

Scott stops his shuffling around his desk, hearing the strain in Katie's voice. He sinks down into his chair and thinks as he listens. "Yeah...I know what you mean. It's like getting permanent marker on your hand. There's a stain, and you know it's there and you dislike it, but no matter how much you wash with handsoap, it just doesn't come out." He pauses. "But use the right cleaner, and viola...clean skin again..."

He purses his lips in thought. "I don't know anybody who wouldn't change from being in prison, Katie...and sometimes they never change back to who they were...sometimes that's a good thing. For Jason, we all know we want him back the way he was...but it'll take the right cleaner to do it, in order for that stain to be removed.... Just hang in there and don't give up on him, no matter how much he changes. He may not even realize he's different."

Scott grins as little, diverting the conversation as Katie aims it in another direction. "Yeah, they got me down on the floor under furniture today. Would you believe I broke another pair of glasses?" He gives a little scoff. "They were my favorites too."

At her advice for a cold, he laughs. "No, it's just those dust bunnies Susanne is keeping under her desk. I feel like I need to stick a vacuum up my nose or something." He grimaces at the mental image. "Okay...so maybe that was a little too much information."

Carson doesn't react much to Misty's observation about dreams, but glances at her, a strange look in his eye. He doesn't mean to reveal it, but it's apparent that his nightmare had something to do with her.

As she sets herself behind him and begins to rub his temple, he closes his eyes. The tension begins to dissolve and he reaches up to take her hands in his, leaning back against her just a little, so her arms wrap around his neck, interlacing his fingers in hers. "Can we just stay here?" he asks a little sheepishly. "Just sitting here with you and watching a movie sounds a whole lot more appealing than more hours on my feet. But I don't want to disappoint you."

Con laughs at Jamie's comment about him being cute roughed up. "Yeah, well I may look cute, but I certainly don't smell cute, so lets just stick to getting me cleaned up."

He grins as she takes his hand, and walks with her, clocking out, and heading through the parking lot. "You can follow me to my place, then you can decide where we can go to eat. Frankly, right about now I think I could eat a whole cow." He gives Jamie a playful elbow as they have to separate to their own cars. "So pick somewhere good."

Phone call

*Kaite smiles alittle as she hears Scott's voice. It was always nice to have someone around her age to talk to. Katie had many friend but just someone in her age range was nice.*

"Hey Scotty. Bless you."

*Katie giggles alittle though her voice is alittle tired and emotionaly strained. Trying to keep her attachen on the road Katie lets out a sigh.*

"I dont think I am gonna be back into work tonight like I thought I would. It dident go as well as I though or hoped. I can see the old Jason in his eyes, but just...he's not. Prison is changing him and it hurts alot. I'm so scair if he stairs in there much longer the Jason that I, we all got to know will be gone forever. I just dont know what to do."

*Katie grows silent as her mind starts to wonder and her heart acked over Jason. Another tear escapes her eye. Sucking in a breath Katie trys to push her emotions away.*

"How are you doing Scotty? Everyone still bothering you to fix stuff? Sound like your geting a cold. Drink lots of tea if you are."

*Katie voice portrays she is trying to smile the best she can as she finally makes it into town, and turns down the road to head to Mikes.*

*Misty smile as she comes around to the front of the coutch to sit down.*

"Ya I know how nightmares go. You just have to remember though they arnt real. Only figmint of your mind wantes you to believe. The good thing about dreams though is you wake up and remember what good stuff you have."

*Misty takes note to Carson rubbing his head again. Misty stand up on the couth and fits herself behind the small space behind Carson's back and the coutch. Reaching over his shoulders she leans on his back lightly and places her fingers to his temples. In a circle motions she rubs to try and rid him of the pain.*

"I was waiting for you. Seemed like you needed to sleep from me running you ragged. So I thought we could go to the fair when you woke up. But if your not feeling up to it I dont mind staying home and maybe have some popcorn and watch some movies. Just depends how ya feel."

