

Jason's eyes flutter open and he squints in the light up at the faces around him. Not knowing where he is, he sits up quickly, putting a hand to his head.

"Whoa, Jase, take it easy." Rick lays a hand on his shoulder. "You're alright. Just take a minute."

Jason blinks and brings Laura, Rick and Katie into focus, finally realizing where he was. "What happened?"

"You passed out." Rick sits on the high table and shines a light in Jason's eyes, having him follow his moving finger. "Good thing Katie found you or else you might have had some permanent damage."

Jason frowns, not understanding.

Rick sighs. "Jason, how long have you been sick like this?"

"I don't know...a few days maybe."

Rick rolls his eyes. "I'm here for a reason you know. Are you that stupid not to come see me before you kill yourself?" He shakes his head, the gentle reprimand hanging on his tone. "Let me guess... You've had severe headaches, nausea, can't keep food down..."

Jason nods lamely, for once not finding enough energy to argue or even pretend he's fine.

"Uh-huh." Rick nods. "If I had readings like these I'd probably feel the same way." He taps his clipboard. "Your blood sugar is way out of whack, your blood pressure is in the danger zone...and have you been taking anything for your headaches?"


"On an empty stomach."

"I guess."

Rick keeps himself from rolling his eyes, but he lets out another sigh. "And you wonder why you get sick? You've got a better brain than that." He stands up to put away some of his supplies, but keeps talking. "How's your emotional state?"

"What?" Jason frowns, unsure how to answer that one.

"Look, it's no secret that losing your house and more isn't the easiest thing in the world. I also know you worry about your mother. I also know that you had to give up your dog." Rick turns around and crosses his arm, having no problems with being this blunt. "Emotions can wreak havoc with one's physical system, Jason. Ulcers can form because of stress and worry. Heightened emotions can cause blood pressure to skyrocket. How long has it been since you've had this much trouble with your sugar?"

Jason shrugs, finding it hard to even argue. "It's been a while."

"The last time I had you in here because of your sugar, you had an excuse - it was five years ago and you didn't know you had a problem. What excuse do you have now?" Rick doesn't let him answer. "You need to relax, Hotshot, before you kill yourself. From here on out, I want you to watch your diet, and for pete's sake, eat some fruit regularly instead of candy all the time. Candy's sometimes a must for emergencies, but you shouldn't be having emergencies that often. And don't tell me you haven't used that cure - right about now your sugar's high enough to last a normal person a week. The problem is that instead of keeping yourself on an even keel, your levels are going like this..." He creates a severe mountain range in the air. "...As far as your blood pressure goes, you just need to settle down those nerves of yours, and I think you'll find your headaches start to go away too." Rick reaches to his counter to grab a small device. "And I want you checking your blood sugar often until you get yourself back into a healthy routine."

"Aw, Rick..."

"Don't 'aw' me," Rick counters sternly. "You do as I say or I'll go over your head and request Reese put you on medical leave. Now you eat better, stop taking meds on an empty stomach, relax that brain of yours, and come back in a week to show me what your sugar levels have been doing." Rick glances Katie's direction. "Think you can make sure he does all that? I don't trust him to do it himself."

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