

*Katie smiles and nods.* " How about I show you the car and than we take your Jeep." *Katie heads to the door and outside with Wyatt. Walking over to her new car she smiles and points.* "This is it. Scott really helped alot." *Katie beams as she shows Wyatt the sun roof and every other little gadget it has. After she is done still beaming and full of energy again Katie stands and makes her way with Wyatt to the jeep.* " I am starving." *As the time goes by Katie has a very enjoyable lunch with Wyatt. Joking and teasing eachother, talking about the new car. Everything stay peacful in Katies mind and it feels good. The peace and quiet means Jason was doing well too....Finally after they are finish Katie relized 2 hours have gone by.* "Wy do you relize we have been here for 2 hours." *Katie cant help but laugh. Standing to streach she says.* " I guess we should get back before you father thinks I took a vacation on his time." *Its dosent take them long to get Back to TJY. Before going back in Katie goes to her car and peeks in the window smiling. It was hard to believe she had her own car now. When she is done she heads inside. One in she parts ways with Wyatt gives a small kiss and hug. Heading back to her desk. Once there she see the flower and smile. Katie's heart cant help but melt when she see it. Placing it in the water with the other one Katie heads to Jason's office and knocks on the door.*

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