*Jamie gives a quick wave to Phil as he comes and goes Noding to make sure he dosent work to much. Jamie walks over to Con to help him stack what needs to be giving a giggle.*

"Its ok Con I new you had a reson. I just wanted to make sure you wernt over doing it. And thought you might need some company."

*Jamie continues to help Con stacking till its done.*

"And I could careless how sweaty you are as long as your with me. Personaly I think you look kind of cute all roughed up."

*Jamie laughs again. She always felt so comfrotable around Con no matter what.*

"Ok come on lets get you that shower and some food."

*Jamie interlocks her hand with Con's*


“What do you do? Raise dust bunnies down here?”

Susanne stands behind her desk and puts her hands on her hips. “Of course not. I’ll have to tell Hal or Ty to get under there and clean it if it’s that bad.

A sneeze is her response. “Aw man…” Scott groans as he rolls over on his back underneath the desk, trying to sort through the wires and cords. “Who set this up anyway?”

“I don’t know…it wasn’t you?”

“Ha! You insult me. A mess like this?!” Scott grimaces and sets his glasses up on his head as they keep getting in the way. He squints at some of the cords. “Sheesh…I don’t know who you had in here before me, but they didn’t know what they were doing.” Fooling with the mess for several minutes, he finally sits up. Moving too fast though, he doesn’t get out from under the desk quick enough, and slams his head into the keyboard tray. A sickening crack makes him wince. “Don’t tell me I…”

“You did.” Susanne reaches down to take his broken glasses from the top of his head and holds them up. “Nice job.”

Scott lets out a moan. “That’s the third pair in one month!”

“Well for heaven sake, why don’t you wear contacts.”

“I’ve got ‘em I just…” Scotts shrugs. “I don’t know. They’re a pain.”

“So you gonna keep on doing this?” As Susane twirls the glasses, they fall completely in two, one half dropping to the floor.

Scotts sighs and picks it up before he tries to stand. Halfway up, his tie gets caught in the same keyboard tray and it yanks him back down.

Susanne chokes back a laugh. “Are you alright?”

Struggling for a moment, Scott finally yanks on his tie. It lets loose, sending him sprawling backward. He hits Susanne’s computer chair, which spins out of control and careens into her filing cabinet. Hitting it just hard enough, the unstable stack of files on top starts to sway and before Susanne can react, the whole stack has slipped off the edge, sending papers everywhere.

Scott’s eyes widen. “Oops.”

Susan lets out a little wail. “I just got all that sorted through half an hour ago.”

“I’ll help clean it up,” Scott offers and starts to gather the papers.

“No!” Susanne moves quickly. “I mean…thanks, but you’ve done plenty.”

Scott gives her an apologetic look. “Your computer is fixed…”

“Than you.” Susanne stands back as Scott finally gets to his feet. “I’m most appreciative. Now…I’ll clean this up.”

Scott brushes himself off and heads for the door, slipping on a piece of paper as he goes, but catching himself on the doorway.

Susanne shakes her head and gives a little groan, but can’t help her laugh.

“What happened to you?”

Scott throws Laura a withering look. “Don’t ask.”

Laura stifles a giggle. “You look terrible.”

“Oh, Thanks.”

“What happened to your glasses?”

Scott holds up the one half he’d retrieved. “An accident?”

“Isn’t that the…”

“Third pair,” Scott finishes. “Yeah.”

Laura shakes her head. “Why don’t you wear…”

“Contacts.” Scotts eyes widen. “What is it with all you harping on me about it?!”

Laura holds in her laughter. “Maybe we think you look hot without your glasses.” She bites her lip as she sees Scott’s face turn red. “But go ahead. Tape those back together. No one will notices.”

Scott tries to recover from her comment, and rolls his eyes, heading to his desk. “Thanks for the support.”

Laura calls to him as he walks away. “Oh, by the way, my computer is still freezing up on me.”

Scott doesn’t turn around, but throws his arms in the air.

After another giggle, Laura heads back to her own desk and picks up her purse, heading to the exit for the night.

As Scott gets to his cubicle, he hears his cell phone ringing. Moving quickly, he digs through his backpack, unable to find it, then finally realizes it’s sitting out on his desk. Flipping it open, he sees who the caller is. “Hey, Katie, wassup? How’d the visit go?” He lets out another sneeze while waiting for her response.

Carson jumps a little as Misty touches him, but he quickly calms himself. “Aw, sheesh, Misty, sorry.” He blinks, still trying to come out of his fog. “Just a bad dream I guess…” He avoids the topic. “I get those every once in a while.”

He rubs his forehead again, a headache having formed from the stress. “What time we going to that fair anyway?”

Con turns around as he hears Jamie’s voice, and gives her a weary grin. “Hey, you. I was afraid you’d come looking for me. Sorry I was late…”

“Hey, Con, I’m taking off.” Phil walks by as he’s taking off his nametag, but he stops and smiles when he sees Jamie. “Well hi, Jamie.” He thumbs to Con. “Don’t let this guy work too long, huh? Leonard’s gone for the night anyway.” He winks at her, then focuses back on Con. “Carrie’s closing up, so I guess just get things in order to make Leonard happy in the morning. I got band practice, so I’m out of here.”

“Alright.” Con nods. “Thanks.” Alone with Jamie again, he sighs a little. “I’d never turn down help from you…especially when Leonard’s not around.” He grimaces. “If you help me get these palettes stacked up, I’ll take you out to dinner wherever you want to go…That is…as long as we can swing by my place so I can take a shower. I don’t think you want to go out anywhere with me until I do.”

Help from a Girl

*Katie lets out a sigh and trys her best to smile back at Jason. Katie was hurting, Jason was hurting and she could do nothing about it this time as he blocked her out. As Katie opens her mouth to say more the guard comes into to get Jason.*

"Hey thats not fair...we get an hour. J...no."

*Katie stands as Jason is moved tworsds the door. In her last bit of desparation she calls after himn hoping he would hear her.*

"I'll live again J when you can live with me. I care and love you to much to leave you high and dry.I'll BE WAITING FOR YOU J...FOR WHEN YOU COME HOME TO ME. I LOVE YOU!!"

*As Lockheart finish talking with another guard she hears Katie's shouts from inside. Racing in she takes Katie by the arms.*

"Come on Katie, we have to go now. There is nothing we can do."

*Leaving the prison Katie says her fast goodbyes to Lockheart not wanting to sick around. Katie was glas to have seen Jason she missed him so muc it hurt, but seeing him so closed off today hurt even more. As Katie gets into her car her tears finally breakfree. For a long moment Katie just sits crying. She felt so frustrated, scaired and alone. For a long moment KAtie just sits crying. When the tears ftop Katie lets out a long sigh looking at the clock in her car. By the time she got back to town it would be 7. Katie dident feel much like going back to work, but she dident want to go home eather. Katie's mind wonders to Kyle and the others. They hadent seen her new car yet. Maybe tis was a good time. Figuring outtoday was the day and by time Katie got back into town they all would probley be gathered at Mike's for bandpractice. Kicking the car into gear Katie starts her wat to town than Mike's keeping in her mind to call Scott later.*

*Misty looks up from the kitchen table where she was writing up her patition about transfering to school in Nevada when she can see a figure move fast in the living room. Going to the door Misty see Carson and can tell he looks distraught. Walking over slowly Misty puts a gental hand on Carson back speaking softly.*

"Carson what happend? What wrong?"

*Misty leans on the back of the coutch watching Carson to make sure he is ok.*

~*~15 Min later~*~

*Jamie navagets her way around the lumberyard slowly making her way to where all the noise was coming from. Feeling lost among all the pallets and limber Jamie searches for any sign of life. Finally coming to a clearing Jamie spots Con working in the hot sun once again. A smile cross her face.*

"Looks like you could use some help? That is if you dont mind help from a girl."

*Jamie smiles and makes her way twords Con helping him out.*


"Katie, please don't..." Jason's words aren't meant to be harsh, but the lifelessness creates a cool edge as he prevents himself from feeling the sorrow of seeing her distraught.

"I can't do this....not here, not now..." His eyes plead with her.

Struggling, his barrier weakens for a single instant, pain shooting through his heart. But he looks away, breaking his stare to regain control. Reestablishing eye contact after a moment, he cocks his head and moves the fingers of his other hand up a little bit on the glass. "Don't cry..."

Looking deeper into Katie's eyes, he lingers, slowly drawing out a single emotion of warm happiness that emits from seeing her. The corner of his mouth upturns into a gentle, yet subtle smile, conveying that he only wishes he could reach over and wipe away her tear.
To anyone else, it would seem to be the only emotion present, establishing the false assumption that there was nothing else. But to the only one who can see past his efforts, it's but a translucent veil, unable to hide the barrier that lies beneath. The warmth is true...its existence is real...but it cannot make up for what is hidden beneath, kept from view.

Jason knows that his single chosen feeling brings little comfort to someone that knows him so well. But it's all he can offer. "I'm sorry," he whispers.


He turns his head at the guard's sharp call, throwing him a scowl. "What?"

"Out." The guard thumbs to the door.

Jason's eyes widen in irritated surprise. "What happened to an hour?"

"The warden wants to see you about this morning. Now."

Jason looks back to Katie, then back to the guard. "He can wait."

"Now, Stevenson." The guard steps forward, threatening to wield his nightstick.

There was no point in arguing. But Jason couldn't help his disgust. It wasn't his fault Zane had ducked and his fist had landed on that other guard. He returns his gaze to Katie. "I have to go." He lets his fingers remain on glass for just a moment longer before standing. There was nothing more he could do, and he starts to back away. "Live your life, Katie...don't let me stop you."

The guard takes him by the shoulder and forces him around to walk to the door. But before exiting, he throws one last glance over his shoulder, his dim eyes the last thing Katie can see as he disappears from view.

Carson wakes with such a violent start that he sits bolt upright, his heart racing. He'd fallen asleep on Misty's couch, planning to rise and go to the fair with her in just a couple hours. But he hadn't had a nightmare like that in over a month. He leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees, rubbing his hands over his face and trying to shake it off.

"Dang it, Con!"

Con cringes at Leonard's reprimand, suppressing the urge to use force. "Look, it wasn't my fault!" he defends. "Carrie left those palettes there, not me."

"But who's standing here now?" Leonard puts one hand on his hip while pointing with the other. "Get it cleaned up."

Con grits his teeth, fighting to keep his cool. He opts to say no more, and turns around to pick up the stack that had toppled over because they hadn't been put in the corner properly. He had just been on his way out to meet Jamie for a late lunch...now he'd be here for another twenty minutes. His cell phone was dead, and he couldn't call her from work until he'd finished this task... Great.


*Jason's words, though they were ment to comfort did not. They made Katie's heart race. Something was wrong. Katie mouth ran dry as she ignors Jason's later questions. Katie moves her hand so it touches the other side of the glass where Jason's his. Katie new his pain was in there, the dark look the cold look in his eyes was something Katie hadent seen in a long time.*

"You tell me not to think about it J, but how can I not. Even when you try to block me out I feel it. You put up those walls than wont let me in and it hurts 10 fold. I'm the one person in the world you dont have to hide from."

*A single tear ran down Katie's face as her tummy tightend. Her own paluse raced with the knowlage of not feeling Jason. She couldent feel Jason psycaly right now so she had clung to his emotions to be close and those now to...were being slipped away. Katie's own past emotions come back when everyone left her. Lonlyness, and darkness were her friend at that time. Katie dident want to go back to that but slowly Jason was sliping away and thats where they both would return.*

"Dont let go J. Dont push me away and out."

*Katie looks down at Jason's hand feeling the warmth through the glass. How Katie hated this place and how she hated the Agency. She wanted Jason out and she wanted him out now. Swallowing hard Katie closes her eyes trying to stop the tears that wanted to spill out. And than opens them again.*

"J, I love you with all my heart. The rose that you gave me has faded, and wilted away. But, the love tucked in deep inside remains in my heart forever. The memories are there, and the knowlage that when you get out I will have more flowers my way. Dont let this place turn you cold and hard. Remember my face...."

*Katie's voice quivers her eys growing glossy.*

"...my voice, my life it will stay with you always."

*Katie keeps her hand on the glass withing she could touch the one she loved, so he could feel she was real.*


Jason keeps his eyes on Katie, almost challenging her efforts to see into him. He knows now that he’s blocked her out…he can see the emptiness in her eyes and knows that she can’t find his emotions.

At her words, his gaze softens a little, and he extends his hands, to put one to the bottom of the glass. “It’s survival of the fittest in here, Katie,” he replies softly though almost defiantly. His handcuffs remind him of just that morning’s little row. “Emotions get in the way.”

A dim weariness fills Jason’s eyes…a cold stare that hasn’t been seen in him for a long time. It’s lifeless…empty…dark.

“Don’t think about it too much, eh?”

His heart beats within his chest, crying out to him with desperation to break free from this cage and once again be close to Katie. This glass between them was almost unbearable. He can see freedom, he can taste it…but it’s so far away. He was losing hope that TJY could win.

“How’s the band doing, Katie? And Con? What’s he doing now that he’s not at TJY?”


*Katie's smile grows as she see Jason. Oh how good it was to see him.*

"Hey J. You're looking good."

*For a moment Katie studys Jason trying to connect with him. Searching his eyes, scaning his emotions. Feeling as long he hit a wall a foggy cloud invdes Kaites search. She was cut off from Jason's emotions. He was hiding them from her but why. What was happing to him in this place that caused him to close them off to her. Searching a bit more but only finding a darkvoid, emptyness it strickes a pain and confustion like non other into Katies heart. For a moment Katie stays silent but dosnt move her eyes from Jason's. Keeping her smile on her face she speaks in a soft quiet voice.*

"Sometimes people dont learn eh. J, you can hid your emotions from me so I dont know what they are, but I still know they are there. Something is differnt about you now and it worrys me J. What has this place done to you!"

*Katie was happy to see Jason, how she missed him so. But this new develupment hurt. Knowing something was wrong and not being able to see it drove her up a wall and botherd her. How she wished she could hold Jason, kiss him...comfort him and she could do nothing.*

Blocked Out

Carson sits in the kitchen and props his elbows on the table to rub his hands over his face. “Pooped? You’re gonna plum wear me out, woman,” he teases. He lifts his head to grin at her. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world though. But can I at least have a nap before we go?”

Jason ambles in front of the guard as he’s directed to the visitors room. Today he had to put up with having handcuffs on…after that morning’s little episode, he wasn’t surprised, but it wasn’t his fault…really…

Entering the room, he scans for Katie and spots her at one end. A crooked smile comes to his face.

He’s been allowed to grow his hair back as he used to, though it’s still a bit different. His weight is back to normal since the last time he’s seen Katie, and workouts in the rec room have helped maintain his strength.

Moving to the window, Jason goes to sit down, leaning forward with his hands folded in front of him on the counter, a bit restrained by the cuffs. He searches Katie’s face for a moment, reintroducing himself to her features. His eyes search hers, wondering at her thoughts. He locks a gaze with hers, but something is different…though allowing himself to look her in the eye, he refuses to let the emotions surface, keeping Katie from feeling them.

But his grin remains, naturally relieved to have a visitor, especially her. “Hey, Hero.”